Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

What’s been your experience of cooperatives?

Hosted by: Benjamin von Wyl

At least 12% of the world’s population are members of a cooperative – how about you?

From housing to farming and many other sectors, cooperatives shape lots of different areas of life. Cooperatives are employers and provide a framework for engagement.

What have been your experiences of cooperatives? We are curious to hear your story. Join the conversation.

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Coop and Migros prices have come down a lot since Aldi and Lidl appeared. I used to come out muttering "How much?" after doing my shopping. I came out of a Migros recently surprised by how cheap it was. I even double checked I had been in a Migros. I don't think Cooperatives are the reason. Just cheaper competition to force the Swiss shopping Mafia to cut its prices.

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen

I can recommend SOLISWISS. A humble Cooperative not making a lot of noise but quite helpful at times.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH
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@Rafiq Tschannen

Oh interesting. Also nice that different perspectives on Soliswiss gather here. This indicates that the cooperative is really well connected among Swiss Abroad.

Oh interessant. Auch schön, dass sich hier verschiedene Perspektiven auf Soliswiss versammeln. Das weist daraufhin, dass die Genossenschaft wirklich gut vernetzt ist unter den Swiss Abroad.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH
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I guess you're right!

Da haben Sie wohl recht!

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

My grandmother was the manager of a Coop store and this allowed her to live well despite her status as a divorced mother, which was difficult at the time. She lived modestly but well until the end of her life with her AVS pension and the Coop-e pension. I think this is a good formula. We need a little variety, not only joint-stock companies with shareholders, but also cooperatives, and many small and medium-sized companies. Any form of business organization is good for a democratic country like Switzerland.

Ma grand maman etait gerante d'un magasin Coop et cela l'a permis de vivre bien malgre son statut de maman divorcee, difficile a vivre a l'epoque. Elle vivait modestement mais bien jusqu'a la fin de sa vie au moyen de sa rente AVS et de la pension de la Coop-e. Je trouve que cela est une bonne formule. Il faut un peu de variete, pas seulement des societes anonymes avec actionnaires, mais egalement des cooperatives, et beaucoup de petites et moyennes entreprises. Toutes formes d'organisation commerciale est bonne pour un pays democratique comme la Suisse.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH
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Thank you for sharing your grandmother's story with us and also for your opinion on mixing in business!

Vielen Dank, dass Sie uns die Geschichte Ihrer Grossmutter erzählen und ebenso für Ihre Meinung zu Durchmischung in der Wirtschaft!


Are cooperatives in relation to democracies; group engagement?

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH
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I would say so. Moreover, the cooperative principle - one person, one vote - is very similar to the democratic principle. Don't you think so?

Das würde ich schon sagen. Darüberhinaus ist das genossenschaftliche Prinzip - eine Person, eine Stimme - doch schon sehr verwandt mit dem demokratischen. Finden Sie nicht?

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Jo... but yet true. Sometimes that is only a "consensus," the voice in cooperative. Likewise in a small town that is easier and vie a company. Not with Twitter/Social Media and the whole world - group tyranny.

Jo… aber doch stimmt. Manchmal dass ist nur ein “consensus,” die stimme im cooperative. Ebenso im einem kleinen stadt das ist einfacher und vie eine firma. Nicht mit Twitter/Social Media und die ganz Welt — group tyranny.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Hello good morning, I am not a member of a housing cooperative but a member of ASLOCA.
Even the "Cooperatives" do not respect the housing laws.
I have seen that when the "mortgage rates" go down, any tenant can ask for a rent reduction but, ;) there are so many lazy tenants who would do well to pay less with a simple letter.
I also confirm that in this aspect the Portuguese are in party, ...
The rents are expensive, maybe we should tell them;

Ola bom dia, nao sou membro de cooperativa de habitaçao mas membro de ASLOCA, .
Mesmo as " Cooperativas " nao respeitam as leis de alojamento.
Se tem visto que quando os " Taxas Hipotecarias" baixam, qualquer locatario pode pedir uma baixa de renda de aluguer mas, ;) tantos locatarios preguiçosos qye bem uma simples carta fazem para pagar menos .
Confirmo tambem que nesse aspecto os portugueses fazem partido, ..
Sz as rendas estao caras talvez lhes pissamos dizer ;


Cooperatives are originally designed to bring down prices. It looks like this is not happening in Switzerland with the 2 major supermarkets COOP and MIGROS. They have savings and earnings but they do not reduce the prices realistically. They in fact mark up prices and then give pretend-discounts.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH
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In fact, there are indications in this direction.

Swiss price supervisor Stefan Meierhans told Radio SRF in January in reference to the high margin of organic products:

"The question that is in the air is whether there is collective market power here at best. That one can rest in the hammock, so to speak, at the expense of consumers."

Tatsächlich gibt es Hinweise in diese Richtung.

Der Schweizer Preisüberwacher Stefan Meierhans sagte im Januar im Bezug auf die hohen Marge von Bioprodukten gegenüber Radio SRF:

"Die Frage, welche im Raum steht, ist, ob es hier allenfalls eine kollektive Marktmacht gibt. Dass man sich sozusagen in der Hängematte ausruhen kann, auf Kosten der Konsumenten."


Cooperatives also destroyed many small mom-and-pop stores. Yes, I shop at Migros but not everything...I try to support the smaller store too even though it may cost me a few more 'rappen'.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH
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That is probably the case. At the same time, in many villages and neighborhoods there are numerous examples of (micro) cooperatives that have been founded to preserve the local store or pub. Or do you not have this experience?

Das ist wohl so. Gleichzeitig gibt es in vielen Dörfern und Quartieren zahlreiche Beispiele für (Kleinst-)Genossenschaften, die gegründet worden sind, um den Ortsladen oder die Ortskneipe zu bewahren. Oder machen Sie diese Erfahrung nicht?

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Peace be upon you. I cooperate in a cooperative for recycling household waste and green economy. My relationship with other collaborators is good, but the problems we face with administrative staff. The good thing about working with these people is that when one of us breaks down, we find others next to him.

السلام عليكم. أنا متعاون في تعاونية لتدوير النفايات المنزلية والإقتصاد الأخضر علاقتي مع باقي المتعاونين جيدة لكن المشاكل التي تواجهنا مع الاداريات. أما الجيد في العمل مع هؤلاء الأشخاص هو أنه عندما ينهار أحدنا يجد الآخرين بجانبه.

Benjamin von Wyl
Benjamin von Wyl SWI SWISSINFO.CH
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Thank you for your description. What are the problems? Lack of opportunities to have a say?

Vielen Dank für Ihre Schilderung. Was sind denn die Probleme? Mangelnde Mitsprachemöglichkeiten?

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Dear Mrs. Lindenberger, Soliswiss is not an insurance company, but lives from the solidarity among its members. Your request seems to be more than 15 years in the past, can that be? The statutes and membership regulations have been adapted since then, but unfortunately cases can still occur in which our hands are tied and we cannot provide support according to the regulations that apply to us. Whenever possible, we help. Please contact us if you have any questions in this regard.

Liebe Frau Lindenberger, Soliswiss ist keine Versicherung, sondern lebt von der Solidarität unter ihren Mitgliedern. Ihre Anfrage scheint mehr als 15 Jahre in der Vergangenheit zu liegen, kann das sein? Statuten und Mitgliederreglement wurden seither angepasst, leider können auch so immer wieder Fälle auftreten, in welchen uns die Hände gebunden sind und wir nach den für uns geltenden Bestimmungen keine Unterstützung leisten können. Wenn immer möglich, helfen wir. Kontaktieren Sie uns doch, falls Sie diesbezüglich Fragen haben.

Judith Lindenberger
Judith Lindenberger
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

I was robbed of my entire center where I offered my courses and trainings in edu-kinesiology and meditative dance, so my entire livelihood. Moreover, I was severely traumatized by this.
When I turned to Soliswiss for assistance to get me back to Switzerland and help me get started, I got a rejection: only in case of political emergencies or natural disasters would they offer help.....that was shattering! One more insurance I paid and in case of emergency find an excuse not to pay.

Mir wurde mein ganzes Zentrum, wo ich meine Kurse und Ausbildungen in Edu-Kinesiologie und meditativem Tanz anbot, ausgeraubt, also meine ganze Lebensgrundlage. Zudem war ich dadurch schwer traumatisiert.
Als ich mich an Soliswiss wandte, um mir zur Rückreise in die Schweiz und Starhilfe Untersstützung zu leisten, bekam ich eine Absage: nur im Fall von politischen Notlagen oder bei Naturkatstrophen würden sie Hilfe bieten.....das war zerschmetternd! Eine Versicherung mehr, die ich bezahlt habe und im Notfall eine Ausrede findet, um nicht zu bezahlen.

@Judith Lindenberger

How is it related to the story? Is it a real degree even?

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