Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

What’s the most promising future energy source?

Hosted by: Simon Bradley

Switzerland has an ambitious strategy to achieve carbon neutrality within the next 30 years, which includes the further development of renewable energies.

We’d be interested to hear your thoughts on the potential benefits and drawbacks of renewable energies. 

From the article Can solar panels on highways accelerate the supply of green energy?

From the article How a Swiss start-up wants to reinvent nuclear energy

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The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

The potential advantages are, after all, that the energy is circulated using only solar energy, so no fossil or resource fuels (radioactive,) are used and they are not diffused.
The disadvantage is that, as with all energy, the facilities, equipment and apparatus needed to produce the energy and its recycling system are problematic.
The challenge is how to make these recycling systems environmentally friendly.
Examples are radiation control in the case of nuclear, carbon dioxide and other toxic substances in the case of fossil fuels, and waste heat.
The advantage of renewable energy is that you don't have to think about waste heat. As it will all be separate in the end,


The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Are we a nation of egoists?

In the whole energy debate, the electorate is and has only ever been told half the truth. Since 70% of our affluent society consumes Blick, NAU and 20 Minuten and asks no further questions, I was not particularly surprised by the result of the vote.

1. solar panels: Does anyone know that these panels will only provide around 40% of their initial energy after 10 years? Is it known that 90% of these panels come from countries like China, where 58 nuclear and 85 coal-fired power plants are planned to fulfil our supply capacities? The entire environmental impact of producing these "oh-so-clean" panels will therefore be borne by the people of Asia - but the main thing is that it smells good in our oh-so-clean Switzerland. Who knows today how environmentally friendly these panels can be disposed of?

2. the subject of wind turbines: with little or no wind = no energy. With lots of wind = lots of energy? The opposite is the case. In strong winds, the rotors have to be switched off completely because otherwise the clutches, brakes and generators get too hot and start to burn. Which newspaper did you read that in?

The rotors: They are made of the rare Blsa wood, which is very light and is obtained from virgin forests far away from our (still) beautiful Switzerland. "Environmental protection, where are you?".

The foundations: The foundation of a wind turbine has about the volume of a detached house; tonnes of steel and concrete have to be used, which are almost impossible to dismantle later - and if so, then only with the greatest expenditure of energy. Very sensible for nature...

CONCLUSION: Switzerland only covers around 41,000 square kilometres, a small blob on the world map. And now we have to disfigure this little paradise with wind turbines and solar panels under "official guidance"? Do we really want to do THAT to our children? The least of our worries is to raise the height of some existing dams. A modern nuclear power plant provides a thousand times more energy than these supposedly clean solutions, which will disfigure our country for decades; with today's technology, nuclear waste can be neutralised and even reused to a large extent. And all this so that a few entrepreneurs, whose supervisory boards in turn include countless members of parliament, can line their pockets...!

Sind wir ein Volk von Egoisten?

In der ganzen Energiedebatte wird und wurde dem Stimmvolk nur immer die halbe Wahrheit erzählt. Da unsere Wohlstands-Gesellschaft zu 70% Blick, NAU und 20 Minuten konsumiert und keine weiteren Fragen stellt, überraschte mich das Abstimmungsergebnis nicht sonderlich.

1. Thema Sonnen-Panels: Weiss denn jemand, dass diese Panels nach 10 Jahren nur noch rund 40% ihrer Anfangsenergie liefern werden? Ist bekannt, dass 90% dieser Paneelen aus Ländern wie China stammen, wo 58 Atom- und 85 Kohlenkraftwerke geplant sind, um unsere Lieferkapazitäten zu erfüllen? Die ganzen Umweltbelastungen für die Produktion dieser "ach so sauberen" Panels haben somit die asiatischen Völker zu tragen - aber Hauptsache in unserer ach so sauberen Schweiz riecht es gut. Wer weiss denn heute, wie umweltschonend sich diese Paneelen entsorgen lassen?!

2. Thema Windräder: Bei wenig oder keinem Wind = keine Energie. Bei viel Wind = viel Energie? Das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Bei heftigem Wind müssen die Rotoren ganz abgestellt werden, weil sonst die Kupplungen, bzw. die Bremsen und die Generatoren zu heiss werden und zu brennen beginnen. In welchem Blatt war das zu lesen?

Die Rotoren: Sie bestehen aus dem seltenen Blsaholz, welches sehr leicht ist und fernab von unserer (noch) schönen Schweiz aus der Urwäldern gewonnen werden. "Umweltschutz, wo bist du?!".

Die Fundamente: Das Fundament einer Windkraftanlage hat etwa das Volumen eines Einfamilienhauses; Tonnen von Stahl und Beton müssen verbaut werden, welche später fast unmöglich wieder zurückgebaut werden können -und wenn, dann nur unter grösstem Energieaufwand. Sehr sinnvoll für die Natur...

FAZIT: Die Schweiz umfasst nur ca. 41'000 Quadratkilometer, ein kleiner Klecks auf der Weltkarte. Und dieses kleine Paradies müssen wir nun "amtlich gelenkt" durch Windräder und Sonnenkollektoren verunstalten? DAS wollen wir unseren Kindern wirklich antun? Das kleinste Übel ist noch die Erhöhung einiger bestehender Staumauern. Ein modernes Kernkraftwerk liefert das Tausendfache an Energie verglichen mit diesen vermeintlich sauberen Lösungen, welche unser Land auf Jahrzehnte verunstalten; die nuklearen Abfälle lassen sich beim heutigen Stand der Technik zu einem grossen Teil neutralisieren und sogar wiederverwenden. Und dies alles, damit sich wieder paar Unternehmer, in deren Aufsichtsräten sich wiederum unzählige Parlamentarier finden lassen, die Taschen füllen können?!

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.


where can I find studies and official documentary analysis refer to these:

"according to the Federal Office of Energy, installing panels on existing roofs and facades could provide 67 TWh of photovoltaic energy per year, a figure well above the Swiss authorities' target of 34 TWh per year by 2050 (compared to 2.8 TWh produced in 2021)."

...referring to this article

Thank you


dove trovo studi e analisi documentali ufficiali fanno riferimento a queste:

"secondo l’Ufficio Federale dell’Energia, installare pannelli su tetti e facciate esistenti potrebbe fornire 67 TWh di energia fotovoltaica all’anno, cifra ben superiore all’obiettivo delle autorità svizzere, che intendono arrivare a 34 TWh l’anno entro il 2050 (a fronte dei 2,8 TWh prodotti nel 2021)." riferimento a questo articolo


Zeno Zoccatelli
Zeno Zoccatelli SWI SWISSINFO.CH
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Good morning,

You can see the press release from the Federal Office of Energy at this link:

At the bottom of the document you will find other links relevant to the topic.

To specifically discuss solar panels in high mountains, we have created a new discussion that you can find here:

Thank you for your attention, have a great day!


Può consultare il comunicato stampa dell'Ufficio federale dell'energia a questo link:

In fondo al documento trova altri collegamenti rilevanti per il tema.

Per discutere in particolare dei pannelli solari in alta montagna, abbiamo creato un nuovo dibattito che può trovare qui:

Grazie per l'attenzione, le auguro una buona giornata!

Mandy YC
Mandy YC
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ZH.

Personally, I'm leaning towards more solar energy - we're all seeing that summers are getting longer and more days of sunshine these days, even Switzerland is starting to have dry summers every year, so why aren't we making more use of solar energy?

Personally, I'm an environmentally conscious person, but even more of a rational environmentalist. When I see so-called environmentalists with short brains opposing the installation of solar panels on highways, opposing the building of wind turbines on hills, opposing the continued development of nuclear energy ...... opposing ...... opposing... ...against ...... I really don't know where the energy industry should go in the future.

Let me give you an example from my neighborhood. The building I live in has tenants proposing to install solar panels on the roof, and the less educated, anti-5G, anti-new technology tenants who live on the top floor are adamantly opposed, saying they are afraid of radiation (I thought I heard wrong at first), so we must continue to use electricity produced from coal, natural gas & nuclear that we buy on the European market. Well, we are very green!




The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.
@Mandy YC

Quote: "For my part, I am an environmentally conscious person, but even more of a rational environmentalist."

With the production of solar panels, the whole problem of environmental pollution is just shifting to China... Does that make more sense? Aren't we just short-sighted egoists...?

Zitat: "Ich für meinen Teil bin ein umweltbewusster Mensch, aber noch mehr ein rationaler Umweltschützer."

Mit der Produktion der Sonnen-Panels verlagert sich die ganze Problematik der Umweltverschnmutzung nur nach China... Ist das sinnvoller? Sind wir nicht einfach kurzsichtige Egoisten...?

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

I have not yet found one argument - among many - in favor of covering highways and other suitable traffic areas with translucent photovoltaics.
- It is well known that practically no electricity is generated by snow-covered panels. However, since large amounts of waste heat are generated by traffic, including air friction and tire heating, as well as power loss from internal combustion engines, a much faster thawing of the photovoltaic surfaces can be expected, and thus also improved electricity yields during the winter. Further known advantages are hardly necessary winter service, avoidance of road salt, therefore smaller cooling of the road profile and consequently smaller road damages. In summer, less heating of the road surface and less heat input into the vehicles due to shading, which in turn loads air-conditioning systems more sparingly and thus also saves energy.
For the financing, energy bonds are to be favored analogously to defense bonds for the assurance of a sufficient power supply with equal importance. Tackling the problem of electricity shortage with nuclear power plants is irresponsible as long as the problem of waste can hardly be expected to find a solution accepted by the population. In addition, with the major risk of having to evacuate areas with millions of people, a 100% safety can be expected.

Ein Argument nebst vielen - für die Ueberdachung der Autobahnen und anderen geeigneten Verkehsflächen mit transluzider Fotovoltaik fand ich bis jetzt noch nicht.
- Bei schneebedeckten Panels wird praktisch bekanntlich kein Strom erzeugt. Da nun aber grosse Mengen Abwärme durch den Verkehr erzeugt wird, auch Luftwiderstandsreibung und Pneuerwärmung spielen nebst Verlustleistung von Verbrennermotoren mit, kann mit einem viel rascheren Abtauen der Fotovoltaikflächen gerechnet werden und so auch Winters über mit verbesserten Stromerträgen. Weitere bekannte Vorteile sind kaum notwendiger Winterdienst, Vermeidung von Streusalz, deshalb geringere Abkühlung des Strassenprofils und folglich geringere Fahrbahnschäden. Im Sommer geringere Aufheizung des Strassenbelages und weniger Hitzeeintrag in die Fahrzeuge der Beschattung wegen, was wiederum Klimaanlagen sparsamer belastet und so auch Energie spart.
Für die Finanzierung sind analog Wehranleihen für die Sicherung einer genügenden Stromversorgung mit gleicher Wichtigkeit Energieanleihen zu favorisieren. Das Strommangelproblem mit Kernkraftwerken anzugehen ist solange unverantwortlich, als das Abfallproblem kaum eine in der Bevölkerung akzeptierte Lösung erwarten lässt. Dazu müsste bei dem Grossrisiko, allenfalls Gegenden mit Millionen Menschen evakuieren zu müssen eine 100%ige Sicherheit erwartet werden können.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Sales of hybrid and electric cars are increasing rapidly. Electricity production will not be able to meet the demand without nuclear power plants. No other technique (wind turbines, solar panels, hydroelectricity....etc) will be sufficient. The Germans have understood and are returning to nuclear power. The demagogy of the Greens has fallen by the wayside.

Les ventes de voitures hybrides et électriques sont en forte augmentation. La production d'électricité ne pourra pas satisfaire la demande sans les centrales nucléaires. Aucune autre technique (éoliennes, panneaux solaires, hydroélectrique....etc) ne sera suffisante. Les Allemands ont compris et reviennent à l'énergie nucléaire. La démagogie des Verts est tombée à l'eau.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Thank you - my words. LG

Danke - meine Worte. LG

Jean-pierre Emery
Jean-pierre Emery
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

I don't know if the problem is really related to energy. I think it's mostly related to overpopulation and housing density. In fact it is a problem of growth and as it has reached its limits it is about rethinking our way of life.

Je ne sais pas si le problème est vraiment lié à l'énergie. Je pense qu'il est surtout lié à la surpopulation et à la densité de l'habitat. En fait il s'agit d'un problème de croissance et comme elle a atteint ses limites il s'agit de repenser notre mode de vie.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

As a premise, we will admit that the hydroelectric energy by dam and accumulation or run of the river is already exploited in an optimal way.

For Switzerland and Northern and Central Europe, geothermal energy, whether underground or underwater, is permanently reliable.

For equatorial and tropical regions, photovoltaic energy is the preferred option because the sun shines abundantly.

On the water, tidal energy by damming estuaries or by floating near the coast is constant.

Where the wind blows sufficiently, wind energy. Two problems are to be considered: the wear of the components and the impact on the landscape.

Thoughts of a doctor who loves Man and Nature.

En premisse, nous admettrons que l'énergie hydro-électrique par barrage et accumulation ou au fil de l'eau est déjà exploitée de manière optimale.

Pour la Suisse et l'Europe du Nord et Centrale, la géothermie, qu'elle soit sous-terraine ou sous-aquatique est fiable en permanence.

Pour les régions équatoriales ou tropicales, l'énergie photovoltaïque prime car le soleil rayonne en abondance.

Sur l'eau, l'énergie marémotrice par barrage des estuaires ou par flottement à proximité des côtes est constante.

Là ou le vent souffle suffisamment, l'énergie éolienne. Deux problèmes sont à considérer : l'usure des composantes et l'impact sur le paysage.

Pensées d'un médecin qui aime l'Homme et la Nature.

Ведущий Специалист
Ведущий Специалист
The following contribution has been automatically translated from RU.

The development implies a closed cycle, i.e. in order not to have a shortage of energy it must be obtained from different sources, wind power plants, solar panels, dams and levees, hydrocarbons, decarbonization products and thus hydrogen in the future it will be possible to use SNF (nuclear fuel waste) recycling, what is the disadvantage. The drawback is that the industry is basically trying to focus on one source of renewable resources. And so the only drawback of the whole complex is the determination of the energy consumed.

Развитие предполагает использовать замыкающий цикл , то есть для того что бы не испытывать дефицит энергии её необходимо получать из разных источников , Ветреные электростанции, солнечные батареи , дамбы и плотины , углеводород, продукты декарбонизации а значит водород в будущем станет возможным использование вторичной переработки ОЯТ(Отходы Ядерного Топлива ) в чем же заключается недостаток . Недостаток в том что в основном промышленность пытается быть ориентированными на один источник возобновляемых ресурсов. И по этому единственным недостатком всего комплекса является определение потребляемой энергии


Wind and solar power are the cleanest ways to generate power. Nuclear is prone to accidents


Chernobyl and Fukoshima where reactors of generation 1. The nuclear industry is now focusing on generation 3.5 and heading towards generation 4. All future reactors will be extremely safe in comparison to the first generation and generally. Generation 1 reactors relied on sophisticated control systems which can of course fail, however modern reactors will rely on pure physics which will make them actually fail safe.

Even today after more then 60 years of nuclear reactors providing 10% of the global electricity, nuclear is statistically the safest and cleanest way of producing electrical power (even when taking Chernobyl and Fukoshima into account)).

The world is aiming at net zero emission of greenhouse gases by 2050, but we all forget to take into account that the world electricity consumption will at least triple by this time. There is no way Wind and Solar will be able to provide the required energy.

Modern society relies on a stable 24/7 supply of electricity. Only nuclear can provide this energy, and the sooner we adopt ourselves the better.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

Hydrogen is produced from seawater to generate hydrogen power.

There is plenty of seawater available, and if it is used in hydrogen power generation, it will circulate as water.

There is little risk of a post-event situation like with nuclear power generation.




The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Note: An extremely large amount of energy is consumed to produce usable hydrogen...

Beachte: Für die Erzeugung von brauchbarem Wasserstoff wird extrem viel Energie verbraucht...

Axel von Linthal
Axel von Linthal

Current renewable energies have a too low energy yield. Switzerland needs to wake up from green fairy tales and start investing heavily in the only true energy alternative: nuclear.

Hydrogen is also good, but it requires water and used on a wide scale would cause huge water consumption issues. The same happened to biofuels. Great technology, butto power a car you need to use the same amount of farm land that can feed hundreds of people.

Nuclear power is the only real alternative to fossil fuels.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.
@Axel von Linthal

Thank you for your very well researched opinion. I am travelling on the same track...

Danke für Ihre sehr gut recherchierte Meinung. Bin auf der selben Schiene unterwegs...

Arturo Zabaleta Ilardia
Arturo Zabaleta Ilardia
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

It is a political and cultural problem.
The logic of capitalism prioritizes economic benefits in an inequitable manner. This is obvious, but it is worth repeating. The global hegemonic system or the predominant establishment encourages consumption and the myth of the need for sustained growth, something unfeasible on a planet of finite resources. While we lie to ourselves thinking that science is the solution to everything, when in reality it is more part of the problem than the solution. It is like a beast that bites everything around it and then licks its wounds.

Es un problema político y cultural.
Las lógicas del capitalismo priman los beneficios económicos y en forma no equitativa. Es algo obvio, pero no esta de mas repetirlo. El sistema hegemónico global o el establecimiento predominante incentiva el consumo y el mito de la necesidad del crecimiento sostenido, algo inviable en un planeta de recursos finitos. Mientras nos mentimos pensando que la ciencia es la solución para todo, cuando en realidad es mas parte del problema que de la solución. Es como una fiera que muerde todo lo que lo rodea y después lambe las heridas.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.
@Arturo Zabaleta Ilardia

Bravo, I am of the same opinion!

Bravo, bin der gleichen Meinung!

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

The safest and cheapest energy is still solar energy.
However, solar energy cannot be used unless the sun is shining. It is also impossible to store energy when the climate is irregular, as it has been in recent years. On the other hand, oil and coal will increase CO2 emissions.
Nuclear power plants cannot cope with the consequences of accidents. I think that geothermal power generation, as Switzerland is promoting, and power generation by waves and wind in countries facing the sea would be a good idea.


David Preisner
David Preisner

Access to abundant and inexpensive energy will solve every world problem, save for the selfish heart of mankind.

Transportation, heating/cooling, agriculture, potable water, health and wellness.... Every sector of society can benefit from easier access to energy.

I am convinced that the source of this power is going to be nuclear. Of course there are concerns that need to be addressed and better practices and technologies developed, but if you are looking for energy that doesn't change the chemical make up of our atmosphere - nuclear will deliver.

Claude Mermoud
Claude Mermoud
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

My testimony of transfer to heat pump and all-electric: yes it is a big progress. Combined with mixed photovoltaic/thermal solar panels, the electricity bill is divided by two. Hot water is free for 6 to 8 months a year. No dependence on gas or oil.
And filling up the electric car in my garage costs 7 times less than filling up with gas.
- Cost savings
- Independence from fossil fuel imports
- No connection to the gas network, no tank or oil deliveries
- Clean, safe to use
- Environmentally friendly to a large extent (CO2 reduction well over 50%, including grey energy)
- Solidarity through the production of solar electric energy for the community

Mon témoignage de transfert vers la pompe à chaleur et le tout-électrique: oui c'est un gros progrès. Conjuguée avec des panneaux solaires mixtes photovoltaïques / thermiques, la facture d'électricité est divisée par deux. L'eau chaude est gratuite durant 6 à 8 mois par an. Aucune dépendance au gaz ou au mazout.
Et le plein de la voiture électrique dans mon garage coûte 7 fois moins cher que le plein d'essence.
- Economie
- Indépendance aux importations de combustibles fossiles
- Pas de raccordement au réseau de gaz, pas de citerne ni livraisons de mazout
- Propreté, sécurité d'emploi
- Ecologique dans une large mesure (réduction de CO2 largement au-dessus de 50%, énergie grise comprise)
- Solidarité par production d'énergie électrique solaire mise en réseau pour la communauté

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.
@Claude Mermoud

The main thing is that the "dirt" stays behind in China ...?!

Hauptsache der "Dreck" bleibt in China zurück ...?!

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

The advantages of renewable energy are that it does not emit CO2 and can be used repeatedly.

Disadvantages are high cost and inability to provide large power

Many people want nuclear power, but
This is definitely a mistake

Uranium is more easily depleted than oil
Very few places where uranium can be extracted

Nuclear waste needs to be stored for 100,000 years
Human history is only tens of thousands of years old

The uranium that powers nuclear power plants will surely be depleted
Mankind will never be able to manage waste for 100,000 years.

Plutonium, the material for nuclear weapons, can only be made from nuclear power plants.
Eliminating nuclear power plants will inevitably lead to the elimination of nuclear weapons.

Switzerland should become a world leader in renewable energy.
Not only a neutral country militarily.
By becoming energy neutral
We should be a leader in peace.

One of the reasons for war is the struggle for energy
The world would be a more peaceful place if we no longer had to compete for energy.











David Schwelien
David Schwelien
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

I think that energy saving and recycling are very important because resources are so limited

Ich denke, dass energiesparen und recycling sehr wichtig sind da die Ressourcen so begrenzt sind

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR