Expertise: data analysis, politics, society, factchecking. Initials: jg
Studied political science and film studies at the University of Zurich, where he discovered his passion for data analysis and international movies. He joined SWI in 2020 to work on data driven stories and visualisations.
How welcoming is Switzerland for refugees?
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Besides geography, politics and the solidarity of the population play a decisive role in determining which countries people flee to.
Swiss property market faces bleak future despite record values
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The Covid-19 pandemic has failed to rattle the Swiss property market. But the war in Ukraine and rising interest rates could turn the tide.
Why voting in Switzerland is difficult for the visually impaired
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People who are visually impaired can vote in Switzerland, but they need help from another person, which compromises the secrecy of the ballot.
Global corporate tax deal reshapes how Switzerland attracts multinationals
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The global corporate tax deal endorsed by the G20 won’t end tax competition but it will look different. This plays to Switzerland’s advantages.
Islam and Islamophobia, and how democracies have responded
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Since 9/11, popular votes have increasingly been aimed against Islam, replacing the anti-Semitic and anti-communist slogans of the past.
Coronavirus: Wealthy Switzerland is suffering from vaccine fatigue
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Enough doses, but fewer people willing to get vaccinated – many rich countries like Switzerland are seeing a stagnation in vaccination rates.
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Around 30,000 Swiss men, women and children wave goodbye to Switzerland every year. But who are they, and where do they go?
Why can’t voting papers be sent to the Swiss Abroad earlier?
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A quarter of Swiss citizens who live abroad struggle to return their voting papers in time. Unfortunately the obvious solutions are also illegal.
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Not linked to any legally binding commitments, petitions seem to have a paper tiger reputation. So why are people submitting and signing them?
Switzerland ticks differently with social media laws
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Fake news, conspiracy theories, censorship: the reputation of social media seems at an all-time low. Can it ever be a boon for democracy again?
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Fifty years after getting the right to vote, women are better represented in the Swiss parliament than ever. But this is deceptive.
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Even in the age of digitalisation, the traditional political poster is still an important part of every referendum campaign.
Switzerland closer to accessing EU research money, but questions remain
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Access to Horizon Europe – the world’s biggest scientific funding initiative - is key for non-EU members like Switzerland and the UK.
What can Switzerland learn from your country of residence when it comes to organ donation?
Switzerland has decided in a referendum to change the organ donation law from from explicit to presumed consent. How is organ donation regulated in your country of residence?
As a Swiss Abroad, how do you feel about the emergence of more conservative family policies in some US states?
In recent years several US states have adopted more conservative policies on family issues, abortion and education. As a Swiss citizen living there, how do you view this development?