What is the future for neutrality?
The Russian attack on Ukraine poses a challenge for neutral countries like Switzerland, Sweden and Austria. How can solidarity with the attacked state and the principle of non-interference be reconciled?
Is neutrality still possible for Western countries? How should it be defined? Join the discussion.
From the article Russia’s war revives ‘neutrality’ debate

Neutrality should look exactly as it did in the past. We have a great advantage and can determine our laws in a way that best serves our country and our people. We should not get involved in foreign wars that are none of our business. There is no turning point, only a principle. We have a great advantage with direct democracy with which we can challenge politicians who do not represent our interests.
Die Neutralität soll genaus so aussehen wie sie in der vergangenheit war. Wir haben damit einen grossen forteil und kônnen unsere gestze so bestimmen wie sie in unserem land und unseren Menschen am besten dienen. Wir sollen uns nicht in fremde kriege einmisschen die uns nichts angehen. Da gibt es keine zeitenwende nur ein prinzip. Wir haben einen grossen vorteil mit der direkten Demokratie womit wir die Politiker zur anwort stellen können die nicht unsere interessen vertreten.

Thank you @RuthJilani for this brief and short comment. The Swiss do certainly have an advantage in being empower to determine important decisions themselves. When it comes to neutrality however international legislation is to be considered and Switzerland has for a long time both respected those laws while being able to decide on features beyond the core of the so called Hague protocols. This has become once more evident in the current war, the first of its kind in Europe since WW II. So maybe it would be interesting to know what you mean with your first line: "Neutrality should look exactly as it did in the past"?

Neutrality was the only right thing 200 years ago in the context where the states of Europe were at war. But times have changed and a war between Germany and France seems absurd today. Today, it is as if in 1848, for example, the Canton of Lucerne declared itself neutral and had not taken part in the Swiss Confederation. Yes, I am of the opinion that neutrality is an old braid because the world has changed in certain things since 1848.
Die Neutralität war vor 200 Jahren im damaligen Umfeld, wo sich die Staaten Europas bekriegten, das einzig Richtige. Die Zeiten haben sich aber geändert und ein Krieg zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich scheint heute absurd. Heute ist es so, wie wenn sich im Jahre 1848 z.Bsp. der Kanton Luzern neutral erklärt und bei der Eidgenossenschaft nicht mitgemacht hätte. Ja, ich bin der Meinung, die Neutralität ist ein alter Zopf weil sich die Welt in gewissen Dingen geänderr hat seit dem Jahr 1848.

Dear @HansZiörjen many thanks for your interesting comment. If Switzerland would delete its neutrality policy and declare that it will not abide to the Hague Protocols any more, which consequences for the security arrangements of the country would you see?

in my capacity as a Swiss abroad, I think that Switzerland should remain neutral in every way, and that is in the face of any conflict. Currently, most of all. Why Ukraine and not Sudan or Nigeria or any other country where Christians are currently being killed and no one is raising their voice?
And we must not forget that Russia's attack on Ukraine could have been prevented while respecting the Minsk agreements, but there was no will on the part of the Western world to stop this bleeding. On the contrary, it has been the good pretext for lifting economies with the war industry.
en mi calidad de suiza en el extranjero, pienso que Suiza debería seguir neutral en todos los sentidos, y eso cara a cualquier conflicto. Actualmente, sobre todo. ¿por qué Ucrania y no Sudán o Nigeria o cualquier otro país donde además actualmente se está matando a cristianos y nadie alza la voz?
Y no hay que olvidar que el ataque de Rusia a Ucrania hubiera podido ser evitado respetando los acuerdos de Minsk, pero no hubo ninguna voluntad del mundo occidental de parar esta sangría. Al contrario, ha sido el buen pretexto para levantar las economías con la industria de la guerra.

Thank you! "Remaining neutral" in any way was a key argument by those who opposed Switzerland joining the UN in the early 2000s. But now as we are a member of the UN the country has to abide to "its cogens" and international law of war, which a country like Russia does not. You say, that the Russian attack on its neighbor could have prevented if the Minsk agreements would have been respected. But as we know, the Russian attack on Ukraine started already in 2014 with the occupation/annexation of the Crimea peninsula and the Eastern territories. So I am not sure if your argument holds here.

How neutral is a country where its air force boasts about its training and flying partnerships with NATO countries and Israel?
I can respect the historical background and the Swiss position in WW2 was in general an honorable one. However even then, there were abuses such as the Swiss allowing Axis forces to use railway lines through the Swiss mountains to supply the front in Italy.
One has to remain very dubious about the concept which seems very elastic.

Thank you for your comment and I very well understand your skepticism about the principles, procedures and practices of neutrality. In fact, across the globe there are many different understandings of it.

The most important components of our direct democracy are century-old neutrality and the Federal Constitution, which enshrines our tried and tested values. The Federal Council and the two parliamentary chambers (National Council and Council of States) must be guided by this Constitution and stand by this personal responsibility of the voters! After the outbreak of war in eastern Ukraine, all Western countries, the EU and even America, together with NATO, immediately opposed a completely one-sided “goodness” against the largest country in the world (Russia). Anyone who openly articulated the West's history against Russia and the entire history of the situation (NATO/Russia) immediately became an enemy image! No wonder that the Federal Council (and especially the Foreign Minister) did not prevent itself from adopting the most important article of our Federal Constitution as a warring party with economic sanctions and even by abolishing perpetual neutrality! The media immediately joined in solidarity with this disposal and discussed the completely one-sided reports on the situation in Ukraine on a daily basis!
Die wichtigsten Bestandteile unserer direkten Demokratie ist die Jahrhundert alte Neutralität und die Bundesverfassung, in der unsere bewährten Werte festgehalten sind. Der Bundesrat und die beiden Parlamentskammern (National-und Ständerat) müssen sich an dieser Verfassung orientieren und zu dieser Selbstverantwortung des Stimmvolkes stehen! Nach dem Ausbruch des Krieges in der Ost-Ukraine, stellten alle westlichen Länder, die EU und sogar Amerika mit der NATO zusammen sofort eine völlig einseitige "Gutmenschlichkeit" gegen das grösste Land der Welt (Russland) entgegen. Wer die Vorgeschichte des Westens gegen Russland und die ganze Vorgeschichte der Situation (NATO/Russland) offen artikulierte, wurde sofort zum Feindbild! Kein Wunder, dass sich der Bundesrat (und vorallem der Aussenminister) nicht daran hinderte, als Kriegspartei mit Wirtschafts-Sanktionen und sogar mit der Abschaffung der immer währenden Neutralität aus dem wichtigsten Artikel unserer Bundesverfassung zu verabschieden! Sofort machten die Medien mit dieser Entsorgung solidarisch mit und traktandierten täglich die völlig einseitigen Berichte über die Situation in der Ukraine!

Any support for Putin's criminal, mafia-like and imperialist Russian regime is unacceptable!
Not even for Switzerland, whose neutrality cannot be exploited for Russia's benefit by Putin-loving Russophiles who are enemies of Western democracies.
Tout soutien au régime criminel, mafieux et impérialiste de la Russie de Poutine est inacceptable !
Et cela même pour la Suisse dont la neutralité ne peut être instrumentalisée au profit de la Russie par des russophiles poutinolâtres, ennemis des démocraties occidentales.

The future of Swiss neutrality
Dear Swiss Info subscribers,
Dear Mr. Kaufmann
As a Swiss Info subscriber, I would like to take this opportunity to kindly draw your attention to the fact that discussions on the subject of the future of "Swiss neutrality" are not useful and make no sense at all, because Switzerland has demonstrably not been neutral for years and never will be!
Since the day Switzerland's political decision-makers recognized the Serbian province of Kosovo as an independent state, political Switzerland has tragically bid farewell to its highly praised neutrality, its excellent diplomatic achievements, the trust and image it has gained and its role as a mediator.
The consequences of political decisions are now clearly visible in Ukraine as an avoidable tragedy. Russia demonstratively rejects Switzerland as a mediator!
P.S. For the reasons mentioned above, it makes sense to end discussions on topics that are no longer relevant and never will be again.
Instead, we should devote ourselves to a topic that is still taboo: Poverty and the successful fight against it in Switzerland. Poverty that is officially recognized by the Federal Council!
After all, it affects 1,200,000 million Swiss citizens who are affected by poverty and have to live on the subsistence level because just having a roof over their heads is not enough to lead a normal life!
Thank you very much for your understanding!
Die Zukunft der Schweizer Neutralität
Liebe Swiss Info Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten,
Lieber Herr Kaufmann
ich nutze die Gelegenheit als Swiss Info Abonnent, euch freundlicherweise darauf aufmerksam zu machen, dass geführte Diskussionen über das Thema: die Zukunft der "Schweizer Neutralität" nicht sinnvoll sind und gar keinen Sinn ergeben, weil die Schweiz nachweislich seit Jahren nicht mehr neutral ist und es nie sein wird!
Seit dem Tag, an dem die politischen Entscheidungsträger der Schweiz die Serbische Provinz Kosovo als selbstständigen Staat anerkannt haben, hat sich die politische Schweiz von der hochgelobten Neutralität, den exzellenten diplomatischen Leistungen, dem gewonnenen Vertrauen und Image sowie der Vermittlerrolle auf tragische Art und Weise verabschiedet.
Die Folgen politischer Entscheidungen sind jetzt in der Ukraine als eine vermeidbare Tragödie deutlich zu erkennen. Russland lehnt demonstrativ die Schweiz als Vermittlerin ab!
P.S. Aus den oben genannten Gründen ist es sinnvoll, die geführten Diskussionen über Themen, die nicht mehr aktuell sind und nie mehr sein werden, zu beenden.
Stattdessen sollten wir uns einem noch immer tabuisierten Thema widmen: Armut und der erfolgreichen Bekämpfung derselben in der Schweiz. Die Armut, die offiziell vom Bundesrat anerkannt ist!
Es betrifft immerhin 1.200.000 Millionen Schweizer Bürger, die von Armut betroffen sind und auf dem Existenzminimum leben müssen, weil allein ein Dach über dem Kopf nicht ausreicht, um ein normales Leben zu führen!
Herzlichen Dank für Ihr Verständnis!

When Switzerland was granted neutrality, Europe was a battlefield of warring empires. At that time, it had a purpose: a neutral island in the midst of warlike madness. Today, Europe is a union and partner of the oldest and strongest democracy on earth: the USA. In reality, Swiss neutrality has ceased to exist. Domestic policy should now understand this. BR Cassis' "cooperative neutrality" seems to me to be a good approach.
Als die Schweiz ihre Neutralität zugesprochen bekam, war Europa ein einziges Schlachtfeld von sich bekriegenden Imperien. Damals hatte diese einen Sinn: eine neutrale Insel inmitten des kriegerischen Wahnsinns. Heute ist Europa eine Union und Partnerin der ältesten und stärksten Demokratie der Erde: der USA. Real hat die schweizerische Neutralität aufgehört zu existieren. Das sollte die Innenpolitik jetzt nachvollziehen. Die „kooperative Neutralität“ von BR Cassis scheint mir ein guter Ansatz.

Switzerland has already abandoned neutrality in the 2nd World War. As a reminder, in August 1940, it signed exclusive trade agreements with Nazi Germany. At a time when Poland and Czechoslovakia no longer existed, the Benelux countries were overrun and France had capitulated. It was about machinery and then also about weapons. Much to the displeasure of the Allies. Was that neutral? It is certain that Switzerland would be in the situation of an aggression, like Ukraine, we would be dependent on the help of NATO and the EU. Neutrality is outdated and untrustworthy.
Die Schweiz hat die Neutralität schon im 2ten Weltkrieg aufgegeben. Zur Erinnerung: Im August 1940 hat sie exklusiv mit Nazi-Deutschland Handelsverträge abgeschlossen. Zu einem Zeitpunkt als Polen und die Cechoslowakei nicht mehr existierten, die Beneluxstatten überrannt waren und Frankreich kapituliert hatte. Es ging um Maschinen und dann auch um Waffen. Sehr zum Unwillen der Alliierten. War das Neutral? Sicher ist doch, dass die Schweiz in die Lage einer Agression, so wie die Ukraine, kommen sollte, wir auf die Hilfe der Nato und der EU angewiesen wären. Die Neutralität ist überholt und unglaubwürdig.

Big mistake applying eu sanctions de facto declaring the loss of its neutrality,I honestly never expected this but the current politicians are just faded photocopies of those of the past from whom they would have much to learn....
Grande errore applicare le sanzioni ue di fatto dichiarando la perdita della propria neutralità,sinceramente non me lo sarei mai aspettato ma i politici attuali sono solo fotocopie sbiadite di quelli del passato di cui avrebbero molto da imparare….

That the Swiss government has massively violated Switzerland's neutrality by adopting the EU sanctions against Russia is clear - and unfortunately a disaster. Switzerland would be needed more than ever as an international mediator. What is the point of Geneva as a traditional place for negotiations if not even the Russian foreign minister is allowed to enter anymore. One must probably assume that the USA also put pressure on this point and that the Swiss banks were afraid of US sanctions. The Swiss should definitely sign the popular initiative to strengthen neutrality, regardless of who launched it (I myself am politically a leftist).
Dass die Schweizer Regierung mit der Übernahme der EU-Sanktionen gegen Russland die Neutralität der Schweiz massiv verletzt hat, ist klar – und leider eine Katastrophe. Die Schweiz wäre mehr denn je nötig als internationale Vermittlerin. Was soll Genf als traditioneller Platz für Verhandlungen, wenn nicht einmal der russische Aussenminister mehr einreisen darf. Man muss wohl davon ausgehen, dass auch in diesem Punkt die USA Druck gemacht haben und die Schweizer Banken Angst vor US-Sanktionen hatten. Die Schweizer und Schweizerinnen sollten unbedingt die Volksinitiative zur Stärkung der Neutralität unterschreiben, unabhängig davon, wer sie lanciert hat (Ich selber bin politisch ein Linker).

Pälvi Pulli paid by the Swiss taxpayers and impigated by the Confederation has no authorization to express personal opinions regarding any participation in NATO activities by Switzerland ! If she were one of my employees I would fire her immediately for undisciplined behavior . Such a decision on NATO cannot be made by the Federal Council or even by Parliament but by the sovereign people in a vote
Pälvi Pulli pagata dai contribuenti svizzeri e impigata della Confederazione non ha nessuna auturizzazione ad esprimere opinioni personali riguardo una eventuale partecipazione alle attività della NATO da parte della Svizzera ! Fosse stata una mia impiegata la licenzierei immediatamente per comportamento indisciplinato . Tale decisione sulla NATO non può essere presa dal Consiglio Federale e nemmeno dal Parlamento ma dal popolo sovrano con una votazione

Glad to see that the majority of comments are strongly in favor of neutrality. Me too.

IS SWITZERLAND INTERESTED IN BEING IN NATO ? But who is this Pälvi Pulli ? Switzerland is not an abstract concept that places its destiny in the hands of characters who are paid by Swiss citizens but answer to remote controls from the White House. The SWI that amplifies and acts as a sounding board for these sopillatory agents of our democratic order will also have to pay the consequences. These articles do not contain one ( 1 ) word in favor of those who defend our independence . By now we have been accustomed to being pilloried for at least 20 years . Practically all national media , with very few exceptions like the Weltwoche , play the same music . If state radio and TV and their collaterals , which pride themselves on educating the Swiss beast people , do not want criticism , let them make themselves financially independent of state funding and taxes imposed compulsorily on all citizens . I buy what I need to live from whomever I want and if they sell me bad food or products I remove them from my supplier list .
LA SVIZZERA È INTERESSATA DI ESERE NELLA NATO ? Ma chi è questa Pälvi Pulli ? La Svizzera non è un concetto astratto che pone il suo destino in mano a personaggi pagati dai cittatini svizzeri ma che rispondono ai telecomandi dalla Casa Bianca. Anche la SWI che amplifica e fa da cassa di risonanza a questi agenti sopillatori del nostro ordine democratico dovrà pagarne le conseguenze. Questi articoli non contengono una ( 1 ) parola a favore di chi difende la nostra indipendenza . Oramai siamo abituati ad essere posti alla berlina da almeno 20 anni . Praticamente tutti i mezzi di informazione nazionali , escluso pochissime eccezioni come la Weltwoche, suonano la stessa musica. Se radio e TV di Stato e loro collaterali , che si pregiano di istruire il popolo bestia svizzero, non vogliono critiche, che si rendano finanziariamente indipendenti da finanziamenti statali e tasse imposte obbligatoriamentena tutti i cittadini . Io compro ciò di cui ho bisogno per vivere da chi voglio e se mi vendono cibo o prodotti scadenti li elimino dalla lista dei miei fornitori .

Signore Soldati, thank you very much for your comments on the text of the NATO summit last week. However, I had interpreted the answers of Ms. Pulli, Head of Security Policy in the DDPS quite differently from you: namely, that NATO membership was NOT an option for Switzerland and that Switzerland decides independently how to shape its neutrality policy within the framework of the applicable provisions of neutrality law. I am pleased that you, as a committed media user, not only use one source - but also draw on our public service offering, in addition to private providers, to form your opinion.
Signore Soldati, vielen Dank für Ihre Anmerkungen zum Text vom Nato-Gipfel letzte Woche. Ich hatte die Antworten von Frau Pulli, Chefin Sicherheitspolitik im VBS aber ganz anders interpretiert als Sie: nämlich, dass die Nato-Mitgliedschaft KEINE Option für die Schweiz sei und dass die Schweiz unabhängig entscheidet, wie sie ihre Neutralitätspolitik im Rahmen der geltenden neutralitätsrechtlichen Bestimmungen gestaltet. Ich freue mich, dass Sie als engagierter Mediennutzer nicht nur eine Quelle nutzen - sondern neben privaten Anbieter auch unser öffentlich-rechtliches Angebot zur Meinungsbildung heranziehen.

It is a scandal that the DDPS is seeking a rapprochement with NATO without a mandate from the Swiss people. As a historian with a doctorate, I have been observing NATO very closely for many years. It has a clear share of responsibility for the war in Ukraine. I will do EVERYTHING, in case of doubt even my savings, to protest against an even closer cooperation of Switzerland with NATO. Already the order of the F-35 was a democratically NOT-legitimized step towards USA and NATO. And the four dominating Swiss media corporations NZZ, CH-Media, Tamedia and Ringier cheerfully help in this disgraceful development. A disgrace!
Es ist ein Skandal, dass das VBS ohne Auftrag der Schweizer Bevölkerung eine Annäherung an die NATO sucht. Als promovierter Historiker beobachte ich die NATO schon seit vielen Jahren sehr genau. Sie hat eine klare Mitverantwortung am Krieg in der Ukraine. Ich werde ALLES daran setzen, im Zweifelsfall auch mein Erspartes, um gegen eine noch nähere Zusammenarbeit der Schweiz mit der NATO zu protestieren. Schon die Bestellung der F-35 war ein demokratisch NICHT-legitimierter Schritt Richtung USA und NATO. Und die vier dominierenden Schweizer Medien-Konzerne NZZ, CH-Media, Tamedia und Ringier helfen bei dieser schändlichen Entwicklung fröhlich mit. Eine Schande!

You affirm what so many Swiss are suffering because of the choices of a Federal Council that is not up to the mandate it was given, to defend our fundamental law that determines the rights and duties of Swiss citizens : Our Constitution .
Lei afferma ciò che tantissimi svizzeri stanno soffrendo a causa delle scelte di un Consiglio Federale non all'altezza del mandato che gli è stato conferito, difendere la nostra legge fondamentale che determina i diritti e i doveri dei cittadini svizzeri : La Nostra Costituzione .

"There is no path to peace. Peace is the way "
Promoting neutrality is necessary.
"Não existe caminho para a paz. A paz é o caminho "
Promover a neutralidade é preciso.

The worst thing that Switzerland can do is to leave it neutral and enter into conflicts that have beginning and end, so that Switzerland remains neutral and peaceful and this does not reduce its value. If the government decides to defend the interests of its residents and keep them safe, there is no problem with that, but what is required. Long live the peaceful Swiss people in love and peace. All love to Switzerland.
أسوأ ما يُمكن أن تفعله سويسرا هو تركها الحياد و الدخول في صراعات لها بداية و بلا نهاية، لتبقى سويسرا حيادية مسالمة وهذا لا يقلل من قيمتها. إذا قررت الحكومة ان تدافع عن مصالح سكانها و تبقيهم بأمان فلا مشكلة في ذلك بل هو المطلوب. عاش الشعب السويسري المسالم بحب وسلام. كل الحب لسويسرا.

If we, the Swiss, would appreciate help in arms, ammunition or even troops from foreign countries, should we one day find ourselves in the position of the Ukraine, then we have the answer to Switzerland's cautious position on neutrality. The reciprocity test is always a good guide.
Si nous, Suisses, apprécierions l'aide en armes, munitions, voire troupes de pays étrangers, au cas où nous trouverions, un jour, par malheur, dans la position de l'Ukraine, alors nous avons la réponse concernant la position frileuse de la Suisse en matière de neutralité. Le test de réciprocité est toujours un bon guide.

Black, white and ambiguities.

According to the applicable law of neutrality, the restrictions on military cooperation with other states that apply in peacetime do not apply in the case of defense. For this reason, Switzerland has also been a NATO partner since the mid-1990s and relies on the interoperability of its security forces.
Gemäss geltendem Neutralitätsrecht entfallen im Verteidigungsfall die in Friedenszeiten geltenden neutralitätsrechtlichen Beschränkungen der militärischen Kooperation mit anderen Staaten. Deshalb ist die Schweiz seit Mitte der Neunziger Jahre auch Nato-Partner und setzt auf Interoperabilität der Sicherheitskräfte.

How can a country remain neutral if it does not demand respect for neutrality from its guests?
How can a country remain neutral if it offers a platform to non-neutral positions in the media and in other areas?
Wie will ein Land neutral bleiben wenn es von den Gästen kein Respektieren der Neutrlität einfordert?
Wie will ein Land neutral bleiben wenn es in den Medien und in anderen Bereichen nicht-neutralen Positionen Plattform bietet?

You have taken the perfect picture of the condition we are subjected to by the U.S. and EU vassals
Lei ha fatto la foto perfetta della condizione a cui siamo sottomessi dagli USA e i vassalli della EU

Good, very good that Switzerland remains strictly neutral: everyone must do his part.! On the other hand, it is equally good for Europe to defend Ukraine strictly! I consider sanctions a serious mistake of the West: sanctions affect the people, who, as a result, defend their ruling class! We need the solidarity of the Russian people against Putin and his clique. Only by distancing the Russian people from their ruling class do we have any chance for Ukraine.
Bene, benissimo che la Svizzera resti rigorosamente neutrale: ognuno deve fare la sua parte.! D'altra parte, è altrettanto bene che l'Europa difenda l'Ucraina rigorosamente! Ritengo un grave errore dell'Occidente le sanzioni: le sanzioni colpiscono il popolo che, di conseguenza, difende la sua classe dirigente! Abbiamo bisogno della solidarietà del popolo russo contro Putin e la sua cricca. Solo allontanando il popolo russo dalla sua classe dirigente abbiamo qualche chance per l'Ucraina.

The Russians have had more than 100 years to distance themselves from their dictators, throughout history. They haven't really shown any ability or drive to do so. So let's not count on an uprising of the good people to wake up today. Except, of course, for the few courageous and admirable lights that exist in this country, against the tide of so many of their fellow citizens.
Les Russes ont eu plus de 100 ans pour se distancer de leurs dictateurs, à travers l'histoire. Ils n'ont pas vraiment démontré de capacité ni d'entrain à le faire. Alors ne comptons pas sur un soulèvement de ce bon peuple pour se réveiller aujourd'hui. Exception faite, bien sûr, des quelques lumières courageuses et admirables qui existent dans ce pays, à contre-courant de tant de leurs concitoyens.

Yes, this split (of parts) of the Russian population with the regime in the Kremlin has long taken place. Only: these parts have long been in exile, in prison or in internal isolation. But the democratically minded diaspora outside Russia is finding it anything but easy to agree on a common post-war and post-dictatorship roadmap; this is in contrast to Belarus, for example, where the opposition abroad has clear ideas about how to proceed after the end of the Lukashenka dictatorship.
Ja, diese Spaltung (von Teilen) der russischen Bevölkerung mit dem Regime im Kreml hat längst stattgefunden. Nur: diese Teile sind längst im Exil, im Gefängnis oder in der inneren Isolation. Aber die demokratisch gesinnte Diaspora ausserhalb Russlands tut sich alles andere als leicht, auf eine gemeinsame Roadmap Post-Krieg und Post-Diktatur zu einigen; dies etwa im Unterschied zu Belarus, wo die Opposition im Ausland klare Vorstellungen davon hat, wie nach dem Ende der Lukaschenka-Diktatur vorgegangen werden sollte.

There would be enough civilian instruments (we have joined the UN) and now we are also in the Security Council (for what? to prepare for NATO membership?) and this, if the processes established by all the countries of the world were applied, would be the way forward.
For our country on the scales there are too many economic aspects (capital of oligarchs, trade balance with Russia, armament export industry), energy, food, education and research, China, USA, Europe). Today economics commands, not ethical aspects or intellectual honesty. Time will show that the illusion of the "new world order" will prove to be a failure of humanity, which must instead coexist with different cultures, different beliefs, peacefully and not with a global policeman who unnecessarily and unilaterally imposes himself by force.
Ci sarebbero sufficienti strumenti civili (abbiamo aderito all'ONU) e ora siamo anche nel consiglio di sicurezza (per cosa? per preparare l'adesione alla NATO?) e questo, se fossero applicati i processi stabiliti da tutti i paesi del mondo, sarebbe la via maestra.
Per il nostro Paese sulla bilancia ci sono troppi aspetti economici (capitali degli oligarchi, bilancia commerciale con la Russia, industria dell'export dell'armamento), energia, prodotti alimentari, formazione e ricerca, Cina, USA, Europa). Oggi comanda l'economia, non aspetti etici o onestà intellettuale. Il tempo dimostrerà che l'illusione del "nuovo ordine mondiale" si dimostrerà un fallimento dell'umanità, che deve invece convivere con culture differenti, credi differenti, pacificamente e non con un poliziotto globale che inutilmente e in modo unilaterale si impone con la forza.
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