立足瑞士 报道世界


提问者: 苏珊·米西卡


阅读文章 当狼误遭射杀却被视为合法之举




北美的狼仍然被我们现在几乎完全城市化的人口所误解。 他们同样被我们日益分裂的政治和宗教文化的双方所喜爱和憎恨。 一般来说,它们就在我们的国家公园外被杀,甚至在那里被偷猎,因为我们的护林员力量不足。 不幸的是,最理性的讨论并没有被广泛阅读。 它们是由卡特-尼米勒和克里斯蒂娜-艾森伯格写的:他的两本回忆录和她的两本书《狼牙》和《卡尼沃尔之路》。 他的书是《狼人》和《狼地》。 他是一个退休的害虫控制者,而她是俄勒冈州立大学的一名学者。 两人都从事咨询工作。

Wolves in North America are still misunderstood by our now almost completely urbanized population. They are equally loved and hated by both sides of our increasingly divided political and religious cultural split. Generally they are killed right outside our national parks, and even poached there, because of our inadequate ranger force. The most rational discussions are unfortunately not widely read. They're by Carter Niemyer and Cristina Eisenberg: his 2 memoirs and her 2 books, THE WOLF'S TOOTH and THE CARNIVORE WAY. His are WOLFER and WOLF LAND. He's a retired pest controller, and she's an academic at Oregon State University. Both do consulting work.




Die Frage hat diese Woche gerade wieder an Brisanz zugenommen.
An dieser Stelle muss man die Medien loben dass wieder über solche Vorfälle berichten!

Wie gedenkt man Jogger und Wanderer vor Bären zu schützen?
Kommt nun radikaler Weise Landesweit ein Jogging und Wanderverbot?
Und es nicht im Sinne von Artikel 25 der Uno-Menschenrechte die Pflicht eines Staates Leib und Leben der Menschen zu schützen?

Lacroix Elena
Lacroix Elena

对我来说,"危险的 "野生动物这个词似乎无关紧要。我们已经侵占了物种的生存空间,其扩散程度与其他物种完全不成比例。唯一合理的解决办法是,普遍认识到需要采取必要的手段来有效保护兽群--西班牙人正在这样做--以及划定人类分配给自己的领土,而不对其他人的生命施加必要的限制。

Le terme même de faune "dangereuse" me semble hors propos. Nous avons empiété sur les espaces vitaux des espèces dans une prolifération hors norme par rapport aux autres espèces. Les seules solutions raisonnables sont une prise de conscience générale sur la nécessité de mettre en oeuvre les moyens nécessaires à une protection efficace des troupeaux - les Espagnols le font - et la délimitation des territoires que l'homme s'attribue sans imposer les restrictions nécessaires à la vie des autres.
TOUTES les espèces ont le droit à la vie.

@Lacroix Elena


If all species have a right to life, what should predators like wolves and lynx eat?

@Lacroix Elena


Un tema che gioca contro la protezione delle greggi è la conformazione del territorio, che è molto differente, in Grigioni, Vallese, Ticino, rispetto alla Spagna e al Portogallo e all'Italia. Una convivenza è senz'altro possibile, astraendo da elementi quali il presidio del territorio da parte dell'uomo, le esigenze difficilmente conciliabili di animalisti e allevatori, le politiche di sovvenzione e di salvaguardia, le culture, la disponibilità di mezzi di protezione e la tecnologia.



I’m originally from the interior northeast of Portugal where we have a strong presence of Iberian wolf, in the border with Spain. The traditional economy relies on raising sheep. To avoid conflict the natural park authorities 1. require shepherds to have traditional dogs in their flock protecting the sheep and 2. pay out sheep that is killed by wolves, which is confirmed via an official veterinarian. Thus farmers understand and tolerate the presence of wolves and the iconic species is protected from unnecessary retaliations.

Susan Misicka
Susan Misicka


Very interesting to hear about the Portuguese approach! Similar to Switzerland with a key difference: guard dogs are a requirement rather than a suggestion.



La conformazione del territorio in Svizzera è molto diverso. La invito a visitare le montagne del Ticino, dei Grigioni, per capire che la gestione del territorio e della fauna, sia selvatica che allevata, è cosa ben diversa. Per ottenere un cane da gregge sono necessari da due a tre anni. Nel frattempo?



The animals were there before humans, in most cases, unless reintroduced into the wild. It's like how colonists behave. Kill whatever is there to steal the land and call it your own. The best approach is not to kill, but to move it somewhere well away from humans, which are the most dangerous of all creatures.


最好的办法是让它们远离人类,但到哪里去呢?地球表面是有限的,而动物的自我繁殖是 "无限 "的。当动物的自然资源达到极限时,动物就会向人类文明延伸。这将引发与人类的冲突。那就把所有危险的动物关起来,或者把所有人类关起来。

此外,你有证据表明潜在的危险动物在人类之前就已经存在,而且不是新物种吗?根据这一论点,瑞士所有在过去 3000 年中有移民背景的人都必须失去投票权和选举权。这样可以吗?

The best approach is to move them well away from humans, but to where?. The earth surface is limited and animals reproduce themselves "unlimited". The animals will extend to the human civilisation when the natural resources for the animals are on the limit. This will generate conflicts with humans. So then lock all dangerous animals away, or lock all humans away.
The big majority of the humans don't kill sheep and cows on a sic way. Some animals do so. Further, some humans are vegetarians. some species in the wildlife not!
And locking away potential dangerous meat eating species and feeding them by vegetarien humas lead to the stange situation; where do the vegetariens get the meet to feed the dangerouse animals?

Further, do you have evidence that potentail dangerouse animals were been here before humas and are no neozoen? With this argument; all people with migrations background of the last 3'000 year in switzerland has to loose the voting and electoral rights. Is this ok?

Susan Misicka
Susan Misicka

你的照片与主题非常吻合!能告诉我们你为什么叫 LYNX 吗?你在野外见过 LYNX 吗?

Your photo here fits well with the topic! Can you tell us why you go by the name LYNX? And have you ever seen one in the wild?


如果有野生动物,而它又不可能被捕获或花费太多,那么为了保护人类的生命(如小孩子),射杀是完全可以的(不是伤害,因为受伤的动物更危险)。 我们大多是动物爱好者,但这并不意味着当它们要杀死或伤害我们无助的小孩子时,我们的反应很轻。 如果你有小孩子,我相信你会同意孩子是第一位的。

If there is a wild animal, and it is impossible or cost too much to capture, it is totally OKAY to shoot and kill (not injure because injured animals are more dangerous), in order to protect Human life (like small children). We are mostly animal lovers but it does not mean we react lightly when they are going to kill or injure our small helpless children. If you have small children, I am sure you will agree children comes first.

Susan Misicka
Susan Misicka


Thank you for that insight, HAT. Where do you live, and what sort of animals are a threat there?




Why are potentially dangerous animals behind fences in the zoo?
Probably not to prevent them from running away.

One possible approach is practise in some places in Canada. When a dangerous animal comes close to civilisation, this includs recreational and tourist areas, it is captured and released into the fare wilderness. If, in spite of this lesson, the dangerous animal goes near civilisation again, it will be eliminated. A dangerous animal that gets used to civilisation will become a problematic dangerous animal. Dangerous animals are not stupid. Why should a bear gather berries in the forest when it can get food much more easily in the rubbish cans, vehicles and houses of civilisation?

Susan Misicka
Susan Misicka


There are some ingenious litter bins in US national parks for this reason. In Canada as well?

@Susan Misicka


Diese Abfallbehälter gibt es auch in Kanada.. Wobei, kenne Kanada leider nur von den Ferien.

Craig Twofoot
Craig Twofoot
@Susan Misicka


不过,最好的威慑办法还是在身上和宠物身上挂上铃铛。黑熊会主动避开人类,如果它们听到您来了,就会离开该区域。它们通常只有在饥饿难耐或附近有幼熊并认为您是威胁时才会发动攻击。加拿大有超过 75 万头北极熊、灰熊和黑熊。当然,也会有意外发生,但人类应该接受如何与动物和平共处的培训。看看安大略省的阿尔冈昆公园就知道了,它的面积几乎相当于瑞士的 25%。那里生活着大量的狼(熊也一样)。公园修建了一座塔,供游客对着狼群嚎叫,并听到它们的回应。该塔位于公园南部,那里是大多数容易到达的露营地。现在已经很少有人能听到狼的叫声了,因为该地区的人类活动导致狼群离开了这里。狼群不想与人类发生任何关系。

Canadian living in Switzerland here. Yes, in all parks where people camp, use lakes, etc the garbage bins are bear proof. That being said, this does not prevent them from being curious and wandering in these areas with the smell of food nearby. Specific methods of handling your food safely and storing it away from your campsite in a bear proof manner are taught so people can remain safe. Bear spray is also available as a deterrent and safety measure.

The best deterrent however is just to clip bells on your body and on your pet's. The bears actively avoid humans and if they hear you coming they will leave the area. They typically only attack if they are starving or have Cubs nearby and believe you to be a threat. Between Polar bears, Grizzly bears and Black bears Canada has over 750,000 bears. Sure, there will be incidents but humans should be trained on how to live peacefully with animals. Just look at Algonquin park in Ontario, it's almost 25 percent of the size of Switzerland. Wolves live there in large numbers (as do bears). The park constructed a tower for visitors to howl put to the wolves and hear them howl back. The tower is located in the south of the park where most of the easily accessible camping is. It is rare someone can hear the wolves anymore because they left the area because of all the human activity in that area. The wolves want nothing to do with humans.

Craig Twofoot
Craig Twofoot
@Susan Misicka

请查阅 PCT 方法,了解如何悬挂食物以防止熊攫取食物,以供参考。

For your reference look up the PCT method of hanging food to prevent bears from being able to get it.

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瑞士资讯SWI swissinfo.ch隶属于瑞士广播电视集团