Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

How could Switzerland freeze Russian assets?

Hosted by: Matthew Allen

As the world’s largest offshore wealth manager, Switzerland has come under close scrutiny as it enforces European Union sanctions on Russian individuals and entities.

Could Switzerland do better than the current haul of CHF6.3 billion plus 11 properties in frozen assets? The Swiss government says it’s serious about enforcing EU sanctions and is doing all it can to track oligarch assets.

Parliamentarians, NGOs and even some members of the financial sector point to legal loopholes that allow wealthy people to effectively hide their assets.

Do you think Switzerland is acting as a responsible global citizen or that some legal reforms are due?

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The following contribution has been automatically translated from RU.

With the European Union forcing the confiscation of Russian assets, is the U.S. pursuing two goals?

1. To take the debts of the world's countries out of the euro and convert them into US dollars.
At present, the world is undergoing a serious dedollarization, while the dollar as a fiat currency needs an ever-growing number of countries investing in government debt (which increases every quarter by a trillion).
The US is demanding confiscation from Europe, while it has already quietly returned 100 billion dollars to Russia. And Russia, by the way, has even managed to increase investments in U.S. government debt by another 70 million in 2023.

2. To test the possibility of future zeroing of the U.S. debt from those countries that the U.S. considers enemies (non-democracies, autocracies, terrorists, etc.).
The US is well aware that 34 trillion will never be repaid - it's too much money. That debt is a Ponzi scheme. Writing them off is the job of the US Treasury.

And if the Euro-bureaucrats of the Swiss bureaucrats have any sense left - they are not all Euro-Atlantists - they will not confiscate.

С понуждением Евросоюза конфискации российских активов США преследует две цели?

1. Вывести долги стран мира из евро и перевести их в доллары США.
В настоящее время в мире происходит серьезная дедолларизация, в то время как доллар в качестве фиатной валюты нуждается в постоянно растущем количестве стран, вкладывающихся в госдолг (который увеличивается каждый квартал на триллион).
США требуют от Европы конфискации, а сами уже тихо вернули 100 млрд долларов России. И Россия кстати, успела даже нарастить вложения в госдолг США еще на 70 миллионов в 2023.

2. Протестировать возможность будущего обнуления американского долгов от тех стран, которые США посчитают врагами (недемократии, автократии, террористы и т.д.).
США прекрасно понимают, что 34 триллиона никогда не вернуть - слишком большие это деньги. Этот долг - схема Понци. Списание их - вот задача казначейства США.

И если у евробюрократов швейцарских бюрократов осталась хоть капля благоразумия - не все же они евроатлантисты - они не будут конфисковывать.


Reply to Crystal: Who appointed the US to police the world? What business is it of the US what type of government any country has? Look at what goes on in the US today and ask yourself if this is the nation that sets the proper examples? The US is not interested in neither 'democracy' nor 'human rights'...the only interest is how to exploit nations, especially those rich in natural resources. Too bad so many don't see this and prefer to keep their blinders on.


Reply to Abraham Blum: Only 15 years out of the entirety of the 244 years the United States has been in existence have been peaceful. Only 15 years without conflict. (this information from Wikipedia). The US wants to be the 'world leader', the hegemon at any price. Well, it isn't going to work...countries are starting to wake up and the so-called 'multipolar' world is emerging. Why should 4% of world population (the US) dominate the other 96%??? A very bitter pill for the US to swallow, but swallow it must and will.


The wars the US has had were in despotic, authoritarian dictatorships: Vietgong, Potpol, weapons of mass destruction/Iraq, etc.
The liberated countries have gone on to become thriving democracies: Japan etc.
Democracy may not be perfect but governments do change under the pressure of the citizens that elected them: the citizens who drive their government: Iran is an example.
Russian Clepotocracy has meant that the people`s money has been funnelled into the wealth of politicians rather than into roads, education etc.
Putin using Wagner in Africa to oversea gold extraction at a cheap price is part of your 96%. So is forced labour in China.

jeannette zoller carboncini
jeannette zoller carboncini
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

I don't understand why he should freeze them,
I don't think the citizen as an individual is at fault

Non capisco perché dovrebbe congelarli,
non credo che il cittadino come singolo abbia delle colpe

@jeannette zoller carboncini

Same reply was used to justify nazi brutality.
It says that the Nazi that assisted Hitler are not to blame.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

I think a state should be free not following other states
I explain we don't know who is right or wrong and no state should judge another so no embargoes, wars
America recent words of Biden wants to hegemonize in fact he said USA as back
So each state must think for itself otherwise it causes fractures and wars
We don't need to be commanded but openings to diplomatic relations
Therefore I think Switzerland must continue to give freedom if a state implements business in its state and vice versa
I can understand if Russia maneuvers In the US but Switzerland must remain neutral to this diatribe.
Let's not create dependencies. The protests of a state should be left to: if Live and let live do not enter into the internal discussion of a state otherwise we create large scale phenomena as is happening in Iran, Ukraine etc. We have seen what happened in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan. Not much has changed

Penso che uno stato deve stare libero non seguendo altri stati
Mi spiego non sappiamo chi ha ragione o torto e nessun stato deve giudicare un altro quindi non embarghi, guerre
L’America parole recenti di Biden vuole egemonizzare infatti ha detto USA come back
Quindi ogni stato deve pensare a se stesso altrimenti si causano fratture e guerre
Non abbiamo bisogno di essere comandati ma aperture a relazioni diplomatiche
Pertanto penso che la Svizzera deve continuare a dare libertà se uno stato attua affari nel suo stato e viceversa
Posso capire se la Russia fa manovre In USA ma la Svizzera deve rimanere neutrale a questa diatriba.
Non creiamo dipendenze. Le proteste di uno stato vanno lasciate a: se Vivi e lascia vivere non entrare nella discussione interna di uno stato altrimenti si creano fenomeni su larga scala come sta avvenendo in Iran, Ucraina ecc. Abbiamo visto cosa è successo in Libia, Iraq, Afghanistan. Non è cambiato molto


RE "your "Live and let live"
If the allies had not intervened in the last war Hitler would have subjugated the whole of Europe into a German state obliterating everyone else and then invaded and devastated Africa.
The alternative to "live and let live" is principled politics. Do you know what that means and the implications at the national and international level ????
It is what underpins democracies. Read and inform yourself, understand the implications for every citizen including you and me.

Thomas Fischer Iseli
Thomas Fischer Iseli
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Our neutrality must be preserved at all costs. In this conflict, there is far too much talk about arms deliveries and too little about negotiations. Much more leverage should be used to force Putin and Zelensky to negotiate, but no money is being made. Biden seeks unity so that the business of arms deliveries, oil and gas can go on for a long time. The relevant stock market prices speak a convincing word on this. The fact that he and his colleagues from the European Parliament are thus putting the world at risk of a far-reaching war does not seem to concern them any further.
We have made many sacrifices to defend our armed neutrality and this should remain so, even if we have to give up some of our prosperity to do so.

Unsere Neutralität muss unbedingt erhalten bleiben. In diesem Konflikt wird viel zuviel über Waffenlieferungen und zu wenig über Verhandlungen geredet. Es sollten viel mehr Druckmittel eingesetzt werden um Putin und Zelensky zu Verhandlungen zu zwingen, aber damit wird keine Kohle gemacht. Biden sucht Einigkeit damit das Geschäft mit Waffenlieferungen, Erdöl und Gas noch lange weitergehen kann. Die betreffenden Börsenkurse sprechen ein überzeugendes Wort dazu. Dass er und seine Kollegen vom Europäischen Parlament damit die Welt in Gefahr eines weit umgreifenden Krieges aussetzt, scheint sie nicht weiter zu befangen.
Wir haben viele Opfer auf uns genommen um unsere bewaffnete Neutralität zu verteidigen und dies sollte auch so bleiben, auch wenn wir dazu etwas von unserem Wohlstand abgeben müssen.

@Thomas Fischer Iseli

The solution is not force but negotiation and this taking an overarch approach.
One solution would be for Putin to withdraw his troops from the whole of Ukraine, which is what every country would want if Putin had invaded it. Including Switzerland.
Ukrainian Crimea becomes neutral. Putin removes his nuclear arsenal from Konisberg/Kaliningrad which goes back to Germany where it belongs and it becomes neutral.
Land grabbing is Russian history.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

I am appalled to see again and again how most people are too one-sided (blind...) to always point to the same man as the cause of the war and dismiss him as a criminal. As a Swiss and European living in Africa, I am ashamed that so many lies and factual distortions have been served up for so long that too many people accept these versions blindly and comfortably. Please go honestly and impartially into the history a little bit back and note you 'times also different versions the objectively and
factually supported as well as well founded, also from there resident Europeans it also professionally as factually testified

Ich bin darüber entsetzt immer wieder feststellen zu müssen, wie die meisten zu einseitig (blind...) immer nur denselben Mann als Ursache des Krieges anzeigen und als Kriminell abtun. Als Schweizerin und Europäerin die in Afrika lebt, schäme ich mich darüber, dass soviel Lügen und Faktverstellungen solange serviert wurden, dass zuviele Menschen diese Versionen so gut wie blind und bequem annehmen. Geht doch bitte ehrlich und unparteiisch in die Geschichte ein bisschen zurück und merkt euch 'mal auch andere Versionen die objektiv und
sachlich untermauert sowie gut begründet werden, ebenso von dort ansässigen Europäer die es auch fachlich wie faktisch bezeugt

Max Federico Ibbetson
Max Federico Ibbetson
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.



The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

No one, but really no one has the right to enter each other's country and kill people, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. NEVER.

Niemand, aber auch wirklich niemand hat das Recht ineinander Land einzulaufen und Menschen umzubringen, EGAL WAS PASSIERT IST. NIEMALS.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

There is not much Switzerland can do here.
As soon as you take away someone's last shirt or the roof over their head, you violate Art. 17 of the UN Human Rights.

Viel kann hier die Schweiz wohl nicht tun.
Sobald man jemandem das letzte Hemd oder das Dach über dem Kopf weg nimmt verstösst man gegen Art. 17 der UNO-Menschenrechte.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Switzerland can do something about the UN human rights ART. 17 not to violate. Switzerland is a right state and we must do everything to remain so. We must never forget what Germany did in 1940 with this abuse. The injustice and the enormous violation of human rights at that time has made many of us feel guilty for years, even if we were not German citizens. Intentionally from all this we would lose all confidence because as soon as such laws are disregarded one can also find enough reasons to punish finally the own citizens with it. This is a dangerous way.

Die Schweiz kann etwas dagegen tun den UNO Menschenrechte ART. 17 nicht verletzen. Die Schweiz ist ein rechts Staat und wir müssen alles tun um es zu bleiben. Wir dürfen nie vergessen was Deutschland in den 1940 mit diesem missbrauch angerichtet hat. Die damalige Ungerechtigkeit und enorme Menschen recht Verletzung hat viele von uns über Jahre hinaus verflogt haben, auch wenn man nicht Deutscher Staatsangehöriger war. Absichtlich von all dem würde wir Sämtliches vertrauen verlieren denn so bald solche Gesetze missachtet werden kann man auch genug gründe finden, schlussendlich die eigenen Bürger damit zu bestrafen. Das ist ein gefährliche weg.

Alois Amrein
Alois Amrein
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Swiss neutrality in its current form is counterproductive and dangerous because it makes Switzerland an involuntary accomplice of the Russian fascists. If Switzerland does not supply weapons to Ukraine, it will be complicit in the deaths of Ukrainian civilians and soldiers.

Die Schweizer Neutralität in der heutigen Form ist kontraproduktiv und gefährlich, weil die Schweiz damit zum unfreiwlligen Komplizen der russischen Faschisten wird. Wenn die Schweiz keine Waffen an die Ukraine liefert, macht sie sich mitschuldig am Tod von ukrainischen Zivilisten und Soldaten.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.
@Alois Amrein

Since when do you save lives with more weapons? When someone tells me that neutrality is dangerous, then you have to wake up. Apart from that, you have to take into account all the backgrounds that led to this war. Angela Merke has helped as she clearly admitted that this Minsk agreement with the Russians at that time only served to gain time for Ukraine to become stronger. Thus, NATO and the Americans have been arming Ukraine since 2014 and training its soldiers to wage war. In other words, the Americans have been planning a war since 2014 and Europe has unfortunately gone along with it. At the same time, Russian-speaking people in Ukraine were allowed to be persecuted for more than 8 years. They were forbidden to speak their language and many thousands were killed. In my opinion, such crimes do not correspond to our values or democratic behavior. The people of Europe are now paying for it through their noses. Our affordable energy was blown up with a terror act and yet no one wants to talk about it. One may not even mention it, that should actually be clear to us that there is something not quite honestly runs. Apart from that, what does Ukraine have to do with our affordable energy? Surely the interests of America are much greater because now we buy expensive fracked gas from America by force. But even worse, we are regularly slaughtering young people in Ukraine for a war that could have been avoided. It is sad that they now find weapons to save lives. Whom should all this serve the Russians lose a large energy market to Europe. It weakens our European economy, our industries have to go to China or America. Our people are getting poorer and can't pay their energy bills. We have an inflation that will make us poorer for years to come. SO YOU HAVE TO ASK YOURSELF WHO DOES THIS WAR SERVE? ?? Because at the end of the day Russia remains our neighbor with America benefiting far across the pond.

Seit wann rettet man leben mit mehr Waffen? Wenn mir jemand sagt dass Neutralität gefährlich ist dann muss man aufwachen. Abgesehen davon muss man all die Hintergründe die zu diesem Krieg geführt haben einbeziehen. Angela Merke hat und dabei geholfen wie sie deutlich gestand, dass diese Minsk agreement mit den Russen damals gemacht hat nur dazu diente um zeit zu gewinnen damit die Ukraine stärker wird. So mit haben die Nato und die Amerikaner die Ukraine seit 2014 bewaffnet und die Soldaten ausgebildet einen krieg zu führen. In anderen Worten planten die Amerikaner einen Krieg seit 2014 und Europa ist leider darauf eingegangen. Zugleich wurde zugelassen dass Russisch sprechende Menschen in der Ukraine über 8 jahre verfolgt wurden. Man hat ihnen verboten ihre sprache zu sprechen und hat viele tausende Umgebracht. Meiner Meinung entsprechen solche verbrechen auch nicht unseren Werten oder Demokratischen verhalten. Dafür zahlen die menschen in europa nun durch ihre Nase. Unser bezahlbare Energie wurde mit einem terror Akt in die Luft gesprengt und doch will keiner darüber sprechen. Man darf es ja schon gar nicht erwähnen, dass sollte uns eigentlich einleuchten, dass da was nicht ganz ehrlich läuft. Abgesehen was hat die Ukraine mit unseren bezahlbarer Energie zu tun? Sicher sind da die Interessen von Amerika viel grösser denn nun kaufen wir durch zwang teures gefracktes gas von Amerika. Aber noch schlimmer wir schlachten regelmässig junge manner in der Ukraine für einen Krieg den man vermeiden konnte. Es ist traurig dass sie nun auch noch finden Waffen retten leben. Wem soll das alles dienen die Russen verlieren einen grossen Energie markt an Europe. Es schwächt unsere Europäische Wirtschaft unser industien müssen nach China oder Amerika. Unsere Menschen werden ärmer und können ihre ENERGIE Rechnungen nicht mehr bezahlen. Wir haben eine inflation die uns jähre hinaus ärmer machen. ALSO MUSS MAN SICH FRAGEN WEM DIENT DIESER KRIEG. ?? Denn am ende des Tages bleibt Russland unser Nachbar wobei Amerika weit über dem Teich profitiert.

@Alois Amrein

This claim can be maid by any country at war. There is war every decade somewhere around the world. If Switzerland send arms every time, there would have been nothing left of it as a country. Switzerland already lost it is negotiation position, now it is Turkey and this is a very huge rep blow for Switzerland. If Switzerland does not metiagte conflicts, what does it do for the world?

Alois Amrein
Alois Amrein

With your answer you make yourself the defender of Russian aggression. And that is unforgivable. In today's geopolitical landscape, how to side with the Russian aggressor? You can only do that if you protect and defend Russia. But every peace-loving person must reject this, because there is no justification for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And my home country of Switzerland must not use the excuse of neutrality to duck international responsibility in this war.

Alois Amrein
Alois Amrein

With your answer you make yourself the defender of Russian aggression. And that is unforgivable. In today's geopolitical landscape, how to side with the Russian aggressor? You can only do that if you protect and defend Russia. But every peace-loving person must reject this, because there is no justification for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And my home country of Switzerland must not use the excuse of neutrality to duck international responsibility in this war.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Switzerland must respect its neutrality, so by doing so it can make a peace table between Russia and Ukraine.
This war is wanted by the U.S. to destabilize Europe.

La Svizzera deve rispettare la sua neutralità, cosi facendo può fare un tavolo di pace tra Russia ed Ucraina.
Questa guerra è voluta dagli USA per destabilizzare l'Europa.

Abraham Blum
Abraham Blum

Sono d'accordo con te in linea di principio che il ruolo storico della Svizzera è quello di essere neutrale e mediare tra le parti invece di sostenere una parte e danneggiare la sua posizione storica di mediatore.

1) L'accusa "questa guerra è voluta dagli USA per destabilizzare l'Europa" non è altro che americanofobia.
2) Quando un paese come la Russia inizia una guerra con lo scopo di eliminare un altro paese, i paesi del mondo libero e soprattutto gli USA e l'Unione Europea *devono* intervenire a favore del paese attaccato.

@Abraham Blum

I refuse to believe U.S. represent peace or democracy or free world as you say. Calling anyone who is against America an americanophobia just means you are a blind fan of what America does. I can not ignore all the horrible massacres U.S. brought to the world with their false freedom speeches when in reality they wanted natural resaurces and total control over that territory, no peace ever was in question and no peace exist in these coutnriws except for Japan. Making the world a better place? Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Cuba, Afganistan etc. etc. etc and all of it in 1 century?! When the nation is only like few centuries old? America is forcing everyone's hand by spending more money on its army when next 10 armies together, not guaranteeing or protecting peace but only for its influence so it can go to Iraq etc etc and other won't say a word. Funny that spending on education decreases every year in U.S. I order why?

Abraham Blum
Abraham Blum

First, I call such a comment "Americanophobic" because it ignores the actions of other powers in a similar position.
Also the irrelevant mention of education expenses in the USA indicates an excessive dislike of the USA and not a response that takes the facts into account.
So is the populist mention of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
(The blood of the residents of Tokyo and other cities bombed by the Americans and their allies is no less red than that of the residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - but an Americanophobic response does not deal with the facts but with populist accusations without checking the facts too much).
Although, despite the fact that power has a tendency to corrupt, relative to any other power in history, Americans have on the whole done far more good than bad.

Second, in all the examples you gave, without exception, these are aggressive and fanatical countries, and most of us would not want to live in a world where they set the tone.


The war started with the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops: Land grabbing.
Putin needed to increase his popularity to ensure he gets re-elected in the 2024 elections. That is why he invaded Ukraine.
Your comment: "This war is wanted by the U.S. to destabilize Europe" demonstrates a lack of knowledge of the objectives underlying democracy, the UN, the UN Office for Disarmament, the UN Security Council, the Non-Nuclear Proliferation Treaty, the Budapest Memorandum.

Renzo Do Rio
Renzo Do Rio
The following contribution has been automatically translated from PT.

is the American PAX /LEX so pure and beautiful and full of good intentions?

I think a lot of people are asking themselves this.

será que a PAX /LEX Americana é tão pura, linda e cheia de boas intenções??

acho que muita gente está se perguntando isso.

marco brenni
marco brenni
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.
@Renzo Do Rio

His underhanded innuendoes are completely out of place! The U.S. "Pax/Lex" is doing more than all other states combined to support - rightly so - Ukraine and beyond. Without such much-needed aid, the Russians could make claims on other former USSR states as well, as Putin aims to do. The West must proceed united against Putin's criminal arrogance. Therefore, the political-ideological defeatists, fortunately few in number, represent only harm, i.e., a threat to us all!

Le sue allusioni subdole sono del tutto fuori posto! La "Pax/Lex" americana sta facendo più di tutti gli altri Stati messi insieme per sostenere - giustamente - l'Ucraina e non solo. Senza tali indispensabili aiuti, i russi potrebbero avanzare pretese anche su altri Stati dell' ex- URSS, come Putin mira a fare. L'Occidente deve proceder unito contro l'arroganza criminale di Putin. Pertanto i disfattisti politico-ideologici, per fortuna pochi, rappresentano solo un danno, cioè una minaccia per tutti noi!

@marco brenni

Putting nuclear heads at the boarders of your ideological enemy is so friendly and peace preserving, my gosh.

@Renzo Do Rio

And then there is the 'Monroe Doctrine'...America for the Americans. What it really means is America for US citizens.

@Renzo Do Rio

If you read Russian history you will understand what Russian Pax means and be in a position to make a choice.

Guido Odoni
Guido Odoni
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Switzerland is a great democracy,has always been neutral,maintaining great international esteem and respect thanks to its way of operating.
Adhering to the EU was a big mistake,political economic and social.

La Svizzera è una grande democrazia, è sempre stata neutrale,mantenendo grazie al suo modo di operare grande stima e rispetto internazionale.
Adeguarsi alla UE è stato un grande errore,politico economico e sociale.

marco brenni
marco brenni
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.
@Guido Odoni

Could one have remained neutral against Hitler? Evidently not! Switzerland is neutral, yes, but it must take a firm stand against war crimes. Indeed, Putin's Russia is committing immense war crimes against defenseless Ukrainian civilians and on a very large scale! What does "military operation" ever mean when they are firing in the heap from a safe distance, especially at civilian targets (!) such as apartment buildings, schools, stores and power plants -- even at nuclear power plants ?!
This hairy pacifism is just hypocritical.

Si sarebbe potuto restare neutrali contro Hitler? Evidentemente no! La Svizzera è sì neutrale, ma deve prendere una posizione decisa contro i crimini di guerra. In effetti la Russia di Putin sta commettendo immani crimini di guerra contro inermi civili ucraini e su vastissima scala! Che significa mai "operazione militare" quando si spara nel mucchio a distanza di sicurezza, soprattutto contro obiettivi civili (!) come palazzi d'abitazione, scuole, negozi e centrali elettriche - persino contro centrali nucleari ?!
Questo pacifismo peloso è solo ipocrita.

Alois Amrein
Alois Amrein
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.
@Guido Odoni

You are absolutely not up to date, Switzerland is not even a member of the EU. Obviously, you have major gaps in your knowledge, politically speaking.

Sie sind absolut nicht auf dem Laufenden, die Schweiz ist gar nicht Mitglied der EU. Offensichtlich haben Sie politisch gesehen grosse Wissenslücken.

@Alois Amrein

The way we obey E.U. is practically as we are part of it.

@marco brenni

Switzerland did remain neutral during WW2, every decade there are going to be a war somewhere, now it is close again. If Switzerland will abandon all it stands for every time there is a conflict we will become just another farm land for EU without any political power.

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@Guido Odoni

Right. If everyone did that it would be better and prosper.
The EU has served no purpose. The U.S. stay in their territory and withdraw American bases the world war ended in '45.

Giusto. Se tutti facessero così sarebbe meglio e si prospererebbe.
La UE non è servita a nulla. Gli USA stiano nel loro territorio e ritirino le basi americane la guerra mondiale è finita nel '45.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from RU.

You have frozen everything, not from the oligarchs, but from ordinary citizens who were saving 300-400 francs from their meager pensions for a "rainy day", and now it has come. I was born in 1947, I'm 75 years old and my savings of only 8,000 francs are insolvent. Bravo, I think the euro commissioners who were members of the CPSU for 18 years and those who worked for the US banking cartels are no less guilty than we are ordinary citizens. Double morality.

Вы итак все заморозили,причем не у олигархов, а у простых граждан,которые по 300-400 франков копили себе с мизерной пенсии на"черный день", а теперь он наступил. Я родилась в 1947 году,мне 75 лет и мои накопления их всего 8 тысяч франков не имеют платежеспособности. Браво, думаю, что еврокомиссары,котрые были членами КПСС в течение 18 лет и те которые работали на банковские картели США не менее виноваты, чем мы простые граждане. Двойная мораль.


I came to Switzerland in 2012, I am married here, studied here, have a job and pay taxes. Postfinance frozen my accounts and no bank is taking me and I can not even go to court because they never give me any official refusal paper. I couldn't recieve my salary for months because of such Russophobia, there are more than 100 million of Russians and only few of fhem are on sanctions lists. This overall attitude is illegal and hateful. I am planing to take my swiss husband and leave to Norway because this is not neutrality one bit when ones account with no explanation or official refusal gets burned. PostFinance is the worst and can go to hell, I wish them bankruptcies.


There are always other reasons when things loose consistency. Thats why CH must remain neutral because now we are part of the conflict. You know what happened with those who got into Iraq’s conflict… It was also a mistake.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

I believe that Switzerland has always acted with moderation and responsibility, it is not the policeman of the world or judge of those who deposit money in its coffers, but I think it should maintain a filter policy with the proceeds of corruption and drug trafficking. On the other hand, Switzerland never considered that being rich was a sin, it seems that now it is. It is one thing to be a millionaire and another thing to be a criminal - Today's world is increasingly interrelated, with assets, transactions and businesses that move commerce and facilitate exchange, generating wealth and well-being. It is necessary to fill the legal loopholes, if any, and protect the free exchange, concomitantly with social policies that benefit those who work and the liabilities that have given their lives in pursuit of the common welfare.
Greetings .

Marcelo Andereggen, Argentina

Considero que Suiza ha actuado siempre con mesura y responsabilidad, no es policia del mundo ni juez de aquellos que depositan dinero en sus arcas, si creo que debe mantener una política de filtro con lo proveniente de la Corrupción y el Narcotráfico . Por otra parte, nunca Suiza consideró que el ser rico fuera pecado , pareciera que ahora sí. Una cosa es ser millonario y otra cosa es ser delincuente.-El mundo actual se maneja cada vez mas interrelacionado, con activos, transacciones y negocios que mueven el Comercio y facilitan el intercambio, generando riqueza y bienestar. Es necesario llenar las lagunas legales, si las hubiera y proteger el libre intercambio, concomitantemente con politicas sociales acordes que beneficien a quien trabaja y a los pasivos que han entregado sus vidas en pos del bienestar común.-
Saludos .

Marcelo Andereggen , Argentina


RE: Switzerland never considered that being rich was a sin, it seems that now it is."
Stealing has always been regarded as a sin in democracies.
Money stolen by a politician from public coffers and deposited in Switzerland is still stolen money.


Neutrality to kill civilians? No.


Switzerland is not killing citizens. What are you talking about?


Yes, its wrong don't know were it came from?


It is a big mistake to loose neutrality.

Alois Amrein
Alois Amrein
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Switzerland has never been truly neutral. Study some history.

Die Schweiz war noch nie wirklich neutral. Studieren Sie etwas Geschichte.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Is it not better for Switzerland to remain neutral? The conflict between the United States and the Russians in Ukraine's arena will be resolved by sitting at a negotiating table where Switzerland will not be able to position itself.

أليس الأفضل أن تظل سويسرا محايدة؟ الصراع بين الولايات المتحدة والروس في ساحة أوكرانيا سيُحلّ بالجلوس على طاولة المفاوضات التي لن تستطيع سويسرا التموضع فيها.


The conflict is Russia invading a sovereign country.


Switzerland is making a mistake by supporting the EU and the US in this conflict. It should remain neutral.

Alois Amrein
Alois Amrein
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Switzerland is complicit in Russia's war against Ukraine if it does not supply weapons under the pretext of neutrality and acts as a haven for Russian funds. This kind of neutrality must stop, and it must stop now.

Die Schweiz macht sich im Krieg von Russland gegen die Ukraine mitschuldig, wenn sie unter dem Vorwand der Neutralität keine Waffen liefert und als Hort für russische Gelder fungiert. Diese Art von Neutralität muss aufhören, und zwar sofort.

Edi Schneider
Edi Schneider
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

I can already see the Russians would make a big bow around the cowardly Switzerland !!!!

Ich sehe schon die Russen einen grossen bogen um die die feige Schweiz machen wuerden !!!

@Alois Amrein

If neutrality is just a pretext to you, you should never get a swiss passport because you don't understand that deep roots and meaning of neutrality or its international role without which, we are just a farm land with some high value production but without all the international trust in our security it will dissappear, Geneva won't be a hub for diplomats, Davos will move places. Risking the future of Switzerland because of another war which will happen again and again is just stupid. It will weaken Europe and make it easier for America to control.


Bill Browder
In an interview with CNN Bill Browder claimed that Putin has stolen stolen 5 Trillion from Russian people, invested it in villas, private jets, luxury apartments instead of education, health care, roads.
By Bill Browder: Freezing Order (2022); Red Notice. A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man's Fight for Justice
Bill Browder is the founder and CEO of Hermitage Capital Management and was the largest foreign investor in Russia until 2005. Since 2009, when his lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, was murdered in prison after uncovering a $230 million fraud committed by Russian government officials, Browder has been leading a campaign to expose Russia’s endemic corruption and human rights abuses.
Maginsky murdered after producing the Maginsky Act.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from RU.

You are very right. Magnitsky was killed, and thieves, corrupt and murderers are still at large.
Eight years have passed and no one cares about these sanctions. Now Navalny, who headed the anti-corruption foundation, has been in jail for two years. And again no one in the EU cares. Why in 2014, when the first sanctions list came out, did not they put everything to rights. i.e. to punish the perpetrators?

Вы очень правы. Магнитского убили, а воры,коррупционеры и убийцы на свободе.
8 лет прошло и никому нет дела, до этих санкций. Теперь Навальный,который возглавлял Фонд борьбы с коррупцией 2 года сидит уже в тюрьме. И опять никому в ЕС нет дела. Почему в 2014 году когда вышел первый санкционный список не довели все до ума. т.е. до наказания виновных?

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR