阅读文章 日内瓦中学生“遮羞T恤”引发各界争议
我们的女儿在一所私立女子学校必须穿制服,我喜欢这个主意。她似乎也不介意。 这样就没有阶级意识了,谁的衣服最酷,等等。 虽然女孩们真的不喜欢她们的西装外套,而且往往外衣短得离谱,但看起来很不错。
我看着其他客人的一些评论,为一些孩子现在接受的完全在线的学校教育感到遗憾。 我不认为它会在批判性思维、团队合作和培养情商方面产生同样的结果。 他们得到的是短板,在遵循学习计划时将会更加心不在焉。 我看到全面在线学习的许多缺点。
Our daughter had to wear a uniform at a private girl's school and I liked the idea. She didn't seem to mind either. There was no class consciousness that way, who had the coolest clothes, etc. It looked nice although the girls really disliked their blazers, and often the tunics were ridiculously short.
I'm looking at some of the comments from the other guests and feel sorry for the totally online schooling that some children are receiving now. I don't think it will produce the same results in critical thinking, team work and fostering EQ. They're getting short shrift, will be much more distracted in following their study plans. I see many disadvantages of full online learning.
Get rid of all the schools. They are a high risk palce for virus spreading. Just give everyone free online courses and tests. No teachers needed once the videos are recorded. Efficient and 1000x cheaper.
Uniforms are perfectly fine. Poorer children will not feel like they are excluded. It is a good concept as long as they are really cheap.
Anyway these things will soon be meaningless. One of our children was suppose to go to university this year. We decided to pick an online university. No need for uniforms, travelling, housing or books. They just watch videos and do the tests online. It is a lot cheaper and there is no risk of getting the virus from a teacher.
校服是一个伟大的平衡器,特别是如果所有学童都必须穿同样质量的制服。学校不应该是一场时装秀。重要的是孩子们脑子里想的是什么,而不是他们穿什么。此外,那些无法指望与时尚保持一致的贫困儿童也不会感到被抛弃。另外,校服鼓励尊重,鼓励对俱乐部的归属感。当我第一次来到这里时,我很惊讶这里没有制服--在学校,或者在工作场所(很少有西装)。我曾在电视上看到政府部门的负责人(例如自行车大师Herr Vogel)留着长发,穿着牛仔裤。这并没有呈现出一个很好的、或严肃的形象。
Uniforms are a great equalizer, especially if all schoolchildren have to wear the same quality uniform. Schools should not be a fashion show. What's important is what is in the children's heads, not what they wear. Also, poorer children who cannot hope to keep us with fashion will not feel left out. Plus, uniforms encourage respect, a sense of belonging to a club. When I first came here, I was surprised there were no uniforms - at school, or at work (very few suits). I've seen heads of Government departments (e.g. the cycle guru Herr Vogel) on TV with long hair and jeans. That does not present a very good, or serious image.
I am all for uniforms, I was in a school with one and went to a school without one and it was a nightmare, everybody tries to be stylish and branded, it is really distrusting and divides us into categories much quicker, like goth, nerd and such just by the clothes not talking about the amount of wealth people can represent even though their children did not earn it. but with no uniform they try to make a point about their status and ones who can't keep up with them are losers in their eyes from my experience.
Anne Emery-Torracinta(日内瓦州政府--负责教育事务)最近就这个问题接受了电视采访。"校服是不必要的。然而,每个人都应该清楚,不能穿得像去海滩一样"。校服只有一个好处--让所有人看起来都一样,无论社会地位如何。它们也是属于一个单位或职业的象征。然而,在公立学校,这没有什么意义,因为每个州都可能希望有自己的学校,而且家庭经常跨越州界搬迁。应该提醒时装设计师注意得体的着装。那些低腰牛仔裤是可以的,只要这个人不是坐在那里......
Anne Emery-Torracinta (government of the canton of Geneva - responsible for education) was recently interviewed on TV about this question. "School uniforms are unnecessary. However, it should be clear to everybody that one must not dress like going to the beach". Uniforms have just one advantage – make all look alike irrespective of social status. They are also symbolic for belonging to a unit or profession. However, in public schools it makes little sense because every canton would probably want to have its own and families are often moving across cantonal borders. Fashion designers should be reminded of decent dressing. Those low waist jeans are OK as long as the person is not seated...
这也是继 "切片 "之后最好的事情。没有关于谁穿什么的问题,尤其是现在。我的女儿对这场辩论很生气。她说,他们总是被这种属性的差异所困扰,比如手机品牌,但特别是布。我有一套制服,做得非常好,牢不可破,可以传下去。
Best thing after sliced-bred. No issues on who is wearing what, especially nowdays. My daughter was furious about this debate in general. She told they are always distracted by such attributes of differences, such as mobile brand, but especially cloth. I had a uniform, darn well made, unbreakable and could pass it on.
穿着得体的问题自1968年后一直是个问题。公共场所有一个道德上的着装规范,它需要被强制执行,没有例外,无论男女。如果一个人必须像街上的妓女那样挑衅,以吸引他们的顾客,你会得到你所代表的东西!如果你认为你以这种方式赢得了人们的尊重,那你就真的错了!我们的社会强调的是性。不幸的是,我们的社会强调性吸引,在杂志和时尚中宣传性吸引,特别是对女性(尽管男性在那里也得到了更多的关注)。女性必须明白这一点。一个女孩和一个女人还有其他的方法来改变一个男人主导的社会的心态。学校可以使用工具来惩罚不良行为,而不把肇事者送回家。学生的抗议需要被禁止。如果一个学生因为他的不当行为而成绩不好,哦,那他就得承担后果。顺便说一下,这条规则适用于所有不接受权威的人。社会和性别权利?那随之而来的义务呢?我记得20世纪80年代,Coop杂志写了一个黑体字的标题,引用了一位著名心理学家的话 "儿童不需要权威"。缺乏对人类和物质的尊重是这种声明的后果。现在是时候了,钟摆需要转到另一个方向,重新教孩子们尊重。
The problem of dressing appropriately has been an issue since after 1968. There is a moral dress code for public places and it needs to be enforced, no exception, for male and female. If a person has to be provocative like the prostitutes in the street to attract their customers, you will get what you represent! If you think you are earning respect as a person in that way, you are really wrong! Unfortunately, our society emphasizes on sexual attraction, promotes it in magazines and fashion, especially for women (even though men are getting more attention there, too). Women have to understand that. There are other ways for a girl and a woman to change a mindset of a men dominated society. A school can use tools to punish bad behaviour without sending the culprits home. Protests of students need to be banned. If a student gets bad grades because of his inappropriate behaviour, oh well, he has to bear the consequences. By the way, this rule is for everybody who does not accept authority. Social and gender rights? What about the obligations that come with them? I remember the 1980's, when Coop magazine wrote a bold printed title, quoting the words of a famous psychologist "children do not need authority". The lack of respect for humans and matter is the consequence of such declarations. It is high time that the pendulum needs goes the other way and teach children RESPECT again.
Uniforms just mean more clothes that parents have to buy and more laundry they have to do.Also schools that have basic uniforms like you can wear this color polo and this color dress pants still have the label wars in regards to child A has designer polos and child B does not.
我当然相信校服--它消除了一个学生(穿得好)比一个(穿得差)好的概念。没有 "最新时尚 "的竞争。
I most certainly believe in school uniforms - it does away with the notion that one student (better dressed) is better than one (worse dressed). No "latest fashion" competition.