我是一名自豪的瑞士公民,过去 47 年一直居住在加拿大温哥华。
I am a proud swiss citizen living in Vancouver Canada for the last 47 years
I am disturbed that a beautiful, fair and neutral country such a Switzerland would host the questionable WEF (World Economic Forum) in Davos
我有一个女儿住在伯尔尼的乡下,她的母亲是叶尼施人,我想知道关于这个在瑞士生活了大约 400 年的部落的情况。
I have a daughter who lives in the countryside of Bern and her mother was Yenish and I was wondering what is known about this tribe of switzerland that lives in the country for some 400 years..
One thing I would really like to know about switzerland every day life is about national, regional or local corruption news, involving misuse of public funds, or misuse of power authority. I hardly know or read about it so it make me think about it. Another is to know stories about how the citizens that are not heard, or keep her interests out of the political systems, how they manage to get heard by the authorities. Thanks in advance, Switzerland seems so perfect in some ways that is kind of strange or curious not to heard on international or national news, any of these topics about.
Siempre me ha intrigado la razón por la que se permite en Suiza que los bancos resguarden fortunas de dudosa procedencia, cómo es el caso de alemanes en la 2da guerra y más recientemente las resguardadas por el Banco Crédit Suisse
The rental of cemetery plots in Switzerland is something quite different from experience in other countries. Some of the most beautiful cemeteries I have ever seen are there.
我们有幸在 2019 年访问了瑞士。不幸的是,在预定行程即将结束时,我的妻子患上了肺炎,在瑞士一家医院住院 10 天。我们对她在一家相当小的小镇医院得到的护理非常满意。每当我向美国的朋友们讲述这段冒险经历时,他们的第一个问题就是:"在社会化医疗条件下情况如何?当我向他们解释瑞士的医疗体系实际上更像美国的医疗体系,而不是其他欧洲国家的社会化医疗体系时,他们总是显得非常惊讶。瑞士的全民医保是与美国的主要区别之一。 我惊讶地发现,有经济能力的人必须购买私人保险。 老年人的保险计划类似于美国的医疗保险(Medicare),而弱势群体的保险计划则类似于我国的医疗补助(Medicaid)。另一个最大的不同之处在于,瑞士人在处理医疗保健问题上似乎比我们美国各州更具成本效益。
We had the pleasure of visiting Switzerland in 2019. Unfortunately, towards the end of the scheduled trip, my wife became ill with pneumonia and was hospitalized in a Swiss hospital for 10 days. We were very pleased with the care she received in a rather small town hospital. Whenever I have told the story about this adventure to friends here in the states, the first question is, “How was it under socialized medicine?”. They always seem very surprised when I explain to them that the Swiss system is actually more like the US system than it is the socialized systems in other European countries. The universal coverage in Switzerland is one of the main differences from the US. I was surprised to learn that private insurance is mandatory for those who can afford it. Seniors are covered by a program similar to Medicare in the US, and the disadvantaged are covered by a program similar to our Medicaid. The other big difference is that the Swiss seem to be able to handle healthcare much more cost-effectively than we do in the states.
人们如何在阿尔卑斯山上生活是国外层出不穷的新闻来源。在 BBC 的纪录片中,藏族人、安第斯山脉的印加人等都展示了瑞士的高山救援!
How people live in the high Alps is an endless source of news abroad. In the BBC documentary, among Tibetans, Incas of the Andes etc they shown Swiss mountain rescue!
对 oingoboingo 的反驳
2024-12-10 07:58.回复
Antwort to oingoboingo
2024-12-10 07:58. Antwort
Right to the point, you are absolutely right
国外的人通常会胡思乱想,认为瑞士人家里有枪,地窖里有碉堡。SRF 最好能将这些事实公之于众--不是为了我自己,而是为了外国人会觉得有趣。
People abroad usually have wildest ideas about Swiss having guns at home and about bunkers in cellars. It would be good that SRF publicized the facts - not for me, but mant foreigners would find it interesting.
我 30 年前离开瑞士,我丈夫是来自得克萨斯州的美国人,我出生在卢加诺-提契诺,但我仍然怀念我原来的国家,瑞士的规则很奇怪,但我仍然尊重它。
I left Switzerland 30 years ago and my husband is American from Texas I was born in Lugano Ticino but I still miss my original country Switzerland has strange rules but I still respect it
例如:您昨天提到的 "Fête de l'Escalade",我怎么知道它什么时候举行?是否有此类典型瑞士节日的日历?
Desiderei avere in anticipo informazioni su festival tipicamente svizzeri che avranno luogo in Svizzera..... Non solo le foto degli eventi passati.
Esempio: la Fête de l'Escalade di cui avete discusso ieri, come faccio a sapere quando avviene? Esiste un calendario di questo tipo di feste tipicamente svizzere?
瑞士旅游局的网页列出了 15 个最大的活动: https://www.myswitzerland.com/it-ch/scoprire-la-svizzera/estate-autunno/listicles/principali-eventi-tradizionali/
在联邦政府的网站上,有一个栏目专门介绍节日和传统,按季节分列: https://www.eda.admin.ch/aboutswitzerland/it/home/gesellschaft/traditionen.html
ci sono molti siti che elencano i vari festival più tradizionali. Eccone due:
Sulla pagina web di Svizzera Turismo sono elencate le 15 più grandi manifestazioni: https://www.myswitzerland.com/it-ch/scoprire-la-svizzera/estate-autunno/listicles/principali-eventi-tradizionali/
Sul sito dell'amministrazione federale, una sezione è interamente dedicata alle feste e alle tradizioni, separate a seconda della stagione: https://www.eda.admin.ch/aboutswitzerland/it/home/gesellschaft/traditionen.html
我一生都在瑞士各地旅行。 我们在日内瓦附近拥有一套公寓,一住就是 20 年,到 2020 年才结束。 我今年 85 岁。 我的出生姓氏是 Beeler,在瑞士中部很常见。 关于盾形纹章的文章,我发现施维茨的教堂墙上挂有家族盾形纹章,表示家族成员的身份。 我相信我的后裔家族就有一个。 这些纹章通常非常美丽精致,与战争和冲突完全无关。我们家的花是铃兰。 这将是一个有趣的故事。 我从来没有充分研究过这个问题。 "纹章 "可能不是正确的名称--"waffen"?
I have a lifetime of experience travelling in Switzerland - all over. We owned an apartment near Geneva for 20 years, ending in 2020. I am 85. My birth name is Beeler, common in central Switzerland. In regard to the article on Coats of Arms, I found that in Schwyz there are coats of arms for families which are placed on the walls of churches, signifying the families' membership. There was one for the family I believe I am descended from. These are often very beautiful and delicate, not at all related to war and conflict. Ours had flowers - lily of the valley. This would make an interesting story. I was never able to research it sufficiently. "Coats of arms" may not be the proper name - "waffen"?
Es verdad que Suiza tiene uno de los más altos índices de suicidios, por depresión?
谈到住房短缺问题。只要精神科医生、心理医生、针灸师、美容师、美甲工作室等服务提供者(他们都是 KMU 的成员)获准在为家庭设计和指定的楼宇中租用 3 个或更多房间的公寓,而不是被限制在商业指定区域内,我们的住房短缺问题就不足为奇了。一位精神科医生向弗兰克收取每小时 240.00 美元的费用,却以每月不到 2000.00 法郎的价格租下一套公寓作为自己的办公室,从而夺走了位于城市中心地带的另一个居住区。我在图恩、斯皮耶茨和库尔都看到过这种情况。我敢肯定,瑞士各地类似的情况数以千计。 这是不对的。公司有收入,即使房租上涨,也比一个家庭更容易消化。这些企业在很大程度上造成了住房短缺。 然而,在瑞士却没有人谈论这个问题。让我们不要动摇(通常的借口)。
Talking about housing shortage. As long as service providers, such as Psychiaters, Psychologists, Acupuncturist,, cosmeticians, nail studios etc, all of them KMU's, are permitted to rent 3 and more room apartments in buildings designed and designated to house families, instead of being relegated to commerce designated areas, our housing shortage is no surprise. A psychiatrist who charges Frank 240.00 per hour, rents an apartment to use as his office for less than 2000.00 Franks a month, taking away another living quarter in a central location of the city. I have seen this in Thun, in Spiez and in Chur. I am certain there are thousands of similar situations all over Switzerland. This is wrong. The companies produce income and a raise in rent costs, if there is one, can much easier be absorbed than a family. These business are contributing heavily to the housing shortage. However, no one talks about it in Switzerland. Let's not rock the boat (the usual excuse).
Que suiza es una ciudad muy hermosa con paisajes bellos hoja un día pudiera ir a visitar saludos bendiciones
瑞士人可能是世上最贪婪的人 对瑞士人来说,任何收入来源只要能流入瑞士人的口袋,都是好的。比如犹太人的金牙,来自二战期间被大规模屠杀的犹太人,或者俄罗斯的黄金。同时,瑞士人坚称自己 "中立",但他们真的中立吗?只要他们的 "中立 "受到血腥黄金、钻石和金钱的诱惑,瑞士的中立似乎就只是一种虚假的说法。瑞士的中立不过是一个薄薄的伪装,目的是继续从世界上所有的独裁国家向瑞士输入资金,瑞士的机构和政客毫无顾忌地为他们的独裁商业伙伴跑腿,设置各种限制来取悦他们。
例如,瑞士吊销了波兰最大武器贸易公司的执照,惩罚波兰向乌克兰进口 64.5 万发小口径子弹。这一决定是在瑞士继续禁止向乌克兰出售武器的情况下做出的
与此同时,瑞士在俄罗斯武器中发现的零部件数量在欧洲排名第一。值得注意的是,瑞士的零部件仍被用于生产俄罗斯的 "金日成 "导弹。
Anything peculiar about the Swiss..? Hmm.. Yes.
The Swiss might just be the greediest people alive and for the Swiss, any source of income that flows into Swiss pockets is fine. Like Jewish gold teeth from mass slaughtered Jews during WW2 or Russian gold. At the same time, the Swiss maintain they’re ”neutral” but are they? It seems Swiss neutrality is nothing but a false narrative as soon as their ”neutrality” is tempted with good old blood gold, diamonds and money. Swiss neutrality is nothing but a thin disguise to continue pumping in money into Switzerland from all the worlds dictatorships and Swiss institutions and politicians unashamedly run the errands of their dictator business partners by setting up restrictions to please them.
For instance, Switzerland has revoked the license of Poland's largest arms trading company, punishing Poland for importing 645,000 small-caliber rounds into Ukraine. This decision comes as Switzerland maintains its ban on selling arms to Ukraine
At the same time, Switzerland ranks first in Europe for the number of components found in Russian weapons. Notably, Swiss parts are still used in the production of Russia's Kinzhal missiles.
And Russian gold is flowing into Swiss banks via -stan countries, which enables Russians to continue its genocide in Ukraine.
"Les Suisses sont peut-être le peuple le plus cupide "
Je pense que vous devriez changer votre entrée en matière, car confondre le peuple suisse avec les institutions et les politiciens, les grandes sociétés commerciales douteuses, des politiciens douteux.
Le peuple suisse pour moi veut dire classe ouvrière comme on le dit de nos jours, la classe moyenne (ça fait moins péjoratif).
Qui travaille Encore 9 à 10 heures par jour sur les chantiers, les usines, Oui, Oui, Messieurs, Ce n'est pas de la cupidité, c'est de la survie.
我看到,在瑞士有许多建筑公司不尊重国家,他们自己想方设法不支付工资、不 缴纳强制性税款,迫使员工普遍负债,造成绝望情绪,使员工及其家人的生活恶化。 我意识到,应该加强对公司办公室的控制。
GEMEINDER 应该有一个免费的法律部门,为受到雇主伤害的工人提供指导和支持。
Tenho verificado que existe na SUIÇA muitas empresas de construção civil que não respeitam o estado, criam formas proprias para não pagar os ordenados, contribuição obrigatória dos impostos, empurrando os seus empregados para dividas no geral, criando desespero, agravando as suas vidas e das familias. constatando que deveria existir mais control nos escritórios das empresas.
Há muitas empresas a manipular os empregados, criando um medo de entre os trabalhadores de perderem o emprego.
deveria existir um departamento Jurídico gratuito nas GEMEINDER para orientar e apoiar trabalhadores lesados pelos seus patronatos.
I learned that a church in Switzerland has created an AI Jesus? Is this a joke or is it true?
我们曾在这篇文章中谈到过: https://www.swissinfo.ch/ita/vivere-in-svizzera/lintelligenza-artificiale-anima-un-ges%C3%B9-inedito-a-lucerna/87340336
我们的 RSI 同事还采访了开发人工智能 "耶稣 "的团队中的一位计算机科学家,并抄录了他们与这个人工智能的对话:https://www.rsi.ch/cultura/filosofia-e-religione/Abbiamo-parlato-con-il-Ges%C3%B9-virtuale--2425590.html。
è vero, anche se non è stato creato da una chiesa ma dal laboratorio Immersive Realities Research Lab e dalla Sankt Lukas Gesellschaft con l’apporto dell’Università di Arti e Scienze Applicate e la Facoltà di Teologia di Lucerna.
Si trattava di un'installazione artistica attiva nella Peterskapelle di Lucerna per qualche mese. Ora non è più in funzione.
Ne abbiamo parlato in questo articolo: https://www.swissinfo.ch/ita/vivere-in-svizzera/lintelligenza-artificiale-anima-un-ges%C3%B9-inedito-a-lucerna/87340336
I nostri colleghi di RSI hanno inoltre intervistato uno degli informatici del team che ha sviluppato l'AI Jesus e hanno trascritto una conversazione avuta con questa intelligenza artificiale. https://www.rsi.ch/cultura/filosofia-e-religione/Abbiamo-parlato-con-il-Ges%C3%B9-virtuale--2425590.html
我读到瑞士联邦扣留了本打算拨给近东救济工程处的资金。我想知道这一行动是否与我们的中立相矛盾。更重要的是,如果我们惩罚了约旦人,那么以色列呢? 难道我们不应该也对它采取行动吗?
J’ai lu que la fédération Suisse a retenue les fonds destinés à l’UNRWA. Je me demande si cette action n’est pas contradictoire avec notre neutralité. En plus si l’on puni les Jordaniens qu’en est-il d’Israel, ne devrait-on pas prendre une action contre elle également?
A psychologist here once told me that there is an extremely high rate of eating disorders like anorexia here in Switzerland because so many Swiss people look down on anyone for being even slightly overweight or not thin. He said this has generated a fear of gaining weight and that fear has caused a lot of people to develop anorexia. He said a large number of his patients are there because of eating disorders. He also told me that an unusually high percentage of Swiss people are on antidepressants.