I am in charge of adapting and proofreading articles from other languages into Spanish, as well as for producing the Spanish version of the SWI swissinfo.ch website. I also collaborate in our culture coverage by contributing to the production of articles.
I grew up and have lived between two countries, Switzerland and Spain, which has allowed me to understand and get to know both societies in depth. I studied Arts and Literature and graduated in Hispanic Philology at the Complutense University of Madrid. My professional experience is in the field of translation, proofreading and production of articles as a journalist.
I am a specialist in creating digital content and managing social media platforms, combining expertise in communication with a sharp eye for trends. I conduct weekly research on Swiss media to produce a press review of the most important topics and stay constantly attuned to opportunities for developing innovative journalistic products.
I hold a degree in Sociology from Valencia (Spain) and Bern (Switzerland), with a specialisation in Media Studies. My professional experience includes journalism, digital content creation, podcast production, and multimedia content creation.
I lead the Spanish-language team at SWI swissinfo.ch, which involves ensuring the quality of our publications and making them understandable for Spanish-speaking people from more than 20 countries. I'm also part of a team of journalists specialising in foreign affairs. Explaining current events and its relations with Switzerland is an essential part of my task.
Senior journalist with over 30 years of experience in investigative journalism, broadcasting, multimedia content production and social media distribution.
Is your place of origin, your Heimatort, important to you?
Every Swiss citizen has a Heimatort, a place of origin, but many have never visited theirs. What’s your relationship with your Heimatort? What does it mean to you?