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Geneva Motor Show to end after 100 years

A crowd of people is shown standing around various cars on display at a motor show.
In recent years, the Geneva event has had to compete with bigger, more popular shows in Munich and Beijing. Keystone/Martial Trezzini

The Geneva International Motor Show is to end after more than a century due to lower interest and a tough market environment, organisers said on Friday.

The organisers of the show have encountered difficulties in their preparations for the 2025 edition, they said. The signals from the market in favour of another edition were poor. 

When asking the manufacturers to prepare for the 2025 edition, “we had the impression that we were going against the market,” Alexandre de Senarclens, President of the Geneva International Motor Show Foundation, told the Keystone-SDA news agency on Friday. 

+ Read more: The end of the Geneva Motor Show may be near, warns auto expert

The 2024 edition of the show was actually very promising, said its Director-General, Sandro Mesquita. After four years of absence due to the coronavirus pandemic, the organisers had succeeded in bringing together around 30 exhibitors, 2,000 journalists and a large audience. 

The goal for 2025 was to double the size of the event. But “the signals we received were poor,” Mesquita said.

Adapted from German by DeepL/kc

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