立足瑞士 报道世界


提问者: 杰西卡·戴维斯·普吕斯




阅读文章 “瑞士制造”抗癌药,定价为什么这么高?


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在瑞士和其他欧洲国家,药品供应的最大问题源于制造商的利润越来越有限,甚至完全不足以支付生产成本和费用(正如您采访过的一位人士所提到的)。但在瑞士,还有另一个重要因素:当制造商承担并支付 100%的生产、运输、药品注册和审查费用以及与销售直接相关的税费等时,药剂师和分销商把支付给制造商的 3 倍价格装进自己的口袋,这怎么能让人接受呢?更有甚者,药剂师可以向患者收取低于 10.00 瑞士法郎的非处方药补充费用,以及对所提供建议的虚假补偿,尽管包装上的说明书越来越长,越来越完整,就像专家的说明书一样。
因此,生产商向批发商开具的 2.23 瑞士法郎的药品发票将使患者和医疗保险公司支付 11.65 瑞士法郎,再加上药剂师的补贴 + 剂量标签 + 咨询费,部分或全部发票将使药品价格达到约 20.00 瑞士法郎,即在这种情况下,药品价格几乎是生产商价格的 10 倍!
- 在欧洲,市场参与者的利润率几乎相同,这在很大程度上解释了价格差异;在我们的例子中,药品的售价为 6.75 瑞士法郎 + 增值税,而增值税因国家而异,即在 7.45 瑞士法郎和 8.00 瑞士法郎之间。
就患者而言,正如您在文章中所说,短期内使用的大部分药物的价格都低于 15.00 瑞士法郎,因此患者坚持要求将药物纳入医疗保险基金是错误的。如果我们考虑到病人的免赔额至少为 500 瑞士法郎,那么要求将短期治疗纳入医疗保险基金又有什么意义呢?
在我看来,将所有价格低于 20.00 瑞士法郎的制剂排除在 OFAS 药品清单之外是有益的,首先可以重新激励制造商不受限制地生产,其次可以鼓励竞争,不仅在销售价格方面,而且在营销方案方面,尤其是所谓的 "季节性 "药品方面。

Médicaments en manque
Le plus grand problème de l'approvisionnement de médicaments en Suisse et d'autres pays européens provient (comme l'a évoqué l'un de vos interlocuteurs) du fait que le fabricant a des marges de plus en plus restreintes voire totalement insuffisantes pour couvrir ses frais de production et ses charges. Mais en Suisse un autre facteur majeur existe, comment est-ce tolérable que le pharmacien et le distributeur se mettent 3 fois le prix payé au producteur dans leur poche alors que le producteur assume et assure à 100% les coûts de production, de transport, d'enregistrement et de révision du médicament, les taxes directement liées à la vente, etc... Et en sus le pharmacien peut facturer au patient un supplément pour les emballages de moins de 10.00 CHF payés au comptoir et encore un pseudo-dédommagement pour le conseil donnée alors que la notice d'emballage devient à chaque plus longue et plus complète se rapprochant de celle du spécialiste.
Si bien qu'un médicament facturé au grossiste 2.23 CHF par le fabricant coûtera au patient et à la caisse-maladie 11.65 CHF plus + les indemnités du pharmacien + l'étiquette de la posologie + la taxe de conseil qui seront partiellement ou complètement facturés pour atteindre le prix d'environ 20.00 CHF soit dans ce cas près de 10 fois le prix du fabricant !
- en Europe, les marges des acteurs du marché sont pratiquement les mêmes, ce qui explique en grande partie la différence de prix ; dans notre exemple le médicament serait vendu au prix 6.75 CHF + la TVA qui varie d'un pays à l'autre soit entre 7.45 et 8.00 CHF.
Dès lors vous comprendrez qu'à moins d'avoir un monopole, c.à.d. un volume important de ventes, le fabricant n'est plus du tout intéressé à produire le médicament en question. Et cela concerne au moins la moitié des médicaments manquants dont en particulier, les sirops, les antibiotiques de premières générations, les antidiabétiques oraux, certains anxiolytiques, les préparations oculaires, et de nombreux médicaments pédiatriques.
Un autre facteur déterminant concerne la nouvelle génération de médecins nettement plus encline à prescrire les médicaments récents plutôt que des génériques et ce parce qu'à la source (c.à.d en milieu hospitalier) les génériques ne sont toujours pas en odeur de sainteté. Si un générique ne couvre pas tous les dosages et toutes les formes galéniques, il n'a aucune chance de figurer sur une liste hospitalière alors que même pas le tiers des formes et dosages sont prescrit régulièrement.
Pour ce qui concerne le patient, son tord est de vouloir absolument à ce qu'un médicament soit admis aux caisses-maladies alors que comme il est exprimé dans votre article, une grande part des médicaments utilisés à court terme coûtent moins de 15.00 CHF. Et si l 'on tient compte que la franchise d'un patient est d'au minimum 500 CHF à quoi bon pour un traitement de courte durée vouloir exiger cette admission aux caisses.
A mon avis, le fait d'exclure de la liste des médicaments de l'OFAS toutes les préparations inférieures à 20.00 CHF serait bénéfique d'une part pour redonner envie au fabricant de produire sans contrainte et d'autre part pour faire jouer la concurrence non seulement sur le prix de vente mais aussi sur les propositions de mise sur le marché et ce surtout pour les médicaments dits "saisonniers".




Der Gesundheitsmarkt ist ein Monopolmarkt. Es ist immer jemand da der bezahlt. Damit es nicht auffällt dass es die Menschen sind, hat man die obligatorischen Krankenkassen dazwischen geschaltet. Somit ist niemand interessiert zu sparen. Die Gesundheitsdienstleister und Pharmakonzerne nicht. Die Kassen auch nicht, sie können einfach die Prämien erhöhen. Manch ein Patient will auch einmal etwas für seine Prämien. Viele Politiker mutieren nach den Wahlen vom Volksvertreter zu Interessenvertreter des Gesundheitsmarktes.

Am unverschämtesten sind allerdings die Pharmavertreter welche gewisse Medikamentenpreise mit dem Mehrnutzen für ein gewonnenes Lebensjahr rechtfertigen wollen. Dies ist nicht nur eine Unverschämtheit es ist auch moralisch verwerflich.
Die Pharmakonzerne sollen ihre Entwicklungskosten für die Medikamentenentwicklung offenlegen müssen plus Produktionskosten plus Marge. Ansonsten werden die Medikamentenpreise weiter explodieren.

Armando Ceva
Armando Ceva

我看到很多人因为负担不起保险费而购买保费低、自负额高的保险,因此他们从不去看医生或买药。所有这些钱都进了国库,增加了医疗保险公司的利润。 此外,人们还因为必须去看医生开处方才能买到普通药物而感到责任感减弱,这就产生了双倍的费用。 我们应该建立一个统一的国家基金。
保险公司正在牟取暴利,而我们的政客却把我们当白痴,支持这种人口贫困化。 而这一切,都发生在一个倡导民主的宪政国家。
令人作呕 !!!!

je vois beaucoup de personnes qui par manques de moyens souscrivent des assurances avec des primes basses et des franchises hautes. donc, ils vont jamais voir des médecins ou achètent des médicaments. toute cette argent rentre dans les caisses et augmentent les bénéfices des caisses maladies. ont est un des peu de pays ou les assurances sont obligatoires et ou les gens doivent se sentir coupables d utiliser le système médical. En autre, ont enfantilise et deresponsabilise les citoyens en devant aller consulter pour avoir une ordonnance pour pouvoir s acheter un médicament courant. Cela génère le double des coûts. ont devrait avoir une seule caisse géré par l état.
les primes augmentent et le nombre de subside augmentent dans la juste proportion.
les assurances font de gros bénéfices et nos politiciens cautionnement cet appauvrissement de la population en nous prenant pour des idiots. Et le tout dans un état de droit qui prône la démocratie.
c est révoltant !!!!

Jessica Davis Plüss
Jessica Davis Plüss SWI SWISSINFO.CH
@Armando Ceva


Thank you for your feedback. On the topic of a single insurer, this might be of interest. [url]https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/majority-of-swiss-want-single-national-health-insurer--survey-finds/48860512[/url]

Lacroix Elena
Lacroix Elena

因此,只有一项措施:在全国范围内开展运动,教育人们保持健康,使用替代药物,这可以产生很好的效果。 当然,它们不会让大药厂变得更富有....。

Vous êtes en train de prendre le problème à l'envers, autrement dit la première question est : avons nous besoin de cet arsenal médical et pharmacéutique pour rester en bonne santé ? Le moindre bobo et on court chez le médecin, la surconsommation des sucres et de graisse font le reste.
Pour cesser d'augmenter indéfiniment le coût médical la toute première mesure est une politique généralisée de prévention d'éducation à la sobriété et une action nationale de dépollution chimique, depuis les champs jusqu'aux énergies en passant par tous les produits phares de l'industrie chimique.
Donc une seule mesure : une campagne urbi et orbi pour apprendre à rester en bonne santé et utiliser les médecines alternatives qui peuvent donner d'excellents résultats. Evidemment elles n'enrichissent pas Big Pharma....

@Lacroix Elena

我不喝酒,也不抽烟。我尽可能多运动,吃得好。但是,我患有慢性疾病。我的 "医疗和药物库 "让我能够继续成为对社会有用的人。

Some people definitely need a medical and pharmaceutical arsenal.
I do not drink alcohol or smoke. I am as active as possible and eat well. However, I suffer from a chronic disease. My "medical and pharmaceutical arsenal" allows me to continue to be a productive member of society.
The plant based medicines actually show little efficacy.



Le assicurazioni in questi ultimi anni sono aumentate in modo sproporzionato, sarebbe interessante andare a vedere i loro investimenti e le rese su questi ed inoltre i compensi che gli amministratori percepiscono

Florian Hässig
Florian Hässig


Absolument, la santé est une thématique qui implique prestataires de soins, patients mais aussi assureurs. Souvent oubliés dans l'équation, ces derniers ont un rôle et une responsabilité extrêment importante en lien avec la situation dans laquelle nous nous trouvons actuellement. Leurs frais de fonctionnement, leur rentabilité,...leurs incitatifs à faire baisser les coûts de la santé... Espérons que les réformes à venir les impliqueront au même titre que les autres parties prenantes.


自由企业 "的代价......在没有控制、没有伦理、没有道德的情况下自由收取任何费用......

The cost of 'free enterprise'...the freedom to charge anything with no controls, no ethics, no morals...


我发现这个问题至少已经拖了三年,至少就我而言是这样。我在寻找他汀类药物时总是遇到很多麻烦,最后我不得不求助于昂贵得多的原研药,医疗保险公司让我承担 20%的费用,但如果没有任何形式的非专利药,或者更糟的是,有人让我服用 2 种而不是 1 种,鉴于问题已经持续了几个月甚至几年,我为什么还要多花钱呢?

Trovo che il problema si stia ormai trascinando da almeno 3 anni, almeno per quello che mi riguarda. Ho sempre parecchie difficoltà a reperire statine, alla fine mi sono dovuto rivolgere al ben più costoso farmaco originale, che la Cassa malati i fa contribuire al 20%, ma se il generico non è disponibile in nessuna forma o, peggio mi viene proposto di prenderne 2 al posto di 1, visto che il problema si protrae da diversi mesi, anzi anni, perché devo spendere di più?


我和我的瑞士妻子每月支付428:38美元的医疗险保单,以补充我们的医疗保险老头子的政府健康保险,这些保险加起来仍然不包括我们所有必要的医疗费用。这是我们在特朗普国家能做的最好的事情了。 然而,我们确实有机会获得当地的有机食品和比有机食品更好的公平贸易食品。 这比化疗便宜,再加上北喀斯喀特山脉深处的致癌物较少,或所谓的 "美国阿尔卑斯山",我们希望不必搬回现在过度拥挤和污染的瑞士。 大多数人负担不起健康,因为他们反而崇拜金钱,可能会死于对这种奇怪的新宗教的依恋。

My Swiss wife and I pay $ 428:38 US per month for a medigap policy to supplement our Medicare geezer government health insurance which together still doesn't cover all our necessary health care costs. This is the best we can do in Trumpsterland. However we do have access to local organic and better than organic fair trade food. It's cheaper than chemo-therapy, and together with fewer carcinogens up here deep in the North Cascades mountains, or so called "American Alps," we hopefully won't have to move back to now overcrowded and polluted Switzerland. Most can't afford to be healthy, because they worship money instead, and will probably die clinging to this curious new religion.



La mia esperienza da cittadino italiano e da persona che lavora in ambito sanitario posso dire che il 7% della popolazione - ha rinunciato a cure di cui aveva bisogno. Un dato sicuramente migliore rispetto al 2020 e al 2021 quando il Covid di fatto ha frenato le cure (la rinuncia allora aveva riguardato il 9,6% e l’11,1% della popolazione), ma siamo ancora distanti dal 6,3% della fase pre Covid quando oltre 3,5 milioni di italiani avevano rinunciato a bussare a ospedali e ambulatori per le prestazioni sanitarie. Con un’aggravante: per la prima volta la prima ragione a frenare gli italiani più dei motivi economici sono le liste d’attesa su cui Governo e Regioni nel recente passato (e anche oggi) hanno promesso il massimo impegno.
Le liste d’attesa sono la prima barriera all’accesso alle cure!



تجربتي مريرة لأنني مصري الجنسية رغم أنني مقيم في دولة الإمارات حاليا. في مصر لا يوجد أي تأمين صحي إلا لأصحاب الوظائف وأرباب المعاشات وهو تأمين صحي سىء للغاية لدرجة أن معظم الذين يجب أن يستفيدوا به لا يستخدمونه لأنه لا جدوى منه. والبقية الباقية من الشعب التي ليس لها تأمين صحي اساسا لابد أن تدفع مبالغ باهظة من أجل العلاج او تموت من شدة المرض.

Jessica Davis Plüss
Jessica Davis Plüss SWI SWISSINFO.CH


I just wanted to share a new article we published on the topic of healthcare costs. This time though it is about shortages of older, low-priced medicine. Would be interested to know if anyone is aware of drug shortages where you live and can highlight specific drugs where this is a problem. What do you think will solve this problem? Higher prices? National production? https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/why-the-world-s-pharma-hub-is-running-out-of-pharmaceuticals/48324756




Medicine has become far more utilitarian, stereotyped and protocolised than ever before. It is run by general managers according to business and insurance driven models with set tariffs and time limits rather than prioritising clinical need. Patients are processed through an industrial type system rather than being considered for their idiosyncratic healthcare and personal needs. Service providers with professional responsibility but little authority often adhere rigidly to guidelines without ever giving time to think outside the box to meet actual and not perceived patient need. This delivers success for the masses but unfortunately there are also large numbers of patients whose pathological and other needs defy such categorisation.

Many clinicians, to their frustration, understand this but feel powerless against the system and with high and ever increasing demands outstripping supply of resources they are unable to deliver the quality of care they have been trained to provide.

Christian Cordt-Moller
Christian Cordt-Moller

你对医院现实的分析非常阴暗。工作人员仍然是人,而不是听话的机器。你关心过人吗?这里面有一个财力和社会优先权的问题。问题的根本在于团结与否。就目前而言,我们不敢想象一个对获得某些治疗设置 "障碍 "的系统。必须有更多的资金来应对老龄化的挑战。我们可以设想增加增值税、能源税、工作社会分摊金或其他解决方案,但必须展开讨论。仅仅依靠州直接税和被保险人的保险费已不再可能。

You make a very dark analysis of hospital reality. The staff remains human and not obedient machines. Have you ever cared for the person? There is a question of financial means and social priority. The bottom of the bottom of the question is solidary or not solidary. For the moment, we dare not imagine a system with “barriers” to access to certain treatments. Additional funding must be put in place to deal with the challenges of aging. One can imagine an increase in VAT, a tax on energy, social contributions on work or other solutions, but the debate must be opened. It is no longer possible to rely solely on direct cantonal tax and the premiums of the insured

@Christian Cordt-Moller


It is sadly a factual analysis based on years of examination of the transition of western healthcare systems. You may have responded to the French translations of my comments written in English which do not give a very accurate version of what I actually wrote.



Worse is discovering a specialty is unavailable when needed and, due to high demand, with week/month long waiting lists for a problem needing rapid investigation and intervention, and where delay may risk exacerbation, loss of function and the need for more invasive and costly treatment.

Donald Nedry
Donald Nedry



Jessica Davis Plüss
Jessica Davis Plüss SWI SWISSINFO.CH


This sounds very frustrating. Would you be willing to share a bit more? Is this a problem you've found or heard of in Switzerland or elsewhere? And for certain type of specialty drugs? Thanks for any insight you can provide. Best, Jessica

@Jessica Davis Plüss


My recent and ongoing issues in accessing services in my Canton for what could have been easily and rapidly resolved are unfortunately too complicated to succinctly describe in a comment.

Christian Cordt-Moller
Christian Cordt-Moller


Your remark is completely legitimate, and humanly very difficult to live with. However, it must be understood that the drug control authorities, OFSP in Switzerland, like the pharmaceutical industries do their best to meet the expectations of the population and of sick people. A drug during its clinical studies can be very promising, but once its generalized use, present many side effects and must be withdrawn from the market. These procedures take time and require fine statistical analysis. The drug manufacturer must for his part set up his industrial process. There are often false hopes or excessive expectations. But health security cannot do without these steps. Examples abound.



My experience is that it simply isn’t value for money.
It’s poorly explained and when you do exercise your insurance you still end up paying for the service.
It’s over sold as service you can rely on



Indeed. I don't use my swiss insurance, I got international one from the bank and I use it because at least I don't have to pay for the services which should be covered by normal health insurance. For example like gynecologist visits, my swiss insurance cover one every few years where doctors recommend at least once a year so it won't cover even basic instructions from the doctor. Where my international insurance (much cheaper and cover a ton more) keeps me healthy.




1.该药是否旨在缓解 "疼痛"、"不适"、"液体释放过多 "或 "液体缺乏 "等症状?
2.该药是用于改善与 "营养不良 "有关的体质的药用产品吗?
3.它是通过杀死特定的病原体或病毒的 "治疗性药物 "吗?
4.是通过作用于 "基因 "和 "免疫力 "来治疗疾病的 "治疗性药物 "吗?


I will post from Japan.
Immunity is one of the causes of high medical costs. Since each person's immunity is different, the problem is that the medicines that are administered to many people are different for each person. Considering the effort that goes into it, it can get expensive.

Based on cytopathology, the root cause of disease is when cells are destroyed or start responding incorrectly.

What pharmaceutical companies can do
1.Is the drug intended to alleviate symptoms such as "pain", "discomfort", "excessive fluid release", or "fluid deficiency"?
2.Is the medicine a medicinal product for improving the constitution associated with "malnutrition"?
3. Is it a “therapeutic drug” by killing specific pathogens or viruses?
4. Is it a "therapeutic drug" that treats diseases by acting on "genes" and "immunity"?
should be separated and presented to patients and physicians.

In particular, 3 and 4 have become more expensive in recent years. I think the reason is that I have a problem with anaphylaxis caused by immunity, so I need a fund to prepare for damages.

Jessica Davis Plüss
Jessica Davis Plüss SWI SWISSINFO.CH


Thank you for sharing your perspective. You highlight the importance of pharmaceutical companies communicating clearly the intended benefits of a drug so people understand their value.

Prince of Peace
Prince of Peace

我不知道对技术的热爱。我们越是试图操纵自然,就越是制造问题。西方医学并没有找到治疗方法。他们管理慢性疾病。治病没有钱。在医学领域有一些非常好的人,他们有良好的愿望。但是,也有很多有自我利益的参与者,病人并不在第一位。 这不是医疗建议。 我已经选择退出了这个系统。我不再看医生了。这不是为了钱。而是因为缺乏结果。我不能因为我的健康状况不佳而责怪医生。我必须学会如何更好地照顾自己。我采取了这种逻辑,并将其应用于我生活的各个方面。 我相信目前形式的医疗保健会失败。

I don't know the love affair with technology. The more we try to manipulate nature, the more problems we create. Western medicine doesn't find cures. They manage chronic illness. There's no money in cures. There are some very wonderful people with good intentions in the field of medicine. But, there are also a lot of players with self-interests, where the patient doesn't come first. This is not medical advice. I've opted out of the system. I don't see doctors anymore. It's not over money. It's because of the lack of results. I can't blame doctors for my poor health. I had to learn how to take better care of myself. I've taken this logic and have applied this to every aspect of my life. I believe healthcare in its present form is going to fail.


3.我的家庭医生不断给我提供非专利药,而不是 "好药",尽管我支付了高额的保险费和医生费。

I feel the following:
1. I definitely pay 10% more in 2023 to Krankenkasse
2. My house doctor keeps delaying my treatments and say I will not die
3. My house doctor keeps giving me generics medicine instead of the "good ones" even though I pay high Insurance and high doctor's fees
4. High costs do not translate to better medical care.
5. Doctors are in cahoots with Insurances or government to keep costs done, at the expense of good satisfactory health care to the patients.





I have lived in two different countries for most of my years. I lived in Pakistan, and grew up in a privileged family with access to very best of health care and hospitals. Especially because my family were highly educated doctors and also because of our very own charity run hospitals.

In the US as an independent scholar I relied on state funded health care and social security and still do as I am a student.

Many factors influence the cost of a product but in essence everything boils down to the principles of supply and demand. Hence, the supply of doctors is lower than the demand and hence, it creates a shortage of workers, and hence the rise in prices. Further influences are risk attached to the occupation. High cost of insurance that a doctor has to endure, etc, etc.

Jessica Davis Plüss
Jessica Davis Plüss SWI SWISSINFO.CH


Thanks for your contribution. Do you have thoughts on how to address the shortage of healthcare professionals?

Mutsumi Saitoh
Mutsumi Saitoh

我没有想到,一种要花这么多钱的药物的开发会因为一个人的情绪变化而发生转变。但仔细想想,人类历史可能是由人类的情感和意志 "发展 "起来的。


Jessica Davis Plüss
Jessica Davis Plüss SWI SWISSINFO.CH
@Mutsumi Saitoh


Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments. Health is very personal, and yet universal. You raise a very important point about the factors that drive decisions to research a disease or a drug, and whether we should leave it up to pharmaceutical companies to decide.

Christian Cordt-Moller
Christian Cordt-Moller
@Mutsumi Saitoh

你的评论带来了很多智慧和谦逊。我们是人类,无论是否值得称赞,我们都会被人类的情感所左右。因此,您直接提出了理性的问题,而随着 "人工智能 "的使用日益显著,我们显然正在朝着这个方向前进。这是情感和贪婪的终结吗?我不相信

Your comment brings a lot of wisdom and humility. We are humans and remain guided by human feelings, whether they are laudable or not. You thus directly pose the question of rationality, a direction that we are clearly taking with the increasingly marked use of "artificial intelligence." Is this the end of emotion and greed? I do not believe...

Mutsumi Saitoh
Mutsumi Saitoh



Christian Cordt-Moller
Christian Cordt-Moller
@Mutsumi Saitoh

问题的关键在于团结与否。你们谈到了公平、公正和资源的合理分配。目前在瑞士,我们还不敢想象一个在获得某些治疗方面存在 "障碍 "的系统。即使从公平的角度出发,即在参与时考虑到收入因素,也必须有额外的资金来应对老龄化带来的挑战。我们可以设想增加增值税、能源税、工作社会分摊金或其他解决方案,但必须展开讨论。仅仅依靠现有的筹资结构已不再可能。

The bottom of the bottom of the question is solidary or not solidary. You talk about equity, justice and proper allocation of resources. For the moment in Switzerland, we dare not imagine a system with “barriers” to access to certain treatments. Even in an equity approach, where participation takes income into account, additional funding must be put in place to deal with the challenges of aging. One can imagine an increase in VAT, a tax on energy, social contributions on work or other solutions, but the debate must be opened. It is no longer possible to rely solely on the financing structures currently in place.

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