Displacing 9.000 metric tons of rock to create 1.500 square meters of artspace
Director Mareike Dittmer gives an overview of the renovation works of the Muzeum Susch.

The filmmaker from Italy, who was raised in Africa, calls Switzerland home now. Carlo studied film directing at the Italian National Film School, worked as a documentary editor and director/producer in Berlin and Vienna. He crafts multimedia into engaging narratives.

Born in São Paulo, Brazil, editor at the Portuguese Dept. and responsible for swissinfo.ch Culture beat. Degrees in Film and Business & Economics, worked at Folha de S. Paulo, one of Brazil’s leading dailies, before moving to Switzerland in 2000 as international correspondent for various Brazilian media. Based in Zurich, Simantob worked with print and digital media, international co-productions of documentary films, visual arts (3.a Bienal da Bahia; Johann Jacobs Museum/Zurique), and was guest lecturer on Transmedia Storytelling at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU – Camera Arts, 2013-17).
Deutschde9000 Tonnen Fels für 1500 Quadratmeter KunstraumRead more: 9000 Tonnen Fels für 1500 Quadratmeter Kunstraum
Françaisfr9000 tonnes de roche déplacées pour créer 1500 m2 d’espace dévolu à l’artRead more: 9000 tonnes de roche déplacées pour créer 1500 m2 d’espace dévolu à l’art
ItalianoitSpostare 9’000 tonnellate di roccia per creare 1’500 m2 di spazio artisticoRead more: Spostare 9’000 tonnellate di roccia per creare 1’500 m2 di spazio artistico
EspañolesSe han desplazado 9 000 toneladas de rocas para crear 1 500 metros cuadrados de espacio artísticoRead more: Se han desplazado 9 000 toneladas de rocas para crear 1 500 metros cuadrados de espacio artístico
PortuguêsptObra dinamitou 9.000 toneladas de rocha para criar 1.500 metros quadrados de arteRead more: Obra dinamitou 9.000 toneladas de rocha para criar 1.500 metros quadrados de arte
العربيةarإزاحة 9000 طن من الصخور لتوفير 1500 متر مربع للفنونRead more: إزاحة 9000 طن من الصخور لتوفير 1500 متر مربع للفنون
РусскийruФеминизм во всех измерениях культурного пространстваRead more: Феминизм во всех измерениях культурного пространства
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