老实说....,如果我想对瑞士(或其他任何地方)的信息进行 "事实核查",我不会找一家由更大的主流媒体拥有和/或支持的媒体来帮我核查。如今,人们可以 "独立 "查询信息。很多人远离主流媒体及其附属机构是有原因的。在我看来,它们充斥着宣传、受控叙事、半真半假(或根本没有真相),根本不可信......。
To be honest....If I wanted something "fact checked" about Switzerland (or anywhere else for that matter) I wouldn't come to a media outlet that is owned and/or supported by a much larger mainstream media outlet to do it for me. People can "independently" check for information these days. There's a reason why so many people are turning a way from mainstream media and their subsidiaries. They're too full of propaganda, controlled narratives, half truths (or no truth at all), and simply can't be trusted...IMHO.
完全正确。我们怎么能相信 Swissinfo?
我在瑞士资讯上的个人经验是,他们经常过滤或审查可能引起争议的评论和话题,并以维护和平的名义限制辩论。 对于热门话题,激烈的辩论是不可避免的。 Swissinfo 不可能既要蛋糕又要它。看起来他们也是没有话题可讨论了,所以才发这样的帖子。热门话题通常会被回避和拒绝。我已经试过几次了。我甚至认为这条评论会被审查和拒绝。
Totally true. How can we trust Swissinfo?
My personal experience on swissinfo is that they often filter or censor comments and topics which can become contentious and they restrict debate in the name of peace keeping. Heated debates are inevitable for hot topics. You cannot have the cake and eat it too, Swissinfo. It also looks like they are running out of topics to discuss and therefore they post such a post. The hot topics are usually avoided and rejected. I have tried a few times. I even think this comment will be censored and rejected.