阅读文章 新冠疫情:世卫组织真能做主吗?
你知道比尔-盖茨在投机Covid 19疫苗上获得了巨额利润吗?
Sapevate che l'attuale Segretario Generale della NATO, Stoltenberg, ha diretto Gavi Alliance, la fondazione finanziata da Bill Gates che opera per promuovere la diffusione dei vaccini a livello globale?
Sapevate che Bill Gates ha tratto enormi profitti speculando sui vaccini Covid 19?
比尔-盖茨为世卫组织的两个具体项目提供资金:一个是疫苗项目,一个是 "合成"(人造肉)和 "创新"(昆虫餐)食品项目。比尔-盖茨投资了几家公司和研究实验室(类似于武汉的那家),处理合成和创新疫苗和食品。世卫组织以这些捐款为条件,希望使其决定对所有成员国具有约束力。你还想知道比尔-盖茨向世卫组织捐钱有什么好处吗?
Bill Gates finanzia due programmi specifici dell'OMS: quello sui vaccini e quello riguardante gli alimenti "sintetici" (carne artificiale) e "innovativi" (farine di insetti). Bill Gates ha investito in diverse aziende e laboratori di ricerca (simili a quello di Wuhan) che si occupano di vaccini ed alimenti sintetici e innovativi. L'OMS, condizionata da queste donazioni, vuole rendere vincolanti per tutti gli Stati membri le proprie decisioni. Vi chiedete ancora cosa ci guadagni Bill Gates a donare soldi all'OMS?
我已经研究了一整天,整个组织,学习它的结构,它的定义功能,并试图弄清楚谁是真正的控制者。除了帮助资助更多的研究和人道主义援助外,任何一个人或实体都不应该对他们实施的政策有任何影响。 我现在想弄清楚的是,盖茨和其他私营部门的捐助者究竟能从中获得什么?
I've been researching all day, the whole organization, learning it's structure, it's defined function, and trying to figure out who actually is in control. No ONE person or entity should have any influence in the policies they implement other than helping to fund more research and humanitarian aid. What I am trying to figure out now is what do the Gates' and other private sector donors stand to gain from it exactly?
Purtroppo fino a quando si permetterà di continuare sulla strada della privatizzazione della sanità, i privati continueranno a mettere mani anche sulle decisioni dei governi, 'calpestandone anche i diritti di base legati alla costituzione!!!!!!!!!
Has anyone broken any international laws on how these organizations are working? The answer is NO. So, they are operating in perfect order.
More non-sense propaganda.
How about we make companies own Swiss political parties. They decisions seem to be a bit strange. I'd love to see a UK bank buy up a whole party and fire everyone because they are perceived as not making decising for the common good.
考慮的應該是捐贈的幫助大還是私人影響的危害大, 可以用制度來避免危害
No lo creo. Como decia Adam Smith, nada bueno se traen empresarios y el Estado juntos.
Si hay algo en lo que coinciden Liberales y Socialistas es en marcar lo malo de los empresarios que se enriquecen por favoritismos estatales.
Ademas, se les da acceso al poder a personas que no fueron elegidas. Porque seamos sinceros, quienes hacen grandes aportes, de seguro adquieren un alto grado de poder y favoritismos entre los amantes del Estatismo y el poder del.mismo sobre los individuos
من جهة سيعزز ذلك استقلالية منظمات الأمم المتحدة عن الحكومات مما يعزز مصداقيتها ومن جهة أخرى قد يؤدي ذلك الى وقوعها تحت نفوذ الشركات خاصة في مجال الصحة لذلك فهي خطوة غير امنة. في نفس الوقت لا يجب الاعتماد على تمويل دول كالولايات المتحدة و الصين لما له من تاثيبر سلبي على اداء الامم المتحدة و منظماتها في الواقع يجب ان تساهم جميع دول العالم بشكل عادل في التمويل.
فعلا، تُساهم دول العالم بشكل أقرب ما يكون للعدالة في تمويل ميزانية منظمة الصحة العالمية لكن هذه الموارد تظل غير كافية بالمرة. من هنا جاءت الاستعانة بالتبرعات والهبات الممنوحة من طرف الأفراد والشركات الخاصة التي لا تتردد في فرض بعض الشروط وتحديد بعض الألأولويات. هنا تكمُن الإشكالية!
قرارات الامم المتحدة لا تكتسب بُعدها إلا بعد موافقة الخمسة الكبار الذين لا يتفقون أبدا، أي أنها حبر على ورق لا تفيد ولا تزيل وجعا. أما منظمة الصحة العالمية فقد ثبت أنها غير عابئة بالانسان ومنحازة لمن يدفع اكثر، وكورونا الصينية كان بالامكان تفاديها عالميا لو لم تدفع الصين مبلغا كبيرا لإخفاء الحقيقة. من يعتقد أن سياسيا واحدا يُؤلمه حال مُزر لآخر غير مؤهل ليكون إنسانا مفكرا .
谢谢你的分享。你的判断似乎很严厉。纵观历史,力量平衡控制着事态的发展。毫无疑问,主要大国在联合国安理会内使用否决权阻碍了几项重要的联合国决议的执行,但其中一些决议找到了在实地平衡和局势发生变化时执行这些决议的方法。至于世界卫生组织,没有证据表明中国 “花了大量钱来隐藏” 它所说的 “真相”。让我再次问你一个问题:你认为是否应该限制对国际组织和联合国机构的私人资助?
شكرا على المشاركة. تبدو قاسيا جدا في أحكامك. في كل حقب التاريخ، تحكمت موازين القوى بسير الأمور. لا شك أن استخدام القوى الكبرى لحق النقض داخل مجلس الأمن الدولي يحول دون تنفيذ العديد من القرارات الأممية المهمة ولكن البعض منها يجد طريقة إلى التنفيذ عندما تتغيّر التوازنات والأوضاع فوق الميدان. أما بالنسبة لمنظمة الصحة العالمية، فليس هناك أي دليل على أن الصين "دفعت مبلغا كبيرا لإخفاء" ما وصفتَهُ بـ "الحقيقة". مرة أخرى، اسمح لي بأن أطرح عليك السؤال: هل ترى أنه يجب الحد من التمويلات الخاصة للمنظمات الدولية والوكالات ألأممية أم لا؟
لا . لكون أغلبها مسيّس للحكومات التي تدفع أكثر، لذلك فمن واجبها البحث عن مصادر تمويل أكثر حيادية.
شكرا لك.
There should be no limits except controlling the ulterior motives of donors. For example, do those who fund politicians do it out of the goodness of their hearts, or so they can influence politicians to support them? 10% of the people control 90% of the wealth. So, if they want to redistribute their money to those less fortunate than themselves then why stand in their way and stop them. Not enough money is raised via taxes to publicly fund e.g. WHO as the rich do not pay enough. So, let them pay another way, via funding.
I guess the real question is if this should be an NGO where everyone can donate and be involved or if it should be a government organization like the UN or NATO.
It does not really mater if Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos or Oprah donate. Simply decide if it is open to everyone or if it is a government organization. That will clarify once and for all.
Make it part of the UN. All good for everyone. I agree !
Then they can start fighting over which country decides.
I just read the new 2 paragraph post today on your website about WHO which only raises question but have no info what's so ever, so useless
如果是的话,你可能忽略了顶部的视频,那是一段 11 分钟的世卫组织解释视频。下面的段落是对视频内容的简要概括。
Hello, are you referring to this post? [url]https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/international-geneva_covid-19--who-really-calls-the-shots-/46588960[/url]
If so, you may have overlooked the video at the top, which is an 11-minute explanation of the WHO. The paragraphs below are meant to give a brief summary of what’s in the video.
You should re-frame your headline. the WHO might be global but who cares! it is already private so why does it matter if it gets more private funding
@Charleszimmermann - 能否请你对世卫组织 "它已经是私有的 "这一说法加以限定?
@Charleszimmermann - Please can you qualify the statement with reference to WHO “it is already private”?
I would say no. This does not mean that we have to accept the views of the donors blindly. Of course the responsible officers of the relevant organisation will have to judge how the funds are used as they are responsible.
Some statistics would be nice on which goals WHO achieved or made progress and by how much in past 10 years compared to WHO projects which Bill Gates is interested in, from that we could see different perspective rather than saying that WHO is influenced.
Thank you for your comment. You might find some more statistics on the Gates and WHO websites. As pointed out in the article, many of their priorities do overlap (e.g. polio eradication and vaccination in general) but not necessarily improving health systems in developing countries (which the WHO perhaps needs to do more of).
Benvengano questi colossi della economia a cofinanziare l'OMS, che necessita di cospicui mezzi finanziari per poter agire con efficienza. Perché mai agitare spauracchi inutili e solo perché sono troppo potenti? Che interesse malvagi potrebbero mai avere questi gruppi, che in parte detraggono dalle loro imposte ciò che versano a scopi umanitari? L'OMS mica è una società anonima ove degli azionisti detengono il potere! Questi spauracchi, come il solito, vengono agitati dalla sinistra internazionale che vede male, o sospetta di ogni aiuto proveniente dall'odiato mondo capitalista.
E se a finanziare in parte l'OMS fosse la Cina? Nessuna critica, perché è una nazione che starebbe dalla parte del popolo, mentre il suo regime capitalistico di Stato, non è affatto migliore, né meno arrogante di quello occidentale.
NO strings attached...
另一个这样的倡议是 "首席执行官水任务",这是一个联合国全球契约的倡议,显然是为了动员企业对清洁水采取行动,该倡议已被一些无赖的公司签署,如雀巢、大多数酿酒公司等。https://ceowatermandate.org/about/endorsing-companies/。
There is certainly a troubling trend of corporations seeking to control the narrative around issues relevant to their brand. For example, the World Economic Forum (WEF) recently announced the formation of something called the European Carbon+ Farming Coalition. This is a body that includes blends credible institutions with some of the worst abusers in agriculture, like BASF, Bayer (arguably the most evil company on the planet), COPA-COGECA, CropIn, European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF), European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Food, HERO, Planet Labs, Rabobank, Swiss Re, University of Glasgow, Yara, Zurich and the World Economic Forum.
Another such initiative, is the CEO Water Mandate, a UN Global Compact Initiative, apparently to mobilize business to action on clean water, that has been signed by a rogue's gallery of abusive firms, like Nestle, most of the brewing companies, etc. https://ceowatermandate.org/about/endorsing-companies/
These companies are clearly part of the problem and it is very hard to believe, judging by their past behaviour, they have any intention of delivering on their promise to be better. It seems clear that they are using greenwashing strategies to allow them to continue despoiling the planet and the net result will be harmful.
Their involvement looks and feels a lot like Japan's role in the World Whaling Council, an opportunity to suborn the conversation rather than deliver change.
There is a solution: governments have to hold their feet to the fire. These memberships are an acknowledgement that there is a problem even as these business try to wriggle out of taking responsibility for there role in it. Media, too, can play its part by calling out this kind of nonsense and shaming companies when they pull this kind of stunt.
Thanks, Ian, for this comment and related environmental concerns.
Surely the question is should Bill Gates have any influence at all in the WHO? While he is undeniably an important benefactor, the WHO should not be beholden to any individual's whims (whether good or capricious) and that is why we leave it to disinterested state actors instead. Very dangerous to be giving individuals so much power without proper oversight and supervision be it to Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorsey or Musk..
Thanks for your contribution. One of my interviewees also makes the point that states need to step up their funding to the WHO, particularly untied contributions which would give it more flexibility to set its priorities.
It states that Gates is the second biggest donor, however the Gates foundation is also the GAVI Alliance's biggest donor. The GAVI Alliance is the fourth biggest WHO donor. So if Gates influences Gavi, and Gavi and Gates influence WHO, then Gates has the biggest donation/influence over WHO.