阅读文章 在卷烟制造商的国度里呼吁民众声援禁烟

It is widely backed up by scientific evidence that Tobacco severely damages health and causes death to both smokers and non-smokers. As well in moments of pandemic it increases the incidence of complications and hospital burden. There is no reason why people should smoke at all and any type of ads encouraging anybody to do so should not only be banned but penalized as a crime against public health.

我不知道关于这个问题的确切 "数据",但瑞士的青少年吸烟率似乎高于我访问过的许多其他第一世界国家。事实上,即使是那些从其他国家(如加拿大或欧盟)来拜访我们的朋友也注意到,瑞士孩子的吸烟率比他们各自国家的孩子高很多。我不知道这背后的原因是什么--很可能是多种因素--但我们能做的任何事情来减少这种情况的发生,对我们所有人来说都是一种胜利。这次投票是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。
I do not know the exact 'data' on the subject, but adolescent smoking in Switzerland seems to be higher than in many other first world countries that I have visited. In fact, even friends that come visit us from other countries (such as Canada or the EU) notice that Swiss kids smoke a lot more than in their respective countries. I do not know what is behind this - most likely multiple factors - but anything we can do to reduce this occurrence will be a win for all of us. This vote was a step in the right direction.

Why not ban the use of nicotine and other additives in tobacco products rather than banning advertising?
Addiction is the problem, not communication.
Banning communication is an intolerable form of authoritarianism.

Ads are not communication, it is a sort of propaganda to encourage people to consume something. It is wrong to encourage anybody to consume a product that will eventually kill you and others (passive smokers).

do you think alcohol advertising should be banned also?
Alcohol also creates addiction and health problems!

Gioia Zürcher; DE-Hamburg
Danke Schweiz! Nun ist endlich Licht am Horizont.
Eine große Erleichterung, daß diese Initiative Erfolg hat;
Es wird (noch) viel zu viel in der Schweiz geraucht - in der Öffentlichkeit ist es kaum möglich, dem Qualm entkommen zu können; und so ist eben gerade für die Jüngsten dieses schlechte, gesundheitsschädliche Vorbild maximal omnipräsent.
Sie erlernen bisher quasi mit der Muttermilch, daß allerorten der Qualm mit dabei ist und Respekt gegenüber Nichtrauchern nicht verpflichtend ist...
Dafür, daß sich diese Haltung nun ändern wird, stehen die Zeichen sehr gut.
Wir alle sind dazu aufgerufen, mit daran zu arbeiten, in der Schweiz dem Taback-Qualm Einhalt zu gebieten.
Gioia Zürcher; DE-Hamburg

最重要的原因是,儿童由于缺乏经验和自然的心理能力--在风险评估方面,根本无法在这方面做出正确的选择;而且他们在很大程度上受到同伴压力、广告、社交媒体、他们在游戏中看到的东西的影响,最终,他们认为做什么是 "很酷 "的事情。
第二,我们作为一个社会应该问自己? 通过生产对人类有害的产品来赚钱,可以吗? 如果大多数人认为可以,那么,这是一个民主的选择。
让我们为(至少)我们的孩子的肺部着想;再多的钱也弥补不了健康的缺陷。 正如人类历史一再证明的那样,金钱并不那么重要。
Yes, ALL advertising for all sorts of smoking/vaping and also for all alcoholic drinks should be banned, in all media - tv, radio, print, outdoors, online, in-game and in-movie positioning.
The most important reason is that children, due to their lack of experience, natural mental abilities - in relation to risk assessment, are simply unable to make the right choices in this regard; AND they are very much influenced by peer pressure, ads, social media, what they see in games, and eventually, what they see as "cool" thing to do.
Any smokers reading my comment, and if they are truly honest with themselves, would agree that, this is how they started smoking - by copying what they saw others do.
Second, we as a society should ask ourselves? Is making money by producing products which are bad for humans, OK? If most people think it is OK, well, then that is a democratic choice.
But I am shocked to read that many in the Swiss government did not want to ban smoking/vaping advertising which is harmful to all children, including their own children.
The fact that Switzerland is behind most countries of the world in this regard (and took decades to get to his point), is evidence that Swiss democracy, well, has a long way to go.
Let us think of the lungs of (at least) our children; no amount of money can compensate for poor health. Money is NOT that important, as human history has repeatedly proven.

The problem does not stop there. Children see adults smoking which teaches them that self destructive habits are normal and if mom and dad or others around are doing it then it is ok to do it.

我完全同意。 在大流行病期间,包括我在内的许多人开始在家里喝酒。
我们的孩子起初会觉得成年人(饮酒后)的这种行为很奇怪,后来他们就开始把这种行为视为正常。 无论喝多少酒,都会对我们的言谈举止等产生一些影响。 孩子们对这种微妙或更多的变化相当敏感和敏锐。 他们能感觉到!
那么,每个喝酒(或抽烟)的父母都必须问一个问题: 我是否希望我的孩子养成我明知有害的习惯?
作为一个有爱心的家长,我的答案是:不: 社会上有些事情已经做了 100 年或 1000 年,但这并不意味着它们是正确的,也不意味着我们应该继续这样做。 如果我们不能解决我们的问题,我们就不能称自己为聪明/文明的人。
现在,英国没有任何限制(这一点我完全支持),我们也不再买酒回家(我们从不吸烟,所以这不是问题)。 因此,我开始减肥,感觉更加积极,精力更加充沛。
让我们不要忘记,我们要为摄入毒素(酒精、毒品、吸烟/吸食毒品)付出代价。 让我们坦然面对。 承认是第一步,然后我们才能做出改进。
I fully agree. During pandemic many people, including me, started having drinks at home.
Our children initially find such behavior of adults (after drinking) weird/strange, then they start accepting it as normal. ANY amount of alcohol has some impact on how we talk, behave, etc. Children are quite sensitive and perceptive of such subtle or more changes. They can feel it!
Question then, each parent who drinks (or smokes) must ask is: Do I want my child to adopt my habits which I know are harmful?
For me, as a caring parent, the answer is: No. Just because the society has been doing some things for 100s or 1000s of years, does not mean they are right or we should continue doing them. We cannot call ourselves smart/civilized if we cannot fix our problems.
Now there are no restrictions in UK (something I fully support), we have stopped buying alcohol for home (we never smoked, so that is not an issue). As a consequence I have started losing weight, and feel more positive, with more energy.
Let us not forget, we pay a price for ingesting toxins (alcohol, drugs, smoking/vaping). Let us be honest about it. Acknowledgement is the first step, then we can make improvements.

деньги не пахнут

Yes, I am for ban of all tobaco products advertisement. I am a smoker and I choose to be one with out ads, but if there are possibly people who started to smoke because of the ads, that should be prevented.

Interesting, thank you! In your case, did (or do) ads influence which brand of cigarette you buy?

hi, not at all. I tried several and I am buying the ones I like the taste of, also level of nicotine inside the pack plays the role.

How many people actually start smoking because of the advertising?

That's a very good question, and I started wondering too. I couldn't find exact numbers how many people start because of adverts in Switzerland, but I found a table on the effect of bans of advertisements in other countries in the document below (in German, published in 2014). https://www.bundespublikationen.admin.ch/cshop_mimes_bbl/00/0024817F68691ED3B79B3BFAB2246651.pdf
If anyone else has more recent numbers, feel free to chime in.

为什么一个有害的产品被一次又一次地 "美化"?
Why is a harmful product being 'glorified' again and again???

在印度尼西亚,似乎必须在香烟广告中也包括 "烟草会杀人"。 因此,我们读到 "放松和享受 "和 "被杀死"。 我想这是相当愚蠢的。最好是禁止所有杀人(或让你上瘾)的物品的广告。
In Indonesia it seems that it is essential that in cigarette advertisements it also includes that 'tabacco kills'. Therefore we read 'relax and enjoy' and 'get killed'. Rather silly, I suppose. Better ban all advertisements of all items that kill (or get you addicted).

Tobacco or advertisement ban is meaningless until movies, tv shows also start banning it.
Surrogate advertisements of all these products are already there.
Question is can such be banned ?

You mean product placement rather than adverts before / during movies and TV shows?

我以为瑞士的禁令会禁止所有媒体的广告? 不是吗? 如果不是,那么这项禁令就没用了。
在印度,吸烟广告是被禁止的,但狡猾的制药公司现在却在俱乐部免费派发香烟样品。 在每个国家,年轻人都会表现出从众心理,看到一个人吸烟,他们也会开始吸烟!
我相信,如果有人问有孩子的父母:你希望你的孩子吸烟吗? 所有明智的家长都会说 "不"。
顺便说一句,印度完全禁止吸食电子烟,甚至不能销售这种产品。 这个穷国走在了我们前面。 吸食电子烟就是摄入尼古丁--同样对人体有害。
I thought this ban in Switzerland would ban ads in all media? No? If no, then this ban is useless.
In India, smoking ads are banned, but cunning drug companies now hand out free cigarette samples in clubs. As in every country, young adults exhibit herd-instinct mentality; they see one person smoking, they start as well!
Smoking is a free choice, but it harms others around us, and further damages the environment.
I am sure that if one asks parents with children, - would you want your child to smoke? All sensible ones will say NO.
THAT should be enough to ban all forms of publicity of smoking/vaping.
By the way, vaping is entirely banned in India; cannot even sell the products. Here is a poor country way ahead of all of us. Vaping is ingesting nicotine - also bad for humans.

当它符合议程时,东西就被禁止。当它不适合议程时,"自由 "的概念就会出现。
I am intrigued.
When it suits the agenda, things are banned. When it does not suit the agenda, notions of "freedom" comes up.
Yes, i support banning advertisements of glamorous tobacco and alcohol consumption towards young adults and children.
I also would like to see Veganism and alternative lifestyle bans as well, since we are at it.

你说得有道理。 但吃肉对环境造成的危害比对我们的健康造成的危害更大,而且你吃肉并不会对坐在你旁边的人造成伤害。 但吸烟确实会伤害你身边的人!
昨天,在伦敦街头,我看到周围的人走来走去,很多人在吞咽食物,好像再也没有食物了。 我不禁想到,数以百万计的人可能已经一天或更长时间没有吃东西了。
烟不是食物,它是有毒的毒品;它不同于肉。 即使是肉也比糖好,因为糖会扰乱我们身体的许多功能;特别是我们大多食用精制糖和由精制糖制成的加工食品--甜点、巧克力等。
You have a point. But eating meat has more to do with harm to the environment than our health, and you eating meat does not harm who you may sit next to. But smoking DOES harm people who are near you when you smoke!
But I agree that over time, we should encourage ourselves to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
It is not just being a vegan, in countries with no hunger (let us not use the word rich, as the masses are not really rich in any country), we simply eat too much.
Yesterday, out and about London, I could see people walking all around me, many swallowing food, as if there was not going to be food ever again. I could not help thinking of the millions/billions who may not have eaten at all in a day or more.
Smoking is not food, it is a poisonous drug; it is different from meat. Even meat is better than sugar, as sugar upsets many functions in our body; particularly as we mostly consume refined sugar and processed foods made from it - deserts, chocolate, etc.

Meat is a fundamental nutrient, cannot be banned. You cannot ban healthy food.

我们确实吃肉。 我只是想说,现在肉类的消费量如此之高,以至于必须支持我们的肉类摄入量的食物链对气候造成了巨大影响。 但我不会吃植物汉堡,我宁愿吃新鲜蔬菜。 为什么要吃加工食品呢?
所以,现在,肉类还在餐桌上。 出于健康考虑,我们少吃牛肉,多吃火鸡肉(主要是肉丸--味道很清淡)、低脂培根和鸡肉香肠,而不吃猪肉(脂肪含量更低)。 每周只吃 2-3 天肉,其余时间都是豆类和蔬菜(不是罐头里的东西,都是新鲜烹制的)。 这大大提高了能量水平。
We do eat meat. I was just referring to the fact that the consumption of meat is now so high, that the food chain which must support our meat intake is causing massive impact on climate. But I will not eat a plant burger; I would rather eat fresh vegetables. Why eat processed food?
So, for now, meat is still on the table. For health reasons we eat less beef and more turkey (mainly meatballs - great light taste), low fat bacon, and chicken sausages instead of pork (much lower fat). Meat is limited to 2-3 days per week; rest is beans and vegetables (nothing from a can, all fresh cooked). Makes a huge improvement in energy levels.

بالتأكيد أنا مع فرض حظر شامل على إعلانات التبغ الموجّهة للشباب، لكني في كل حياتي لم أرَ أي إعلان للتبغ. هل إعلانات التبغ موجودة أساساً؟

غيرك يرى هذه الإعلانات في أكثر من مكان، مثلا في الساحات العامة، وعلى شاشات القنوات التلفزيونية، وربما أيضا في قاعات السينما، لكن نجاح هذه الإعلان وقدرتها على لفت الانظار والتحكم في أذواق الناس يختلف من شخص إلى آخر.

Through movies and tv shows its quite prominent