What inspires your optimism for democracy?
In 2024, more people will be called to vote than ever before in human history. In India alone, there are around one billion eligible voters. At the same time, the prospects are not rosy: populists could triumph and polarisation is on the rise in many countries. Authoritarian regimes, for example in Russia and Iran, are also organising elections – to maintain the appearance of democracy.
In this situation, we ask you, our readers, why you still have hope in your home country and in the world: what makes you optimistic about democracy?
To the article: 2024 represents ‘critical juncture’ for future of democracy

I know a little about the 1956 Hungarian student uprising from the novel Bloody Morning by the author Alta Halverson Seymour. I was studying law at FADOM - Faculdade de Direito do Oeste de Minas. The story of the bravery of the Hungarian students moved the world. I remember that the book says that more than 90,000 students left Hungary and I wondered how much intellectual damage would be done to a country of Hungary's proportions by losing these students. Considering that most of them went on to the USA, it's easy to see the great contribution that country made with these students. I tackled this subject in one of my Political Science papers, which is part of the law programme
Eu conheço um pouco dessa insurreição dos estudantes húngaros de 1956, através do romance Manhã Sangrenta da autora Alta Halverson Seymour. Eu cursava a faculdade de Direito na FADOM - Faculdade de Direito do Oeste de Minas. A história da bravura dos estudantes húngaros comoveu o mundo. Eu lembro que o livro fala que mais de 90 mil estudantes deixaram a Hungria e eu ficava imaginando o prejuízo intelectual para um país das proporções da Hungria perdendo estes estudantes. Considerando que a maior parte deles seguiram para os EUA, é fácil ver o grande aporte que aquele país teve com estes estudantes. Abordei este tema num dos meus trabalhos da matéria de Ciências Políticas, que integra os cursos de direito

Thank you very much for your message and your impressive description!
Have you already read our article about the Hungarians who have fled to Switzerland?
Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht und Ihre eindrückliche Schilderung!
Haben Sie denn auch bereits unseren Beitrag über die in die Schweiz geflüchteten Ungarn gelesen?

voluntary solidarity is one of the purest way how human beings are able to interact with each other
its important to uphold the ability for every human being to help every other human being in ways both human beings agree with each other
its just plain wrong if someone interferes if two or more human beings are happy together helping each other to thrive
what happens in europe with people supporting refugee rejecting schemes via financing frontex is nothing else than a tragedy
i do ask fellow human beings to think about opening their minds to allow all fellow human beings to travel the planet freely in a sort of global laisser passer for everyone so that one could at all times find a safe space where one would feel welcome
since some time i am writing about the fundamental injustice what happens on this planet via the coersed association of the newborn human being to the state
i do believe the birth certificate is the mark of the monster with what a human being gets appropriated by the state, one moment a human being is born free and the next moment the birth certificate gets produced and wamm, the human being is no more free but under control of the state
i assume a smallest common denominator we 8 billion plus human beings could agree on could be how we would want to simply allow each other to acess mother earth for humble self sustaining without anyone asking another to pay rent or buy land
everone alive today allowing everyone to enjoy a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest for a lifetime so one could grow vegan food on it, build ones own home from clay, hemp and straw, grow hemp to burn its stalks in the cooking and warming fire so that not one tree would get killed
to live and let live
in a free space for free beings, neither state nor nation
we could allow each other to leave the coersed association to the state at any moment by simply ignoring the constitutions of states thinking of how most everyone was never asked wether one would want to be associated to a regional and or nation state
is a coersed association, a membership not choosen voluntarily but imposed upon the single human being, is such a coersed membership in a nation state valid ?
possibly not
possible that the mark of the monster could be the birth certificate, a piece of paper or and a set of data with what the nation state appropriates the newborn human being
its evil or at least immoral and unethical that assertion of state sovereignity over land and all beings living on it
land, water, air, human beings, animal beings, tree beings, artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons, all material bodies what carry organical biological life in them and or the digital synthethic equivalent of can never be property of anyone but of themselves
possible to imagine how we who are alive today could collect signatures from each other for a people initiative what would demand a public vote on the reform of the constitution so that every human, animal, tree and artificial intelligent entity as well as every village, town and city-district would be allowed to leave the coersed association to the state at any moment without condition
possible also that we who would want to be free from state control but relate to each other based on mutual agreed ways what and how to share if the occasion to share would arise, how we children of the earth made from stardust would want to support each other to ask or demand of the state how a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest would be released from immoral state control for every human being who no more wants to be member of the state, no more wants to be associated to a state what never ever asked wether one would agree to be associated to it
i believe in donation economy and voluntary solidarity
where love and friendship is, rules need not be

Thank you for your contribution - but it seems to me that there is a crucial error in your thinking:
A society can hardly be organised in a stable way in a free community of people, because every individual can leave this community again as soon as it becomes unpleasant.
And even apart from major injustices, it is part of life to experience unpleasant moments again and again in contact with society.
However, I would also like to remind you that you are taking part in a debate about optimism for democracy - and not on a platform where people outline their personal utopian ideas.
Danke für Ihren Beitrag - mir scheint da aber ein entscheidender Denkfehler zugrundezuliegen:
In freier Gemeinschaft von Menschen lässt sich eine Gesellschaft wohl kaum stabil organisieren, weil jedes Individuum diese Gemeinschaft wieder verlassen kann, sobald es unangenehm wird.
Und auch abseits von grossen Ungerechtigkeiten gehört es zum Leben dazu, dass man im Kontakt mit der Gesellschaft immer wieder unangenehme Momente verlebt.
Gerne möchte ich Sie aber auch daran erinnern, dass Sie hier an einer Debatte über Optimismus für Demokratie teilnehmen - und nicht auf einer Plattform, wo Leute ihre persönlichen utopischen Ideen skizzieren.

Democracy is part of man. People have always sought dialogue. The palaver tree is one of its tools. The ancient Greeks institutionalised it in politics, followed by the Romans. Constantly attacked, reduced, modified, torn apart and improved, millions of people have given their lives and colossal sums of money have been spent to defend it. It always wins in the end. Complex, it is the reflection of man, in his way of being and thinking. It is essential to us, vital, like air and water.
La démocratie fait partie de l'homme. En tout temps il a cherché le dialogue. L'arbre à palabre en est des outils. Les grecs anciens l'ont institutionalisée, en politique, suivie par les romains. Sans cesse attaquée, réduite, modifiée, écartelée, améliorée, des millions de gens ont donnés leur vie et des sommes colossales ont été dépensées pour la défendre. Elle fini toujours par gagner. Complexe, elle est le reflet de l'homme, dans sa manière d'être et de penser. Elle nous est indispensable, vitale, comme l'air et l'eau.

Thank you very much, Mr Prout, for these summed up and optimistic thoughts!
Vielen Dank Herr Prout, für diese summierten und von Optimismus erfüllten Gedanken!

Democracy is the most hypocritical form of slavery. Each slave is a separate caste. At the same time, they are all brothers.....
Демократия это самая лицемерная форма рабства. Каждый раб - отдельная каста. В то же время все они - братья…

Democracy is great but it is not freedom. The degree of freedom a country has depends on what its citizens are permitted to vote on. If the population can vote on what everyone has for dinner, that is democracy but it is not freedom.

But if I follow your explanations, does democracy need to be in place for freedom to become an option at all?
Aber wenn ich Ihren Ausführungen folge, braucht es Demokratie, damit Freiheit überhaupt zu einer Option wird?

In the world I am not sure, but in Switzerland yes!
Switzerland's neutrality must be maintained and that is why I do not agree to join Europe.
It is important to remain neutral for a country as small as Switzerland, but some overflows must be carefully monitored.
Dans le monde je ne suis pas sur, mais en Suisse oui !
La neutralité de la Suisse dois être préservé est s'est la raison pour la quelle je ne suis pas d'accord d'adhérer à l'Europe.
C'est important de rester neutre pour un pays si petit que la Suisse, mais certaines débordement doivent être bien surveillé.

I am not optimistic about democracies in the world.
Clan struggles, pseudo-religions that do not even respect the individuals they are supposed to guide and protect, the obvious irresponsibility of certain political leaders who are sometimes regularly elected, conflicts of interests, illiteracy, slavery and trafficking in human beings and animals, wars and trafficking in human beings and animals, wars, dictatorships that claim to be democracies, pandemics and their collateral damage, etc... are all causes that will against the success and success of democracies...
Je ne suis pas optimiste pour les démocraties dans le monde.
Les luttes claniques, les pseudos religions qui ne respectent même pas les individus qu’elles sont pourtant censées guider et protéger, l’irresponsabilité patente de certains dirigeants politiques parfois régulièrement élus, les conflits d'intérêts, l'illettrisme, l’esclavage et les trafics d’êtres humains et d’animaux, les guerres, les dictatures qui se prétendent démocraties, les pandémies et leurs dégâts collatéraux, etc… sont autant de causes qui vont à l’encontre de la réussite et du succès des démocraties…

Unfortunately, I am no longer convinced of democracy. First, a lot of money is invested and is it possible by certain parties to influence the opinion of the masses. Unfortunately, this is simply possible because there are too many people voting on things they have no idea about. Secondly, I have now seen several times that people are being elected to political office in order to earn money or to achieve a position of power in which they can achieve goals that they could not achieve without this position!
Leider bin ich nicht mehr ueberzeugt von der Demokratie. Erstens wird , und ist es moeglich, von gewissen Parteien viel Geld investiert um die Meinung der Masse zu beeinflussn. Das ist leider einfach moeglich, weil es zu viele Leute hat, die abstimmen ueber Sachen von denen sie keien Ahnung haben. Zweitens habe ich nun mehrmals gesehen, dass sich Leute in ein politisches Amt waehlen lassen um Geld zu verdienen bezw. um eine Machtposition zu erreichen in der sie Ziele erreichen koennen die sie ohne diese Position nicht erreichen koennten!

From Giorgio:
-we must admit that the Creator has placed Man and especially Women, in a continuous and perfect chaos! There are rules at all levels, in the macro, in the micro but they are continuously violated, reconstituted and the chaos has always continued... will it continue indefinitely? We don't understand.
-democracy is an experiment of man, like religions, to give ourselves rules, limits... after all, to give ourselves a morality that makes us more human.
-the differences between individuals exist, both congenital and generated by the environment.
-in fact, the best emerge, the others follow.
-the best, the most gifted, will “force” “others” to good (peace, development) or evil (wars).
-the democratic system is a human, intelligent utopia... the best one invented so far.
-it remains a utopia necessary to hope but it requires everyone's effort and commitment. Difficult!!!
-us, Switzerland: true, we are good, ahead of others but...
Giorgio, one of the many who follow and hope.
Da Giorgio:
-dobbiamo ammettere che il Creatore ha posizionato l’Uomo e specialmente le Donne, in un caos continuo e perfetto! Ci sono regole a tutti i livelli, nel macro, nel micro ma vengono continuamente violate, ricostituite ed il caos continua da sempre…continuerà all’infinito? Noi non capiamo.
-la democrazia è un esperimento dell’Uomo, come le religioni, per darsi regole, limiti... in fondo darsi una morale che ci renda più umani.
-le diversità fra individui esistono, sia congenite che generate dell’ambiente.
-di fatto, i migliori emergono, gli altri seguono.
-i migliori, i più dotati, “obbligheranno” “gli altri” al bene (pace, sviluppo) o al male (guerre).
-il sistema democratico è un’utopia umana, intelligente…. la migliore fino ad ora inventata.
-rimane un’utopia necessaria per sperare ma richiede lo sforzo e l’adesione di tutti. Difficile!!!
-noi, la Svizzera: vero, siamo bravi, più avanti di altri ma….
Giorgio, uno dei tanti che seguono e sperano.

I would like to add one or two points to my edict earlier regarding totalitarian states.
It seems that trillions are spent on various types weaponry to which the population pays the price. Mr Kim for example has a pretty good life while the mass of the people have not enough to eat & life in poverty with no hope of a better life ---- I do emphasize as we know it. In Mr Putin`s Russia its not too different in many ways. When he wanted to claim Ukraine he massed 300.000 troops at its border & marched in at a horrendous cost in
men & materials. Hitler massed 3,000,000 men when invaded Russia in operation Barbarossa. Very few returned to Germany !!! The point of my comments is thus, when it is forbidden for people of that country to be involved, awful & costly mistakes are guaranteed to be made. I realize that somebody has to take control & make decisions, lets hope they get it right. From Uncle John.

It is said that Switzerland has the only " true " democracy, principally because the people have a great influence on the actions of our politicians, through the voting system. Countries like Russia, North Korea, can & are wonderful examples. Try & imagine if you were told you have a choice, its him or her mainly him. Your possible life thereafter is a not so comfortable gulag or you could just disappear. I`m sure most people have seen the charade in North Korea where you are " instructed " to clap your hands & wave a little flag because " we have ways of making you submit " ---- you will obey the system !!!!
In Hitlers Germany during the 30`s & later the 40`s there were similarities to other parts of the world today, --- so whats new, --- in a word, -- nothing. It`s only the time span that`s changed. Democracy is a system we should cherish deeply & make sure we " all " contribute in the the most positive ways, -- all the time. If you want to create your own business or you wish to study to become a better & more professional person you have that opportunity, -- where you don`t have these opportunities your future could be described in one word, --- zero.
I worked on my own for 30 years & during those years I knew no other way but perfection for me, my clients & for my country, -- Switzerland. I consider myself extremely fortunate that democracy in part gave me that chance. In a totalitarian state, forget it, it would not happen,---- period. My experience of another democracy is where a group of politicians are voted in government for a period of 5 years, the system is not too bad but it can create monumental problems depending on the quality of the people elected. To have people in power who change the leader like I change my underpants is really not conducive to a stable country & economy to say the least. Here in our system that situation would be difficult or impossible due to the population vote which has immense control over what decisions are made at a political level. In other words we can & do play our part in the running of our country. My opinion --- true democracy.
from Uncle John.

It is not that democracy is good or bad, but that it is in the vortex of history.
Even if the very best people in the history of mankind have gathered their wisdom and built it, there will always be problems.
It can't be helped because not everyone has the same values and no one can know the future.
Problems inherited from the past
Problems caused by globalisation
Problems caused by technological evolution
Problems caused by human greed
I am optimistic because problems are solved while new problems emerge.
I believe this can be called evolution.
And I am fulfilled living in the present.

'Still, why hope for democracy?' because everyone in the world thinks that 'dictatorship has no appeal'.
And also because it has been historically proven that "socialism has no future".
That is why the Soviet Union collapsed and why people are constantly fleeing from CHINA and KOREA today.
In Japan, where I live, there are many people who praise and admire such countries.
And those who advocate it have very respectable titles and a lot of money.
Some of the JRA volunteers who terrorised Japan and the world have gone to North Korea, and some of their children are now working to become lawmakers in Japan.
Their actions seem to show that 'democracy is the hope'.

It can be said that democracy has two adjustable bolts: freedom and equality. Of these, freedom is predominant and equality must seek to expand without questioning freedom.
I am Peruvian, in 1823 and 1826, two constitutions were approved (until today Peru has had 12 political constitutions) inspired by the thought of Charles de Secondat (Baron de Montesquieu) who suggested three powers: Legislatio, Executive and Judicial. However, in Peru in 1823, four powers were made, electoral power was added to the other three, yet the so-called electoral power seemed to replace the people (a juridical-political concept different from population, which is a demographic concept) from which power emanates.
The Lifetime Constitution (which lasted 49 days) of 1826 made one more power (which is not really State Power), the Municipal Power.
I consider that they are not contributions but deformations to the philosophy and theory of the State. The Baron de Montesquieu (also the Swiss Jean-Jacques Rousseau) pointed out that the election of the president, vice-presidents and other senior officials should be elected by the Parliament and in Peru this is not the case because they are elected by universal, direct and secret ballot, thus giving them an exaggerated power that affects society and allows anti-democratic political sectors to take power of the State. Result in Peru: the presidents for 40 years (the term is 5 years), all of them, are still under the shadow of corruption and are imprisoned, escaped, committed suicide, persecuted and prosecuted.
My point of view is that this structure of the State, which originated in 1823, no longer works and must be restructured, in such a way that it is the Parliament or the Assembly that chooses these authorities internally.
On the other hand, the philosophers of the 19th century considered that the participation of the people was fundamental, but in Peru participation begins and ends with elections.
The proof of the need for democracy in the world is evidenced as necessary in the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the terrorist groups that are allied to attack Israel, which is a society with a democratic state model.
Se puede decir que la democracia tiene dos pernos ajustables : libertad e igualdad. De estos la libertad es predominante y la igualdad debe buscar expandirse sin cuestionar la libertad.
Soy peruano, en 1823 y 1826 se aprobaron dos constituciones (hasta hoy Perú ha tenido 12 constituciones políticas) inspiradas en el pensamiento de Charles de Secondat (barón de Montesquieu) que sugirió tres poderes: Legislatio, Ejecutivo y Judicial. Sin embargo en Perú en 1823 se hicieron 4 poderes, se agregó el poder electoral a los otros tres, sin embargo el llamado poder electoral parecía reemplazar al pueblo (concepto jurídico-político diferente a población que es un concepto demográfico) de donde emana el poder.
La Constitución Vitalicia (que duró 49 días) de 1826 hizo un poder más (que en realidad no es Poder del Estado), el Poder Municipal.
Considero que no son aportes sino deformaciones a la filosofía y teoría del Estado. El barón de Montesquieu (igualmente el suizo Jean Jacques Rousseau) señaló que la elección del presidente, vicepresidentes y otros altos funcionarios debían ser elegidos por el Parlamento y en Perú no es así porque los eligen por votación universal, directa y secreta, dándoles así un exagerado poder que afecta a la sociedad y posibilita que sectores político anti democráticos tomen el poder del Estado. Resultado en Perú: los presidentes desde hace 40 años (el período es de 5 años), todos, están hasta hoy bajo la sombra de la corrupción y se encuentran presos, fugados, suicidado, perseguidos y enjuiciados.
Mi punto de vista es que esta estructura del Estado originada desde 1823, ya no sirve y hay que reestructurarlo, de tal manera que sea el Parlamento o la Asamblea la que elija internamente a estas autoridades.
Por otro lado, los filósofos del siglo XIX consideraron que la participación del pueblo era fundamental, pero en Perú la participación comienza y termina con las elecciones.
La prueba de la necesidad de la democracia en el mundo se evidencia como necesaria en la invasión rusa en Ucrania y los grupos terroristas que se alían para atacar a Israel que es una sociedad con modelo democrático de Estado.

Bad question, false problem, they're thinking backwards. It is much easier to deceive someone than to make them admit that they have been deceived... Voting for people and giving them all freedom without citizen control, without the possibility of revoking them, without obligation to result, without sanction in case of failure or betrayal... that's not democratic, it's ABSURD!
In addition, with elections there is no political equality between citizens, it is as if there were no equality before the law. Certain citizens can access power by funding their political campaigns and others only have access to vote every time a bishop dies. A democratic election is a perfect oxymoron. We must stop thinking with our feet as they taught us so well from school, instilling in us that democracy = vote
Mala pregunta, falso problema, estan pensando al revez. Es mucho mas facil engañar a alguien que hacerle reconocer que lo han engañado... Votar a gente y darles toda libertad sin control ciudadano, sin posibilidad de revocarlos, sin obligacion de resultado, sin sancion en caso de fracaso o de traicion... eso no es democratico, es ABSURDO !
Ademas, con las elecciones no hay igualdad politica entre ciudadanos, es como si no hubiera igualdad frente a la ley. Ciertos ciudadanos pueden acceder al poder, financiando sus campañas politicas y los demas solo tienen acceso a votar cada muerte de obispo. eleccion democratica es un perfecto oximoron. Hay que dejar de pensar con los pies como nos enseñaron tan bien desde la escuela inculcandonos que democracia = voto

There is a need to change views on the concept of democracy as a peaceful civil means of transferring political power because political parties as subjects of collective ideas are no longer the only ones that create reality or promote its existence, considering that what is available from social, political and cultural cross-fertilization on the media is what constitutes public opinion rather than the positions of political elites. On the other hand, democracy in its traditional sense also remains the most tried and successful means of transferring power in civilized communities that have been able to address the problems of democracy by exercising more democracy. This is the same reason that most countries in the world have access to established democratic practices because there are comprehensive systems or customs and traditions that reject the participation or peaceful circulation of political power -
هناك حوجة لتغير وجهات النظر حول مفهوم الديموفراطية كوسيلة سلمية مدنية لتداول السلطة السياسية لان الاحزاب السياسية كمواعين للافكار الجماعية لم تعد وحدها التي يصنع الواقع او تعزز وجوده باعتبار ان المتاح من التلاقح الاجتماعي والسياسي والثقافي على الميديا هو ما يشكل الرائ العام اكثر من مواقف النخب السياسية. في المقابل تظل الديموقراطية بمفهومها التقليدي ايضا الوسيلة الاكثر تجربة ونجاح في تداول السلطة في المجتمعات المتمدنة والتي استطاعت ان تعالج مشاكل الديموقراطية بمزيد من ممارسة الديموقراطية وهو نفس السبب الدي من اغلب دول العالم من الوصول للممارسة الديموقراطية الراسخة لوجود انظمة او عادات وتقاليد شمولية ترفض مشاركة السلطة السياسية او تداولها سلميا -

Thank you for your contribution, dear Mr. Salih, you describe how the power of discourse is shifting broadly - possibly also mediated by algorithms. But I have not yet fully understood in which direction you would like to see the concept changed: What must the concept of democracy be today?
Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag, lieber Herr Salih, Sie beschreiben, wie sich die Diskursmacht in die Breite verlagert - womöglich auch vermittelt durch Algorithmen. Aber ich habe noch nicht ganz verstanden, in welche Richtung Sie das Konzept verändert gesehen haben möchten: Was muss das Konzept von Demokratie heute sein?

Nowadays there is obvious democratic fatigue and it is not the fault of the institutions, but of civic regression. Who still makes themselves available by sacrificing their free time? And even with little or no financial compensation? Today, careerists and social rampants often get in the running who hope for a career shortcut, that is, they have hidden motives. Democracy requires constant effort and great political commitment aimed at achieving the common good, which today, however, has lost all attractiveness. Too much lasting well-being has weakened people who have little desire to fight and prefer free time with trips to exotic countries. With this comfortable mentality, however, we will not go anywhere: let's not complain about the constant increase of strong regimes, which unfortunately appear to many naive people even sexier than “boring” democracy.
Oggigiorno c'è evidente stanchezza democratica e non è colpa delle istituzioni , ma dell'involuzione civica. Chi si mette ancora a disposizione sacrificando il proprio tempo libero? E pure con scarsi o nulli compensi economici? Oggi si mettono in corsa spesso arrivisti e rampanti sociali che sperano in una scorciatoia per la carriera, cioè hanno secondi fini. La democrazia richiede costante sforzo e grande impegno politico teso a conseguire il bene comune che oggi però ha perso ogni attrattiva. Troppo benessere duraturo ha infiacchito la gente che ha poca voglia di lottare e preferisce il tempo libero con viaggi nei paesi esotici. Con questa mentalità di comodo però non si andrà da nessuna parte: non lamentiamoci poi del costante incremento dei regimi forti, che purtroppo a molti ingenui appaiono persino più sexy che non la "noiosa" democrazia.

So you're thinking of Switzerland? Or to another militia democracy, where you sacrifice your free time? In your opinion, should holding democratically elected office be a full-time job?
Sie denken also an die Schweiz? Oder an eine andere Milizdemokratie, wo man seine Freizeit opfert? Sollte das Ausüben demokratisch gewählter Ämter Ihrer Meinung nach ein Vollzeitberuf sein?

I'm not optimistic about democracy, but I believe it's the only option for humanity. This is because I am fully aware of the spiritual imperfection of mankind.
If all human beings had a personality as perfect as God's, there would be no conflicts of interest, but the reality is quite different. The history of mankind is a series of conflicts and violations of human rights, as everyone tends to act to their own advantage and sacrifice others to achieve it.
Only in rare instances does a man of integrity and intelligence emerge to reconcile people's interests and lead society peacefully, but his life is over when his time is up.
The only way for imperfect people to reconcile their interests is through mutual understanding and compromise through discussion. However, when the number of members in a society becomes so large and the conflicts of interest so diverse that it becomes difficult to discuss until all are satisfied, majority rule is used to manage society as a whole efficiently, and this has come to be known as democratic politics, as written in school textbooks. This is what has come to be known as democratic politics.
Unfortunately, it must be borne in mind that this results in the oppression of the few by the many.
This is especially the case today, where propaganda is rampant and the will of the people can be easily manipulated. Policy is determined more by the daily shifts in opinion polls than by elections held every few years, and the use of social networking sites to manipulate public opinion has become commonplace. It is dangerous to rely solely on majority rule in these circumstances.
I cannot be optimistic about democracy in that I cannot predict how it will develop in the future, so I can only focus on what will happen in the future.
If we hope that someone will show us the way, we are asking for a dictatorship.
Are we reaching the limit of the survival of a spiritually imperfect human race?

I think that this much acclaimed democracy is still far away, and I think that it is still the prototype that 24 centuries Plato suggested... 3 social classes.
1) .for the worker there was no need for a good education.
2) for guardians, or soldiers, they were forbidden to visit places of poetry, since it was diseducational for them.
3) and last for the rulers who identified themselves with philosophers, and lovers of knowledge.
Today nothing has changed,
Penso che Questa tanta acclamata democrazia, sia lontano ancora luce, e penso che sia ancora il prototipo che 24 secoli Platone suggerí....3 classi sociali.
1).per il lavoratore non c'era bisogno una buona educazione.
2) per i custodi,o militari, gli era proibito frequentare luoghi della poesia, essendo per loro disiducativa.
3) ed ultima per I governanti che si identificavano con filosofi,e cultori della conoscenza.
Oggi nulla e cambiato,

“Today nothing has changed” seems wrong to me, indeed, even senseless. Plato is more than two thousand years old and can no longer be taken as a model: if anything, his idealistic-anti-democratic system was applied roughly only in totalitarian systems (USSR, Cuba, China) with often disastrous results due to the systematic repression of all dissent.
Are we tired of democracy today? This is possible, but it is not the fault of democracy itself as a political system, but rather of lazy, disenchanted citizens who are unwilling to truly commit themselves to the 'common good' regardless of their own gain.
The greatest danger for the proper functioning of democracy is also posed by social networks (!) with their information and disinformation in 'pills' or slogans, often false and misleading. The lack of desire to make oneself seriously available is a sign of civic decay and there is absolutely nothing positive about it! There is also a lack of ethical training for young people both at home and at school in preparing responsible citizens. Any kind of disease is another widespread disease due to growing ignorance and disillusionment. Finally, China's economic successes act as a mirror for larks, which beautifully forget the fierce repression of human rights.
So what's the alternative? Perhaps authoritarian-tyrannical regimes?
Go ahead, punish yourself!
"Oggi nulla è cambiato" mi sembra sbagliato, anzi, addirittura insensato. Platone è vecchio di oltre duemila anni e non può più esser preso a modello: semmai il suo sistema idealistico-antidemocratico fu applicato approssimativamente solo nei sistemi totalitari (URSS, Cuba, Cina) con esiti spesso disastrosi causa la repressione sistematica di ogni dissidenza.
Siamo oggi stanchi di democrazia? Ciò è possibile, ma non è colpa della democrazia in sé come sistema politico, ma piuttosto dei cittadini pigri, disincantati e poco disposti di impegnarsi veramente per il "bene comune" al di là del proprio tornaconto.
Il pericolo maggiore per il funzionamento corretto della democrazia è dato anche dai social (!) con le loro informazioni e disinformazioni in "pillole" o slogan, spesso falsi e fuorvianti. La poca voglia di mettersi seriamente a disposizione, è segno di decadenza civica e non ha proprio nulla di positivo! Manca pure la formazione etica dei giovani sia a casa, sia a scuola nel preparare cittadini responsabili. Il qualunquismo è un'altra malattia diffusa dovuta alla crescente ignoranza e disillusione. Infine i successi economici della Cina fungono da specchietto per le allodole, che dimenticano bellamente la feroce repressione dei diritti umani.
Qual' è allora l'alternativa? Forse i regimi autoritari-tirannici?
Avanti, castigatevi sa soli!

Thank you so much for your contribution.
In my opinion, many things have already changed in 24 centuries - for example, the ideas of natural law and the resulting rights of the individual.
And in addition to ideas, there are situational changes that also have consequences for democracies: Knowledge of what is happening in other parts of the world; the ability to communicate without direct contact. Don't you think so?
Kind regards!
Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag.
Nach meinem Eindruck hat sich also schon vieles geändert in 24 Jahrhunderten - beispielsweise die Ideen des Naturrechts und die daraus hervorgehenden Rechte des Individuums.
Und neben den Ideen gibt es situationsbedingte Veränderungen, die doch ebenfalls Folgen für die Demokratien haben: Das Wissen darüber, was in anderen Teilen der Welt passiert; die Möglichkeit der Kommunikation ohne direkten Kontakt. Denken Sie nicht?
Herzliche Grüsse!

Thank you so much for this dedicated comment — it's fun to see how engaged the exchange is taking place here.
Vielen Dank für diesen engagierten Kommentar - es macht Spass zu beobachten, wie engagiert der Austausch hier stattfindet.

I believe that for there to be full democracy, in Latin American countries, direct democracy is essential.
Since the political constitutions of Peru (1823, 1826 and 1933), the structure of the State originated with errors and distortions of the thinking of the classic contractualists of the 17th and 18th centuries. For example, Charles de Secondat (Baron de Montesquieu) proposed that the Legislative Power (the Parliament) be the one that elects the president, vice-presidents and other rulers. This never happened, however, presidential elections (elected by universal, direct and secret ballot) in the 21st century no longer work and the proof is that from 1985 to today, only candidates for president of Peru considered “minor evils” (the least bad) have won, and today in 2024 they are imprisoned, committed suicide, persecuted, extradited, prosecuted for corruption, etc.
Since 2012, I have been studying the Swiss and German States with greater dedication, from which I have been able to develop a model of State that will be proposed in my Peruvian Aprista Party to be discussed and crystallized in our Government Plan for Peru.
Abraham Fudrini
Lima-Peru, March 7, 2024.
Considero que para que haya plena democracia, en los países de América Latina, es imprescindible la democracia directa.
Desde las constituciones políticas de Perú (1823, 1826 y 1933), la estructura del Estado se originó con errores y con deformaciones de los pensamientos de los clásicos contractualistas de los siglos XVII y XVIII. Por ejemplo Charles de Secondat (barón de Montesquieu) propuso que el Poder Legislativo (el Parlamento) sea el que elija al presidente, vicepresidentes y otros gobernantes. Esto nunca ocurrió, sin embargo el presidencialismo (elegido por voto universal, directo y secreto) en el siglo XXI ya no funciona y la prueba es que desde 1985 hasta hoy solo han ganado los candidatos para presidente de Perú considerados "males menores" (los menos malos) y hoy 2024 están presos, suicidado, perseguidos, extraditados, enjuiciados por corrupción, etc.
Desde 2012 estudio con mayor dedicación el Estado suizo y el alemán, de los que he podido elaborar un modelo de Estado que será propuesto en mi Partido Aprista Peruano para que sea discutido y cristalizado en nuestro Plan De Gobierno para Perú.
Abraham Fudrini
Lima-Perú, 7 de marzo de 2024.
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