“历史遗产不应止步于国界”,Johann Roduit深信这点。
阅读文章 落基山中待售的瑞士村庄

盖尔公园(Gail's sche Park)位于黑森州中部的罗德海姆-比伯(Rodheim Bieber),靠近吉森(Giessen)。公园里美丽的瑞士小木屋被用于举办文化活动。
Ja, es gibt einen Ort mit Schweizer Geschichte.
Der Gail‘sche Park in Rodheim Bieber, Mittelhessen bei Gießen. Im Park das schöne Schweizer Chalet, das für kulturelle Anlässe genutzt wird.

在洛松(Losone /TI),一半的人口移民到了佛罗伦萨。
Hier in Losone /TI ist die Hälfte der Bevölkerung nach Florenz ausgewandert.
Auch meine Eltern wurden in Florenz geboren.
Warum? Hier im Tessin hatten wir viel Land. Ein Teil davon für in Landwirtschaft
(z.T. verpachtet). Leider gab es dann die Weizen-Pest... und die Leute hatten kein
Einkommen mehr. Viele sind dann eben ausgewandert. Als der Krieg begann
kamen sie dann alle zurück ins Tessin. Auch meine Eltern. Aber auch die Biandas, die Brogginis, Fornera usw.

以瑞士菜 Bircher Musli 而闻名的拉尔夫-伯奇(Ralph Bircher)的灵感就来自我的家乡洪扎。他甚至为此写了一本书。 为了扩大生意,他把这本书的副本寄给了 Hunza 的 König,请求他同意在 Hunza 推广长寿神话。这封信保存在慕尼黑的一家博物馆中。
Ralph Bircher who is known for the Swiss dish Bircher Musli was inspired from my home town Hunza. He even wrote a book about it. In Order to expand his business he sent copies of the book to the König of Hunza asking him to agree in promoting the myth of life longevity in Hunza. The letter is preserved in a museum in Munich.
Also A village called Ghalapan changed its name to mini Switzerland because of its resemblance to the Grindelwald region but with higher and dryer mountains. As you enter the village on the Karakarum Highway, a sign board reads welcome to mini Switzerland:)

Vielen Dank für Ihre interessanten Hinweise, denen ich gerne nachgehe.

新赫尔维西亚(Nueva Helvecia),正式名称为科洛尼亚瑞士(Colonia Switzerland Nueva Helvecia),又称科洛尼亚瑞士(Colonia Switzerland),是乌拉圭科洛尼亚省的一个城市。它距离省会萨克拉门托科洛尼亚 58 公里。它也是同名市的所在地。
1861 年底,以瑞士人为主的第一波欧洲移民来到这里。大部分移民于 1862 年 4 月 25 日抵达,这一天被认为是这座城市的建城日。
殖民地得到巩固,农业工作成为其主要收入来源之一,尤其是水果种植和奶牛养殖。1894 年 5 月 26 日,颁布法令宣布其为 "城镇"。1952 年 12 月 11 日颁布的第 11892 号法律将新赫尔维西亚提升为 "城镇"。6
Nueva Helvecia , offiziell Colonia Switzerland Nueva Helvecia , auch bekannt als Colonia Switzerland , ist eine uruguayische Stadt im Departement Colonia . Es liegt 58 Kilometer von der Departementshauptstadt Colonia del Sacramento entfernt . Es ist auch Sitz der gleichnamigen Gemeinde
Ende 1861 kamen die ersten Migrationswellen von Europäern , hauptsächlich Schweizern , in dieses Gebiet . Am 25. April 1862 trafen die meisten Auswanderer ein, ein Tag, der als Gründungstag der Stadt gilt.
Die Kolonie wurde konsolidiert und die landwirtschaftliche Arbeit wurde zu einer ihrer Haupteinnahmequellen, insbesondere der Obstanbau und die Milchwirtschaft. Am 26. Mai 1894 wurde das Dekret zur Ausrufung einer „Stadt“ verkündet. Mit dem Gesetz Nr. 11.892 vom 11. Dezember 1952 wurde Nueva Helvecia in die Kategorie „Stadt“ erhoben. 6
Die schwere Wirtschaftskrise, die die Schweiz zu dieser Zeit durchlebte, zwang viele ihrer Bürger dazu, bessere Chancen im Ausland zu suchen, wo Amerika eine Möglichkeit für Wohlstand und Fortschritt darstellte.
Insbesondere im Falle Uruguays bot es Einwanderern eine Reihe von Alternativen, nicht nur aufgrund seiner Stabilität und Hegemonie, sondern auch, weil es über große ländliche Grundstücke verfügte, und ein Beweis dafür ist die Ansiedlung der ersten Häuser an der Westküste . , über den Departements Colonia und Soriano , bestimmt für die landwirtschaftliche und tierische Produktivität.

在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省西北部的沿海山区,有一个史密斯小镇,因 19 世纪末有瑞士人在此定居而被称为 "小瑞士"。 这里是滑雪和钓鱼的好去处!
In the coastal mountains of northwest British Columbia, Canada, is the town of Smithers, known as "Little Switzerland" for the Swiss who settled there in the late 1800s. Great skiing and fishing!

下午好!我认为我们也是智能机器,但有时我们会受到限制,而机器人等机器则更加灵巧和快速。但是,每台机器都有可能出现故障,因为作为机器,我们是没有意识的。 如果机器人的程序不符合需要做的事情,它就会出现故障,如果它做错了,造成的损失往往是无法弥补的。在执行规则方面,机器总是很精确的,但在细节方面,它们还远远没有达到复杂的程度!"(莎士比亚)
人工智能,顾名思义,不是自然智能。自然智能是由 DNA(上帝的分子)创造的;人工智能是人类创造的,没有 DNA。没有任何东西可以取代神圣的自然智能。绘画中的达芬奇、音乐中的巴赫和维瓦尔第、数学物理学家爱因斯坦、戏剧中的莎士比亚都是有意识的智能。
Boa Tarde! Penso que tambem somos maquinas inteligentes porém as vezes somos limitados o que as máquinas como robótica fazem com destreza e velocidade maior. Porém toda máquina pode ter tendências a falhar pois como máquinas que somos as máquinas não são conscientes .Um robô pode falhar se não for programado para aquilo que precisa ser feito e se fizer errado os danos muito das vezes são irreparaveis. As máquinas são sempre precisas no que diz respeito às normas de execução mas ainda estão longe de alcançar a sofisticação do detalhe! ( Shakespeare)
Sobre a inteligência artificial o nome já diz não é uma inteligência natural. A inteligência natural foi criada pelo seu DNA a molécula de Deus a inteligência artificial foi criada pelo homem e não tem DNA. Nada substitui uma inteligência natural divina. Leonardo da Vinci na pintura Bach e Vivaldi na música,Einstein físico matemático,Shakespeare nas peças de teatro pois são inteligências conscientes.

我的父母住在北加州的阿斯蒂。 那里有一个历史地标,编号为 651,石头上有一块大牌匾,上面写着...... "意大利瑞士殖民地",讲述的是 1881 年移民来到这里,建立农业殖民地并酿造葡萄酒的故事。
My parents lived in Asti, Northern California. There is an historical landmark #651 with a large plaque on a stone that reads..."Italian Swiss Colony" about the immigrants who arrived in 1881 and established an agricultural colony and produced wines.
I live in the Ticino and have heard many stories of the emigration to California from the Maggia Valley. There is an interesting museum in Cevio where one sees the back and forth movements of the Swiss Italians.

- 例如,特拉维夫就有一条名为巴塞尔的街道。
- 耶路撒冷附近的瑞士儿童村 Kiriat Yearim 是由瑞士 Kiriat Yearim 协会于 1951 年左右建立的,此后一直得到支持。
- 以色列有超过 20,000 名瑞士公民,其中包括一些艺术家,如嘴画家布拉查-菲舍尔(Bracha Fischel),我本人也是一位书籍作者(见维克多-魏斯--光与影)。
- 在雷霍沃特有一个由瑞士 Keren Hayessod 创办和资助的 Chaviot 瑞士文化体育中心。
Wie Sie ja wissen, hat Israels Entstehungsgeschichte viel mit der CH zu tun. Der 1. Zionistenkongress und die darauffolgenden warden in Basel abgehalten. So gibt es veil Beziehungen our CH.
- Z.B. eine Strasse Names Basel in Tel Aviv.
- Das CH-Kinderdorf Kiriat Yearim bei Jerusalem wurde von dem Verein Kiriat Yearim Schweiz um 1951 gegründet und wird bis heute seitdem ununterbrochen unterstuetzt.
- In Israel gibt es ueber 20'000 CH-Buerger und darunter einige Kuenstler wie z.B. die Mundmalerin Bracha Fischel und meine Wenigkeit als Buchautor (Siehe Victor Weiss - Licht und Schatten).
- In Rehovot gibt es das Zentrum Chaviot Schweiz fuer Kultur und Sport, das von Keren Hayessod Schweiz gegründet und finanziert wurde.

我从 1975 年起就住在澳大利亚,非常喜欢这里。非常遗憾的是,我找不到一个价格合理的方法来获得我祖父母以外的家谱,而我又不能花几个星期的时间去 CH 的办公室。我很想为我们的子孙留下这些信息。希望有人有好主意。1954 年出生于上海,1975 年离开上海。彼得-沃格尔桑格(Peter Vogelsanger),干杯
Have lived in Australia since 1975 and loving it. Pretty sad that I cannot find a reasonably priced way of getting my Family Tree beyond my grand parents without spending weeks in CH offices which I cannot do. I would love to leave this information behind for our kids and grand kids. Hopefully someone has some bright ideas. Born in SH 1954, left in 1975. Cheers Peter Vogelsanger

尊敬的 Vogelsanger 先生
FDFA 制作了以下有关该主题的网页:[url]https://www.eda.admin.ch/countries/germany/de/home/dienstleistungen/ahnenforschung.html[/url]
Sehr geehrter Herr Vogelsanger
Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag. Leider kann ich Ihnen nicht mit Tipps weiterhelfen. Aber vielleicht stehen auch andere Auslandschweizerinnen und Auslandschweizer vor den gleichen Fragen?
Das EDA hat folgende Seite zum Thema verfasst: [url]https://www.eda.admin.ch/countries/germany/de/home/dienstleistungen/ahnenforschung.html[/url]
Freundliche Grüsse

瑞士人移民美国后留下的最持久的遗产之一,也许就是在美国各地仍在运营的许多瑞士俱乐部。 加利福尼亚州、俄勒冈州和华盛顿州的俱乐部非常值得一提,其中许多俱乐部都有自己的设施/场地(有些很精致),每年都会举办巡回的瑞士摔跤节,有时会有来自瑞士的摔跤手参加比赛。 全国各地的其他俱乐部也全年定期举办活动。 美国瑞士俱乐部名单张贴在这里:https://theswisscenter.org/u-s-swiss-clubs。 还有一些美国瑞士俱乐部已经消失。 例如,在宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿,有足够多的瑞士移民在 1870 年成立了一个瑞士协会,还有一个当地团体,其规模足以承保人寿保险。 我有一本小册子显示,该俱乐部在 1950 年的 80 周年庆典上从因特拉肯请来了一支乐队,依然充满活力。
Perhaps one of the most enduring legacies of Swiss emigration to the US are the many Swiss clubs that still operate around the country. Quite notable are the ones in California, Oregon and Washington, many of which have their own facilities/grounds (some elaborate) and yearly host a circuit of Schwingfests, sometimes with wrestlers from Switzerland competing. Other clubs around the country hold regular events throughout the year. A list of US Swiss clubs is posted here: [url=https://theswisscenter.org/u-s-swiss-clubs]https://theswisscenter.org/u-s-swiss-clubs.[/url] Still other US Swiss clubs have gone by the wayside. For example, in Scranton, PA, there were a sufficient number of Swiss immigrants to form a Swiss Society in 1870 - and another local group that was large enough underwrite life insurance policies. I have a pamphlet that shows that club was still vibrant enough to bring in a band from Interlaken for its 80th anniversary celebration in 1950.

我住在俄克拉荷马州的埃尔雷诺。在埃尔雷诺和奥卡尔奇之间的 81 号公路上有一个门诺派墓地,那里曾经有一座古老的教堂。前面有一座纪念碑,纪念当年建造教堂并在此定居的瑞士移民/定居者。我对这座教堂和当地农民的历史略知一二,因为我的祖父就是其中之一。他 19 岁时和兄弟们一起从耶根斯托夫来到这里。
I live in El Reno, OK. In between El Reno and Okarche on Highway 81, there is a Mennonite Cemetery where an old church once stood. Out front is a monument to the Swiss immigrants/settlers who built the church and settled here as farmers. I know a little of the history of that church and the area farmers as my grandfather was one of them. He came from Jegenstorf with his brothers at the age of 19.

尊敬的 Zweiacher 先生
感谢您的来信。这座教堂与瑞士的联系如今是否仍在 "庆祝"?
Melanie Eichenberger
Lieber Herr Zweiacher
Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag. Wird der Schweizbezug dieser Kirche noch heute "zelebriert" ?
Freundliche Grüsse
Melanie Eichenberger

阿尔伯特-弗雷/棕榈泉建筑师(沙漠现代主义 1903 年)
金门大桥/瑞士工程(1937 年竣工)
Albert Frey / Palm Springs Architect (Desert Modernism 1903)
Golden Gate Bridge/ Swiss engineering (Completion 1937)
Palm Springs has a gondola/ brought in from Switzerland.

Here in Southern California, there is San Bernardino County, and they told us from the start as we lived here, that the name came from Swiss people visiting California way back in time.

The greater town of Helvetia, Oregon, USA
Was founded by Swiss and celebrates many Swiss customs.

至少在过去的 60 年里,威森伐木系统在陡峭的北喀斯喀特山脉留下了自己独特的印记。我记得 1961 年,我们在华盛顿州达灵顿附近上林业课时,为了亲眼目睹华盛顿州西部小镇上方的威森伐木场而逃课。 早在 20 世纪 80 年代,我的直升机滑雪客户就能清楚地看到他们在马扎马(华盛顿州中东部)上空的缆索轨迹,现在我娶了一位瑞士妻子,她认识威森家族。 这就是 "美国阿尔卑斯山 "的生活。
Wyssen logging systems have left their distinctive marks here in the steep North Cascades, for at least the last 60 years. I recall playing hooky from our forestry class near Darrington Washington, back in 1961, just to see the Wyssen logging above that small town in western Washington State. Their cable tracks above Mazama (east central Washington) were obvious to my helicopter skiing clients, back in the 1980s, and now I'm married to a Swiss wife who knew the Wyssen family. Such is life here in the "American Alps."

Danke für Ihren Beitrag!

我的父亲出生在威斯康星州的新格拉鲁斯镇,根据该镇的口号,这里是 "美国的小瑞士"。 新格拉鲁斯建于 1843 年,当时有 150 名来自格拉鲁斯州的移民。 随着时间的推移,更多的前格拉纳斯人加入了他们的行列,该镇保留了自己的传统(直到 1970 年左右还在继续出版瑞士德语版本)。
我父亲那一代是新格劳斯的第一代人,他们中的大多数人离开了新格劳斯,前往美国更多的城市地区(新格劳斯没有什么特别之处,这是全国的趋势)。 我家人经常回新格拉卢斯探望祖父母,我们都对那里有着美好的回忆--我的祖父母至今仍用着奇怪的格拉纳口音。 那口音仿佛凝固在琥珀中。
新格拉斯至少出了一位出版作家(剧作家)赫伯-库布利(Herb Kubly)。 其中一本名为《原住民的回归》的书讲述了他返回格拉斯州的经历。我父亲告诉我,20 世纪的格拉纳斯人对赫伯的描述并不满意。
My father was born in New Glarus, Wisconsin, "America's Little Switzerland", according to the town's slogan. New Glarus was founded in 1843 with 150 emigrants from Canton Glarus. They were joined by more former Glarners over time, and the town retained its heritage (continuing to publish a version in Swiss German until about 1970).
My dad's generation was the first New Glarus generation the majority of whom left New Glarus for more urban parts of the US (nothing particular about New Glarus, that was the national trend). My family returned often to New Glarus to visit our grandparents, and we all have fond memories of it -- and the curious Glarner accent my grandparents still used. It was as if it were frozen in amber.
Now, sixty years later, you will find little genuine Glarner heritage remaining in New Glarus, which saddens me, despite resigning myself to the change.
New Glarus did produce at least one published author (and playwright) Herb Kubly. One book, Native's Return, was about his experiences returning to Canton Glarus. My father told me the 20th century Glarners weren't pleased with Herb's depiction.

Lieber Tom
Danke für Ihren Beitrag und den interessanten Einblick.

我住在俄亥俄州霍姆斯县。 我的父亲阿尔弗雷德-古吉斯贝格在 20 世纪 40 年代从瑞士里芬马特/古吉斯贝格移民过来。 他是一位奶酪制作大师。 20 世纪早期和中期,许多瑞士奶酪制造商移民到这个地区。 曾几何时,方圆 25 英里内有多达 50 家小型奶酪屋。 多年后,这些工厂大多关闭或合并,俄亥俄州只剩下 5 家工厂,全部仍由瑞士家族经营。 俄亥俄州是美国最大的瑞士(艾门塔勒)奶酪生产地。 我仍然继承着其中两家工厂的传统。 我的所有子女都保留着瑞士国籍。 大多数原始移民已经去世,但这里仍然保留着浓厚的瑞士文化。 Sugarcreek 镇的建筑以瑞士为主题,每年都会举办瑞士节。 许多瑞士后裔穿着传统的瑞士服装。 此外,还有 Schwingfest、Yodeling Constest、Alphorns 和许多其他传统活动。 事实上,这里也是世界上最大的阿米什人聚居地,他们大多来自瑞士的伯尔尼。
I live in Holmes county Ohio. My father Alfred Guggisberg emigrated from Riffenmatt/Guggisberg Switzerland in the 1940's. He was a master cheesemaker. In the early and mid 20th century many Swiss cheesemakers emigrated to this area. At one time there were as many as 50 small cheese houses in a 25 mile radius. After the years most of these closed or consolidated and only 5 factories remain in Ohio, all still run by Swiss families. Ohio is the largest producer of Swiss (Emmenthaler) in the USA. I still carry on the tradition with two of these factories. All of my children retain their Swiss citizenship. Most of the original immigrants have passed away but there still remains a strong Swiss culture. The town of Sugarcreek keeps a Swiss theme in its buildings and has an annual Swiss festival. Many Swiss descendants wear their traditional Swiss clothes. There is also a Schwingfest, yodeling constest, Alphorns and many other traditions. It is also a fact that this is the largest concentration of Amish in the world, most of whom came from Ct Bern, Switzerland.

Sehr interessant! Hätten Sie Interesse, einmal mit uns über Ihre Geschichte zu sprechen?

是的,我有兴趣与您交谈。 如果您能使用我的电子邮件地址,我会方便很多,因为我在回到这个网站时遇到了很多困难。
yes i would be interested to talk with you. It would be much easier for me if you would use my email address as i have had a tough time navigating back to this site
Thank you

好的:请通过 melanie.eichenberger@swissinfo.ch 与我联系,很遗憾我无法访问您的电子邮件地址。非常感谢。
Alles klar: Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich doch auf melanie.eichenberger@swissinfo.ch, da ich leider keinen Zugriff auf Ihre E-Mailadresse habe. Vielen Dank.

我现在住在美国北卡罗来纳州。 上世纪 80 年代初,我在日内瓦一家国际组织工作和生活。 我结识了瑞士朋友,他们就像我的家人一样。 我每年至少回瑞士一次,看望他们,并到这个神奇的国家旅游。 我的瑞士朋友也多次来到美国。
I live now in North Carolina, USA. In the early 1980's, I lived and worked in Geneva for an international organization. I met Swiss friends who have become like family. I return to Switzerland at least once a year to visit them and travel around this amazing country. My Swiss friends have come to America a number of times, too.

我们喜欢去 Ch,但不能在那里生活
差异万岁 😘
I live in South Africa
Married to a Swiss lady
We love visiting Ch but could not live there
My wife’s words
Visit CH every year
Viva La difference 😘

CEIS - Centro educative italo-svizzero di Rimini。
由玛吉特-佐贝里(Margit Zöbeli)创建于 1946 年。
关于 CEIS 及其创始人 Margit Zöbeli 的整个有趣的历史可在以下网址找到...Istituto Italiano di Cultura Zurigo....
Das CEIS - Centro educative italo-svizzero die Rimini.
1946 gegründet von Margit Zöbeli.
Die gesamte, sehr interessante Geschichte des Zeis und deren Gründerin Margit Zöbeli kann man bei ... Istituto Italiano di Cultura Zurigo... nachlesen.

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