阅读文章 瑞士人也有“养老焦虑症”:退休即贫穷?

(摩洛哥) 由于国王陛下, 我国采取了一项明智的战略, 例如支持协会和创造就业机会.但是所有这些成就都毫无用处。为什么
有许多协会,但尽管国内外都有金融家,但它们并未运作。援助无法送到应得者手中。贫困就是这样普遍存在的,犯罪比比皆是... 等等。
(المغرب)بلدي اتخذ استراتيجية حكيمة كدعم جمعيات وخلق فرص للشغل بفضل صاحب الجلالة ملك البلاد .لكن كل هذه الإنجازات لم تعط نفعا . لماذا ؟
الإدارات فاسدة ، التسيير الإقتصادي بأيدي ليست آمنة . . ولا توجد نزاهة في المسؤولية . ميزانية البرامج الحكومية تتبخر . من يحاسب هؤلاء ؟ الله .
أنا شخصيا أعاني من مرض مزمن و أسكن بالإيجار وعندي ثلاثة أطفال . ارسلت شكواي إلى جمعيات كثيرة . للأسف بدون جواب.
الجمعيات كثيرة ولكن لا تعمل بالرغم من وجود ممولين داخل البلاد وخارجها . المساعدات لا تصل لمستحقيها. هكذا يتفشى الفقر وتكثر الجرائم .....الخ .

في بلدي مصر لا تتخذ الحكومة أي إجراء للحد من ظاهرة الفقر لأنهم ببساطة مشغولون للغاية بسرقة الشعب وإذلاله وسحقه تماماً. حتي تم القضاء على الطبقة الوسطى ومحوها من علي الخريطة الديمغرافية للبلاد. بعد أن أصبحت مقاليد الإقتصاد في أيدي الجيش الذي انتشر في إقتصاد البلاد كالجراد وقضى على الأخضر واليابس.

在政府中,Jair Messias Bolsonaro先生被分享了
近U 100美元的巴西人。
巴西国家石油公司,是世界上最大的石油公司之一。 还有,任何一个专业人员
In South America , Brazil in moment there is one plan for Society. What was idealized
For first Lady Mr.sas Ruth Cardoso wife of Prrsident Mister
Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
Lady Ruth was antropology.
Last passed for transformations.
In Governn President Mister Jair Messias Bolsonaro was shared
Nearly U $100 The brazilians .
Really is litte for one family líder
But , particully In my case for example : Today I have one Life
honourable , I can help my parents .
I believe what the New governn
They goes work and continued
The work of distribution economic. I imagine ,but , only God Lord know The our future
In here In South America , Brazil .
I Will like what In here Brazil The
Old People had one best tratament as be inclued too.
Because , there are many old People vulnerably . I talk for me
Today I have 48 years old .
And tomorrow ?
In here 48 years is very old.
Not Market of work .
Market work only tô youngs .
I dont listen about ,old brazilians.
There is one company of oil
Petrobras .one of major in worlwild. And , any speciallists
Ever remember whats Royaltties
Of oil ?
Certally ,if share The fortune Will
Help The brazilians .

no Brasil o governo esta promovendo pobreza futura com a ideia de transformar o Brasil em um pais comunista!
esta causando um desconforto muito grande na industria e na agrilcultura, o pais passa por um abalo economico onde empresas gigantes estao abrindo falencia, o reflexo disso e o desemprego e sussecivamente o caos.
Por ser de um partido de esquerda esta desfazendo todas as leis que o antigo governo fez de bom para promover o progresso e acencao economica elevando pib do pais e assim elevando nivel de vida da populaçao!

在玻利维亚,国家向所有60岁以上的玻利维亚人支付所谓的Renta Dignidad(尊严收入),包括300比索(约43美元),如果该人也有退休收入,350比索(约50美元),按月支付,外加圣诞奖金(圣诞费)。
En Bolivia, el Estado paga la denominada Renta Dignidad, a todas las bolivianas y bolivianos mayores de 60 años, consistente en Bs. 300 (aprox. $us 43) si además la persona cobra renta de jubilación y Bs 350 (aprox. $us 50) si la persona no tiene jubilación, se paga mensualmente más un aguinaldo (dinero por Navidad).
Si bien no es mucho dinero, esta renta realmente ha sacado de la indigencia a muchas personas adultas mayores y a las demás les brinda un dinero que de alguna manera les alivia de sus gastos o finalmente les otorga cierta autonomía económica. En mi criterio es una buena medida, que ya tiene más de 20 años y que paulatinamente se viene consolidando y mejorando en pro de nuestras personas adultas mayores.

公共运营商的转售将人们抛给了私营部门,后者利用其杠杆作用操纵市场,使人们进一步陷入日常的贫困压力中。医学培训的不稳定性,以及国家对职业准入的阻挠和行政上的多动症,使卫生专业人员偏离了 "治疗的艺术",而偏向于一种数字行为,将个人重塑为可计算的人,从而将所有看不见的残疾和丰富的神经多样性抛在一边,而这本应是人民的骄傲,而不是他们的耻辱,正如比利时目前的情况一样
En Belgique, ils taxent le peuple à hauteur de près de 50% pour les indépendants, comme moi. Ensuite, il y a un mécanisme de subsides auquel je n'ai jamais eu le courage de m'intéresser, pour faire bonne façade.
La revente des opérateurs publics, à jeté lele peuple en pâture au privé qui use de son bras de levier pour manipuler les marchés et plonger encore plus les gens dans le stress quotidien de la pauvreté. La précarité de la formation en médecine, ainsi que le blocage de l'accès à la profession et le TDAH adminitratif imposé par l'Etat, détournent les professionnels de la santé de l'Art de Guérir, au profit d'un acte digital reïfiant l'individu en personne calculable, laissant ainsi de côté tous les handicaps invisibles et la riche neurodiversité, qui devrait faire la fierté des peuples, et non leur honte, comme actuellement en Belgique!

在巴西,卢拉总统重新掌权,就像他在2002年至2010年任期内所做的那样,他再次将消除贫困作为优先事项。在他执政的第一天,他就将 "家庭补助金 "的回归制度化,这是一个针对最贫困人口和街头人口的收入计划。最近,他提高了最低工资标准,还免除了工资范围低于两个最低工资标准的人的所得税。
Aqui no Brasil o Presidente Lula está de volta ao poder e assim como fez nos mandatos de 2002 a 2010 está novamente priorizando o combate à pobreza. No primeiro dia de seu governo institucionalizou a volta do Bolsa Família, um programa de renda voltado aos mais pobres e populações de rua. Recentemente aumentou o salário mínimo e também isentou do pagamento de imposto de renda pessoas cuja faixa salarial estivessem abaixo de dois salários mínimos.

关键字是 "预防"。 免费获得良好的教育、激发动力和确保平等工作是预防贫困的主要工具。人们需要帮助自己,不要再为他们所处的困境指责他人。即使在CH,我们也可以通过确保人们不懒惰或在精神上接受免费的钱来防止贫穷。
"What measures is the government in your country taking to prevent poverty?"
The keyword is "prevent". Free access to good education, enabling motivation and ensuring equality to work are the main tools to prevent poverty. People need to help themselves and stop blaming others for the plight they are in. Even in CH, we can prevent poverty by making sure people are not lazy or mentally wired to receive free money.

这并没有什么帮助。我在当地有学士和硕士学位,也有一些实习机会。瑞士就业市场能提供给我的最好的机会是另一个低薪实习或助理的助理(在那里你甚至不需要学士或硕士)。这是个笑话,每个人都在雇用他们认识的人,无论学历如何。一所私立大学未经面试就雇用了他们的前学生,他通过电话接受了这份工作,并在完成所有工作后说,在两个月内他将去军队服役一年,所以他接受这份工作只是为了增加他的整体收益,没有人关心,法律允许公司在15分钟内雇用人员,而 "工作 "在一天后公布,他们仍然接受人员,但有效的职位被占用,所以你将在临时基础上直到他回来,这是一个笑话。在这里,你需要成为某人的儿子才能得到一份正常的工作。高等教育在瑞士毫无意义,我认识的送餐员中,有媒体制作、酒店管理、人力资源等专业的学士,多年来没有一个人能在这里找到体面的工作。
It does not help. I have local bachelor and masters degree and few internship. Best swiss job market could offer me is another low paid internship or assistant of assistant of assistant (where you did not even need bachelor or masters). It is a joke, everybody hires who they know no matter the education. One private uni just hired without interview their ex student who accepted the job by phone and agter all is done said that in 2 months he will go for a year into the army, so he accepted the job only to increase his overall profitability and no one cared, law allows companies to hire people in 15 min without interview while the "job" was published a day later and they still accept people but effectively position is taken so you will be on a temporary bases until he returns which is a joke. You need to be someone's son here to get a normal job. Higher education means nothing in Switzerland, I know food delivery drivers with bachelors in media production, hospitality, hr, none could find any decent job here in years.

首先:供应和需求的法律。目前的土地法规定,除非政治家允许,否则你不能在任何地方建设。土地的自由化是在你不能建造的地方(而其他地方你可以,没有问题)。这就是区别。在一次关于 "当你了解经济时,它就会起作用 "一书的采访中,作者谈到了这样一个事实:必须通过有效的分权来控制腐败,公共行政部门必须对其资产和账户进行整理和消毒,消除重复的东西......而作为金字塔骗局的养老金必须消失,使其逐渐过渡到对精心制作的股市证券的长期个人投资,并转化为后人可以继承的红利财富。
Primero de todo: ley de oferta y demanda. La ley actual del suelo es que NO se PUEDE construir en ningún sitio A NO SER que te dejen los políticos. La liberalización del suelo es DÓNDE no se puede construir (y en los demás sitios SÍ, sin problemas). Esa es la DIFERENCIA. En una entrevista sobre el libro "La economía funcionará cuando tú la entiendas", su autor habla de que a la CORRUPCIÓN hay que controlarla con separación de poderes efectiva y la Administración pública debe ORDENAR y SANEAR sus bienes y sus cuentas, eliminando duplicidades... y las pensiones como estafa piramidal deben desaparecer haciendo que vayan transicionando poco a poco a inversiones individuales a largo plazo en valores de Bolsa bien hechas para transformarse en un patrimonio de dividendos que puedan heredar los descendientes.

如果教育是解决方案,你如何解释在西班牙和意大利的大流行病之前,许多年轻的大学毕业生失业,没有收入,而 "没有受过教育的 "手工业者却有收入?
Wenn Bildung die Lösung wäre, wie erklärt es sich dass vor den Pandemie in Spanien und Italien viele junden Uni-Absolventen arbeitslos waren und kein Einkommen hatten während "ungebildete" Handwerker ein Einkommen hatten?

没有什么实质性的东西。政客们只是假装关心并做一些事情,但最终贫穷是一个战略性的政治决定。它不是关于慈善或提供的帮助。它是关于教育和使每个公民有能力获得财务自由。而大多数政府并不希望如此。 贫困对于那些喜欢金钱和控制的人来说是很方便的。穷人是脆弱的、绝望的和可剥削的。可悲的世界。瑞士的制度是一个非常特别的模式,真正为公民的利益而工作。我担心的是,随着全球主义和如此多的外国势力进入该国,会造成同样的影响和不平等,就像在其他腐败的国家一样。我希望瑞士人显示出这种力量,站出来捍卫自己的文化和价值观。
Nothing substantial. Politicians only pretend to care and do something about it but in the end poverty is a strategic political decision. It is not about charity or help provided. It is about education and enabling every citizen with the ability to gain financial freedom. And most governments do not want that. Poverty is convenient for those who like money and control. Poor people are vulnerable, desperate and exploitable. Sad world. Switzerland system is and exceptionally special model that genuinely works in the interest of the citizens. What worries me is that with Globalism and so many foreigner forces getting their noses into the country is causing the same effect and inequalities like in the rest of the corrupted countries. I hope the Swiss show that strength and stand up in defense of its culture and values.

We don't even know how much money our politicians recueve from big companies for lobbying here.... so I think we are pritty corrupt just no one questions it. I don't trust politicians who don't disclose who is financing them, like who finances Berset? How can a politicians afford to fly private jets during economic and ecological crisis?

مهما كان الوضع سيئا في سويسرا فهو لن يكون بمثل سوء حالتنا هنا حيث لا دولة و لا حكومة و لا حتى سلطات محلية تقدم خدمات عامة للمواطنين، الجميع هنا يعلم أن المال يحل كل المشاكل، إذا لم تمتلك المال فأنت شخص ميت.

In Canada the poor can get MAID ( and anyone with often solvable problems ) , MAID is like Exit, the choice to die. Army veterans have been offered the choice to die instead of needed help. We have more and more people living on the street, psychiatric clinics have been closed, people fall into addiction to treat their problems. We have a welfare system and disability pensions and food banks .
It’s hard to find politicians and leaders with integrity all over the world. They usually only look out for themselves instead of serving the people they were elected to serve ! I love the fact that in Switzerland referendums give the people a voice !
This world will always have inequalities, human nature is selfish and often greedy.

新的资格标准仅仅基于 "精神疾病",这有点令人震惊......听起来好像如果你有精神疾病并想自杀,而不是帮助你的病情,我们将帮助我们摆脱你和你的精神负担。那些患有双相情感障碍的人,在抑郁状态下,他们可能想要MAID,而在他们的精神病时期,他们想要生活和拥抱生命。他们无法控制这种决定。这就是一个人精神有问题的原因。我觉得这很有争议,令人不安。
It is little alarming the new eligibility criteria based solely on “mental illness”… It sounds like if you are mentally ill and want to suicide, instead of helping YOU with your condition we will help US get rid of you and your mental burden. Those with bipolar disorders, in depressive state they may want MAID and in their psychotic periods they want to live and embrace life. They are not in control of such decisions. That is what makes someone mentally ill. I find this very controversial and disturbing.


在加拿大,他们真的会给穷人(包括那些没有用处暴露自己的生命和杀害他人的退伍军人)提供协助自杀的机会吗 ?????? REALLY ?????
¿En serio en Canadá OFRECEN a gente pobre (y entre ellos veteranos de guerra que no les sirvió para nada exponer su vida y matar a otras personas) suicidarse de manera asistida????? ¿EN SERIO????

在我国,以 “社会福利工资” 的名义向穷人支付补助金。
في بلدي يتمّ صرف رواتب إعانات للفقراء تحت مسمى "رواتب الرعاية الاجتماعية".

Armut & Krieg basiert weltweit auf Ungerechtigkeit in Staaten & Wirtschaft.
Reformen werden über Generationen verhindert zugunsten der Profiteure !
Diese Fehlentwicklung kultivieren auch alle Demokratien durch Diskriminierung und
politische Korruption eigener Interessen & Lobby.
Friedvolle nachhaltige Welt = Lösung der ökologischen & sozialen Probleme
durch viel mehr Solidarität mit ALLEM Leben im Elend !

En la Argentina, mi país de nacimiento, los politicos solo piensan a estar adelante de una cámara de televisión y a enriquecerse ilegalmente. Cuando son ricos, solo piensan en permanecer en el poder todo lo posible para tener fueros y no terminar en prisión. Solo corrupción y mediocridad.

GDP是一个被挤压的措施,GDP不是实体经济。经济,在现实中,是幻觉和希望的繁荣,幻觉和希望的未来.... 目前的土地法规定,除非政治家允许,否则你不能在任何地方建设。土地自由化是在你不能建造的地方(而在其他地方你可以,没有问题)。这就是区别。还有更多。这是一个关于 "当你了解经济学时,它就会发挥作用 "的采访。这个人以压倒性的逻辑说话,他说,必须通过有效的分权来控制腐败,公共管理部门必须对其财产和账户进行整理和消毒,消除重复的东西......作为金字塔计划的养老金必须消失,逐步转向个人投资于精心制作的股市证券,成为子孙可以继承的股息遗产。
PIB es una medida exprimida y PIB NO es economía real. Economía, en realidad, es ilusión y esperanza de prosperar, ilusión y esperanza ante el futuro.. La ley de tierras actual es que NO PUEDES construir en ningún lado A MENOS QUE los políticos te lo permitan. La liberalización del suelo es DÓNDE no se puede construir (y en los demás SÍ, sin problemas). Esa es la diferencia. Y más cosas. Es una entrevista sobre "La economía funcionará cuando la entiendas". Este hombre, que habla con una lógica abrumadora, dice que la CORRUPCIÓN debe ser controlada con una efectiva separación de poderes y la Administración Pública debe ORDENAR y SANEAR su patrimonio y cuentas, eliminando duplicidades… y las pensiones como esquema piramidal deben desaparecer haciendo eso gradualmente pasan a inversiones individuales en valores bursátiles bien hechos para convertirse en un patrimonio de dividendos que los descendientes pueden heredar.

أنا لاجىء منذ 46 عاما دون وطن أو جنسية والآن أولادي أيضا لاجئون دون وطن أو جنسية أو أمان أو مستقبل. لقد راسلتُ جميع أفرع المنظمات التابعة لكاريتاس ولكن كلهم لا يستطيعون مُساعدتي. هل يُعقل أن كل العالم لا يستطيع مساعدة عائلة واحدة لاجئة في لبنان؟ هل هذا الشيء طبيعي؟ أرجو الإجابة عن تعليقي هذا.

富人、政治、联合国等都和你的情况一样糟糕--上帝拯救穷人。 ADRIAN
Help yourself for the best as you can, keep strong and hopeful !
The rich, politics, UN etc. are as bad as your situation - god save the poor. ADRIAN

2. 每个人都有免费的银行账户。政府的任何转账计划都没有中间商参与。政府正在转向数字支付(免费)。
5. 一些州提供的电力补贴
6. 以圆筒的形式提供食物烹饪援助。
7. 在工作和教育机构中为经济弱势阶层保留名额。
In India I can say following was done. It still may not be enough considering size of the country . But it goes in the right direction
1. In Covid 800 million people were given basic food . Still continues
2. free bank account for everyone. No middlemen involved in any transfer scheme from govt. govt moving to digital payments ( free)
3. housing for all- removal of slums and graduallly shifting them to proper buildings
4. toilet for all- people given aid to make toilet at home. Especially women need it on highest prio
5. electricity subsidies provided by some states
6. food cooking aid provided in form of log cylinders
7. reservation in jobs and educational institute for economic weaker section
Taxing rich would not be meaningful. If someone needs a liver you dont snatch it from others.
Enabling people to the next level is the need that can be provided by meaninful skills development and providing assistance if possible.
Poverty also needs to be seen for families who lost their sole bread earners and are unable to support. Society must come forward for these.
I dont trust any middlemen or NGOs (most) to do any meaningful upliftment . There are funds but leakage is huge that needs to be addressed

Tassare di più i ricchi è giusto in un paese relativamente povero come l'India: qui il fegato da togliere ad altri è un esempio che non ci sta assolutamente!

在我看来,生孩子是一件非常严肃的事情,在为孩子和家庭的生活制定预算计划时,家庭应该事先考虑到父母一方的死亡等可能性。一个女人也可以把孩子送进学校或幼儿园,并充分就业以弥补损失。我知道在欧洲有许多单身母亲的家庭,她们从未碰过征税的钱。生孩子是个人的决定,我觉得把钱给庞大的家庭是非常不舒服的,因为他们都不能工作,也没有受过教育,不能很好地就业。地球人口过剩,自然选择是不可避免的,在生孩子之前做好预算计划,就没有必要认为这些妇女是 "穷人"。此外,现在每个人都有人寿保险,所以在母亲重新开始工作的时候,这也可以弥补家庭主要收入来源的损失。
In my opinion having a child is a very serious matter and possibilities like death of one of the parents should be considered by the family in advance, when creating a budget plan for the life of a child and family. A woman can also put children to school or kindergarden and get fully employed to cover up for the lose. I know many families in Europe of single mothers who never touched the taxed money. Having a child is a personal decision and I feel very uncomfortable to give money to huge family because none of them can work or have education to be well employed. Planet is overpopulated and natural selection is inevitable, good budget planing before having a child and there would be no need to consider such women "poor". Also everyone now days have a life insurance so again that will cover the lose of main income source for the family while mother is getting back to work

Why education is on the bottom of the list? Sustaining people like animals is contrproductive. Education should go hand in hand with nutrition otherwise there is no point

A pobreza no Brasil diminuirá, os indicadores nos próximos anos demonstrarão.
São 32 milhões de absolutamente pobres.
Na atualidade programas focam- se na inclusão de moradores de situação de rua.
Mas também na geração de renda e emprego, no desenvolvimento de políticas públicas ambientais, incluindo ( saúde, educação, moradia). O combate à fome impõe uma compreensão abrangente a respeito de direitos sociais, que devem caminhar com os pilares da capacitação cada vez maior para o desenvolvimento humano.

Depuis 9 ans ici au Paraguay. Le gouvernement ne se préocupe que très peu pour lutter contre la pauvreté. La corruption est omniprésente; le trafic international de drogue (Bolivie->Paraguay->Europe) augmente rapidement et rapporte de gros gains aux personnes impliquées - inclus certains politicien... Conséquence: augmentation de la criminalité, mécontentement envers les dirigents du pays.
Salutations de Encarnación

I'll try posting a comment again...For quite some time we heard a lot about workers cooperatives - how they became the owners of small enterprises and shared the profits and the losses. I think governments should encourage this - the profits staying within the company instead of going to unknown share holders and Stock Market.