Do you have something to say on democracy where you are based? I can visit and report your story.
As a Swiss citizen abroad you may participate in or be witness to democratic developments.
These might be a local initiative, an innovative proposal for direct democracy in your city, a new political party fighting authoritarianism or an interesting initiative you are involved in or you know about. I’m looking forward to hearing your story.
It doesn’t matter where you are based: Tell me your story – I may even visit you.
From the article We want to hear your democracy stories

Dear Bruno! Why don't you answer my message? I only know Russian and Moldovan.
stimate Bruno ! de ce numi raspundeti la mesaj ? eu stiu numai limba rusa si moldobeniasca.

Hello ! My name is Peter. I am from Moldova. Our country seems to be a candidate to join the EU. But there is a real dictatorship in the country headed by President Sandu. There is a real war with dissenters. recently local elections were held. all PAS competitors were removed or criminal cases were initiated. Even those who won the elections by more than 76 percent are considered non-legitimate. All opposition TV stations have been shut down. There is poverty in the country. The pension is 100_150 euros. Ministers get 2-3 thousand euros. Farmers are on strike but no one hears them...and the most important thing is that European officials are silent and support this to understand ? Is this democracy and will they take us to the European Union ?
Здравствуйте ! Меня звать Петр . Я из Молдовы. Наша страна вроде кандидат на вступление в Евросоюз. Но в стране настоящая диктатура во главе с президентом Санду. Идет настоящая война с инакомыслиющими . недавно состоялись местные выборы . все конкуренты ПАС были сняты или возбуждены уголовные дела. Даже те кто выиграл выборы на более 76 процентов считаются нелигитивными. Закрыты все телеканалы опозиций . В стране нищета . пенсия 100_150 евро. Министры получают по 2-3 тысяч евро. Фермеры бастуют но их не кто на слышит...и самое главное что Еврочиновники молчат и поддерживают этот песпредел...как понять ? это демократия и возмут ли Нас в Евросоюз ?

Democracy in its Greek sense is the rule of the people.
It is the people who choose who manages their affairs through fair and transparent elections, the election of members of Parliament, and the majority forms a government that implements the decisions of Parliament. Moreover, in a democracy, the judiciary must be independent of all constitutional institutions in order to be fair in issuing its judgments. There is no difference between a president and a subordinate and between poor and rich people. Everyone is equal before the law.
All people are of equal value and should have the same rights in a democracy. No one should be treated unfairly. You should have the same rights, opportunities, and obligations regardless of who you are.
Unfortunately, in most countries of the world, democracy is not implemented as it should be, as there are many countries that hold elections, but they are only fraudulent and formal. I mean a dictatorship covered by a fake democracy. The existing system controls the parties and the formal elections in order to ensure its continuity in the governing chair.
الديمُقراطيّة بِمفهومِها اليونانيّ هو حُكْم الشعب.
الشعب هو الذي يختار مَن يُدير شؤونَه عن طريق انتخابات نزيهةٍ و شفّافةٍ، انتخاب أعضاء البرلمان، و الأغلبيّة هي التي تقوم بتشكيل حكومةٍ التي تقوم بِتنفيذ قرارات البرلمان، و فوقَ كلّ هذا يجب في الديمقراطيّة أنْ يكون القضاء مُستقِلّاً عن جميع المؤسسات الدستوريّة كي يكون عادِلاً في إصدار أحكامه لا يُفرِّق في ذلك بين رئيس و مرؤوس و بين فقير و غنيّ .. الجميع سواسيَ أمام القانون.
إن جميع الناس ذوي قيمة متساوية وينبغي أن يتمتعوا بنفس الحقوق في الديمقراطية. ولا ينبغي معاملة أي شخص معاملة غير عادلة. يجب أن تتمتع بنفس الحقوق والفرص والالتزامات بغض النظر عن هويتك.
و لكن للأسف، في معظم دول العالم، لا تُطبَّق الديمُقراطيّة كما يجِب، بحيث هناك دولٌ عديدة تقوم بإجراء انتخابات و لكِنّها مغشوشة و شكليّة فقط.أعني دكتاتوريّة مُغلَّفة بديمقراطيّةٍ مُزيَّفة، فالنظام القائم هو الذي يتحكَّم في الأحزاب و في الانتخابات الشكليَّة المظهريّة لكيْ يضمَن استمراره على كرسي الحُكم.

Democracy is the limit to power. It has been subverted by re-election, a lifetime judiciary, the entry of power into services such as health and schools, and into personal relations such as labor laws aimed at guaranteeing rights and increasing taxes, which has made state power grow. Big state power is the subversion of democracy. It's more or less happened all over the world.
A democracia e limite ao poder. Foi subvertida por reeleicao,, judiciario vitalicio, entrada do poder em servicos, como saude e escola e nas relacoes pessoais como as leis trabalhistas dizendo garantir direitos e aumento de impostos fazendo crescer o poder estado. Poder estado grande e subversao da democracia. Mais ou menos aconteceu no mundo todo.

African countries generally claim “democracy” and have institutions set up for them: parliaments, governments, judiciary... However, they are all formal and visible institutions that only highlight the image of the ruling regimes in front of the world. They are fraudulent democracies that have no basis in concrete reality. These regimes rule their people with the power of iron and fire. Anyone who opposes their policies is framed with false charges that lead him to imprisonment to silence his voice.
الدول الإفريقية عموماً تَدّعي "الديمقراطية" فتُقيمُ لها مؤسسات: برلمانات و حكومات و قَضاء... إلّا أنها كلها مؤسسات شكليّة و مَظهريّة تُلمِّع فقط صورة الأنظمة الحاكِمة أمام العالم. فهي ديمقراطيات مغشوشة لا أساس لها من الصّحّة في الواقع الملموس. هذه الأنظمة تحكم شعوبَها بِقوّة الحديد و النار، فكُلّ مُعارِضٍ لسياساتها تُلَفَّق له تُهَمٌ كاذبة تُؤدّي به إلى السجن لإسكات صوته.

Africa is a very large and diverse continent. This summer, for example, I visited Botswana, which has been independent since 1966 and where democracy is well established. Other parts of this region of the world are also paying more than lip service: according to the latest "Global State of Democracy" report by International IDEA, Mauritius, the Gambia, Tanzania and Zambia have also been able to improve their democracy scores in recent years. Of course, all of this does not mean that the issues you mentioned also exist in Africa.
Afrika ist ein sehr grosser und vielfältiger Kontinent. In diesem Sommer besuchte ich zum Beispiel das seit 1966 unabhängige Botswana, wo die Demokratie gut Fuss gefasst hat. Auch in anderen Teilen dieser Weltregion geht es um mehr als Lippenbekenntnisse: laut dem jüngsten "Global State of Democracy"-Bericht von International IDEA haben in den letzten Jahren auch Mauritius, the Gambia, Tansania und Zambia ihre Demokratiewerte verbessern können. Das alles bedeutet aber natürlich nicht, dass es auch die von Ihnen vorgebrachten Sachverhalte gibt in Afrika.

First I should add, I am not a Swiss Citizen. But having spent 25 years in Europe, I reported on FIS Ski Races as a photo journalist and spent many a night from Laax to Zurrich and others. I am more courious hearing the opinions than most in this site.
Bill Sutherland

Hi Bill, I'm very pleased about your curiosity and would be interested to know where you are reporting from today.
Hi Bill, Ihre Neugier freut mich sehr und es würde mich interessieren, wo und von wo Sie heute berichten.

I find voting in my adopted country (Switzerland) to be very unfair, as the German cantons tend to rule the roost. Often you see French, Italian, Romansch areas plus me (in a German area) voting opposite to the Swiss Germans, as there are more of them. Similarly, at a local level, my vote on issues is often the opposite to the most popular party, which has more voters. This means, my vote at any level is usually a wasted vote. I'd be better off not voting - no disappointment, but I do it as my democratic right.

I am happy to report that in the course of my more than 1000 participations in elections and votes, I have very often not been on the majority side. But that doesn't mean that my vote was wasted. On the contrary: it is precisely the losers in an election or vote that make a democracy successful. In other words, a good democracy is a democracy of "happy losers".
Ich kann Ihnen gerne berichten, dass ich im Zuge meiner über 1000 Teilnahmen an Wahlen und Abstimmungen sehr oft nicht auf der Merheitsseite gestanden bin. Das heisst aber noch lange nicht, dass meine Stimme deswegen vergeudet worden war. Im Gegenteil: gerade auf die Verlierer:innen in einer Wahl oder Abstimmung kommt es an, dass eine Demokratie erfolgreich sein kann. Mit anderen Worten: Eine gute Demokratie ist eine Demokratie "glücklicher Verlierer:innen".

Democracy needs care, it needs nurturing not ignoring or consistently questioning. The value of Swiss Democracy for many years it was a quiet democracy. People understood what they wanted to protect, to value and equally to provide opinion on, either in their voting or in their conversations. People listened and valued diverse opinions.
Today everybody wants to give their individual opinions, irrespective of knowing and understanding the bigger picture, it has become, what I want individually. Collective responsibility seems to have been lost or not appreciated. Will we be able to go back into community understanding and contribution or continue to be wrapped up in our own lives?
I have lived for extended periods in the UK, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, The Netherlands, Malaysia, and Singapore. I have spent six-month periods in the USA, Australia, and Hong Kong and each has its challenges with social equality, their opinions on elected representatives, and the way to "go about their business".
You value "freedom of expression" when you don't have it, you value when politics stay out of your business, you value having confidence in institutions, in security and safety, and you value fairness when you don't have it.
We need to fight for the basic issues of democracy and scorn and ignore those who seek to turn it into hard, immovable positions, wanting to squash and demine others
We do need to treasure what we have, and wrestle with changing democracy but if we turn our backs on what democracy means, we can only be the poorer

Thank you!
This is an excellent comment for me because democracy is work - democracy is not just a system but also a responsibility shared by all citizens. It means that citizens must be actively involved in shaping their government and that this is an ongoing process that requires commitment and hard work.
Das ist für mich ein exzellenter Kommentar, denn Demokratie ist Arbeit – Demokratie ist nicht einfach nur ein System sondern auch eine Verantwortung, die von allen Bürgern geteilt wird. Es bedeutet, dass die Bürger aktiv an der Gestaltung ihrer Regierung beteiligt sein müssen und dass dies ein kontinuierlicher Prozess ist, der Engagement und harte Arbeit erfordert.

Hello Paul, thank you very much for your valuable contribution! I share your opinion that democracy requires constant care and that it ultimately depends on how individual opinions are incorporated into collective decision-making processes. For this, democracy needs a culture of dialog and respect, but also clever procedures and instruments that make this dialog possible before decisions are made.
Guten Tag Paul, besten Dank für Ihren wertvollen Beitrag! ich teile Ihre Meinung, dass Demokratie ständige Pflege erfordert und es letztlich darauf ankommt, wie individuelle Meinungen in kollektive Entscheidungsprozesse einfliessen. Dafür braucht die Demokratie eine Kultur des Dialoges und Respektes, aber auch gescheite Verfahren und Instrumente, welche diesen Dialog vor dem Entscheid auch ermöglichen.

Hello, I follow your articles. Thank you for reporting the problems related to refugees. If you have time and interest, I would like you to report on the problems of refugees from the MIDDLE EAST. I think society has a right to know these facts and this article or interview may be meaningful to a journalist. We live like dogs in the middle of Switzerland, hungry and miserable. We are under systematic pressure because we are not blond haired and blue-eyed. I can tell you my story of ?DEMOCRACY? in Switzerland. It was NOT my choice to be born in the Middle East and have our genitals cut off. Anyway if you deal with these issues (I don't think so), you can comeback. Thanks have a good weekend.

Hello, I follow your articles. Thank you for reporting the problems related to refugees. If you have time and interest, I would like you to report on the problems of refugees from the MIDDLE EAST. I think society has a right to know these facts and this article or interview may be meaningful to a journalist. We live like dogs in the middle of Switzerland, hungry and miserable. We are under systematic pressure because we are not blond haired and blue-eyed. I can tell you my story of ?DEMOCRACY? in Switzerland. It was NOT my choice to be born in the Middle East and have our genitals cut off. Anyway if you deal with these issues (I don't think so), you can comeback. Thanks have a good weekend.

I heard about democracy, but I didn't really get to know it and I really hope to get to know it one day and apply what's in it.
سمعت بالديمقراطية ولكنني لم اتعرف عليه بشكل حقيقي و اتمنى حقا ان اتعرف اليه يوما و اطبق ما فيه .

Yes, the idea of democracy is great and strong, but the practice and reality of it is rather weak in many places. Where you live esteemed Rauf_kh, are there any approaches to democracy at the local level?
Ja, die Idee der Demokratie ist toll und stark, die Praxis und Wirklichkeit derselben jedoch an vielen Orten eher schwach. Wo Sie leben geschätzter Rauf_kh, gibt es irgendwelche Ansätze zur Demokratie auf der lokalen Ebene?

Dear DD_CAT!
Thank you for this letter and this great commitment. It sounds very exciting! Which people are these workshops aimed at? To Swiss abroad in Catalonia? Or maybe just not? What experiences have you had with the four workshops so far? Questions upon questions - and addressed to the broader SWI community: are there similar initiatives in other parts of the world? I would very much like to take a closer look at this project and report on it.
Kind regards from the curious global democracy correspondent
Liebe DD_CAT!
Danke für diese Zuschrift und dieses grosse Engagement. Das klingt sehr spannend! An welche Menschen richten sich diese Workshops? An Auslandschweizerinnen und Auslandschweizer in Katalonien? Oder vielleicht gerade nicht? Welche Erfahrungen haben Sie bislang mit den vier Workshops gemacht? Fragen über Fragen - und an die breitere SWI Community gerichtet: gibt es ähnliche Initiativen in anderen Teilen der Welt? Sehr gerne würde ich dieses Projekt genauer anschauen und darüber berichten.
Freundliche Grüsse vom neugierigen globalen Demokratiekorrespondent

Brazil follows the Constitution promulgated in 1988 after a 24-year period of an exceptional regime. In that Constitution, Democracy is sung and decanted in all its articles and paragraphs. Between 1988 and 2018, the parties that drafted the Constitution, PSDB, PMDB (now MDB) and PT, alternating between them, have led and commanded power. They have traditionally robbed the coffers of Brazil and armed themselves with every means to stay in power indefinitely. The people, happy for the democracy that reigned, accepted this kind of attitude of the politicians, without complaining, and continued voting for the thieves. During the period from 2002 to 2018, the party then in power took care to set up the STF - Supreme Court - Judiciary Branch, with 9 out of 11 judges of this Court, who were militants of the PSDB, PMDB and PT parties. Congress was bought by extraordinary funds taken from the public coffers. In this way, with the Executive in power, the Legislative bought off and the Judiciary made up of militants, the continuity of the rotten power would be guaranteed.
In 2018, the year of the presidential elections, the PT took the victory of its candidate Fernando Haddad for granted, when by a divine work, or as a consequence of an unsuccessful stabbing, by the inability of the TSE - Superior Electoral Court to rig the ballot boxes, as it had done in previous elections, or even by an awakening of the Brazilian people, the opposition candidate, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, was elected.
During the period from 2019 to 2022, the STF tried by all means to overthrow the elected President and committed the greatest atrocities against DEMOCRACY.
- It annulled the conviction of the greatest thief of the coffers of Brazil, Lula.
- He prevented the candidate for reelection, Bolsonaro, from speaking truths about the competing party's candidate.
- He bought Congress to prevent the ballot boxes from being auditable.
- Frauded the elections for president, electing the communist Lula
- Cassated and imprisoned deputies
- Arrested demonstrators who peacefully called for justice in the elections
- They continue to disrespect the Constitution by extinguishing the fundamental rights of citizens.
Mr. Bruno Kaufmann, for the love of God, help us.
O Brasil segue a Constituição promulgada em 1988 após um período de 24 anos de um regime de exceção. Nessa Constituição, a Democracia é cantada e decantada em todos os seus artigos e parágrafos. Entre 1988 e 2018, os partidos que redigiram a Constituição, PSDB, PMDB (agora MDB) e PT, alternando-se entre eles, lideraram e comandaram o poder. Tradicionalmente, assaltaram os cofres do Brasil e armaram-se de todos os meios para se manter no poder indefinidamente. O povo, contente pela democracia que reinava, aceitava esse tipo de atitude dos políticos, sem reclamar, e continuavam votando nos ladrões. Durante o período de 2002 até 2018, o partido então no poder, cuidou de aparelhar o STF - Supremo Tribunal Federal - Poder Judiciário, com 9 entre os 11 juízes dessa Corte, que eram militantes dos partidos PSDB, PMDB e PT. O Congresso era comprado por verbas extraordinárias tiradas dos cofres públicos. Dessa forma, Executivo no poder, Legislativo comprado e Judiciário de militantes, estaria garantida a continuidade do podre poder.
Em 2018, ano de eleição para troca do presidente, o PT dava como certa a vitória do seu candidato Fernando Haddad, quando por uma obra divina, ou por consequência de uma facada malsucedida, por incapacidade do TSE - Tribunal Superior Eleitoral em fraudar as urnas, como vinha fazendo nas eleições anteriores ou ainda por um despertar do povo brasileiro, o candidato da oposição, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, foi eleito Desencadeando-se assim um verdadeiro desespero na política da roubalheira.
Durante o período de 2019 a 2022, o STF procurou de todas as formas, derrubar o Presidente eleito e cometeu as maiores atrocidades contra a DEMOCRACIA.
- Anulou a condenação do maior ladrão dos cofres do Brasil, Lula.
- Impediu que o candidato à reeleição, Bolsonaro falasse verdades sobre o candidato do partido concorrente.
- Comprou o Congresso para impedir que as urnas fossem auditáveis.
- Fraudou as eleições para presidente, elegendo o comunista Lula
- Cassou e prendeu deputados
- Prendeu manifestantes que pacificamente pediam justiça nas eleições
- Continuam desrespeitando a Constituição extinguindo os direitos fundamentais do cidadão.
Sr. Bruno Kaufmann, pelo amor de Deus, nos ajudem.

Good day Mr. Fabrini, unfortunately I cannot serve you with God's help, but with some interested follow-up questions:
1) In your view, is the country's Supreme Court really the greatest threat to democracy in Brazil?
2) How did the Court "buy" the elected Congress?
3) What fundamental rights of citizens:inside have been extinguished by the Court?
In addition, I would be interested in knowing:
4) In which cities and states do you see democratic efforts that can counteract this development, which in your view is so negative?
5) Do you know of activities and initiatives of Swiss expatriates in Brazil that could contribute to the strengthening of democracy?
I am very curious about your answers and thank you for your great commitment.
Guten Tag Herr Fabrini, mit Gottes Hilfe kann ich Ihnen leider nicht dienen, aber mit einigen interessierten Nachfragen:
1) Ist aus Ihrer Sicht der Oberste Gerichtshof des Landes tatsächlich die grösste Bedrohung für die Demokratie in Brasilien?
2) Wie hat der Gerichtshof den gewählten Kongress "gekauft"?
3) Welche Grundrechte der Bürger:innen sind durch das Gericht ausgelöscht worden?
Zudem würde mich interessieren:
4) In welchen Städten und Bundesstaaten sie demokratische Anstrengungen sehen, welche diese aus Ihrer Sicht so negative Entwicklung entgegenwirken können?
5) Ob Sie Aktivitäten und Initiativen von Auslanschweizer:innen in Brasilien kennen, welche zur Stärkung der Demokratie beitragen können(t)en?
Ich bin sehr gespannt auf Ihre Antworten und bedanke mich für Ihr grosses Engagement.

These are very good questions - but I wonder why I can't find any answers...?
Das sind sehr gute Fragen - aber warum wohl finde ich keine Antworten...?

Good Afternoon!
I am not Swiss , but I have 4 Swedish nephews and I know almost all of Switzerland .
I love Switzerland in its physical aspect (its organization, cleanliness, colorful in the spring, romantic in the autumn, etc.).
I admire the voting system - plesbicito, voting by the people for any decision - pure democracy.
But there is still a lack of freedom for women, and we notice a rancor of the macho system.
As a society, it is still one of the best countries.
Boa tarde !
Não sou Suissa , porém tenho 4 sobrinhos Suissos e conheço quase toda a Suissa .
Amo a Suissa no seu aspecto físico (sua organização , limpeza , colorido na época primavera , romântico na época do outono , etc .
Admiro sistema de votação - plesbicito , votação pelo povo para qq decisão ., pura democracia .
Mas ainda falta certa liberdade para as mulheres percebe-se um ranço de sistema machista.
Como social ainda um dos melhores países .

Hello Ms. Carneiro Soares, thank you very much for your lines and your differentiated comment. May I ask where you are at home - and whether you have already had experience with direct democracy there? With best regards
Guten Tag Frau Carneiro Soares, vielen Dank für Ihre Zeilen und Ihren differenzierten Kommentar. Darf ich fragen, wo Sie zuhause sind - und ob Sie dort mit der direkten Demokratie bereits Erfahrungen gemacht haben? Mit herzlichen Grüssen

People stand up for and fight for the rights to democracy and freedom of speech but are many of those who take part in disruptive and sometimes aggressive demonstrations not forgetting their duties of care and law and order towards society and their fellow citizens and often with implications far further afield?

An interesting question indeed. Where does the freedom of speech and opinion limit the rights of others? Do you know cases and examples, in which this fine line between the tow has been crossed in your view?

I believe some examples are any riot or strike causing serious damage, injury or disruption to emergency services, people’s livelihoods and civil order such as most recently Just Oil activists, healthcare and transport workers and the riots in France, Lausanne and football hooliganism.

Hello, we are a group of Swiss abroad from Catalonia and since spring 2020 we organize an event around the Swiss political model.
Intended as a presentational workshop, so far it could only take place online. Four editions have been held so far and by January 2021 more than 200 people have participated. Our workshop is supported by the New Helvetic Society (NHG).
The presentation will start with an overview of the Swiss federal system. This will be followed by a simulated vote on two real historical initiatives. Afterwards, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and take part in an open discussion.
On February 10 of 2023, we were invited by del Consell de la República Catalana to present the workshop for the first time. The event was such a great success that we will hold another one on June 30th of 2023.
Since the vote for the independence of Catalonia took place on October 1, 2017, the interest in a new political model among the Catalans has increased. The decentralized and federal system of Switzerland with the direct democracy attracts the Catalans. That is why we are often asked.
If you are interested to know more about our workshop, please write us in this comment. Thank you and congratulations for the commitment of Bruno Kaufmann for democracy around the world.
Hallo. Wir sind eine Auslandschweizergruppe aus Katalonien und seit Frühling 2020 organisieren wir eine Veranstaltung rund um das politische Modell der Schweiz durch.
Als präsentieller Workshop gedacht, konnte er bisher nur online stattfinden. Es wurden bisher vier Ausgaben durchgeführt und bis Januar 2021 haben mehr als 200 Personen daran teilgenommen. Unser Workshop wird von der Neue Helvetische Gesellschaft (NHG) unterstüzt.
Der Vortrag beginnt mit einem Überblick über das Schweizerische föderalistische System. Anschliessend findet eine simulierte Abstimmung über zwei reelle historische Initiativen statt. Danach erhalten die Teilnehmer die Gelegenheit, Fragen zu stellen und an einer offenen Diskussionsrunde teilzunehmen.
Am 10 Februar von 2023 wurden wir von del Consell de la República Catalana eingeladen um den Workshop erstmals präsentiell zu veranstalten. Die Veranstaltung hatte so einen grossen Erfolg dass am 30 Juni von 2023 wieder eins durchführen werden.
Seit die Abstimmung für die Unabhängigkeit von Katalonien am 1 Oktober von 2017 stattfand, die Interesse an einen neuen politischen Modell zwischen den Katalanern ist gestiegen Das dezentralisierte und föderalistische System der Schweiz mit die Direkte Demokratie lockt den Katalanen an. Deshalb werden wir öfters nachgefragt.
Wenn Jemandem Interesse hätte unseren Workshop besser kennenzulernen schreiben Sie uns in diesen Komentar an. Danke schön und Gratulation für den Engagement von Bruno Kaufmann für die Demokratie rund um die Welt.

Switzerland is unique in terms of democracy!
I live in Portugal since 1970, I also have the Portuguese passport, because I married a Portuguese in 1970.
I lived through the democratic revolution in Portugal (1974) and witnessed the initially slow but steady democratic path of Portugal.
Meanwhile I am divorced, my 2 children from this marriage are already independent and actually I am doing well! I live in a beautiful Quinta in the Portuguese mountains, the Serra da Estrela, where I have a lot of space to devote myself to a Portuguese dog breeding. (Cão da Serra da Estrela) and in the meantime I am the oldest breeder of this breed.
I always participate in the Portuguese elections and I find the Swiss electoral system absolutely well designed, how Swiss abroad can participate in the respective referendums and receive punctually the templates for the elections, all well explained, for which I am very grateful. I am very interested in everything that happens in Switzerland. For me, Switzerland is and remains the ideal country in the world, even if you can also live very well in Portugal!
Die Schweiz ist einmalig in Sachen Demokratie!
Ich lebe seit 1970 in Portugal, habe auch den portugiesischen Pass, da ich 1970 einen Portugiesen geheiratet habe.
Habe in Portugal die demokratische Revolution erlebt (1974) und den anfangs langsamen aber stetigen demokratischen Weg Portugals miterlebt.
Inzwischen bin ich geschieden, meine 2 Kinder aus dieser Ehe sind schon selbstaendig und eigentlich geht es mir gut! Wohne in einer schoenen Quinta in den portugiesischen Bergen, die Serra da Estrela, wo ich viel Platz habe, um mich einer portugiesischen Hundezucht zu widmen. (Cão da Serra da Estrela) und inzwischen die aelteste Zuechterin dieser Rasse bin.
Ich beteilige mich stets an den portugiesischen Wahlen und finde das schweizerische Wahlsystem absolut gut gestaltet, wie sich Auslandschweizer an den jeweiligen Volksabstimmungen beteiligen koennen und puenktlisch die Vorlagen zu den Wahlen erhalten, alles gut erklaert, wofuer ich sehr dankbar bin. Ich interessiere mich sehr, was alles in der Schweiz geschieht. Fuer mich ist und bleibt die Schweiz das ideale Land in der Welt, auch wenn man in Portugal auch sehr gut leben kann!

Good day and thank you for your lines "CELADON-GRAND-COMBIN". You describe very nicely and interestingly this diversity of experiences of Swiss abroad who participate in political and social life in two or more communities. What makes me wonder: in your view, what are the most exciting and surprising democratic achievements that people in Portugal can be proud of today - almost half a century after the Carnation Revolution?
Guten Tag und vielen Dank für Ihre Zeilen "CELADON-GRAND-COMBIN". Sie beschreiben sehr schön und interessant diese Vielfalt an Erfahrungen von Auslandschweizerinnen und Auslandschweizer, die sich in zwei oder mehr Gemeinschaften am politischen und gesellschaftlichen Leben beteiligen. Was mich wundern nimmt: welches sind aus Ihrer Sicht die spannendsten und überraschendsten demokratischen Errungenschaften, auf die Menschen in Portugal heute - bald ein halbes Jahrhundert nach der Nelkenrevolution stolz sein können?

During the socialist government in Valencia, they have created irreversible, or only with a lot of money reversible facts for the quality of life of the residents: protected bike lanes, widening of the sidewalks, parking in residential streets eliminated, no more chemical "weed" destruction in the tree borders, improvement of the public bus & subway by rearranging the stops. This has improved the quality of life which has also boosted tourism. The market liberals & the old fascists are raving. Unfortunately, this also has the consequence that whole hotel shiploads, similar to Venice, flood the city center on weekends & holidays, so that mam has the feeling to be only tolerated as a resident.... ;-)) ;-((
Waehrend der sozialistischen Regierung in Valencia, haben diese unumkehrbare, oder nur mit viel Geld umkehrbare Tatsachen zur Lebensqualitaet der Bewohner geschaffen: geschuetzte Radwege, Verbreiterung der Trottoirs, Parkplaetze in Wohnstrassen aufgehoben, keine chemische "Unkraut"-Vernichtung mehr in den Baumrabatten, Verbesserung der oeffeffentlichen Busse & U-Bahnen durch Neu-Ordnug der Haltestellen. Das hat die Lebensqualitaet verbessert, welche auch den Tourismus angekurbelt hat. Die Marktliberalen & die alt-Faschisten toben. Das hat leider auch zur Folge, dass ganze Hotel-Schiffsladungen, aehnlich wie in Venedig die Innenstadt an Wochenenden & Feiertagen ueberschwemmen, so dass mam das Gefuehl hat, als Einwohner nur noch geduldet zu sein... ;-)) ;-((

Good day Mr. Miesch and thank you very much for your contribution. You have told a lot about the development in Valencia in a very short and spicy way and from different perspectives. Very exciting. Question: Are there also citizens' initiatives in Valencia on the subject of "overtourism"?
Guten Tag Herr Miesch und vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag. Sie haben in aller Kürze und Würze sehr viel über die Entwicklung in Valencia erzählt und das aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Sehr spannend. Frage: Gibt es in Valencia auch Bürgerinitiativen zum Thema "Übertourismus"?

Hello Mr. Kaufman
I live with my wife in Ingelheim near Mainz.
Starting from our Swiss association Energy Effectiveness Community we are working on two big projects in the district of Mainz-Bingen.
Energy cell in the district Mainz-Bingen (
In this project we work very strongly with the instruments of direct democracy. This project is about an exemplary regional, safe and climate-neutral energy supply with the involvement of the numerous stakeholders, especially the citizens.
The second project is organized by the citizens' association Wir für mehr Bürgerbeteiligung (We for more citizen participation). This project is about making the advantages of direct democracy directly tangible. We are supported by Demokratie Leben and the political education of Rhineland-Palatinate. Andi Gross from Switzerland is advising us scientifically.
+49 6132 9782912
Guten Tag Herr Kaufman
Ich wohne mit meiner Frau in Ingelheim bei Mainz.
Ausgehend von unserem Schweizer Verein Energieeffektivität Community bearbeiten wir zwei grosse Projekte im Landkreis Mainz-Bingen.
Energiezelle im Landkreis Mainz-Bingen (
In diesem Projekt arbeite wir sehr stark mit den Instrumenten der Direkten Demokratie. Es geht bei diesem Projekt um eine beispielhafte regionale, sichere und klimaneutrale Energieversorgung unter Einbezug der zahlreichen Akteure im Speziellen der Bürger.
Das zweite Projekt wird organisert durch die Bürgergemeinschaft Wir für mehr Bürgerbeteiligung. Bei diesem Projekt geht es uns darum die Vorteile der Direkte Demokratie direkt erlebbar zu machen. Dabei werden wir unterstützt durch Demokratie Leben und der politischen Bildung Rheinland-Pfalz. Wissenschaftlich berät uns Andi Gross aus der Schweiz.
+49 6132 9782912

Hello Mr. Löpfe and thank you very much for your letter.
These are very interesting and important projects that I would like to delve into a bit. It is also exciting to see the extent to which you are cooperating with state and civil society actors in this. The wealth of experience in direct democracy from Switzerland and also the involvement of experts like Andi Gross is certainly very useful. I will be happy to contact you and exchange ideas on this.
With democratic greetings, Bruno Kaufmann
Guten Tag Herr Löpfe und herzlichen Dank für Ihre Zuschrift.
Das sind sehr interessante und wichtige Projekte, in die ich mich gerne etwas vertiefen möchte. Es ist auch spannend, in welchem Umfang Sie dabei mit staatlichen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren kooperieren. Der Erfahrungsschatz der Direkten Demokratie aus der Schweiz und auch der Einbezug von Fachleuten wie Andi Gross ist sicher sehr sinnvoll. Gerne werde ich Sie dazu kontaktieren und austauschen.
Mit demokratischen Grüssen, Bruno Kaufmann

Hmm how about PostFinance and UBS closing accounts for anyone with russian sounding name, even if they work normal jobs, married to swiss and are stationed here for decades. Very nice very democratic. I am leaving this unlawful country as soon as I can. I did not recieve salary for 4 months because my accounts were frozen simply because of my passport. Same story with many of my friends who studied here some even got Swiss passports and still their accounts were frozen or closed. There is no law here, thous banks refused to give us any paper document saying why we are regected so we can sue them. Very comfortable, if I knew better I would have never used Swiss banks with their nationalists view. My IT skills can be better used elsewhere, where I am not a target of discrimination simply of my passport.

Thank you for sharing your story. The management of the finance business has often been subject for (direct) democratic processes in Switzerland indeed, while the operations of private financial business do enjoy a lot of freedoms of their own. As a consequence it is often criticized both of being too rigid (as you describe) or too liberal (when it comes to host money from foreign oligarchs). I am not sure, what you mean with the notion "there is no law (here)"?
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