I lead the Spanish-language team at SWI swissinfo.ch, which involves ensuring the quality of our publications and making them understandable for Spanish-speaking people from more than 20 countries. I'm also part of a team of journalists specialising in foreign affairs. Explaining current events and its relations with Switzerland is an essential part of my task.
Senior journalist with over 30 years of experience in investigative journalism, broadcasting, multimedia content production and social media distribution.
Trump’s trade war pushes Europe and Switzerland closer to Mercosur
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The European Free Trade Association (EFTA), led by Switzerland, is following the EU’s lead by pushing ahead on a free trade deal with Mercosur states.
Switzerland continues to support peace in Colombia, despite recent violence
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With National Liberation Army (ELN) rebels once again resorting to violence, peace in Colombia is under threat. Switzerland, meanwhile, continues to support implementation of the 2016 peace agreement.
Switzerland, a channel between Latin American countries at loggerheads
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Bern is representing Ecuador's interests in Venezuela and in Mexico, as well as being Mexico's protecting power in Ecuador.
Calls for DRC to benefit from $150m Glencore corruption damages
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A $150 million Swiss compensation order against Glencore for corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo leads to repatriation claims.
Sperisen case in Switzerland a ‘legacy of the dirty war in Guatemala’
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The trial of the former Guatemalan police chief Erwin Sperisen has been going on for ten years. The Swiss-Guatemalan dual citizen is now on trial in Geneva for the fourth time. An explainer.
Switzerland lands in middle of dispute between Mexico and Ecuador
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Switzerland has assumed the role of protecting power for Mexico in Ecuador and vice versa, with relations between the two countries at a historic low. Can Swiss diplomacy improve the situation?
Press freedom under attack: our journalists bear witness
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To mark World Press Freedom Day, SWI swissinfo.ch’s international journalists talk about the obstacles they have faced in their reporting.
‘Hope never dies’: Swiss help Mexicans tackle enforced disappearances
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Switzerland is offering training in forensics to Mexican officials involved in searching for, and identifying, victims of enforced disappearances.
One mother’s anguished search for the disappeared in Mexico (video)
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As Swiss forensic experts help Mexican officials tackle enforced disappearances, SWI swissinfo.ch meets one mother searching for her two missing sons.
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In London, Annecy, Berlin, Trento and Mexico City, we asked Swiss citizens living there what they expect from Swiss politicians in this election year.
‘I want more people with disabilities represented in politics’
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Swiss student Irene Stüssi is one of the 44 people taking part in the first special parliamentary session for people with disabilities in Switzerland.
Switzerland’s first blind politician on his career and direct democracy
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Manuele Bertoli is the only visually impaired member of a cantonal government in Switzerland. How did he manage to become so successful?
Collecting signatures for diversity and against transphobia in Mexico
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Alba Rojas launched a citizens’ initiative calling for the creation of a “Diversity Square” in Guadalajara’s Parque Revolución.
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The Swiss government strongly condemned Russian aggression in Ukraine. Demonstrators also called for an immediate end of military intervention.
Is reforming the Swiss pension system still possible, and if so, how?
Solutions still need to be found to meet the challenge of an ageing population and to improve the pensions of low-paid workers, the majority of whom are women.
Is your place of origin, your Heimatort, important to you?
Every Swiss citizen has a Heimatort, a place of origin, but many have never visited theirs. What’s your relationship with your Heimatort? What does it mean to you?