立足瑞士 报道世界


提问者: 瑟琳·施泰格米勒

去年春天新冠疫情登陆瑞士,当时我们曾向读者征集视频或语音信息,谈一谈那段不确定时期的“曙光”体验,并推出了六集“新冠病毒之曙光系列”(Coronavirus’ Silver Linings)短视频。








Freedom, try to be as free as possible and let the natural immunity stop the political craziness of restrictions



We built a sauna and bought a bicycle and a weight training system for our home gym. Compensated completely for doing almost no hiking or skying.


似乎没有意愿真正使事情发生......但许多解决方案已经存在!......而不是第三阶段的疫苗 :-)....

Chère Céline,
En novembre 2020 , nous avons, avec plusieurs familles d'Ageri, réfléchi à une stratégie pour protéger nos enfants du COVID.
Suite à cette discussion nous en avons décider de créer un projet pour installer dans les écoles d'Oberageri des solutions de filtrations d'air et de désinfection des surfaces par technologies basées sur les UVC.
Car le probleme du Covid vient avant tout du traitement des particules flottantes du virus dans l'air (micro-gouttelettes), mais aussi de la sterilisation des surfaces de contact.
En conclusion, nous nous sommes faits ramasser par la commune qui ne souhaitait pas investir. Alors que nous offrions la technologie dans tous les commerces du village gratuitement! Le directeur de la santé de Zoug a même refusé de nous rencontrer!
Il semble qu'il n'y ait pas de volonté de faire réellement bouger les choses... mais beaucoup de solutions sont déjà là! ... et pas des vaccins de phase 3 :-)....


这些限制完全改变了我们对生活的看法。 我曾经在一家大型连锁酒店担任经理,我的妻子曾经在采尔马特经营一家小酒店。现在我们都失去了工作。我的妻子出生在瑞士,我出生在德国,但我也有一本瑞士护照,因为我的父亲在这里出生。




The restrictions changed our view on life completely. I used to work as a manager at a large hotel chain and my wife used to operate a small hotel in Zermatt. Now we both lost our jobs. My wife was born in Switzerland and I was born in Germany, but I also have a Swiss passport as my father was born here.

After the craziness with all the restrictions we decided that if we cannot find jobs in the next 12 months we will just stop looking and ask for state aid. We might as well retire early and take care of our 2 children, especially since another one is on the way.

They had enough money for the airlines or for people with Swiss passports who never lived here, so they will have enough money to pay for us. When the state aid kicks in there is no real reason to ever get back to work as you have to pay it back.

Thanks a lot Swiss Info. Without your help we would have never known about most money being given to people. Now we know what we have to do. Being a bit poorer is a lot better than having to work at all and risk your life with the virus infected people around. We paid social security taxes for 20 years of work. Now it is time to get it back for the rest of our lives.






I just stopped interacting with everyone. Once a year our friends call us on skype but that's about it. We also deleted all our social media accounts.

We just take the children to the kindergarten and that's about it. We don't even talk with our neighbors anymore. We have a lot more spare time to work out and to static cycling or weight lifting and yoga.

Everything is more expensive so even if they removed all restrictions tomorrow we could not afford to go out anymore. Our expenses on food and home products went up in price about 3x over the last year.

We also stopped voting or reading anything coming from the gemeinde or the newspapers. Life is far more relaxing with no people.

Karin K
Karin K


Focaliser sur les bonnes choses, le positif. Moins de news. M'engager d'avantage dans un projet comme bénévole (travaille en ligne). Prendre mieux soins de ma santé.


早上好 ,是的,一个真正的设置的堰塞湖,当我最终将被接种疫苗?你要等多长时间? 😊

Guten morgen , ja ein richtige Aufsteller Wehr wann ich entdlich geimpft werden ? Wie lange muss man darauf noch warten ? 😊



tous les jours les medias nous informent et nous disent que la lumière est au bout du tunnel, mais ils oublient de nous dire que c'est quand on se retourne...



ظروف الوباء لا تختلف عن ظرف السجناء، من عاندته الظروف ودخل السجن لن يستفيد سوى الصبر، وفقط بالصبر نتجاوز محنة اليوم، ومن لا يملك بركة الصبر قد يختل عقله، وللانتصار على الملل على الصابر إشغال نفسه بأمور فنية، وعالم الفن واسعٌ يتّسع للجميع. وشخصيا، استعضت عن طاولة الصداقة في المقهى بابتكار ما قد يُفيدني، ويُفيد آخرين. فقط عليّ الصبر وانتظار عودة الحياة إلى طبيعتها كي أطلع الآخرين على فائدة الصبر.

Chris Bruhwiler
Chris Bruhwiler


Gar nichts! Nur dass doch noch Hoffnung besteht, dass wenigstens die zweite Hälfte 2021 etwas besser wird



Écoutez, regardez ou lisez moins de nouvelles. Ou mieux, plus de nouvelles du tout. Alors on est apparemment une personne heureuse.



Nichts! Und das zweite sieht kein bisschen besser aus!



Travailler plus


我在8月份搬到了瑞士。在经历了意大利的看守所后,住在罗韦雷多是一个天堂。只在封闭的地方戴口罩。 在大自然中散步或骑车的好地方,一切都开放或外带,没有宵禁。即使只是在阳光下散步,在长椅上看书,在没有任何路线限制的情况下遛狗,对于像我这样被隔离在家里三个月的人来说,也是一个很好的礼物。拭子的频率给人以极大的安全感。4月,我应该接种疫苗了,所以对我来说,这段糟糕的时期已经结束了,我将迎来一个户外生活的春天/夏天,去发现瑞士的美景!"。

Io mi sono trasferita in Svizzera ad agosto. Dopo aver vissuto il lookdown in Italia,vivere a Roveredo è un paradiso. Mascherina solo in luoghi chiusi.grandi spazi per passeggiate o giri in bici nella natura, tutto aperto o asporto, nessun coprifuoco. Anche solo passeggiare al sole,leggere un libro su una panchina,portare a spasso il cane senza limitazioni di percorso, è un grandissimo regalo per chi come me è stata segregata in casa 3 mesi. La frequenza dei tamponi poi da una grande sicurezza. E ad aprile dovrei essere vaccinata, quindi fine di questo periodo nefasto per me,e una primavera/estate da vivere all'aperto,alla scoperta delle bellezze che offre la Svizzera!

Céline Stegmüller
Céline Stegmüller SWI SWISSINFO.CH


Buongiorno, grazie del suo commento! In effetti il lockdown svizzero non si può paragonare a quanto vissuto nei paesi confinanti... Avrebbe voglia di mandarci (indirizzo e-mail qui sopra) qualche foto con un audio descrizione, oppure un video, mostrando i posti e le attività che la fanno star bene, e l'aiutano ad affrontare queste strane giornate?


在这种异常消极的情况下,心理上生存的唯一方法是以 "军事 "方式管理自己的日子。一起床,就把要做的任务列成清单,有时甚至列出必须完成的时间。这将避免那些躺在床上一动不动地看手机上的视频和用遥控器拍打几个小时的令人沮丧的情况。东德军队有一句老话,大概是这样说的:"在困难的时候,我们行进",这意味着 "做",反对让我们感到恶心的不做。

L'unica possibilità per sopravvivere psicologicamente a questa situazione eccezionalmente negativa è quella di gestire le proprie giornate in modo "militare". Appena alzati fare una lista di attività da svolgere, a volte anche con gli orari in cui devono essere svolte. Questo eviterà quelle situazioni di depressione in cui si sta immobili nel letto a guardare video sul telefonino e a fare zapping per ore col telecomando. C'è un vecchio detto dei militari della Germania dell'Est che diceva piu' o meno cosi' "Nei momenti di difficoltà noi marciamo", che significa "fare" contro il non-fare che ammala la nostra mente.

Céline Stegmüller
Céline Stegmüller SWI SWISSINFO.CH


Buongiorno, e grazie per aver condiviso questa strategia - da quanto tempo l'ha adottata, si è rivelata efficace? Mi piacerebbe includerla nel montaggio video che sto preparando con altre storie che mi sono state inviate, avrebbe voglia di raccontarmi questa strategia in un video (non deve per forza mostrarsi, può anche filmare una lista, ecc), oppure registrarla come audio allegandovi qualche fotografia? Può mandarmi i vari file all'indirizzo e-mail menzionato qui sopra. Buona giornata!

@Céline Stegmüller

冷漠和抑郁是让我们陷入 "虚假的宠爱 "状态的敌人,这种状态往往会让我们的生活陷入僵局。在整体概念中,我们是精神/灵魂、头脑和身体的结合体,因此我们要进行的活动不仅是脑力活动,还包括精神和体力活动。例如,每天至少要有 20 分钟的身体活动,因为身体也可以作用于心灵,使其运动起来(瑜伽就是一个典型的例子,它是 "身体",但作用于心灵)。从周易学开始,每个人都知道走路有助于心智。人们应该把所有这些活动(从最简单的买菜,到最复杂的在电脑上创建项目)都看作是一种愉快的义务。一种节约的修养。与其解释如何去做,不如请每个人现在就去做一些事情,组织一个计划,并在这个过程中构建一个个性化的战略。

L'apatia e la depressione sono i nemici che ci mettono in una condizione di "finta coccola" che tende a congelare la nostra vita. In un concetto olistico, noi siamo l'unione di spirito/anima, mente e corpo, per cui le attività che dobbiamo svolgere non saranno solo mentali, ma anche spirituali e fisiche. Per esempio, è necessario includere nelle attività almeno 20 minuti al giorno di attività fisica, perchè anche il corpo puo' agire sulla mente per smuoverla (un esempio classico è lo Yoga che è "fisico", ma agisce sulla mente). Dai peripatetici in poi, tutti sanno che camminare aiuta la mente. Bisognerebbe vedere tutte queste attività (dalle piu' semplici, fare la spesa, alle piu' complesse, creazione dei progetti al computer) come un piacevole dovere. Una disciplina salvifica. Piu' che spiegare come fare, inviterei tutti a fare subito qualcosa, organizzato in un programma, e in corso d'opera strutturare una strategia personalizzata.

Céline Stegmüller
Céline Stegmüller SWI SWISSINFO.CH


Grazie di nuovo - come menzionato in precedenza, stiamo preparando dei nuovi episodi in formato video, e abbiamo dunque bisogno di ricevere le vostre idee, storie e strategie in formato multimediale. Aspetto volentieri la sua mail se volesse partecipare.


我创建了一个应用程序,提供了根据用户的爱好和位置提出外部团体活动的可能性:rlcoop.com :D

I created an app that offers the possibility to propose outside group activities based on hobbies and location of the users: rlcoop.com :D

Céline Stegmüller
Céline Stegmüller SWI SWISSINFO.CH


Thanks for your comment, do you want to tell us more about how the project kept you busy during lockdown? You can send us a short video (or a voice message with some pictures) by e-mail and we'll include it in one of the upcoming episodes!



Number 1 strategy - Avoid people as much as possible and wear a mask if I could not. Other than that, life hasn't changed much. I think it's easier for introverts to cope with lockdowns than extrovert party people (I'm ambivert). Number 2 - try not to get annoyed with the Health Authority being too slow to approve vaccines, too slow to order supplies, too slow to vaccinate people, plus putting the old and sick ahead of healthy workers who can save the economy.

Céline Stegmüller
Céline Stegmüller SWI SWISSINFO.CH


Thank you for your comment! Would you be willing to record this as a video message, or as a voice recording to send along with some pictures? That way I can include your tips&tricks in my video edit.

@Céline Stegmüller


Nice idea but no - mainly because no one would understand my accent. Also, no matter how much advice you give, how much Governments try to enforce the rules, there will always be those who put themselves first, bleating about losing their freedom, rather than stay home and help beat this virus.

Céline Stegmüller
Céline Stegmüller SWI SWISSINFO.CH


Thanks for your reply. You can record your message in any language you want, it doesn't have to be in English. You can take a look at the episodes we've already published for inspiration: [url]https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/keeping-a-positive-mindset-through-the-pandemic/46531550[/url]





Pandemic has NOT been the problem; the panic created by our leaders, the lockdowns have been a great problem.

Think about this simple fact- In several countries of the west, more people die each year due to illnesses as a consequence of- Obesity, Pollution, Alcoholism/Drug use, than from the virus; but no one has ever said- Let us shutdown or at least penalize the companies selling us or encouraging us to use/consume bad products.

But we happily shutdown entire economies due to a tiny virus, from which most people recover just fine. So, the pandemic is not the problem, our inability to make right/proper/honest decisions is a serious problem. In our world, greed rules.

Céline Stegmüller
Céline Stegmüller SWI SWISSINFO.CH


Thanks for sharing your views; how have you personally been navigating these difficult lockdowns, how are you coping by the restrictions the governments put in place? Tell us in a video, or with pictures and a voice recording, and send it to me by email, I'll be happy to include it in our tips&tricks collection.



我还缺少(一般来说,各地都是如此)现在和2020年、2019年和2018年之间的相关性(那实际上是一个非常糟糕的年份,因为电晕还没有 "发明")。因此,总而言之,在没有全面了解情况的情况下,我不相信这些报告,我坚信我们被操纵在这个混乱的局面中,直到我们的人民强行夺回他们的民主权利。

To start with I am not a believer of the scare tactics employed by our government. They are keeping us (or trying to) believing in their ways. They are pushing numbers on us without showing the full picture, it's like a magician only showing us what they want. I am missing the full picture: statistics, full numbers of tests taken and the number of cases reported, including the bias for false positives. By telling me the cases are up 14% tells me absolutely nothing. Based on what? The number of the previous week? Maybe yes but how many tests did you take this week?, if it was double it actually means we have less cases and so on and so forth.

I am also missing (in general this is the case everywhere) the correlation between now and 2020, 2019 and 2018 (that was actually a very bad year bt Corona was not 'invented' yet). So all in all I don't believe the reporting without having the full picture and I strongly believe we are being manipulated to stay in this mess until we people forcefully will take back their democratic rights.

Céline Stegmüller
Céline Stegmüller SWI SWISSINFO.CH

感谢您的评论。我相信您要找的许多数据都可以在 [url=https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/swiss-stats_coronavirus--the-latest-numbers-/45674308]here[/url] 找到。


Thanks for your comment. I believe many of the figures you're looking for are available [url=https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/swiss-stats_coronavirus--the-latest-numbers-/45674308]here[/url].

Do you have any suggestions on how to navigate these uncertain times? If so, I'll be happy to receive your contribution (videos, photos, voice recordings) via email!

@Céline Stegmüller

感谢您提供这些信息。重复我的说法,我们被数字 "愚弄 "了!我最大的问题是为什么!为什么我们要故意破坏我们的经济,强迫人们(包括我自己)吃掉他们的积蓄,让成千上万的小企业(包括我自己的企业)破产,为了什么?

隔离是指隔离病人以保护健康人。当你隔离健康人以保护病人时,这就是所谓的 "Tirany!"!

Thank you for this information. To repeat my statement, we are being 'fooled' by numbers! My big question is WHY! Why are we deliberately destroying our economy, forcing people (including myself) the eat their savings, bankrupting thousands of Small Businesses (including mine), for what? 

Quarantine is when is isolate sick people to protect the healthy. When you isolate the healthy to protect the sick it is called Tirany!!



I can't agree more!

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen

困难重重。这种大流行病某种程度上'分裂'了家庭,一部分人完全支持疫苗,另一部分人则激烈反对。唯一的办法是忽略对方的意见。然而,"支持接种疫苗 "的那部分人在每个人都接种疫苗之前不想见对方。困难重重。可能只是来自'国外的瑞士'部分的人好,只是从远处观察分裂的情况。

Difficult. This pandemic sort of 'splits' families, one part being fully pro-vaccine and the other part being violently opposed. The only way is to ignore each others opinions. The 'pro-vaccine' part however does not want to meet each other until everyone is vaccinated. Difficult. May be just good to be from the 'Swiss abroad' part of the family, just observing the split from the distance.

Céline Stegmüller
Céline Stegmüller SWI SWISSINFO.CH
@Rafiq Tschannen


Thank you for your contribution! These are definitely difficult times. Would you be up for sending me either a video or voice message with pictures telling us how you manage to keep away from turbulent debates?

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen
@Céline Stegmüller


difficult, as I do not want to offend my corona-sceptic as well as the corona-super-conscious relatives. I personally sort of escaped on a retirement visa to Lombok. I used to visit it on a tourist visa, but as these were halted I was able to obtain a retirement visa permitting me to travel and escape all the discussions back home (just following them from a safe distance). Yes, there are of course virus cases here too, but as my beach seems very lonely these days I should be ok.

@Céline Stegmüller

你好,Stegmueller 女士......感谢您的留言。我很乐意为您效劳,但是......我是个老古董,只有一台电脑和一条老式电话线。我相信您可以通过 SwissInfo 进入我的电子邮箱,给我发送私人信息。我很乐意回复。

Hello, Ms. Stegmueller...Thank you for your message. I would like to oblige but...being old-fashioned, I only have a computer and an old fashioned phone line. I believe that via SwissInfo you could access my email address and send me a private message. Would be glad to reply.

瑞士资讯SWI swissinfo.ch隶属于瑞士广播电视集团

瑞士资讯SWI swissinfo.ch隶属于瑞士广播电视集团