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Football legend Ronaldinho opens restaurant in Geneva

Ronaldinho arrives and poses for a few photos with a woman dressed in an elaborate Brazilian carnival costume before the inauguration of his first restaurant named after him
Football legend Ronaldinho in Geneva. Keystone / Martial Trezzini

The former Brazilian football star Ronaldinho has opened his first restaurant near Geneva in western Switzerland. The restaurant serves burgers and is named "R10" after the famous footballer's shirt number.

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On his arrival in Châtelaine, near Geneva, on Sunday for the inauguration, Ronaldinho was mobbed by fans, the Keystone-SDA news agency reported.

During his glittering career, the Brazil forward won the World Cup in 2002 and the Champions League with Barcelona and the 2005 Ballon d’Or.

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After football, the Brazilian turned to music and made rap recordings with a group. In March 2021, he and his brother Roberto de Assis were caught entering Paraguay with false identity documents and had to spend more than 30 days in prison. In April, they were released on bail and placed under house arrest but were only able to return to Brazil in August.

Adapted from German by DeepL/dkk/sb

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