Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

What obstacles and threats do you perceive to press freedom in your country of residence?

Hosted by: Patricia Islas

World Press Freedom Day, celebrated on May 3, emerges amid the tumult of wars and internal armed conflicts, which deeply impact the right to freedom of expression.

Reporters Without Borders notes that in 2023, 23 journalists lost their lives in conflict zones. Additionally, the start of 2024 saw over 500 media professionals behind bars. What challenges loom over press freedom in your nation? And crucially, what strategies do you think could overcome these obstacles?

Your insights matter! Join the conversation and share your thoughts on safeguarding press freedom.

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Contributions must adhere to our guidelines. If you have questions or wish to suggest other ideas for debates, please, get in touch!
The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

Journalists can be biased in their reporting due to company policy or personal ideology.

To prevent this, there should be a national qualification system.

When reporting, a third-party organisation set up by the state should be responsible for ensuring the credibility and impartiality of the report and that it is in the public interest.

The news report should be distributed after determining the credibility, impartiality and public interest of the news report.

This allows the public to watch the news with peace of mind.

Therefore, we believe that TV stations full of vested interests should go out of business.

Only online news, with a three-tier system of credibility, A News, AA News.

AAA News and a third-party committee will sort them out.

The first step is to restructure the rubbish journalists.










The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Journalists have no place in ESA countries

Les journalistes n'ont pas de place dans les pays de l'AES

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

The quality of democracy is very important for true freedom of the press. The role of the press is complicated in a partitocracy, such as the one that exists in Spain, where the party leadership chooses closed and blocked lists of candidates for Congress, and voters can only vote for the "party" but not for individuals. In such circumstances the focus of the press is on partisan struggles and not on the importance of solutions to the population's problems. The presence of political leaders is excessive in the media, the voice of citizens and experts who can provide solutions is little present in the Spanish press.

La calidad de la democracia es muy importante para que exista verdadera libertad de prensa. El papel de la prensa es complicado en una partitocracia, como la que existe en España, en la que las cúpulas de los partidos eligen listas cerradas y bloqueadas de candidatos al Congreso, y los electores sólo pueden votar al "partido" pero no elegir personas. En esas circunstancias el foco de la prensa se centra en las luchas partidistas y no en la importancia de soluciones para los problemas de la población. La presencia de los dirigentes políticos es excesiva en los medios, la voz de los ciudadanos y de los expertos que pueden aportar soluciones está poco presente en la prensa de España.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

In my country, Japan, freedom of expression is guaranteed by Article 21 of the Constitution of Japan. This also guarantees freedom of the press. This means that freedom of the press is guaranteed as long as the Constitution is not amended. That is good, but it is also true that problems occur, such as celebrity scandals and prying into people's private lives. This is not good.
The conclusion is that freedom of the press is guaranteed, but it is also prone to problems.


Peter Ern
Peter Ern
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

There are no obstacles or dangers to press freedom here. It has the highest priority in my country of residence.

Bei uns gibt es keine Hürden und Gefahren für die Pressefreiheit. Sie hat in meinem Wohnland allerhöchste Priorität.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

In Spain, until recently I was convinced that, despite the growing number of "fake news", the prisoner enjoyed a healthy level of autonomy and freedom, but after reading the book "El Director" by David Jiménez García, my opinion is different.

In this book, written by a former director of the Spanish newspaper "El Mundo", he tells us first hand about the relationship between the different powers in the country (politicians, businessmen, influential people) and his newspaper. The insistence of these "lobbies" to "buy" a friendly news deal borders on harassment and extortion. Attempts to influence publications are constant and often blatant.

For example, until not so many years ago, the press in Spain only published positive news about the Royal Household, so Spanish citizens held the kings in high regard. Now we know that Juan Carlos I had front men with accounts in Switzerland and collected millionaire commissions to win important contracts for Spanish companies abroad (such as the AVE train to Mecca).

It is possible that now, thanks to the independent digital media that are mainly supported by subscriptions from their readers, there is more freedom of the press in Spain. Or, to put it another way: it is possible that they now publish news that would never have seen the light of day before. However, my feeling is that the traditional media (radio and television channels and the written press) are constrained to leave out of their content news that affects the country's big companies.

In short, there are smaller media outlets that do have greater freedom, but the traditional media are still bound by the influence of the boards of directors and shareholders' meetings of the companies that own them.

En España, hasta hace poco tenía la convicción de que, a pesar del número creciente de «fake news», la presa gozaba de un saludable nivel de autonomía y libertad, pero después de leer el libro «El Director» de David Jiménez García, mi opinión es otra.

En este libro, escrito por un antiguo director del periódico español «El Mundo» se nos cuenta de primera mano cómo es la relación de los diferentes poderes del país (políticos, empresarios, personajes influyentes) con su periódico. La insistencia de estos «lobbies» para «comprar» un trato informativo amable roza el acoso y la extorsión. Los intentos de influir en las publicaciones son constantes y muchas veces descarados.

Por ejemplo, hasta hace no muchos años, la prensa en España solo publicaba noticias positivas sobre la Casa Real, por lo que los ciudadanos españoles tenían en gran consideración a los reyes. Ahora sabemos que Juan Carlos I tenía testaferros con cuentas en Suiza y cobraba comisiones millonarias para lograr contratos importantes a empresas españolas en el extranjero (como el tren Ave a La Meca).

Es posible que ahora, gracias a los medios digitales independientes que se sustentan mayoritariamente con suscripciones de sus lectores, haya más libertad de prensa en España. O, dicho de otro modo: es posible que ahora publiquen noticias que antes jamás verían la luz. Sin embargo, mi sensación es que los medios tradicionales (canales de radio y televisión, y prensa escrita) están constreñidos a dejar fuera de sus contenidos, noticias que afectan a las grandes empresas del país.

En definitiva, existen medios de comunicación pequeños que sí tienen una mayor libertad, pero los medios tradicionales siguen atados a la influencia de los consejos de dirección y juntas de accionistas de las empresas propietarias de esos medios.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

In our country, with the concentration of graphic, audio, audiovisual, landline, mobile and Internet media by Grupo Clarín, whose directors - Magnetto, Aranda and Pagliaro - got there thanks to the dictatorship and the widowhood of Ernestina Herrera, we do not have freedom of the press.
What do you think of a concentrated group that owns most of the newspapers in print or digital format, the television channels and radio stations in all the provinces, plus other businesses owned by each of those named.
Telecom/Arnet/Personal/Flow, have "kidnapped" the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and do not allow other providers to enter. Do you want to corroborate what I write?
I am willing to give you the information you ask for to prove it.

Luis Pedro Videla
DNI/Passport 8236689

En nuestro país, con la concentración de medios gráficos, audibles, audiovisuales, de comunicación en teléfonos de línea, celulares y de Internet que ha hecho el Grupo Clarín, cuyos directivos -Magnetto, Aranda y Pagliaro- llegaron allí merced a la dictadura y a la viudez de Ernestina Herrera, no tenemos libertad de prensa.
¿Qué opinan ustedes de un grupo concentrado que es dueño de la mayor parte de los diarios en papel o digitales, los canales de televisión y las radios en todas las provincias, más otros negocios que tienen cada uno de los nombrados.
Telecom/Arnet/Personal/Flow, tienen "secuestrada" a la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y no permiten que ingresen otros prestadores. ¿Quieren corroborar lo que escribo?
Estoy dispuesto a darles la información que pidan para comprobarlo.

Luis Pedro Videla
DNI/Pasaporte 8236689

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

In Switzerland, too, there are obstacles and threats to press freedom, such as economic pressure on media companies. To overcome these challenges, the public press must be available to the population worldwide.

A global Tobin tax in the low per mille range could provide the necessary financial resources to fund an independent, global network of journalists. This measure would not only reduce the overall cost of quality journalism, but also optimise accessibility and quality through the diversity of perspectives of independent journalists. Such a network could curb misuse of information, promote economic security and foster world peace. It would strengthen global reporting and significantly improve transparency in times of crisis.

Auch in der Schweiz gibt es Hürden und Gefahren für die Pressefreiheit, wie wirtschaftlicher Druck auf Medienhäuser. Um diese Herausforderungen zu überwinden, muss öffentlich-rechtliche Presse weltweit der Bevölkerung zur Verfügung stehen.

Eine globale Tobin-Steuer im niedrigen Promillebereich könnte die nötigen finanziellen Mittel bereitstellen, um ein unabhängiges, globales Journalisten-Netzwerk zu finanzieren. Diese Maßnahme würde nicht nur die Gesamtkosten für Qualitätsjournalismus senken, sondern auch die Zugänglichkeit und Qualität durch die Vielfalt der Perspektiven unabhängiger Journalist:innen optimieren. Ein solches Netzwerk könnte Missbrauch von Informationen eindämmen, wirtschaftliche Sicherheit fördern und den Weltfrieden unterstützen. Die globale Berichterstattung würde gestärkt und die Transparenz in Krisenzeiten erheblich verbessert.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

You can't read the press the way you did 40 or 50 years ago. There's too much 'fake news', too many biased articles... You have to check everything and know the political leanings of the media to get a better idea. The Internet makes it possible to check the authenticity of information, but not everyone (like me, a retired person) has the time to spend hours in front of the screen.
Despite this weakness of the press, its existence and freedom are precious and vital.
In France, the press is highly politicised and the political leanings of the various media are generally known. I think that press freedom exists there.
In Morocco, the press is also free... unless you criticise the sovereign, religion or sensitive subjects!

On ne peut plus lire la presse comme il y a 40 ou 50 ans. Trop de "fake news", d'articles tendancieux... Il faut tout vérifier, connaître la tendance politique du média pour se faire une meilleure idée. Internet permet de vérifier l'authenticité d'une information, mais on n'a pas tous le temps (comme moi, retraité) de passer des heures devant son écran.
Malgré cette faiblesse de la presse son existence et sa liberté sont précieuses et vitales.
En France, la presse est très politisée et la tendance politique des différents médias est généralement connue. Je pense que la liberté de la presse y existe.
Au Maroc, la presse aussi est libre... sauf si on critique le souverain, la religion et les sujets sensibles !!

Elena Lacroix Jaeggy
Elena Lacroix Jaeggy
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

The first is self-censorship, or bien pensance, which dictates what can and cannot be published on social networks.

A major obstacle is the violence of the categorisation of this or that comment, a daily excess that can only lead to verbal or physical confrontation.

The French press has lost all sense of proportion and the ability to take a step back from an event or situation. Emotion replaces objectivity, applying the recipe of the bread and circus, with the success we have known for millennia.

The educational, formative and informative value is disappearing, and anyone who can read or listen between the lines can easily detect the intentions of the authors and the manipulation of the "good people", who are becoming increasingly ignorant and sectarianised.

Centuries of education on the ground, with crowds stirred up according to categorical, social class and economic interests, free spirits have a very bleak future.

Le premier est l'auto censure, ou bien pensance qui dicte ce qu'on peut ou pas publier sur les réseaux sociaux.

Un obstacle majeur c'est la violence de la catégorisation de tel ou tel propos, une outrance quotidienne qui ne peut que conduire à l'affrontement, verbal ou physique.

La presse française a perdu toute mesure ou capacité à prendre du recul face à un fait ou une situation. L'émotion se substitue à l'objectivité, appliquant la recette du pain et du cirque, avec le succès que nous lui connaissons depuis des millénaires.

La valeur éducative, formative, informative s'efface et pour quiconque sait lire ou écouter entre les lignes, on décèle aisément les intentions des auteurs et les manipulations du "bon peuple", de plus en plus ignorant, sectarisé.

Des siècles d'éducation par terre, avec des foules qu'on agite au gré des intérêts catégoriels, de classe social, économiques, les esprits libres ont un avenir très noir.

Jhony - Peru
Jhony - Peru
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

I think that freedom of the press is conditional on advertising money or large sums of money to be able to report the truth for the benefit of the majority.

Pienso que la libertad de prensa esta acondicionada al dinero por la publicidad o a fuertes sumas de dinero para poder informar la verdad en beneficio de las mayorias.

Peter Ern
Peter Ern
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.
@Jhony - Peru

I think so too

das denke ich auch


I am a foreigner residing in Switzerland for 12 years already. I refer to some of SRF's articles, where posting comments was allowed, but no longer. Alas. Some of my comments were rejected for, as I see it, the simple reason of not towing the prevailing opinion(s) - I call this being muzzled.

Sara Pasino

Dear VeraGottlieb, thank you for your contribution.

A few years ago we asked ourselves how we can foster a better exchange among our readers and also between our journalists and readers, so we moved away from comments directly below articles and created our debates. Here we explain why:

We aim to create a space for constructive discussion on our pages, particularly within our debates. This is why we moderate comments according to our guidelines, which you can read here:

Thank you.


In Italy, journalists are voluntarily subservient to political parties and personalities and use their role accordingly. News outlets are politically motivated and it serves politicians well so nothing is done to favor a free press.
The sad truth is, there is no free press in Italy.

Patricia Islas
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

Does this mean then that the media in which journalists work are already aligned to a party and there is no independent media that works in the service of society and the common good?

¿Significa entonces que los medios en los que los periodistas trabajan ya están alineados a un partido y no hay ningún medio independiente que trabaje al servicio de la sociedad y el bien común?

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

In Malaysia, freedom of the press is freer than in Switzerland and the whole of Europe. Not only freedom of the press, but also freedom of personal opinion. You have the opportunity to disagree without being labelled a puttler or anti-Semitic.

In Malaysia ist die Pressefreiheit freier als in der Schweiz und ganz Europa. Nicht nur die presse freiheit auch jegliche persönliche Meinungsfreiheit. Man hat die möglichkeit anderer meinung zu sein ohne vertäufelt zu werden als puttler oder anti Semitic.


I see much comments (of mine) here are also censored by Swissinfo because of some texts which they may not agree with (or they don't understand).
That is censoreship carried out by the Press themselves.

Y’en a point comme nous !
Y’en a point comme nous !
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

I read - from Mrs Ruth JILANI - that the press in Switzerland is less free than in Malaysia.
Why such a statement?
It would be interesting to have an example for the readers and especially to allow those who would "restrict" the freedom of the press to improve.
Thank you for your time.

Je lis - de Mme Ruth JILANI - qu’en Suisse, la presse est moins libre qu’en Malaisie.
Pourquoi une telle affirmation ?
Il serait intéressant d’avoir un exemple pour les lecteurs et tout particulièrement pour permettre ainsi à ceux qui « restreindraient » la liberté de la presse de s’améliorer.

Sara Pasino

Hi HAT, thank you for your contribution. We only reject comments that violate our guidelines (

Every comment is looked at by a member of our editorial staff and weighed against our Netiquette / terms of use before being allowed on the site. However, since we get a lot of comments, some can slip through the cracks and/or be interpreted differently by different moderators. If that happens, we’re doing the best we can to point out accurate facts and figures in our public response.

We hope this helps you better understand our moderation process, which we are always working on improving.

All the best,

Sara Pasino, SWI

Peter Ern
Peter Ern
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

I am pleased to hear that Mrs R.J.

das freut mich Frau R.J.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

The problem with journalists in Argentina has worsened considerably since the arrival of the new government. The attacks and insults from the government do not cease. It has been proposed to close the TELAM agency - which concentrates the media - and many workers have already been dismissed. The president, in particular, is constantly attacking critical journalism. Other media have moved closer to the government and criticise practically none of the government's actions.
Very few media dare to denounce the destruction of forests, the handing over of fishing to foreign companies, the fumigations in the countryside that cause water pollution and seriously affect people, especially children.
The situation is serious and very worrying.
MTeresa La Valle

El problema con los periodistas en la Argentina se ha agravado notoriamente desde la llegada el nuevo gobierno. Los ataques e insultos desde el gobierno no cesan. Se ha propuesto cerrar la agencia TELAM - que concentra los medios de comunicación- y ya han sido despedidos muchos trabajadores. El presidente, en particular, no cesa de atacar al periodismo crítico. Otros medios se han acercado al gobierno y no critican prácticamente ninguna de las acciones del gobierno.
Son muy pocos los medios que se atreven a denunciar la destrucción de bosques, la entrega de la pesca a compañías extranjeras, las fumigaciones en el campo que causan contaminación de las aguas y afectan gravemente a las personas, especialmente a ls niños.
La situación es grave y muy preocupante.
MTeresa La Valle

Patricia Islas
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

MTeresa La Valle

We are grateful for this report on the situation in Argentina. It is worrying the power that the authorities have taken from their position, which does not allow critical journalism. Both media and government officials are servants of the people.

MTeresa La Valle

Agradecemos este informe de la situación en Argentina. Es preocupante el poder que han tomado desde su posición las autoridades, que no permiten el periodismo crítico. Tanto medios como los responsables gubernamentales son servidores del pueblo.


I am almost 60 years old and what I see today is mostly a Western press that is incredibly biased and has resorted to touting local Govt. views rather than questioning fairly and digging into the historical details. Let’s take an example to illustrate – the Russian Ukraine war.

Firstly, the press continually uses emotive language as a means to move readers positions in the direction they wish.

Secondly, the press refuses to acknowledge the Russian view point as well as the 20+ year of post Glassnost Cold-war machinations that have led up to this conflict and worse still there is a drive when interviewing non-aligned countries such as India, to suggest thatr you are either with us, meaning the West /NATO or the Communist bloc consisting of Russia, China etc.

Well if you are fair and unbiased and trying to understand, then you will see that many Global South countries are talking of a 3rd way, which is a negiotiated peace. But the press refuses to acknowledge this and therefore find out more and report accordingly.

The resulting reportage is very emotional and lacking a true and fair picture. It takes effort and control over emotions to filter out headlines such as “hospital blown to bits” or “50 killed” and go into the real nitty gritty details. Today’s press seems largely unwilling to do this. In addition nowhere do I see the press regularly informing the peope of the financial costs of the war. It's important to see a summary table of cimmulative costs, how the moey was spent, which country provide the cash or materials etc. Factual numbers are a part of proper press reportage and serve to validate what is being communicated.

Today, if I want to get the facts, I use non-mainstream news outlets and expert interviews on YouTube and for numbers, I use search engines. This is my goto press for a balanced and nuanced reportage.

The press has lost its freedom and credibility, more by giving it away, than by having it taken from them.

Patricia Islas
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

Indeed, the cost of war is an issue that the media must address. And certainly your view that the press rather gives away its freedom and credibility is a matter for debate. I wonder if you are referring to a specific country or region.

Efectivamente, el costo de la guerra es un asunto que los medios debemos tratar. Y sin duda, es motivo de debate su opinión relativa a que la prensa más bien regala su libertad y credibilidad. Me pregunto si usted se refiere a un país o región en concreto.

@Patricia Islas

If I were to write a statement or comment which "favours" Russia, it will be deleted and this is done by Swissinfo and other swiss news media outlets.

Sara Pasino

Dear HAT, thank you for your comment. We only reject comments that violate our guidelines (

When moderating comments, we are especially attuned to generalisations and claims that cannot be verified because of the growing risks of online misinformation.

Every comment is looked at by a member of our editorial staff and weighed against our Netiquette / terms of use before being allowed on the site.

We hope this helps you better understand our moderation process, which we are always working on improving.

All the best.

Sara Pasino, SWI

Peter Ern
Peter Ern
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

I totally agree with you, it's even worse than in China.

Ich bin total mit Ihnen einverstanden, es ist sogar schlimmer als in China.

Peter Ern
Peter Ern
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Swiss Info has taught me not to take sides and not to have any emotions.

Swiss Info hat mir beigebracht, auf keiner Seite zu sein, und keine Emotionen zu haben.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ZH.

Freedom of the press is one of the most important features of modern civilisation. Without freedom of the press, there can be no talk of civilisation. Freedom of the press limits the caprices of power, so the two are traditional enemies. This applies to any country.

In the Internet age, there are new threats to press freedom, including:
Firstly, the total amount of information exceeds the limit of what the human brain can take in
Second, most of this information is of poor quality, both true and false. Make all true, it may also be biased and mislead readers.
Thirdly, public media platforms are easily hijacked by political power, allowing only one side to express its views and blocking others. Public platforms become government propaganda boards.
Fourthly, the survival of independent journalists and organisations seems to be getting tougher and tougher. This is disturbing.



The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

I'm glad my connection to your site is working. Because One Log AG blocked me, that's how much censorship works hand in hand with not only stock market value, data sold to third parties and disinformation.
But what makes me the most sick is knowing that people can suffer from this. This attack on their health, because when you play the dictator of opinions there are bound to be victims. It's a disgrace, in the example cited above: the disgrace of the café y médias group and its raging neighbour. The names have been doctored to respect their true identities.

Bien heureux, que ma connexion chez vous fonctionne. Car One Log AG m’a bloqué, c’est dire si la censure travaille mains dans la mains avec non seulement la valeur boursière, les données revendus à de tiers et la désinformation.
Mais ce qui me rend le plus malade, c’est de savoir que des personnes puissent pâtir de ça. De cette atteinte à la santé, car à jouer les dictateurs d’opinions forcément il y a des victimes. C’est une honte, là dans l’exemple cité plus haut : la honte du groupe café y médias et de son voisin rageur. Les noms ont été trafiqués pour respecter leurs véritables identités.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

I read that Italy is rather behind in the ranking of press freedom. I am not aware of any constraints other than those that the journalists themselves impose on themselves: for crying out to the powerful and/or for fear of losing advertising funding from companies.
Rather, I would complain about the lack of seriousness of journalists, who are more sensation-seeking than concerned with reporting, very little inclined to study the subjects they write about.
I fear that there is no remedy soon

Leggo che l'Italia è piuttosto indietro nella classifica della libertà di stampa. Non sono al corrente di condizionamenti diversi da quelli che gli stessi giornalisti si impongono: per piangerai verso i potenti e/o per timore di perdere finanziamenti da pubblicità dalle aziende.
Mi lamenterei piuttosto della scarsa serietà dei giornalisti, più alla ricerca della sensazione che preoccupati di fare informazione, assai poco propensi a studiare i temi di cui scrivono.
Temo che non ci sia un rimedio a breve

Peter Ern
Peter Ern
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

I agree with you 100 %.

Ich bin 100 % mit Ihnen einverstanden.

Major Wedgie
Major Wedgie

In my opinion the biggest threat to press freedom in the affluent west is the press themselves. On the whole the press tend to report government biased opinions and not researched, informative stories that allows the reader to reach an informed decision based on differing sources of factual evidence, rather than following the government pushed narrative that has a track record of getting `the facts` consistently wrong.

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR