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How can Switzerland contribute to global peace at the UN Security Council?

Hosted by: Sibilla Bondolfi

Switzerland has been elected as a non-permanent member of the United Nations’ Security Council for the very first time. The move comes around two decades after Swiss voters approved joining the UN. The Security Council, considered the most powerful global body, has, according to the UN CharterExternal link, the highly important task of maintaining “international peace and security”.

How can and should Switzerland make a contribution here? Join the discussion!

From the article How Switzerland could help restore some UN credibility 

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jeannette zoller carboncini
jeannette zoller carboncini
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

In no way, he was wrong to enter it, thus losing neutrality.

In nessun modo, ha sbagliato ad entrarci, perdendo così la neutralità.

jeannette zoller carboncini
jeannette zoller carboncini
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

I think that neutrality is very difficult to maintain especially in case of wars in Europe, there are trade dependencies, useful migrations for denatality to be safeguarded, but it still remains a value if intense in its original idea, whereby peace and dialogue MUST prevail over interests ( arms sales first and reconstructions later ) for the respect of populations ...
Switzerland must refrain from making judgments on belligerents and not enter into an organism that will soon be at war ... if arms sales for defense ( sigh ) will increase disproportionately ... better to find a diplomatic way to partition a territory martyred by nine years of war and guerrilla warfare only for the precious deposits in its subsoil,
Switzerland has several problems first of all water shortage ( and then oxygen shortage ) ...
Get out of the U.N. and come back to be a peacemaker with exemplary vigor ...

Penso che la neutralità sia molto difficile da mantenere sopratutto in caso di guerre in Europa, ci sono dipendenze commerciali, migrazioni utili per denatalità da salvaguardare, ma resta comunque un valore se intenso nella sua idea originale, per cui la pace e il dialogo DEVONO prevalere sugli interessi ( vendita di armi prima e ricostruzioni dopo ) per il rispetto delle popolazioni ..
La Svizzera deve astenersi dal esprimere giudizi sui belligeranti e non entrare in un organismo che presto si troverà in guerra .. se le vendite di armi per difesa ( sigh) aumenteranno a dismisura .. meglio trovare un modo diplomatico per spartire un territorio martiriamo da nove anni di guerra e guerriglia solo per i giacimenti preziosi del suo sottosuolo,
La Svizzera ha parecchi problemi in primis la carenza di acqua ( e poi d’ossigeno ) ..
Esca dall’Onu e torni a fare con vigore esemplare da paciere ..

César De Lucas Ivorra
César De Lucas Ivorra
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

Switzerland, as a country close to the Security Council, can help world peace, starting with diplomatic and tariff negotiations, which are safe, to try to resolve conflicts. To this end, it must not lose its position of neutrality as a non-member of the European Union, nor become involved in a global war, as in the two previous world wars. Therefore, it must be careful with trade agreements such as Nord Stream II, the far-right policies of Afd in Germany and Vox in Spain, along with the equities that cause a decline in the Public Treasury, by increasing the overall debt of the state, both private and official, being the prelude to warlike conflict.

Suiza como país, cercano al Consejo de Seguridad, puede ayudar a la Paz mundial, partiendo de gestiones diplomáticas y arancelarias, que sean seguras, para intentar resolver conflictos. Para ello, no debe perder la posición de neutralidad, como no miembro de la Unión Europea, ni implicarse en una guerra global, como en las dos anteriores guerras mundiales. Por tanto, debe de llevar cuidado con acuerdos comerciales como el Nord Stream II, las políticas de ultraderecha de Afd en Alemania y Vox en España, junto con los valores de renta variable que causan un descenso del Tesoro Público, al incrementar la deuda global del estado, tanto privada como oficial siendo la antesala de conflicto bélico.

Joud Joud
Joud Joud
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

How can I contact you?

كيف يمكن التواصل معكم؟


Why are WEF, elites allowed to fly in on their price jets? 1000+ jets used to get to Davos? It looks like the WEF elites love to break the rules. Rules for VA but not for me. Don’t care that they do not follow their rules. If they don’t set by example, they cannot expect anybody else to follow the “examples they are pushing. How dare they. Will they start eating, crickets and mealworms, we may listen. Otherwise, you know where they can go, it’s real hot.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

It was a huge mistake to run for the Security Council. Switzerland has nothing to do in this gremio, anything Cassis or the socialist representative chosen for this role can only do harm to the Helvetic image. Geneva has always been the world center for peace talks, what do we have to add if within the CS we accuse the ones (Russia, yesterday) or Israel (in the first sessions)? For what? What the Swiss gnome has to say (in the sense of small compared to the superpowers who do what they want anyway) will not change one iota what has already been decided at the tables of the CIA and the Pentagon.

E' stato un errore madornale candidarsi per il Consiglio di Sicurezza. La Svizzera non ha nulla a che vedere in questo gremio, tutto quello che Cassis o la rappresentante socialista scelta per questo ruolo puó solo fare danno all'immagine Elvetica. Ginevra da sempre é il centro mondiale per le trattative di pace, cosa abbiamo da aggiungere se nell'ambito del CS accusiamo gli uni (la Russia, ieri) o Israele (nelle prime sessioni)? Per cosa? Quanto abbia da dire lo gnomo svizzero (nel senso di piccolo in confronto alle superpotenze che comunque fanno quello che vogliono) non cambierá di una virgola quanto giá deciso ai tavoli della CIA e del Pentagono.

Odacy de Brito Silva
Odacy de Brito Silva
The following contribution has been automatically translated from PT.

The credibility of the UN as a global necessity can receive project initiatives from Switzerland within the framework of strengthening international peace and security. In this context, it should take into account the curtailment of human rights and the consequent sanctions to be recommended, one of them being the freezing of assets.

A credibilidade da ONU como necessidade mundial pode receber projetos de iniciativas da Suíça no âmbito do fortalecimento da paz e da segurança internacional. No contexto deverá considerar os cerceamento de direitos humanos e consequentes sanções a serem recomendadas, uma delas o congelamento de ativos.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

By keeping a role of "buffer" negotiator as it already does between the US and Iran (unless I am mistaken). A kind of marriage counselor ;)

En gardant un rôle de négociateur "tampon" comme elle le fait déjà entre les US et l'Iran (sauf erreur). Un genre de conseiller conjugal ;)

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Only when the world decides that 8 years of rule is sufficient and there is no more crime for the people to punish the ruler by killing him without punishing the perpetrator, then may the world enjoy some safety and peace.

فقط حينما يعتمد العالم أن 8 سنوات من الحكم كافية وما زاد عليها جريمة على الشعب معاقبة الحاكم لو بقتله دونما معاقبة للفاعل، عندها فقط قد ينعم العالم ببعض الأمان وإحلال السلام.

Denis Rothenbuhler
Denis Rothenbuhler
The following contribution has been automatically translated from PT.

Switzerland can help by leaving the UN.

A Suiça pode ajudar saindo da ONU.

Odacy de Brito Silva
Odacy de Brito Silva
The following contribution has been automatically translated from PT.

Switzerland, a country I have visited a few times at the UN, among many issues can help take care of the Planet in the scope of sustainable development considering important issues such as quality education, clean water and sanitation, accessible and clean energy, decent work, sustainable economic growth, innovation, sustainable cities, and other issues of interest to the World.

A Suíça país que visitei algumas vezes na ONU , dentre muitos temas pode ajudar a cuidar do Planeta no âmbito do desenvolvimento sustentável considerando temas importantes como Educação de qualidade, Água limpa e saneamento, energia acessível e limpa, trabalho digno, crescimento econômico sustentável, inovação, cidades sustentáveis e outros temas de interesse do Mundo.


I don't think Switzerland can do anything about it until it is seen as neutral again. Switzerland is not mitigating the conflict right now, it is sitting on one side. With such broken image how Swiss decisions can be seen as independent when it follows UN in it is every move without thinking or consulting the citizens. I feel like I am in dictatorship and not in neutral country.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

The UN has become a puppet of the Muslim dictatorships. The unfounded resolutions against Israel, dictated by this country are proof. I am a Jew and the Jewish diaspora is making great efforts for peace. The UNO is not moving on the war in the Ukraine as well. Would Switzerland be able to reverse this situation? I have my doubts.

L'ONU est devenue marionnette des dictatures musulmanes. Les résolutions infondées contre Israël, dictées par ce pays sont des preuves. Je suis israélite et la diaspora juive font des efforts considérables pour la paix. L' ONU reste immobile concernant la guerre d'Ukraine également. La Suisse serait -elle capable d'inverser cette situation ? J'ai des doutes.

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen

good joke. Muslim dictatorships having veto powers now?

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

The world is divided between left and right. Has Switzerland been able to bring these two factions together in its homeland in order to be able to find an idea that will bring others closer together in the vast lands of God?

العالم منقسم بين يمين ويسار. هل تمكنت سويسرا من جمع هذين الفصيلين في موطنها كي تتمكن من إيجاد فكرة تقرب بين الآخرين في بلاد الله الواسعة؟

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen

Dream on. Nothing will change. The permanent members with their veto rights do not want to give it up. I say 'leave the UN and set up a new institution without any veto rights'. (Just leave my UN pension intact).

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

Japan can only follow the U.S. policy. The UN Security Council is not functioning, but blaming Russia all the time will continue to produce no results. If Russia's aggression is due to its fear of NATO expansion, then it has no choice but to stop NATO expansion and create alternatives to it. The only way to do this is to make Russia, which is obsessed with land, realize that it would have a better future if it could liberalize the flow of people to and from the country without having to steal the land.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

Please encourage the UN to take control of Ukraine.

The problem in Ukraine remains a military threat even if a ceasefire or end to the war is reached.

Every time there is a change of government there could be a military conflict.

There are serious implications for world politics and economics.

For residents, government is not necessary if there is a safe and secure environment in which to live.

If the UN were to take control, it would be the only way for the world to feel secure and avoid ideological conflicts.







Yuriy Petrov
Yuriy Petrov
The following contribution has been automatically translated from RU.

I would like to respect Switzerland, always think about your actions, I'm from Russia and always want common sense...

Хотелось бы уважать Швейцарию, думайте всегда о своих поступках, я из России и всегда хочется здравого смысла...

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

@LOL in which countries live those who fought in the 2nd World War? Switzerland was spared fortunately from the world war and has but for it somanches unfortunately not mitbekommen, which will avenge itself sooner or later unfortunately.

@LOL in welchen Länder leben diejenigen welche im 2. Weltkrieg gekämpft haben? Die Schweiz wurde zum Glück vom Weltkrieg verschont und hat aber dafür somanches leider nicht mitbekommen, was sich früher oder später leider rächen wird.


How? It can't. It's too small. It's about as effective as a mosquito trying to drink the blood of an elephant before it dies after a few weeks.

Sibilla Bondolfi
Sibilla Bondolfi
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Nice comparison :-)

Schöner Vergleich :-)

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