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Swiss pharma industry paid out CHF218 million to healthcare providers

Medication and Swiss bills and coins
Since 2015 Swiss pharma companies have paid a total of CHF1.4 billion to the medical profession and hospitals. © Keystone / Gaetan Bally

In 2022, the Swiss pharmaceutical industry transferred some CHF218 million ($243 million) to doctors, hospitals and other healthcare providers, according to the self-declaration of 65 pharmaceutical companies. Novartis topped the list with CHF31 million.

Since 2015, the industry has been reporting its payments to healthcare providers under its Code of Pharmaceutical Cooperation. Over eight years, the companies have paid a total of CHF1.4 billion to the medical profession and hospitals.

Journalists from the Ringier Axel Springer publishing house evaluated the figures and published them on Thursday. The pharmaceutical association Scienceindustries confirmed the figures to the Keystone-SDA news agency.

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Roche came in second place behind Novartis, with CHF21.9 million paid out, followed by the American group Pfizer with CHF20 million.

According to Scienceindustries, the payments are governed by law and authorised for research, continuing education, consultancy and other services. The industry lists the recipients individually and by name.

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