MeToo "运动的新闻版面充斥着针对妇女的性虐待案件。但没有一个人选择女性对男性的虐待,用虚假的指控破坏他们的生活和家庭的主题。
The "MeToo" movement has flooded the pages of news with cases of sexual abuses against women. But not one has pick the theme of the abuse of women against men, destroying their life and families with false accusations.
Why not to talk about their ordeal produced by jealousy, regrets, and mental disorders so often exposed by the accusers
2)瑞士人民对政府在一些问题上的官方观点的态度,例如: 。
a)社会政策 b)外交政策 d)民族间关系 e)对教会的态度 f)与社会的基督教基础有关的性别关系的优先次序等。
1)Соответствие морального облика современного общества Швейцарии христианской морали.
2)Отношение швейцарцев к официальной точке зрения правительства по ряду вопросов, например :
а)социальной политики б)внешней политике г)межнациональным отношениям д)отношения к церкви е) приоритете гендерных отношений в отношении христианских устоев общества. и т.д.
Let's have more discussion on the importance of living in a free and fair society where ideas and the free flow of information are absolutely essential. Let's also remind ourselves that suppressing views, curtailing freedom of speech and acting in the interests of an elite few, is a path to tyranny.
Journalists and media outlets must also remind themselves of their duty to be objective, report both sides of every story and to ensure that people have enough information to make up their own minds and opinions.
I didn't see so much of that from Swissinfo in 2020.
社会福利院采用的新系统范围更广,但也比以前更曲折,更不方便使用。以前,几乎每篇文章都可以评论,但现在更复杂了,太多时候人们采取的立场是'这篇文章的评论已被禁用'(!)--为什么?他们是否恼火?还是这个话题看起来太敏感?还是对 "政治不正确 "的恐惧?马...在未来,我希望有更多的透明度,至少和以前一样多。
Il nuovo sistema adottato dalla SWI è più ampio, ma anche un po' contorto e meno fruibile di prima. In precedenza, quasi ad ogni articolo si potevano apporre dei commenti, mentre ora è più complesso e troppe volte ci si trincera dietro "i commenti a questo articolo sono stati disabilitati" (!) - E perché? Danno fastidio? Oppure il tema appare troppo delicato? O si teme il "politically incorrect"? Mah.. In futuro, spero in una maggiore trasparenza, almeno pari a quella di prima.
Quanto alle tematiche, si dovrebbe avere finalmente il coraggio di mettere in rilievo OGNI violazione dei diritti umani, che provenga da Est o da Ovest o altro. Rilevo ad es. che su Guantanamo e altre discutibili faccende americane, subito si grida allo scandalo, mentre che su Cina (!), Russia o anche Medioriente, si parla poco non appena sorge il timore di essere sbilanciati nel criticare ambiti cari alla sinistra (soprattutto Cina!). L'Occidente che purtroppo pretende ormai di fare solo affari con un paese totalitario come la Cina, che viola sistematicamente i diritti umani (!) dovrebbe finalmente avere il coraggio di denunciarla, tanto più che fu ammessa nel WTO : si commercia SOLO con paesi che rispettano i diritti umani: Punto!
less censorship
Fully with you
I clicked newest first so the screen shows oldest first!!! ???
Also since you removed my last comment under my user name, Suze, I would like to suggest or request once again that when sending emails with responses please cite the article, preferably with the link, to which they refer.
Thanks for letting us know of these issues! We'll look into them and try to improve the experience.
Ask the editors to stop editing my comments. They currently chop out offending sections and what is left often does not make sense. Instead, send me a message what is unacceptable, and I'll re-write it myself so that it can be approved. Sometimes I wonder if I've broken a rule, or just offended a particular editor with my opinions.
You could cover more how the coronavirus affected human rights, and when they will come (hopefully) back.
感谢您的建议!我们努力报道与人权有关的问题,特别是通过我们对日内瓦国际会议和在那里从事人权工作的人员的报道。以下是日内瓦最近发表的一篇关于 "Covid-19 与人权 "的评论文章:[url]https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/do-people-still-care-about-human-rights-/46218270[/url]
Thanks for this suggestion! We strive to cover issues surrounding human rights especially through our coverage of International Geneva and those working on human rights issues there. Here's a recent opinion piece out of Geneva that addresses the topic of Covid-19 and human rights: [url]https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/do-people-still-care-about-human-rights-/46218270[/url]
When sending emails about responses to a comment please can you provide the title of the discussion thread and/or the link. With the number of debates and comments it is very time consuming to scroll through a number of debates and all the comments to find the original comment and the response.
Thanks for this suggestion, we will work on implementing it!
This new system does not allow for spontaneous lively and interesting discussion following articles but rather a short collection of random comments. It rather defeats the object of commenting.
Please may we have up to date information on the new government covid directives from Alain Berset presented this afternoon. Now, today, not tomorrow or days later. They affect us all. Thank you.
您可以随时在我们的最新消息页面上找到有关 Covid 指令的最新消息:[url]https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/latest-news[/url]
或在我们有关该主题的连续报道中,点击此处: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/covid-19_coronavirus--the-situation-in-switzerland/45592192
You can always find the latest news on the Covid directives on our latest news page, here: [url]https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/latest-news[/url]
Or in our running story on the topic, here: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/covid-19_coronavirus--the-situation-in-switzerland/45592192
They had not been published at the time of posting my comment, hence the reason for my comment. The information is important to readers and its publication sometimes tardy.
我同意麦克斯的观点。更多的 "快乐新闻"--现在有太多的阴霾和厄运。再加上更多的本地新闻,而不是国际新闻。另外,像其他读者一样,我希望每篇文章的反馈能再次开放。但不要有那么多限制。例如,如果我对LBTGXYZ社区进行负面评论,或者对这个国家进行评论,这是我的观点,不应该被如此严格控制。如果它显然是种族主义的、性别歧视的、同性恋的,例如,那么给我机会重新写,而不是简单地删除我的评论而不反馈我违反了什么规则。现在的规则变化得太快了,言论自由不再那么自由了。
I agree with Max. More "happy news" - there is too much gloom and doom nowadays. Plus more local, not international news. Also, like other readers, I'd like the feedback per article to be open again. But not as restrictive. If I comment negatively on the LBTGXYZ community, or about this country, for example, it's my opinion and should not be so strictly controlled. If it's obviously racist, sexist, homophobic, for example, then give me the chance to re-write it, rather than simply deleting my comments without any feedback on what rule I broke. The rules change so fast nowadays that freedom of speech is not so free any more.
I would give you an upvote in agreement but the button is not working, :-)
In a way, your new platform reminds me of the cooking of my mother who once would frankly admit that she did not enjoy it. Nothing really wrong with the meals, except one thing – a lot of the same and the preparation lacking spicing and enthusiasm.
Here is is my wish list for this year. Publish more articles that are pleasant to read and do inspire readers to write their comments. Reviving the cartoons series would also add some spices. The pandemic has very unpleasant consequences and, beyond doubt, you have to keep your audience up to date on the latest pertinent developments. Maybe you have heard about the positive thinking theory. For myself, the consequence was to avoid people who are always complaining and have totally lost their sense of humor. For example, when it is pouring with rain, I say to myself: “Great, enough water for the next shower”...
在新的一年里,我们将努力为您带来更多有趣、令人惊喜的故事,希望也能给您带来愉快和鼓舞人心的故事。您提到了关于漫画的故事--以下是我们关于该主题的最新报道: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/2020---a-lonely-but-golden-year-for-swiss-cartoonists/46239556
Thank you for your feedback! We're working hard to bring you many interesting, surprising and hopefully also pleasant and inspiring stories in the new year. You mentioned stories about cartoons - here is our latest on that topic: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/2020---a-lonely-but-golden-year-for-swiss-cartoonists/46239556
感谢您的回复。很高兴知道漫画又回来了。您向另一位读者提供的 "新闻简报 "链接非常有用--已添加到书签中。多亏了你们的通讯,我读到了许多有趣的文章。头版和焦点版对我的帮助不大,因为它们大多是静态内容。这可能不是我们的初衷,对其进行一些设计改动会是个好主意,不是吗?
Thank you for your reply. Good to know that the cartoons are back. The link about News In Brief that you indicated to another reader is very useful - added to bookmarks. Thanks to your newsletters I have read a number of interesting articles. The Front and Focus pages would not have been as helpful because they contain mostly static items. Presumably this was not the intended purpose and some design changes would be a good idea, would it not?
Thanks for your feedback, glad we could help on a few points. The front page is regularly refreshed, and the content of the focus pages changes when there is a significant development to the story, or more content to add. We also frequently add more focus pages on a variety of topics.
你好。。首先,我们祝你在新的一年开始时健康和安全..这些天只有两个话题占据了全世界,我们希望你能从四面八方传递他的权利。第一:COVID-19 大流行:我们想涵盖疫苗的问题,疫情发展的各个阶段,被遗忘的治疗问题变成了哪里,瑞士制药公司在这方面的作用在哪里?第二:经济。鉴于疫情,它对公民生活的影响程度如何?瑞士需要采取哪些措施来摆脱当地和全球的经济衰退。谢谢你所做的一切,祝你好运。
مرحبا.. في البداية نتمنى لكم الصحة والسلامة في بداية العام الجديد.. موضوعان فقط يشغلان كل العالم هذه الأيام ونتمنى أن توفوه حقه من كل الجوانب. أولا: جائحة كوفيد -19: نريد أن تغطوا مسألة اللقاح ومراحل تطور الوباء وأين أصبحت قضية العلاج المنسية وأين دور شركات الدواء السويسرية في هذا الجانب؟ ثانيا: الاقتصاد.. ومدى تأثيره على حياة المواطن في ظل الجائحة؟ وماهي الإجراءات السويسرية اللازمة من أجل التخلص من التراجع الاقتصادي محليا وعالميا. شكرا لكم على كل شيء ونتمنى لكم التوفيق.
شكرا لك وبدورنا نتمنى لك تمام الصحة والعافية. بالنسبة للموضوعين المقترحين، قمنا بمتابعتها منذ بداية الجائحة ونحن مستمرون بطبيعة الحال. تابِعْنا بانتظام وابحث جيدا في أرشيفنا وسترى أن هذه المسائل لا تكاد تغيب عما ننشره دوريا. يبقى أن المسألة عادة ما ترتبط بالوقت المتاح وحجم الامكانيات البشرية المتوفرة.
与许多在此发表评论的人不同,我认为Swissinfo.ch的工作做得非常好。 特别是,我喜欢这种深思熟虑的方式,如果SWI恢复到传统网络报纸中那种令人窒息的 "紧急 "介绍,我将感到非常遗憾。 另外,在与主题相关的时候提供以前的文章也是很有帮助的(至少对我来说)。
Unlike many of those who made comments here, I think Swissinfo.ch does a very good job. In particular, I like the thoughtful approach and would be very sorry if SWI reverted to the breathless "urgent" presentations found in traditional online newspapers. Also, making previous articles available when they are relevant to the subject is helpful (to me, at least).
Thank you for your kind feedback!
أطيب الأمنيات بعام جديد آمن وسعيد.. شكراً لجهودكم على مدار السنوات الماضية، وأتمنى أن نجد تقارير وتحليلات وحوارات موسعة حول قضايا الساعة في مختلف العواصم العربية والعالمية، وفي مقدمتها فلسطين، باستحداث زوايا سياسية متخصصة.
مع التقدير،،
محمد الرنتيسي
谢谢,新年快乐。我们当然关心当前的问题,但要以我们自己的方式,从瑞士的角度或与瑞士有关的角度出发。你提出的建立 “专门的政治角落” 的提议现在是不可能的。尽管半年前我们创建了一个名为 “焦点问题” 的特别栏目(https://www.swissinfo.ch/ara/focus)。我们邀请您对其进行审阅并发表意见和评论。
شكرا لك وكل عام وأنت بألف خير. نهتم بقضايا الساعة بالتأكيد ولكن بطريقتنا الخاصة ومن زوايا نظر سويسرية أو على علاقة بسويسرا. أما اقتراحك باستحداث "زوايا سياسية متخصصة" فليس واردا الآن وإن كنا قد استحدثنا قبل نصف عام قسما خاصا تحت مسمى "قضايا تحت المجهر" (https://www.swissinfo.ch/ara/focus) ندعوك للاطلاع عليه والاسهام بالرأي والتعليق.
感谢您在 2020 年的报道,我希望进一步丰富旅游内容。瑞士有一些美丽的村庄需要那些突出它们的人。
شكرا لكم على التغطيات في سنة ٢٠٢٠ واتمنى اثراء المحتوى السياحي أكثر توجد قرى جميلة في سويسرا تحتاج من يسلط عليها الضوء ..
مرحبا بك دائما. صحيح أننا لا نهتم كثيرا بالمسائل ذات الطابع السياحي لأسباب ترتبط بأولويات الخط التحريري لمؤسستنا ولكن القرى السويسرية لا تغيب عن تغطيتنا الشاملة للعديد من المجالات الحيوية. شكرا على اهتمامك.
السلام عليكم. أرجو منكم فتح تحقيق حول ظروف العمال الاجانب في مكاتب وبيوت البعثات والسفارات العربية خاصة تحت غطاء الحصانة الدبلوماسية التي أصبحت حصانة العبودية والاستبداد في بلد الحريات، وشكرا.
شكرا على اقتراحك. فعلا، تطرقنا إلى هذا الموضوع في أكثر من مناسبة (هنا تجد مثالا على ذلك: https://bit.ly/356Udkx). قد نعود إليه في فرصة أخرى إن تطلب الأمر ذلك، لم لا؟
On a French version comments were always closed, not every topic gets a discussion option to it. In the end questions are transformed to exclude sertain answers. Overall agree with everyone who asks for comment section return and making comments available under all articles. So many political ones were closed for comments. Like one about how army man were to help with covid and how greatly organizational went with their arrival, which was a huge lie. For 2 days they were driven around, on a first day they were outside on their bags form 11 in the morning till 1 at night, to wake up at 5 in a morning for another move because they just called everyone and later thought about food, shelter and etc.
感谢您的反馈;我们非常重视用户希望能够对更多文章发表评论的愿望。这就是我们评论策略的方向,也是我们最近做出改变的原因: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/changes-at-swi--we-want-to-hear-about-your-expertise-and-experiences/45948524
Thanks for your feedback; we certainly take on board users' desire to be able to comment on more articles. This is the direction we are heading in with our comment strategy, and the reasons why we have made the recent changes: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/changes-at-swi--we-want-to-hear-about-your-expertise-and-experiences/45948524
我们需要更多最新的新闻,而不是重复几天前出现的文章。当然,对科维德及其对这里的生活的影响进行更深入的报道是一个优先事项。政府对所有影响公民的主题的更新也是我们了解情况的关键。 作为一名艺术家,我希望看到更多关于外籍艺术家及其作品的文章,特别是由于许多人受到Covid的影响。我们需要媒体的支持。感谢你们已经为我们提供的内容。这是非常有价值的。
We need more up to the minute news rather than repeating articles that appeared days before. Of course, more in-depth coverage on Covid and its effects on life here is a priority. Governmental updates on all topics that affect citizens are key to our being informed too. T As an artist, I would like to see more articles on expat artists and their work here, particularly since many are impacted by Covid. We need the media's support. Thank you for what you already provide us. It's very valuable.
感谢您的反馈;您可以在这里找到我们不断更新的新闻报道: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/latest-news
Thanks for your feedback; you can find our constantly updated news coverage here: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/latest-news