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Swiss team comes third in Hyperloop competition

A picture of an innovative transport pod
It was the first time that “EPFLoop”, EPFL’s team, had taken part in Musk’s competition, which has been held since 2015. EPFL/ALBAN KAKULYA

A team from the Swiss federal institute of technology Lausanne (EPFL) has won third place in Elon Musk’s “Hyperloop Pod Competition” in California.

Eighteen teams had qualified for the competition, which is aimed at advancing innovative means of transport.

It was the first time that “EPFLoop”, EPFLExternal link’s team, took part in Musk’s competitionExternal link, which has been held since 2015.

The winning team, for the third time in a row, came from the Technical University of Munich, followed by a Dutch team from Delft University of Technology.

+ Swiss students reveal prototype for experimental hyperloop

Musk, founder of SpaceXExternal link and co-founder of Tesla, wants to use the competition to advance his Hyperloop vision that people and goods will one day be transported by vacuum tubes at almost the speed of sound.

Federal technology institute ETH Zurich’s team “Swissloop”, which won third place in 2017, did not reach the final this year because of a technical error, ETHZ wrote in a press releaseExternal link on Monday.


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