阅读文章 瑞士全民公投为新冠证书“开绿灯”

Depuis la France, la famille me dit de revenir pour le covid. Je me sens plus en sécurité où je suis. Pas parce que les français seraient moins conspirationnistes ni virulents, mais parce que l'État y a agi de façon résolue, claire et unifiée -- et parce que les français font des efforts pour être solidaires.
Je fais confiance au Conseil Fédéral, comme je fais désormais confiance au gouvernement français.
Je veux aussi un retour à la normale. Grâce aux vaccins, on s'en rapproche. Mais ça va faire deux ans et les chiffres sont déprimants. J'en ai marre de porter le masque. Je redoute un autre confinement. Pas tant pour moi, je le vis bien, que pour son coût économique et social. J'en veux beaucoup aux non-vaccinés, que ce soit raisonnable ou non. On. Veut. En. Finir.
Je ne sais pas quelles mesures il faudra prendre, mais on les prendra, et on ne remerciera jamais assez le Conseil Fédéral d'être tellement plus modéré, patient et compréhensif que nous.
(Ah si, augmenter l'aide à la vaccination dans les autres pays. Je comprends l'importance de la troisième dose ici mais on se passerait bien d'un nouveau variant tous les six mois.)

I don't understand this. If you want to drive - you need to have a driver's license. When you drive, you wear a seatbelt and obey the speed limits. This is not 'communism', these are normal rules that protect society - now and in the future.

Quand je lis les commentaires de certains je me dis qu'on ne sortira jamais de cette pandémie. Toutes ces luttes stériles m'attristent. A mon humble avis, si on veut sortir de cette pandémie, avec ce qu'on en sait aujourd'hui, la vigilance est de mise. Les anti-vax qui crient à une atteinte à leur liberté empêchent justement cette liberté à tous. J'ai fait le vaccin, bientôt la 3e dose, je l'ai fait pour qu'on se sorte de cette pandémie. Pour que ce virus s'affaiblisse, pour ne tuer et ne mettre en danger aucun de mes proches. Je déplore le manque de solidarité et de bon sens chez les antivax.

我的年龄在65岁以下,所以我打电话给楚格的热线电话查询。他们的网站上说 "所有的人,不论居住地",但当我解释我不住在楚格,但我可以在楚格登记时,他们的热线人员(听起来很生气)。
她基本上叫我滚开。甚至当我向她解释楚格州的网站时,她也说这是不可能的,因为这是 "规则"!她还说:"我不知道。
The little people in Switzerland are sabotaging the national efforts to become normal again, with the help of the vaccination program.
I tried to register my booster shots in Zurich but was unable to. So I went to Zug and succeeded in registering but no dates were given.
I am under 65 years old and so I called Zug hotline to check. Their website says "all people regardless of residence" but their hotline person (sounded angry) when I explained I don't live in Zug but I could register in Zug.
She basically told me to bugger off. Even when I explained the Zug website to her, she said it is not possible because it is "the rule"!
Such people amongst us, will kill all of us by placing unnecessary and illogical obstacles in our way to vaccination.
I appreciate that some people will not want to vaccinate. That is their right and I can respect them for that, but when they stop me from vaccination with silly rules and grey zones, I think they are taking my rights out.

Swiss govt should not restrict their citizens and residents who have been administed with booster jab in addition to winter influenza vacccination. They need to show the vac cert and exempt from 10 days isolation. The most 4 days after test before 2nd day of arrival.

Switzerland deserves a big slap on the back from Austria, for choosing to follow by its example, by taking yet another sure step towards Totalitarianism and a dystopian nightmare. The rest of us just need to laugh as much as possible and pretend it never happened. Otherwise it's just way too depressing really.

一些欧盟国家的新的10天检疫规则不再有任何意义了。最初的理由是新的变体,但现在新的变体无处不在,包括在瑞士。瑞士将如何解决这种民族间的歧视,何时解决?我们爱你们的国家和你们的公民。我们欢迎你们,但你们会不会又开始欢迎我们,你们对 "我们 "的定义的理由是什么?
The new 10 day quarantine rule from some EU countries no longer makes any sense. The initial justification was the new variant but now the new variant is everywhere including in Switzerland. How will Switzerland address this discrimination between nationalities and when ? We love your country and your citizens. We welcome you but hen will you start welcoming us again, and what is the justification for your definition of ‘us’ ?

I think the Federal Council did well so far, Switzerland is in a good position to make it thru the extended Covid time.
The expansion of the Covid Certificate would be great as that would keep Business open for People but still ensuring some Safety. Just not on Public Transport. That should stay available to All.
I would also recommend they make the 5 Monthly At Home tests available again free of charge for unvaccinated people. No Covid Certificate from these, but this will allow people who are Unvaccinated to safely Socialize with Friends and Family on their own.
I do not want to Isolate myself from my Unvaccinated friends and Family, but as I do not know my Own Anti Body status I also do not want to add Risk for myself by socializing with them. This might help a bit with Social Cohesion.
Let the BAG Manage the Intensive care beds but increasing lockdown measures as capacity decrease, but as most are Un Vaccinated maybe reduce that threshold a bit to give the Staff a bit of breathing room. The Un Vaccinated cannot expect Hospital Staff to continue at the current pace due to their choices.

I find it VERY concerning the amount of comments here that seem to be pro-authortarian, if not communist in thinking. Wanting to segregate a society over a virus that has about a 99.9% survival rate, before vaccination. If you are that scared of contracting this virus, then segregate yourself. Let the rest of society go on as they please.

My opinion is that normality should be at the top of the priority list for the country.
The less massive interventions, the better. The Omicron variant (from preliminary information that come from on-location, S. African doctors) doesn't seem as dangerous (no anosmia or lack of taste, no cough, lung inflammation and/or oxygen levels decline, overall a much milder variant, or so it seems).
Advise the vulnerable citizens to maximise their chances against the pathogen (e.g. be fit, eat healthy, supplement with proven to help vitamins to boost the immune system like vitamins, D and C, in some cases vaccinate, etc,) but at the end if the day live and let live.
I always admired Switzerland for its political system and its vigilant, high quality citizenry which remains very cautious when it comes to leadership and legislative issues.
It's no mere chance that very few Swiss political positions have been held by the same person for more than one term.
Don't surrender your individual rights to central planning. It's never a good idea.
History is adamant on that.

每个人都可以自己去查。 )
Ich wäre dafür, dass der Bundestrat, für die ganze Bevölkerung gratis Antikörpertests anbieten würde. So könnte man feststellen wie viele Bürger wirklich schon einen Schutz für diese Krankheit ( Varianten ) haben.
Dann würde ich auch sagen, dass der Bundessrat, die Leute schützen soll, die auch wirklich welchen brauchen / wollen. Heisst alle über 50 Jahre, Bürger mit Vorerkrankungen und natürlich alle die das wollen.
( Unter 50 Jährige: ca. 640`000 positiv getestete ! ca. 70 Todesfälle wärend der ganzen Pandemiezeit! Alle genesenen sind in dieser Statistik nicht eingerechnet. Nach BAG Schätzung 2-3 mal so viele wie Geimpfte ( nicht die neusten Zahlen ! )
Kann jeder selber nachschauen. )
Trotz dieser Zahlen werden die Kinder und Jungen genötigt sich Impfen zu lassen. Warum ? Sie können diese Krankheit ohne grosse Probleme bewältigen und die Schützenswerten haben die Impfung und hoffentlich bald andere Medikamente, um schwere Vorfälle zu vermeiden.
Und ja liebe Leute: es gibt wirklich plausible und nachvollziehbare Gründe, sich nicht impfen zu lassen. Ich kann Leute verstehen, die vor der Imfung mehr Angst haben, als vor dem Virus.
nur EINE Meinung

Danke für Ihre Meinung. Es geht aber nicht nur um Todesfälle, sondern auch um Gesundheitsschäden, wie zum Beispiel Long Covid, das alle Altersgruppen betrifft. Sieher hier:

对模糊的 "长腔 "综合症的恐慌,可能表现为从生理到病理的各种情况,这肯定是剥夺人们自由的糟糕借口。
The scare about a vague "long covid" syndrome which could manifest from conditions that range from physiological to pathological are sure a poor excuse for depriving people their liberty.
Γιάννη, no matter how many links you bring in the discussion, reality will still remain of analogue nature while your interpretation resides in the digital domain.
This means that the lower your resolution in comprehending reality (and be sure, all humans suffer from that) the more your arbitrary assumptions will rule your life.
Your argument here is not scientific, it's probabilistic at the very best.

* "from psychological to pathological"

Danke für Ihre Ferndiagnose. Da wir beide uns rein digital austauschen, gilt sie wohl auch für Sie.

这当然适用。问题是,每个人都有一个专业的知识,可以应用于现实的一个非常有限的部分,他(们)可以比别人 "看 "得更清楚。
我碰巧是人类感知方面的专家,我告诉你,给某些东西贴上 "长涎 "的标签,并不一定意味着潜在的条件像你暗示的那样明确或险恶。
我一生中经历过两三次肺炎,那种 "长 "的病理现象也跟着我走了几个月,尽管当时的COVID礼节还远没有出现(几十年前)。所以解释在我们认为我们知道的事情中起着巨大的作用。
Of course it applies. The point is that every person has a specialty of knowledge which can be applied to a very restricted part of reality that (s)he can "see" clearer than someone else.
I happen to be sort of an expert in human perception and I'm telling you that labelling something "long covid" doesn't necessarily means that the underlying condition is as clearly defined or as sinister as you imply.
I have passed two-three pneumonias in my life and that "long" pathology followed me too for months even though the COVID etiquette was far from present (decades ago). So interpretation plays a huge role in what we think we know.

Da haben sie recht. Das kann hier auch nicht einfliessen, da konkrete Zahlen fehlen. Auch schützt eine Impfung nicht vor Long Covid. Was selbst in Berichten des BAG zu lesen ist.

Das BAG empfiehlt die Impfung weil sie gegen schwere Krankheitsverläufe hilft, unter anderem auch Long Covid. Siehe hier: [url=https://bag-coronavirus.ch/impfung/wieso-impfen/]Wieso impfen?[/url]

In the past four weeks, we have recorded 114,276 cases of Covid in Switzerland and only 237 deaths related to the disease. That's because people most at risk of the disease have been vaccinated in overwhelming numbers. As dire as the situation may seem, the measures taken to date are actually working incredibly well, hospitals are not currently overwhelmed, and there is no immediate need for a lock down or even mandatory vaccinations. Pfizer's PAXLOVID™, an antiviral drug which has proved nearly 90% effect in preventing hospitalisation, is also racing towards approval. Booster shots will be available for all from December 16. We need a couple of weeks to work out what is happening with the omicron variant but early indications are that it's more infectious but less harmful than its predecessors, which fits our understanding of the evolution of viruses. We may need to get a little stricter about masks, maybe encourage people to stay home and people who haven't been vaccinated should really consider getting over themselves, but there really is no need for panic or firm measures at this moment in time.

As 3 families of expats all these restrictions voted in are absurd. They make life pointless in Switzerland as all the advantages of life in Switzerland have just been negated. Sure, our opinions as expats do not matter at all, but at the end of the day Switzerland will lose in our case a bunch of experienced and qualified doctors.
At the moment life in Swiss cities is not worth the effort. There is no social life and prices go up each year. Sadly, after 19 years here my family will have to move away. It seems a lot cheaper to just move to the country side and step out of the work force for a few years. Luckly as doctors we'll always get new jobs easily.

Scusami ma dove sarebbe migliore la vita? C'è una pandemia globale e restrizioni in tutto il mondo.
In Svizzera i bar e ristoranti sono aperti, si può andare a sciare e fare sport, a concerti a teatro, allo stadio etc.
Un anno fa non era possibile.
Perché lamentarsi e non vedere il lato positivo?

Pour qui sait le voir, la crise Covid a mis en lumière notre façon de vivre et de consommer.
Imaginez un monde avec une population heureuse, qui vit en paix, qui mange des produits frais, le moins possible transformé, sans additifs inutiles, qui travaille sans stress, qui est proche de la nature et de son essence divine, qui peut bénéficier d’une médecine holistique.
Dans ce monde-là, quel chemin aurait pris ce virus dont on ignore encore la source ?
Pour répondre à la question posée ; oui des mesures essentielles sont nécessaires, mais la principale est l’ouverture de notre propre conscience. Mais cette mesure ne se monnaye pas.

有句老话是这样说的:"你挥舞手臂的权利就在别人的鼻子开始的地方结束。"鉴于德尔塔变种的快速传播,以及奥米克龙变种可能更快,我认为作为一个公民,我完全有权利不被拒绝接种疫苗的人所感染。有鉴于此,是否接种疫苗不再是一个纯粹的 "个人 "选择。我们要清楚,没有任何科学依据可以拒绝已经被证明是安全有效的疫苗。
An old saying goes in the line of “Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man’s nose begins.” In the light of the quick spread of the delta variant, and a possibly even faster one from omicron, I think that as a citizen I have every right not got infected from someone that refused vaccination. In light of that that of vaccinate oneself or not is no longer a purely "personal" choice. And let's be clear on that, there is no scientific basis to refuse vaccines already proven to safe and effective.

Il numero di contagi ha raggiunto in Svizzera livelli preoccupanti.
L'efficacia dei vaccini è assolutamente dimostrata in tutto il mondo.
La libertà di scelta in questo Paese non è in discussione, ma tale libertà non deve avere effetti sull'economia o sulla libertà degli altri.
Quindi liberi di non farsi faccinare purchè non riempiano gli ospedali, non vadano in quarantena danneggiando i datori di lavoro, non infettino gli altri. In altre parole non possono avere le libertà di tutti gli altri. La salute pubblica e collettiva è un bene che è al di sopra di qualsiasi libera scelta.

I am very suspicious about the results, because I have talk to many people and I dont know a single person that wants this. Also based on all censorship seem, where doctors are blocked from talking and put in jail I see a very bad future for mankind

Da brauchen Sie sich nicht zu sorgen: Die Schweizer Demokratie funktioniert gut und Ärzte sind auch keine ins Gefängnis gebracht worden. Bitte keine weiteren Fake News verbreiten.

我和他一样感到担心。这是一种前所未有的对个人主权的篡夺,其前提是一些极其模糊和不确定的 "共同利益"。
这些假新闻明天可能会被历史学家命名为 "真相"。即使在最近的历史上,这种情况也发生过无数次。
Maybe his comment was a general one and was not referring specifically to Switzerland.
I share his fears. This is an unprecedented usurpation of personal sovereignty on the premise of some extremely vague and unsure "common good".
The fake news could tomorrow be named "truth" by historians. This has happened numerous times even in recent history.
Be skeptical. Even more as a scientist.

如果情况需要(住院人数或死亡人数的增加)。所有可能的措施(扩大使用covid pass,2G到3G战略,遏制未接种疫苗的人,遏制所有的人)都应根据需要以宣传方式实施。
Si la situation l'exige (augmentations des hospitalisations ou des décès). Toutes les mesures envisageable (élargissements de l'utilisation du pass covid, stratégie du 2G à la placr du 3G, confinement des non vaccinés, confinement de tous) doivent être mise en œuvre selon le besoin et de manière promotionnelle.

Many years ago I was a smoker. I paid more for health insurance due to my choice. I was not allowed to smoke in certain public places because of the risks my choice imposed on others. My choice had consequences which, as a socially responsible person, I accepted. Not getting a vaccine is a choice of the individual but please respect the consequences it has on others and don’t remove their choice to remain safe and healthy.

This is very sad news. I hope this is challenged successfully and deemed unconstitutional.