立足瑞士 报道世界


提问者: 杰拉尔丁·黄萨克赫



阅读文章 增强公众信任,抵制疫情假新闻

阅读文章 新冠疫情:瑞士局势





Yes, since more than a year I have been misled by the press



I stopped reading or believing the news years ago as a lot of it is fake, or mostly gloom and doom. Instead of saying how many are dead as a result of Covid, why not report how many have survived? More people die from other things. I keep an eye on the Government website. They should have a better idea of what is true, even if some of this is slanted in their favour, to make them look better.


在一天结束时,大流行病是真实的或大流行病是假新闻的可能性是50-50。 因此,为了使自己和家人免受所谓的长期健康损害,我采取了自我隔离、隔离措施和戴口罩的措施。 但我们可以看到,这是一种新的病毒,我们还没有足够的知识说 "这没什么"。

At the end of the day it is 50-50 chance of the Pandemic is real or the Pandemic is fake news. So to make myself and my family safe from alleged long term health damage, I did the self-isolation, the quarantine measures and the mask wearing.No one can say which camp is right. But we can see that this is a new virus and we do not know enough to say "it is nothing".



How would I know a priori if a claim is misleading or not?



Someone could give me an answer about the number of people who die in Switzerland,one part 1600 people and another one 1900 people very near to 2000 people. what is real and what is fake.


瑞士每年有数千人死亡。 最大的问题是,他们是死于电晕病毒,还是死于电晕病毒。 根据 BAG 的统计数字,大多数与病毒一同死亡的人都有一种或多种严重的健康问题。 有史以来,公共卫生官员从未如此协调一致地混淆事实,误导公众。

Thousands of people die every year in Switzerland. The big question is whether they died WITH the corona virus, or FROM the corona virus. According to BAG statistics, most of those who died WITH the virus already had one or more severe health problems. Never before in history has there been so much concerted effort on the part of public health officials to obfuscate the facts and mislead the public.


你说的 "假新闻 "是什么意思?这是一个非常笼统的术语,需要明确的定义。让我们看看世卫组织,他们应该是最终的专家,他们混乱地从:没有人与人之间的传播,对中国关闭边界是不必要的,口罩是不需要的,到锁定一切。世卫组织在传播 "假新闻 "吗?他们是否只是严重无能?我们是否应该相信世卫组织在这场大流行病中的可怕记录会有所改善?

What do you mean by "fake news"? This a very general term that needs clear definition.Let's look at WHO, the ones supposed to be the ultimate experts, they chaotically went from: no human to human transmission, closing borders to China is not necessary, mask is not needed, to lock everything.Was WHO spreading "fake mews"? Were they just grossly incompetent? Should we believe the horrible track record of WHO in this pandemic will improve?



A colleague from work sent me a video of a conspiracy saying it was an American man-made virus and that Bill Gates was involved, that there was a document out there somewhere proving this but it can't be found. I wrote back and said if it was American, the Chinese probably would have done everything to prove that by now, and to not listen to unproven rumours. I told her it was a virus and we need to stick with the hygiene measures to avoid a second wave. I don't think she's so convinced, unfortunately.


英国皮尔布莱特研究所拥有 CORONAVIRUS 的专利 "US 10,130,701 B2",日期为 2018 年 11 月 20 日。该研究所的主要资金来自比尔-盖茨基金会。事实,而非谣言。

The Pirbright Institute in the U.K. holds patent "US 10,130,701 B2", dated November 20, 2018 for the CORONAVIRUS. This institute receives major funding from the Bill Gates Foundation. Facts, not rumors.



From my point of view the information on media not mention the social media’s gives a false picture when presenting figures on numbers of people that got covid 19 and the numbers of people died in Covid. There are no comprehensive numbers. For me the most important thing is stay to facts. How many of the people have actually died only by covid and how many have past away by an underlying illness. By not giving accurate figures makes people confused and mistrust the information we receive.



The role of the government and the authorities is to be in control of what is happening and to take the necessary steps to avoid its population to panic. The question today is: as a citizen which source of information should we believe in? I have spent a considerable amount of energy, time and effort to afford a Swiss university. I'll trust myself first.



Are you a specialist in Virology?



There are specialists in Virology on both sides of the issue, rendering your question moot.


我在假新闻的文章中发布了这个消息。它也值得在这里发布。这个问题的头号威慑因素是教育。高质量、基于批判性思维的教育。典型的做法是要求人们以书面和口头方式从不同的立场和水平来证实他们的立场或主张。目前对许多主题的处理方式,特别是在教育机构中,比我上面概述的更类似于意识形态或准宗教 "信仰"。现在人们经常提出主张,而当被要求证实他们的立场或主张时,他们甚至在被问到 "为什么 "或 "如何 "的一两个层次时都完全无法解释他们的立场。一个更有效的主张是可以通过被问到 "为什么 "或 "如何 "一个人相信某事的多个层次来证实的。你的立场或主张越是实质性的、极端的或重要的,那么你就越需要有实质性的、全面的和严格的能力来证实你的立场,这样才是可信的。如果有人认为covid-19是假的,那么就问他们 "为什么 "这么想。听听他们的回答,然后再问一个 "为什么 "或 "如何",你就会很快开始注意到所使用的信息是模糊的、含糊不清的。

I posted this on the fake news article. It’s worth posting here as well.The number one deterrent to this issue is education. High quality, critical thinking based education. This is typified by requiring people to substantiate a position or claim they have from a variety of positions and levels both in writing and verbally. The current approach to many topics especially in education institution is more akin to ideology or quasi religious "beliefs" than what I just outlined above. So often now people make a claim, and when asked to substantiate their position or claim they fail utterly to explain their position through even one or two levels of being asked "why" or how".A more valid claim is one that can be substantiated through multiple levels of being questioned as to "why" or "how" a person believes something.The general principle is this: The more substantial, extreme or significant your position or claim is, then the more substantial, comprehensive and rigorous your ability to substantiate your position is needed in order to be credible. If someone thinks covid-19 is fake, then ask them "why" they think that. Listen to their answer and then literally ask one more "why" or "how" and you will start to note very quickly a vague, wishy washy amount of information being used.


来自我们自己的联邦委员会和FOPH的负责人科赫先生。口罩只对生病的人有用。 你不会相信,但这句话现在已经根植于一些人的信仰体系中。如果你是一个负责任的人,在公共场合戴着你的社区面具,你实际上就会被打成有病的人,并受到口头上的指责。因为,很明显,否则你为什么要戴口罩?

From our very own Federal Concil and the Head of the FOPH Mr. Koch: Masks are only useful for sick people. You wont believe it but this statement has now been ingrained into some peoples belife system. If you are a responsible person and wear your community mask in public you are actually and verbally brandished as person which is sick. Because, obviously why else are you wearing a mask?



And honestly I couldn't care less if I am branded like that. My duty is to the community, irrespective of how limited or narrow minded the citizens forming it. All these quotes and declarations have been made during the beginning of the pandemic when little was still known and panic buying was flourishing. Let's be more sensitive and take everything in the context of something that is still evolving. It would be very strange if opinions would stay the same the more we learn about how the disease behaves. And look, a simple thing about masks is that it stops breathing out particles, so I will stick to that. And washing hands. And keeping the distance.



You can also get this virus through the air as its air born, viruses are,so you can getit through your EYES also.


好的第一步是彻底调查被宣称为 "真相 "的消息来源,以确定它们是否确实值得信赖。首先,这必须建立一个独立的调查机构,彻底调查这些 "官方 "消息来源的政治和经济关系--即联邦公共卫生管理局、联邦委员会、SRF、荣格和Tamedia的主要雇员。在更广泛的范围内,调查必须包括像世界卫生组织这样的外国机构以及外国政府的执行机构和拥有重大影响力的卫生当局。只有完全透明才能确定这些消息来源是否确实可信,或者仅仅是强大游说集团的工具。

A good first step would be to thoroughly investigate the sources being proclaimed as "the truth" to determine whether or not they are indeed trustworthy. Initially, this must entail the creation of an independent investigative body to thoroughly probe the political and economic ties of these "official" sources - namely, key employees of the Federal Administration for Public Health, the Federal Council, the SRF, Ringier and Tamedia. On a broader scale, the investigation must include foreign bodies like the World Health Organization and the executive bodies of foreign governments and health authorities which hold significant influence. Only complete transparency can establish whether or not these sources are indeed trustworthy, or simply the tools of powerful lobbies.


RE: quote:"世界卫生组织和外国政府的执行机构以及具有重大影响力的卫生当局",世卫组织试图为中国打掩护,因为世卫组织负责人有利益冲突和倾向共产主义的背景。只有具备病毒学资质的科学家才能提供建议,政府应该动用警察和军队来确保规则得到遵守。 在苏黎世 Hagenholz strasse 的 Riedbach 下公共汽车(787)的市民并不都戴口罩。 有的人根本不戴口罩,有的人则戴着口罩上车,一直假装在后脑勺系绳子。 还有人在后面上车,没有戴口罩。 司机不应该让没有戴口罩的人上车。或者,他应该递给他们一个口罩,并向他们收取费用,包括罚款。

RE: quote: " World Health Organization and the executive bodies of foreign governments and health authorities which hold significant influence"THE WHO has tried to coverup for China because the Head of WHo has a conflict of interest and a background of leaning towards Communism. HE should resign.governments will only act in a way to get vots.Only scientists qualified in Virology should provide advice.The Gov should use the police and army to ensure that the rules are obeyed. Citizens alighting onto a bus (787) at Riedbach in Hagenholz strasse Zurich do not all wear masks. Either no mask at all, or I have observed a man get on the bus holding a mask in his hand and spent all the time pretending to tie the strings at the back of his head. Others get on the bus at the back without masks. The driver should not let anyone on the bus without masks. Or he should hand them a mask and charge them for it, including a fine.


可悲的是,专业知识和透明度与调查结果关系不大。 研究人员往往严重依赖政府资助,因此不太可能去咬给他们提供食物的手。 企业研究人员也同样依赖于企业的研发预算,而制药公司在 covid-19 上赚得盆满钵满。

Sadly, expertise and transparency have little to do with the results of an investigation. Researchers are often heavily dependent on government funding, and thus are unlikely to bite the hand that feeds them. Corporate researchers are similarly dependent on corporate R&D budgets, and the pharmaceuticals are making a lot of money on covid-19.


到目前为止,最大的误导性说法是认为戴口罩不仅没有必要,而且会起反作用。这是由不同的权威人士说的,因为当时口罩短缺。任何具有最基本推理能力的人都可以推断出,戴口罩应该有帮助。我曾经在瑞士信息报上发表过评论,一位读者建议我在发表评论之前先上世界卫生组织和其他卫生机构的网站,了解一下情况。在这种情况下,所有亚洲国家都有 "人人 "戴口罩的照片。对抗假新闻、错误信息和操纵的唯一防御措施是纯粹的、简单的教育,将推理能力灌输给儿童的头脑。仍然有一些老派的政治人物认为没有受过教育的人口比受过教育的自由派人口更容易管理。最近的事件表明并证明,在社交媒体时代,不知情的人很容易被误导和操纵,并造成巨大的后果。瑞士作为一个民众参与、互动和知情的国家而大放异彩。

The greatest misleading claim by far was the suggestion that wearing masks was not only unnecessary but counterproductive. This was stated by various authorities as there was a shortage of masks at the time. Anyone with the most basic ability to reason could deduce that wearing a mask should help. I once commented on this on Swissinfo and one reader suggested that I go on WHO and other health authority websites and educate myself before making comments. This was happening whilst there were pictures from all Asian countries with “everyone” wearing masks. The only defense against fake news, misinformation and manipulation is pure, simple education that instills powers of reasoning into children’s minds. There are still old school political figures who think an uneducated population was easier to manage than an educated and liberal one. Recent events have shown and proven conclusively that In the age of social media an uninformed population is hugely prone to being mislead and manipulated with dramatic consequences. Switzerland shines as a country whose population is involved, engaged and informed.



Congrats, best comment ever.


我只访问官方网站。如果输入:瑞士冠状病毒,您就会看到 BAG(联邦卫生局)和 Swissinfo 等官方网站。自三月份以来,我一直认为戴口罩是防止病毒传播的好方法,但当局一直反对戴口罩,因为他们没有为公众准备口罩。我们被告知,无论有什么口罩,都留给医院使用。 我甚至把这些信息放到了网站上:一篇科学文章:戴口罩还是不戴口罩:模拟公众使用口罩遏制 COVID-19 大流行的可能性》,作者:Steffen E. Eikenberry、Marina Mancuso、Enahoro Iboi、Tin Phan、Keenan Eikenberry、Yang Kuang、Eric Kostelich、Abba B. Gumel。美国亚利桑那州立大学等 4 月 6 日:模型模拟表明,广泛采用......口罩可能会有意义地减少COV-19的社区传播,并降低住院和死亡高峰......,使用口罩会降低有效传播率..... 等。

I only access official websites. If you put: coronovirus switzerland you get the official websites like BAG (Federal Health) and Swissinfo. Since March I have maintained that wearing a mask is a good way of preventing spreading but the authorities have been against wearing masks because they did not have any for the public. We were told to leave whatever masks are available for hospitals. I even put this info on website: A scientific article: To mask or not to mask: Modelling the potential for face mask use by the general public to curtail the COVID-19 pandemic by Steffen E. Eikenberry, Marina Mancuso, Enahoro Iboi, Tin Phan, Keenan Eikenberry, Yang Kuang, Eric Kostelich, Abba B. Gumel. Arizona STate University etc USA April 6. quote: Model simulations suggest that broad adoption of ... face masks may meaningfully reduce community transmission of COV-19 and decrease peak hospitalizations and deaths...... mask use decreases the effective transmission rates..... etc.


对于任何有争议的问题,比如面膜,总是有正反两方面的专家。 有些人是正确的,有些人确实搞错了,还有些人则是为了自己的职业前景而信口开河。 大量研究表明,口罩对呼吸道疾病的传播几乎没有益处。 另一方面,众所周知,戴口罩会削弱免疫系统,还有其他有害影响。

There are always experts on both sides of any contentious issue such as face masks. Some are correct, some are honestly mistaken, and some say whatever they think augurs best for their career prospects. There are plenty of studies demonstrating that masks have little or no benefit in terms of spreading respiratory diseases. On the other hand, it is well known that wearing a face mask weakens the immune system, among other deleterious effects.



Totally agree with Vera 👍


在这个大的信仰泡沫中,我只有几个朋友。他们的主要新闻来源是Facebook。有时我做一个事实检查或骗局检查,并把它反馈给他们。 有时我找到一个视频的来源,并从页面上提取评论,以显示其他手表对它的看法。通常我链接到一个新的来源或维基百科。但对他们来说,我说的都是 "歪曲的主流媒体"!

I have just a few friends in this big belief bubble. Their major news source is facebook. Sometimes I do a fact check or hoax check and give it back to them. Sometimes I find the source of a video, and extract comments from the page to show what other watches think about it. Often I link to a new source or Wikipedia. But to them, all what I say is "crooked mainstream media"!



I totally ignore them. Panic mongering, fear mongering isn't helping at all - quite the contrary. High levels of anxiety are harmful, especially for senior citizens.



Getting the virus is a major risk to your life.Spreading the virus to others is irresponsible.A threat that is more potent that the virus is IGNORANCE.The less one knows, the more he/she thinks he/she knows because there is nothing to compare the level of lack of knowledge to.


只有当你的一只脚已经踏入坟墓时,感染病毒才会对你的生命造成重大威胁。 另一方面,季节性流感一直是体弱老人的主要风险。 有大量公开的统计数据可以证明这两种说法。

Getting the virus can be a major risk to your life only if you already have one foot in the grave. On the other hand, the seasonal flu has always been a major risk to the frail elderly. There's plenty of publicly-available statistics to prove both these claims.

瑞士资讯SWI swissinfo.ch隶属于瑞士广播电视集团

瑞士资讯SWI swissinfo.ch隶属于瑞士广播电视集团