Geldcast Update: Candidates for the SNB governing board

A new discussion has flared up around the Swiss National Bank (SNB): Who will eventually succeed the current SNB president Thomas Jordan?
The reason for the debate is Jordan’s long tenure: next year he will become the longest-serving chairman of the SNB since 1939. Then only Gottlieb Bachmann will have been at the helm of the SNB longer than Jordan. Bachmann was SNB president in the 1920s.
Reason enough to think about possible successors. Who could be elected to the SNB governing board in the event of Jordan’s resignation? And how well connected are these people on the international stage? Find out all this and more in the latest Geldcast update.
From stock exchanges and bitcoin to inflation and monetary policy – the Geldcast update features the latest from the world of international finance. Clear and entertaining for everyone who wants to stay up to date. The podcast is hosted by monetary economist and business journalist Fabio CanetgExternal link.
Author Fabio Canetg completed his doctorate in monetary policy at the University of Bern and the Toulouse School of Economics. Today he is a lecturer at the University of Bern.
As a journalist, he works for SRF Arena, Republik Magazin and SWI He hosts the monetary policy podcast “Geldcast”.

The Geldcast update

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