立足瑞士 报道世界


提问者: 阿南德·乾德拉塞卡




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从体面的人的 “家庭” 中逐出教会。(食肉动物、杂食动物和集邮者)这就像是一个著名的Coop手提袋的故事,不是城市的故事。在我看来,在2020年合成农药投票前4个月。除其他外,那些应对农业用地污染、生物多样性匮乏负责的人。

Ce qui me turlupine, c’est la guerre idéologique au niveau alimentaire. Aujourd’hui, si tu fais le choix de ne pas consommer de viande, tu deviens un sauvage même plus : un pedo-satanique.
Excommunié de la ” famille ” des gens convenables. ( carnivores, omnivores et philatélistes) C’est comme l’histoire d’un fameux cabas de la Coop pour pas la cité. 4 mois avant les votations sur les pesticides de synthèse en 2020, il me semble. Ceux responsables entre autre de la pollution des terres cultivables, de l’appauvrissement de la biodiversité.
Un esprit malin ( et malin, le terme est encore trop léger) c’est pris une joie monumentale de faire le fameux rapprochement ( mot à bannir - satanisme ). Dans la droite ligne de la mouvance Quanon au US.
Il est à noter qu’aujourd’hui toutes critiques qui va à l’encontre de la liberté de penser et taxée de crime de ( mot censuré-satanisme ).
La première responsabilité que peut avoir un individu, c’est de mettre dans son estomac la nourriture qui lui apporte la plus grande joie.
Les estomacs ne sont pas des charniers. A ce taux là, mieux vaut enterrer sa tête sous terre pour ne pas s’offusquer de la laideur des temps digitaux.
L’eschatologie c’est un changement de programmation au niveau cellulaire. L’humain n’est pas le roi sur terre.


目前,在法国旅行时(偶尔)食用 “牛排塔雷” 是否安全?

Is it currently considered safe to (occasionally) consume 'steak tartare' when traveling in France?


我今年 62 岁了,从我记事起,均衡饮食的重要性就一直是我学习的榜样......水果、蔬菜、肉类、奶酪,偶尔还吃一点巧克力。 有了孩子后,我继续奉行这种模式,不买含糖饮料,只喝自来水。但现在他们长大了,肉吃得越来越少,他们更喜欢蔬菜,他们小心翼翼地追随 "生态 "潮流,以创造一个更美好的世界,而我却不知道该相信什么了,我怀疑一切,甚至怀疑自来水。我几乎不从西班牙买东西。我相信瑞士的市场,但即使在那里,我也告诉自己一定有骗子。救命啊......我再也不喜欢做饭了。

j'ai 62 ans, du plus loin que je me souvienne, l'importance de manger équilibré est toujours resté comme un exemple à suivre..fruits, légumes, viandes, fromage, et de temps à autre un peu de chocolat. quand j'ai eu mes enfants, j'ai continué sur ce modèle, en achetant pas de boissons sucrées, mais en privilégiant l'eau du robinet. Mais maintenant ils sont grands, ils mangent de moins en moins de viande, privilégient les légumes, ils font attention en suivant le courant de " l'écologie" pour un monde meilleur, pendant que moi je ne sais plus que croire, je me méfie de tout, même de l'eau qui sort du robinet. Je n'achète pratiquement rien qui vienne d'Espagne. Je me fie aux marchés suisse et même là je me dis qu'il doit y avoir des tricheurs. Au secours..je n'aime plus faire la cuisine.

y nishida
y nishida



Iñaki Sainz Osinaga
Iñaki Sainz Osinaga

我想从一个角度为这场辩论献计献策,让消费者反思自己在选择消费食品时的态度。我们必须认识到,购买决定与食品行业的大部分企业在宣传其产品时所使用的 "操纵性 "营销手段之间的关系,这些营销手段使用了误导或欺骗性的词语,突出了虚假的属性和效用。 有必要对这些做法进行更严格的监管,行政部门在消费者教育和广告监管方面负有重大责任。

Quiero hacer una aportación al debate desde un punto de vista que debería hacer reflexionar al consumidor su actitud relacionada con la elección de los productos alimenticios a consumir . Debemos de ser conscientes de la relación que existe entre la decisión de compra y el marketing "manipulador " que se utiliza gran parte de la industria alimentaria , en la promoción de sus productos , con términos que equivocan o engañan , resaltando atributos y utilidades falsas .Es necesaria una regulación mas estricta de esas practicas ,y las administraciones tiene una gran responsabilidad tanto en la formación del consumidor como en la regulación de la publicidad



It is alarming how people are forced to consume sugar against their will in almost all kinds of food. Toxics overall is injected into all food, such as coservatives and other poison chemicals. It is increasingly impossible to find natural food, but that is a bad thing - never a good thing. Essentially, supermarkets are becoming poison shops for drug dealers.



Le preoccupazioni sii basano sul fattoo non sempre esiste la filiera e la tracciabilità del cibo. Preferisco cibi a filiera corta ad esempio acquisto direttamente dal contadino che deve produrre in modo viologico senza l'uso di pesticidi, concimi chimici e quant'altro.

mare calmo
mare calmo


Pesticidi, concimi chimici, allevamento terribile di molti animali




在多年的计算机科学家工作之后,我做了近 20 年的农民,我代表过一个有机生产者协会,我有贸易经验。我曾在学校与孩子们交流,并组织过相关会议。从这些经历中,我确信,正是由于缺乏有意识选择所需的工具,优质产品的市场才会受到破坏。在经济危机时期,食品是人们倾向于省钱的第一个领域,人们甚至不愿意倾听为什么这是公民所能做出的最糟糕的选择。

L'articolo sulle difficoltà della aziende legato alla concorrenza dovuta all'importazione di formaggi a basso costo è solo l'esempio di un problema ben più ampio in tutto il settore agricolo.
Le piccole e medie aziende agricole stanno chiudendo anche in Italia, il biologico poteva essere una soluzione per distinguersi in un mercato industrializzato, ma oggi anche l'agroindustria è entrata in quel settore e il problema si ripresenta.
Il cittadino non capisce che il cibo non si può scegliere solo paragonando il prezzo, non riesce, o forse non gli vengono forniti gli strumenti per capire il valore vero di una scelta rispetto ad un 'altra.
Un cittadino capisce e motiva la differenza di prezzo di un telefonino, di un maglione di marca, di un oggetto di artigianato ed è poi libero di scegliere se risparmiare evitando marchi blasonati, o preferire una sedia Ikea ad una di artigianato locale, ma sul cibo non c'è questa cultura. Ormai il cibo si acquista quasi esclusivamente nella GDO (grandi supermercati), sono sparite o quasi le piccole botteghe. Questo ha appiattito tutto il cibo verso il basso, dove solo il prezzo fa la differenza. In alcuni settori c'è ancora la capacità di distinguere. Tra un vino molto economico ed un buon vino spesso si fa una scelta che non è solo legata al prezzo, ma in altri settori non ci sono strumenti per capire la differenza tra un pomodoro di una piccola azienda agricola e un prodotto da agricoltura intensiva.

E' un argomento molto complesso, che tocca la tutela del territorio, la cultura di un popolo, i presidi territoriali di zone marginali, l'inquinamento e costi ad esso collegati. DIventa quindi un tema politico importante, che la politica governa con i contributi, ma dovrebbe secondo passare anche attraverso una educazione all'alimentazione, alla trasparenza dei sistemi di produzione.

Dopo anni di lavoro come informatico ho fatto per quasi 20 anni il contadino, ho rappresentato un'associazione di produttori biologici, ho avuto esperienze di commercio. Sono stato nelle scuole a parlare con i bambini e organizzato convegni sul tema. Da tutto questo ho la certezza che è la mancanza di strumenti necessari per una scelta consapevole che poi rovina il mercato di prodotti di qualità, più che mai in momenti di crisi economica dove il cibo è il primo settore dove si tende a risparmiare e non si vogliono neppure ascoltare i motivi per cui questa è la scelta più sbagliata che un cittadino può fare.


关于您在文章中提到的瑞士奶农陷入困境以及大型零售商可能获取高额利润的问题: 我们家购买瑞士奶酪,主要是从 Coop 和 Migros 购买。 我们的食物都是送货上门的,这样可以节省宝贵的时间。 如果有可能以同样的价格直接从农场购买同样的奶酪,我们也会这样做。 通常情况下,直接从农场购买的价格要比超市高出很多。 参观农场很有趣,在那里也能找到美味的奶酪,但由于价格不平衡,这对我们来说仍然是一个小众市场。 我们希望价格能够全面透明。

Regarding your article about struggling Swiss dairy farmers and the possibly high margins taken by large retailers: Our family buys Swiss cheese, mostly from Coop and Migros. We have our food delivered as it saves precious time. If it were possible to buy the same cheese at the same price direct from farms, we would. Typically, when buying directly from farms, the prices are however quite a lot higher than in supermarkets. Farms are fun to visit and one can find tasty cheeses there but with the price imbalance, this remains a niche for us. Price transparency would be nice across the board.



Palforzia 似乎是灵丹妙药。药物成本最初会很高。但风险收益因素高于成本。

Peanut hypersensitivity can be catastrophic. Need to jab epipen to prevent anaphylaxis

Palforzia seems to be a panacea. Drug costs will be high initially. But risk benefit considerations override cost.

Sergio de Abreu Reis
Sergio de Abreu Reis

由于在农作物上使用化肥和杀虫剂,在加工食品中使用添加剂,以及在巧克力(可能还有其他食品,如受污染水域中的鱼)中使用添加剂,导致食物中毒的问题引起了人们的极大关注。政府的首要职责是告知人们如何处理、避免食用哪些食品、禁止销售哪些食品以及哪些食品是非法的。就可可种植园中的镉而言,政府理应通过负责农业、动植物源食品(无论是否工业化)的机构,制定客观的安全标准,为消费者提供信息,最重要的是,使检查 "受污染 "反应、绘制区域图和研究食品生产中的危险程度变得更加容易。如果不这样做,一个严重的问题就会被抹黑和庸俗化。大企业的游说集团不能简单地将造成的损害掩盖起来。最起码的要求是向民众发出警告,就像吸烟及其后果一样。其他产品也应如此。比如酒精饮料。

É enorme a preocupação com o envenenamento de alimentos através de uso de adubos e inseticidas na lavoura, aditivos em alimentos industrializados e, no caso do chocolate (e provavelmente outros alimentos como o pescado em águas contaminadas). Infirmar é a primeira obrigação do governo, instruindo como proceder, o que evitar e o que é proibido e ilegal comercializar. No caso do Cádmio em lavouras de Cacau, seria razoável os governos, através dos órgãos responsáveis pela agricultura, alimentos de origem vegetal e animal, industrializados ou não, colocarem normas objetivas para padrões de segurança, informação para consumidores e, principalmente facilitar a checagem das reagiões "contaminadas", mapeando áreas e estudando o grau de perigo na produção de alimentos. Isto não sendo feito, há descrédito e vulgarização de um grave problema. O lobby das grandes indústrias não podem simplesmente esconder debaixo do tapete os males produzidos. O minimo que se pede é que se alerte a população, como no caso do fumo e suas consequências. O mesmo deveria ser norma para outros produtos. Como bebidas alcoólicas.



Predators like lady bugs and others can be tried on small scale. Harmless repellents like boric acid and camphor etc may also work. Traditional non toxic methods can be dug up and tried.

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen

担心吗? 当然,担心生产过程中的杀虫剂。

Worried? Sure, about all the pesticide that goes along in the production.

Anand Chandrasekhar
Anand Chandrasekhar SWI SWISSINFO.CH
@Rafiq Tschannen


There are organic options available. Do you think they are too expensive?

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen
@Anand Chandrasekhar


Can we trust the organic options really?

Anand Chandrasekhar
Anand Chandrasekhar SWI SWISSINFO.CH
@Rafiq Tschannen



There are some chemicals allowed in organic farming like copper salts and sulphates. Is this what you mean? Or are you worried about pesticide residues from conventional farming transported by wind and water?

It is an interesting topic that deserves an article of its own.


每家商店里大约 80% 的所谓 "食品 "都是不需要的,而且还会导致新陈代谢疾病。如果我们想拯救地球,那就从加工食品公司开始吧,他们使用塑料制造一切。

About 80% of the so called “food” in every store is not needed and in addition contributes to metabolic deseases. If we want to save the planet, lets start with processed food corporations who use plastic for everything.
Humans are omnivore and our diet is very elementary: meat, fish, vegetables and occasionally fruit. Thats all. Highly processed industrialized foods, loaded with grains, sugars and tons of carbohydrates are the main responsibles for modern metabolic deseases. And now with the increasing offer of highky processed vegan whatever solutions, will carry out further health problems. Just wait and see. Meanwhile I am sticking to my local farmers for naturally produced meat and vegis.

Anand Chandrasekhar
Anand Chandrasekhar SWI SWISSINFO.CH

您很幸运,可以从当地农民那里获得农产品。然而,瑞士国内农业仅能满足瑞士一半以上的粮食需求。 对于健康和可持续的菜篮子,您还有其他建议吗?

You are lucky to have access to produce from local farmers. However, domestic agriculture covers barely more than half of Switzerland's food needs. Do you have any other suggestions for a healthy and sustainable food basket?

@Anand Chandrasekhar

谢谢你,阿诺娜 - 我完全同意
我建议从学校开始开设家政/烹饪课程。教 10-16 岁的孩子如何购物和烹饪营养均衡的食物。我曾接受过厨师培训,成长于一个热爱美食的家庭,因此加工食品只是在一些场合才会出现,而不是我们每周的饮食习惯。多年来,我帮助许多家庭从食用过度加工的食品过渡到食用更健康的食品,并继续为年轻人提供培训。


Thanks Anona - I agree 200%
I suggest home economics/cooking classes starting from school. Teach the 10 - 16-year-olds how to shop and cook a balanced meal. I trained as a chef and grew up in a foodie family, so processed food was only for occasions rather than our weekly diet. Over the years, I have helped many families to transition from eating over-processed foods to healthier options and continue to train young adults.

Don't even start me on the new range of Vegan products. Learn to cook vegetables with excellent flavours; you do not need them to look like meat. I agree that domestic farming cannot supply all of what we need, but the surrounding EU countries make up the difference. Diet is one of the key pillars of good health, I get a voucher from my health insurance to join a fitness class, why not look at ways to promote/subsidise healthier food options?

@Anand Chandrasekhar


Lets all start supporting natural production of food. It is on us. We have created the problem by relying on big manufacturers. All that money that goes to junk food can be sent for sustainable and natural food production. And above all, lets educate our children about how nature works. Currently such lack of education makes us perfect prey for big corporations to implant any false information into our brains. This wont happen overnight but indeed, it is time to turn off the TV and put our money in real science, where no conflict of interest is involved.


是啊,关于素食的话题,如果人类可以在没有肉的情况下生存,为什么还要让蔬菜闻起来和吃起来像肉一样呢?这只是又一门生意,它将进一步恶化地球,破坏我们的健康。每当你吃下所谓的 "种植鸡 "时,你都在摄入高度工业化的食物,对你的健康非常不利。 而且忽略了该行业试图从鸡不可能被种植这一事实中制造的认知失调,否则那将是对动物的极端折磨。这个世界完全疯了。我同意,我们绝对需要教育。

Yeah the vegan topic, if humans can survive without meat why making vegetables smell and taste like meat, who are we kidding. Its just another business that will further deteriorate the planet and destroy our health. Every time you eat the so called “planted chicken”, you are ingesting highly industrialized food very bad for your health. And ignoring the cognitive dissonance the industry is trying to create from the fact that a chicken cannot be planted, otherwise that would be the extreme of animal torture. The world is completely mad. Many people still do not realize that big corps are playing woth us to sell us their junk and take our money… I agree, we absolutely need education.



What concerns me is the multitude of unnecessary packaging. Filling up waste disposal sites and, even worse, so much of this material not recyclable.

Anand Chandrasekhar
Anand Chandrasekhar SWI SWISSINFO.CH

食品安全标准是部分原因。公司正在做出一些努力,但肯定可以做得更好。 食品包装是一个重要的话题,我将继续撰写这方面的文章。

Food safety standards are partly to blame. Companies are making some efforts but can definitely do better. I will be writing about this as food packaging is an important topic.


如果西方许多国家按照他们的方式....,将不会有任何农业,因为他们要求农民杀死 10 万头牛和鸡,并使用转基因生物种子种植农作物。有些农民甚至会受到惩罚,比如美国,如果他们不 "遵守 "的话。 在荷兰,他们要求农民 "杀死 "牲畜,以满足他们的气候倡议。然而,那些负责人却想声称 "粮食短缺 "迫在眉睫......然而,他们却在制造短缺!由于 "气候变化",爱尔兰计划宰杀 20 万头奶牛,以减少碳排放。你知道那些牛屁会对气候造成恶劣影响(讽刺)。我认为,养殖业正深陷困境。为什么?因为他们想让我们吃实验室培育的肉类、转基因强化蔬果和虫子。他们想 "尝试 "踢开大自然,引入人类自己的仿生生物,这将毁灭我们所有人。

顺便说一句....,我认为 "植物性食品 "也是一个骗局。植物性食品已成为 "素食主义 "的代名词。但这并不是什么素食主义。 如今,在健康食品行业有一个词叫 "洗绿"。这使得食品行业可以利用许多消费者将其与健康联系在一起的流行语,来生产不那么健康的产品。 标有 "植物基 "的东西并不意味着其中有什么好东西。你也可以从植物中提取危险的成分。那么,我们的杂货店里为什么会出现植物性食品呢?用 "植物基 "来制造不健康的产品是有可能的。我品尝过其中一种植物性食品,马上就能尝出其中的差别。 IMHO..... 这不是 "真正的食物"。


If many countries in the west have their way....there won't be any farming as they're asking farmers to kill 100,000s of cows, chickens, and are using GMO seeds to grow crops. Some farmers are even being punished i.e. USA if they don't "comply." In Netherlands they request that farmers "kill off" livestock to meet their climate initiatives. But yet those in charge want to claim that a "food shortage" is imminent...yet they're creating the shortage! Ireland plans to slaughter 200,000 cows due to "climate change" to reduce carbon emissions. You know those cow farts can have a nasty affect on the climate (sarc). I think farming is in deep trouble. Why? Because they want us eating lab grown meat, GMO enhanced fruits and vegetables, and bugs. They want to "try" to kick-out nature and bring in man's own imitation-of-life that will destroy us all.

By the way....I think "plant based foods" are a sham as well. Plant based has become the surrogate term for "veganism." But there's nothing vegan about it. There's a word used today in the health food industry called 'greenwashing." This allows the food industry to get away with a less than healthy product by using buzzwords that many consumers associate with health. Just because something is labeled "plant based" doesn't mean there's anything good in it at all. You can take plants and make dangerous concoctions from them as well. So what gives with let's say plant based assortments being pushed in our grocery stores? It's possible to create unhealthy products using the term "plant based." I tasted one of those plant based items and I could taste the difference right away. IMHO.....It's not "real food."

I prefer (as much as possible) to buy food from the locals or at least read the ingredients very, very carefully. If there are too many ingredients it's not going into my basket. Also it's important to discover where the food is from. All countries don't follow the same guidelines when producing food. Following the past few years, consumers have to be more then careful as we're being used as guinea-pigs from every angle. Products are no longer tested before selling them. They are now sold and tested first on the consumer's to see their reaction and unfortunately, our food is no different.


同意。工业综合体生产的食品充满了糖分,天知道还有什么。有人认为,这些会导致肥胖、疾病和过早死亡的增加。喂养精英们所谓的 "无用的吃货 "是一门大生意,因此接管所有农田、赶走军火商以减少中间环节是一项有利可图的举措。谁控制了食物,谁就控制了人民,所以在我看来,农场必须独立于政治和贪婪之外。制药公司正在研究治疗癌症和疾病的方法,而在现代饮食结构改变之前,这些方法几乎从未出现过。肥胖症药物即将问世,所以你可以继续吃不健康的东西,保持苗条身材!

Agreed. The foods that are produced by the industrial complex are filled with sugar and god knows what else. It is suggested that these cause an increase in obesity and sickness and premature death. Feeding the useless eaters as the elites like to call them is big business, so taking over all the farmland and pushing out the armers to cut out the middle man is a lucrative move. Whoever controls the food, controls the people, so in my opinion farms must remain independent of the politics and greed. The phama companies are researching cures for cancers and sickness that hardly ever existed before the diet changes of the modern era, one feeds the other. Obesity drugs now coming out soon, so you can carry on eating unhealthy and stay thin!



The lack of food choice, but I understand it as Switzerland is a small country. But at least the sandwich shops now offer more than cheese, salami, tuna and ham. To help dieters, there should be an aisle of fat-free, sugar-free food. It takes ages to shop when dieting as you have to read every small print label to figure out what is in it. The excessive amount of sugar in so-called healthy food and drink is crazy. Plus, fat in food should be labelled as good or bad fat. We do not all understand the official terminology.

Anand Chandrasekhar
Anand Chandrasekhar SWI SWISSINFO.CH


Food labels can be confusing and there is rarely enough space to list everything. The idea of a healthy food aisle is a good one!

Bob Satchwill
Bob Satchwill

我想知道为什么 Migros 和其他公司认为有必要从巴西进口鸡肉。 对我们家来说,利润高于环境的可持续发展是大忌。作为一个家庭,我们尽量只购买本国生产的或至少来自邻国的新鲜商品。 别跟我提什么工厂化农场,家庭农场已经陷入困境,我只是希望企业所有权不要压倒农业部门。

I wanna know why Migros and others feel the need to import chicken all the way from Brazil. Profit over environmental sustainability is a big NO GO for our household. As a family we try to only purchase fresh goods that were nationality produced, or at least from a neighboring country. And don't get me started on Factory Farms, the family farm is in distress I just hope corporate ownership doesn't overwhelm the farming sector.

Anand Chandrasekhar
Anand Chandrasekhar SWI SWISSINFO.CH
@Bob Satchwill

就动物福利而言,本地鸡并不总是更好。Migros 声称,自 2020 年起,其从巴西采购的鸡将按照瑞士的福利标准饲养。母鸡的饲养空间比欧洲同类设施大 50%!


我想,对 Migros 来说,在巴西大规模实施良好的动物福利要比在欧洲便宜。而且还能满足瑞士消费者对廉价肉类的需求......

Local is not always better for animal welfare. Migros claims that since 2020 its chickens sourced from Brazil are raised under Swiss welfare standards. The parent stock have 50% more space than similar facilities in Europe!


I guess it is cheaper for Migros to implement good animal welfare on a large scale in Brazil than in Europe. And meet the demand for cheap meat from Swiss consumers...

@Anand Chandrasekhar


Muito boa a tua analise. Comentário bem pertinente.

@Bob Satchwill


the answer is very simple, its just business for them. its not about your health, not about the planet, its about them and their money. Just name one big corporation that is genuinely concerned about you? just one…





It would be good to know (and display on packaging) whether produce from abroad was treated with herbicides, such as Glyphosate.

Same for growth hormones / anti-biotics for meat products.

Already avoid products from countries where regulations regarding food production are lax, but would definitely.appreciate being able to see this sort of information on the label.

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瑞士资讯SWI swissinfo.ch隶属于瑞士广播电视集团