Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

Same-sex registered partnerships gain popularity

A picture of a gay couple exchanging rings in a civil partnership ceremony
More registered partnerships were celebrated last year between gay couples than between lesbian couples. Keystone

While fewer people got married last year in Switzerland, the number of same-sex couples forming registered partnerships has risen, according to the latest figures from the Federal Statistical Office.

Nearly 800 couples decided to take this step in 2017, which represents an overall rise in registered partnerships of 6.7% compared with the previous year.

+ Find out more about same-sex civil unions in Switzerland

By contrast, the number of marriages fell by 4.5% to 14,900, the provisional figures revealed. The number of divorces also declined by 12.8% to 14,900. The average length of a marriage was 15 years.

Based on last year’s trend, the statistical office predicts that every third couple who married in 2017 will get divorced. There were no predictions as to how many registered partnerships would dissolve.

More registered partnerships were celebrated between gay couples than between lesbian couples, which corresponds to the figures of previous years. However, there was a steep increase in the number of women choosing this kind of arrangement (+32%). Conversely, the number of men registering their partnership declined (-5%).

Fewer children were born last year, a decrease of 3.3% compared with 2016. The fertility rateExternal link (birth per woman) was 1.48.



Surveys support gay marriage, not just partnerships

This content was published on Gay and lesbian couples were granted the right to partnerships in law in 2007, but they lack some rights that married heterosexual couples have, such as the ability to adopt as a couple, an eased application process for non-Swiss to become citizens, and access to fertility treatments. The first survey, published in the SonntagsZeitung newspaper…

Read more: Surveys support gay marriage, not just partnerships

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SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR