How could frozen Russian assets be reused to benefit Ukraine?
What should be done with Russian assets seized in Switzerland? Can they be handed over to Ukraine or would that violate the rule of law and undermine faith in banks?
Would confiscating assets to pay for the reconstruction of Ukraine be compatible with Swiss neutrality? Are there other diplomatic options to assist with Ukraine’s post-war recovery?
The Swiss authorities have frozen CHF7.75 billion in Russian assets since the start of the war in Ukraine. The United States believes this figure could climb by “an additional CHF50-100 billion”.
Share your opinion.
From the article Switzerland defends its sanctions track record against Russia
From the article Swiss conference sets principles for Ukraine reconstruction
RE: Would confiscating assets to pay for the reconstruction of Ukraine be compatible with Swiss neutrality.
The fundamental question is: who does the money belong to?
The next question is: Who is responsible for the wilful damage across Ukraine?
The answer is: Whoever caused the wilful destruction has a responsibility to rectify matters.
The issue has nothing to do with neutrality.
Thank you for your comment, your logic is very intriguing. So, are we coming to the point that this issue should be resolved through legal proceedings?
As an Anglo-Swiss I have mixed feelings about this. I can fully understand that Swiss neutrality is of paramount importance when it comes to monetary investments from foreign nationals. On the other hand, it is stated by many that this money has come into the hands of individuals by legal means and not by extortion or corruption. But how do we know this? Millions of Russians are living in poverty whilst a select group of individuals are making incredible fortunes and whisking it away into Swiss bank accounts. If the money was accumulated by illegal means (as defined by most reasonable world states), then is it not immoral to be a willing partner in these transactions?
I do not offer any credible solution to this but just by understanding the “Mafioso” style of state sponsored corruption in countries like Russia, this should make the Swiss think carefully about their position within the sphere of western democracy and how they benefit in other ways, other than monetary, from peace and normality within Europe. In the meantime, the funds in my opinion, should be frozen until peace is restored in Eastern Europe and then the question of whether these funds should be used for reparations should be discussed at an international level.
Take a look at Russian history. It has always been run as a fiefdom. There were always the few powerful and the masses in poverty
Thank you for such an elaborate response. I understand your doubts. Another question: if the money is indeed obtained through corruption, should it remain in the accounts of democratic countries...?
My point of view is that all Russian assets in Switzerland that have been frozen need to be immediately made available to their owners. Switzerland should be ashamed for having broken its trust with the international community by having taken a side on this issue. The Swiss government needs to grow a backbone and stand up to American bullying that threatened sanctions on any European country that did not sanction Russia and its citizens. But because Switzerland feared a loss on its bottom line it gave into what might even be considered an illegal action against another state. And all because the US was afraid of loosing its dominant hold on Europe because Russia was then becoming the major supplier of energy to Europe.
RE "Switzerland should be ashamed for having broken its trust with the international community by having taken a side on this issue."
It is Russia that should be ashamed of the atrocities committed in Ukraine, the scorched earth strategy has destroyed millions of acres of agricultural lands. the thousands of mined acres are a beastly strategy, the loss of civilian homes, schools, hospitals, even a blood transfusion hospital, torture, rape of civilians and soldiers, the destruction of the dam which resulted in dam debris reaching the sea; the constant threat of nuclear if Putin does not get what he wants: another Nero.
What should be done with the confiscated Russian money will ultimately have to be decided by politics and the judiciary. Private money, even if they belong to "oligarchs" may not be distributed simply so, and without legal basis. This would cause Switzerland to lose a great deal of trust.
How a reconstruction of Ukraine is to be organized should only be settled in a peace treaty at the end of the conflict. Switzerland could also participate in this, regardless of "confiscated assets". This should not cause any problems with neutrality.
On the question of trust in the banks, the following. Our "big banks" with their bonus and fine culture have damaged the reputation of our country more than all the oligarchs' money in the world. Unfortunately, politics is also partly to blame for this. Do our banks still represent the solid virtues and basic values of Switzerland?
Was mit dem beschlagnahmten russen-Geld gemacht werden sollte wird schlussendlich von der Politik und der Justiz entschieden werden müssen. Private Gelder, auch wenn sie "Oligarchen" gehören darf man nicht einfach so, und ohne rechtliche Grundlagen verteilen. Damit würde die Schweiz gross an Vertrauen verlieren.
Wie ein Wiederaufbau der Ukraine zu organisieren ist, sollte erst am Ende der Auseinandersetzung in einem Friedensvertrag geregelt werden. Daran könnte sich unabhängig von "beschlagnahmtem Vermögen" auch die Schweiz beteiligen. Das sollte keine Probleme mit der Neutralität geben.
Zur Frage des Vertrauens in die Banken folgendes. Unsere "Grossbanken" mit ihrer Boni- und Bussenkultur haben dem Ansehen unseres Landes mehr geschadet als alle Oligarchen Gelder dieser Welt. Leider ist daran auch die Politik mitschuldig. Vertreten unsere Banken immer noch die soliden Tugenden und Grundwerte der Schweiz?
Legally earned assets cannot be reused. That's called stealing.
Indeed, if it would be a case. But how you can be sure that those money weren’t stolen.
Beside that what Russia is currently doing with Ukrainian…they steal grain and other crops, they steel food, they steel from other people.
If the assets were come by honestly, no one should reuse them, as that would be stealing. If dishonestly, feel free to reuse them. Not all Russians agree with Putin, not all of them should be punished by the West. Sell the assets, give the money back if it can be proved nothing illegal occurred. Use anything illegal to help rebuild Ukraine.
Bill Browler, in an interview suggested that the wealth of oligarchs, including Putin should have gone into building roads, education, etc. In the interview Browler suggested that Putin availed himself of a trillion with which he built his wealth. Browler`s book: Frozen Assets.
Switzerland is neutral and should not engage into war against anybody.
Switzerland never has been neutral. I say this as a Swiss.
You are completely wrong. Russians who have money in Switzerland, not are poor people or common volks. They belong to the Russian elite who supports the aggression against the peaceful Ukrainian people. So it is fully rightful to confiscate the money of these supporters of the Russian dictator and whar criminal Putin.
Furthermore, Switzerland is NOT a neutral country, it has never been neutral. I say this as a Swiss. Just look at Swiss history in 2nd world war.
All russian oligarchs stole money from poor Russian people. They should return o the people, like they do with other countries with dictators and corruption. There is a law for this
Indeed. We can’t be neutral, otherwise we give our agreement.
I totally agree
Am I correct in understanding that you consider it a mistake in itself that Switzerland joined the sanctions against Russia following the European Union and the United States?
Or we could talk about the US military invasions since WW2 and 8 million + civilians deaths
China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-60
Guatemala 1960
Belgian Congo 1964
Guatemala 1964
Dominican Republic 1965-66
Peru 1965
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Lebanon 1982-84
Grenada 1983-84
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1981-92
Nicaragua 1981-90
Iran 1987-88
Libya 1989
Panama 1989-90
Iraq 1991
Kuwait 1991
Somalia 1992-94
Bosnia 1995
Iran 1998
Sudan 1998
Afghanistan 1998
Yugoslavia – Serbia 1999
Afghanistan 2001
Libya 2011
Iraq and Syria 2014 –
Somalia 2011 –
Iran 2020 –
Russian imperialism:
Burkina Faso
and many more
Germany in this list? Are you serious? Fighting nazi Gernany in the 2nd WW was 'imperialism'?
Turkey? Context?
Syria, Russia was actually invited by the recognised govt.
All former Warsaw pact countries? Might as well call NATO countries imperial assets of the US.
As for the african countries; when did Russia invade any African country (context).
Only valid entry seems to be Afghanistan, and possibly Ukraine, depending on whether one sees the conflict as being provoked by NATO with the coup in 2014 or only starts looking at history of this conflict from Feb 2022.
Thanks for tallying to give a perspective of the underlying theme of the US and contrast that with the US practice without putting their proverbial boots on the ground. The NATO countries are going along some more eagerly than others.
Non NATO countries like Swiss, breached their neutrality and I continue to be puzzled at what cost? Nor has there been much press on Swiss encouraging negotiation(s) or reporting on the close negotiation a year ago that was negated by the UK and the US.
Is it some kind of contest?
Russia is supporting militias in Africa that depose democratically elected presidents. The latest is in Niger. Russia gives arms to militias in return for cheap gold. The gold taken from Sudan was used to shore up the invasion of Ukraine.
The advancement in education, medicals etc by the vast flows of money from the UK. the European Union and the US to several african states are being wasted because Russia supports militias for access to cheap resources.
As long as we consider ourselves a constitutional state, we should not play with such illegal thoughts. We have already made the big mistake of participating in the economic sanctions and lost a lot of trust. The collusion of Credit Suisse has a lot to do with it. Many foreign customers have withdrawn their money from CS because there is no trust anymore. If we are ready to do this with the Russians, then they will find a reason for another people to freeze their money or even think about expropriation. The Germans did such constitutional crimes in 1930 to 1946 and we have seen how that has developed. A sad thing that we are again ready with such hatred to abolish our rule of law. Besides, this is a proxy war of the Americans and a NATO expulsion problem. This war was easy to prevent we should have kept our agreements but America had other plans since 2014 with the regime change in Ukraine and 8 years of arming and training soldiers to buy time as Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Holland admitted that they never even thought of keeping the Minsk agreement but signed it to buy time and make Ukraine strong. Meanwhile Ukraine is destroyed and we are watching 200'00 young men die. Sons, fathers, brothers and husbands. America and the West are arming them more and more and therefore Ukrainian blood is flowing more and more in this proxy war of America. They have also weakened Europe with the blowing up of North Stream Pipeline and now everyone in our population is suffering with energy prices that we can no longer pay. With the sanctions we have not weakened Russia our neighbor but only ourselves. This is only the beginning we will suffer for years to come what our Pokitker have done to unite with the Americans who since 1948 have waged 38 wars around the world and killed millions of people. War crimes committed in Vietnam Korea Japan. All kinds of people committed right crimes in Iraq Abu Graib Prison, and Guantanomo. They were never punished and now have the audacity to stand up and teach of values. Today you can no longer hide so easily you can read everything in Google what the story was and still is.
So lange wir uns als rechtsstaat betrachten sollten wir nicht mit solchen ungesetzlichen gedanken spielen. Wir haben schon den grossen fehler gemacht uns bei den Wirtschaftssanktionen teil zu nehmen und damit viel vertrauen verlohren. Das zusammen berchen der Credit Suisse hat nämlich viel damit zu tun. Vile Auslandische kunden haben das Geld bei der CS abgezogen denn es ist kein vertrauen mehr da. Wenn wir bereit sind das mit den Russen zu machen dann finden sie auch wieder einen grund für ein anderes Volk um ihr Geld einzufrieren oder sogar an enteignung zu denken. Die Deutschen haben solche rechtsstaatliche verbrechen in 1930 bis 1946 gemacht und wir haben gesehen wie sich das entwicklet hat. Eine traurige sache , dass wir wieder bereit sind mit solchem hass unser rechtstaat aufheben . Abgesehen ist das ein stellvertreter Krieg von den Amerikaner und eine Nato expesion problem. Dieser Krieg war einfach zu verhindern wir hatten nur unsere abkommen einhalten sollen Aber Amerika hatte andere pläne seit 2014 mit dem regime wechsel in der Ukraine und 8 jahre bewaffnung und Soldaten ausbildung um zeit zu gewinnen wie es Frau Merkel und herr Holland zugegeben haben, dass sie nie mals daran gedacht haben die Minsk agreement einzuhalten aber unterschrieben haben um zeit zu gewinnen und die Ukraine stark zu machen. Inzwischen ist die Ukraine zerstört und wir schauen zu wie 200'00 junge männer sterben. Söhne Väter, Brüder und Ehemanner. Amerika und der westen bewaffnet sie immer mehr und daher fliesst dass Ukraineische Blut immer mehr in diesem Stellvertreter Krieg von Amerika. Auch Europa haben sie geschwächt mit der sprengung von North Stream Pipeline und nun leidet jeder in unserer bevölkerung mit energie preise die wir nicht mehr beahlen können. Mit den sanktionen haben wir Russland unser Nachbar nicht geschwächt aber nur uns selber. Das ist erst der anfang wir werden noch jahre darunter leiden was unsere Pokitker da angestellt haben sich mit den Amerikaner zu vereinigen die seit 1948 38 Kriege welt weit gehführt haben und millionen von menschen umgebracht haben. Kriegsverbrechen begangen in Vietnam Korea Japan. Alle möglichen Menschen rechts verbrechen vollbracht in Iraq Abu Graib Prison , Und Guantanomo. Sie wurden nie bestraft und haben nun Unverfrorenheit sich hinzustellen und von werten zu belehren.Heute kann man das nicht mehr so einfach verstecken man kann ja alles in Google nachlesen was die Geschichte war und immer noch ist .
Ihr Beitrag schmeckt sehr nach russischer Propaganda und ist voll von Lügen und unbewiesenen Behauptungen. Es ist nicht ein Stellvertreterkrieg, sondern ein russischer Aggressionskrieg gegen das friedliebende Volk der Ukraine. Putin und seine Vasallen im Kreml sind Kriegsverbrecher, vergleichbar mit den deutschen Nazis im 2. Weltkrieg.
Zudem schweigen Sie zu den Verbrechen der russischen Diktatoren in Afghanistan, in der DDR, in Polen, in Ungarn, in der Tschechoslowakei, in Estland, Litauen, in Lettland, in Finnland.
That's was during USSR and included ukrian people too....
rE Quote: Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Holland admitted that they never even thought of keeping the Minsk agreement but signed it to buy time and make Ukraine strong.
Unless you provide the source, this is disinformation.
I assume that the confiscation of any assets must be based on appropriate laws. Whatever well-intentioned justifications are put forward. And even justifications of emotion and "revolutionary necessity. However, there is an opportunity, before the issue of assets is resolved, to use them for good. Namely: to create a management fund, and to transfer the money earned from the assets to the disposal of the victim of aggression. This will make it possible to resolve both the legal and the moral-ethical problems. At least temporarily.
Предполагаю, что конфискация любых активов должна быть основана на соответствующих законах. Какие бы благие обоснования не выдвигались. И даже оправдания эмоциями и "революционной необходимостью". Однако есть возможность, до разрешения вопроса с активами, использовать их во благо. А именно: создать фонд управления, а заработанные с активов средства передавать в распоряжение жертвы агрессии. Это позволит решить и юридическую, и морально-этическую проблемы. Хотя бы временно.
@ELENA SERVETAZ.....well, unless you've been hiding under a rock somewhere the so-called "sanctions" have been a complete failure and the Russian economy is thriving better than ever. The US and their posse have seized assets of private Russian citizens who they "BELIEVE" are part of the Russian operation. So that's all it takes is a "belief?" Well, that's just dandy isn't it? .
Seizing foreign assets will destroy the trust of any foreign entity who wants to do any banking in Switzerland.
One can already see that cutting off Russia from SWIFT has had the effect that more and more countries are turning away from both SWIFT and the US dollar.
Assets should be immediately be released with a humble apology to the owners of the assets with a guarantee this will never happen again in the future.
Sie müssen differenzieren zwischen legal erworbenen Vermögen von Leuten aus Rechtsstaaten. Russland ist kein Rechtsstaat, sondern eine brutale Krieg führende Diktatur. Die russischen Oligarchen verdanken ihre Macht und ihr Geld dem Diktator Putin. Also ist es sehr gerechtfertigt, diese Vermögenswerte einzuziehen und der Ukraine für den Wiederaufbau zur Verfügung zu stellen.
RE Quote "One can already see that cutting off Russia from SWIFT has had the effect that more and more countries are turning away from both SWIFT and the US dollar."
This is only a statement. There is no quoted proof.
Europe should permanently deny Ukraine's membership in NATO to avoid further conflict.
Европе нужно навсегда отказать Украине во вступлении в НАТО, чтобы избежать дальнейшего развития конфликта.
Yes but now the problem is that putin will not surrender the corridor to the port of Odessa, jot just because of its strategic value but putin wòuld be acutely aware of the capacity of western countries to use devious underhanded withholding of services to bring economic pressure to bear and accessing the Odessa port makes this very difficult for the west to be able to discretely screw russia. In putins defence he repeatedly indicated that the nato matter was not a negotiable matter but nato with its painted on ears could not hear him, now look at the mess that has come about. Even if a resolution can be found i believe the russian nation will be forever cautious in its interaction with the west because of the wests inclination to duplicite behaviours, it is a pity merkle had removed herself from politics, even though she was not one of putins fans she had the understanding and foresight to know the it was only through engagement with russia that there could ever be meaningful forward movement in the east west relationship
Appeasement didnt work in 1930's Deutschland, and it won't work with this centuries Russian version. Unfortunately, power hungry narcissists only understand strength.
That's why it's good that someone is finally standing up to the bully on the other side of the Atlantic, sowing discord all over the planet in a desperate attempt to shore up its own decaying empire.
You are completely wrong. Ukraine must become a member of EU and NATO. This is in the interest of all European countries who love freedom. It is of course not in the interest of the Russian imperialists.
According to the constitution of Ukraine, power in the country belongs to the people. No one asked the people of Ukraine for their opinion on joining NATO.
Согласно конституции Украины, власть в стране принадлежит народу. У народа Украины никто не спрашивал мнения о вступлении в НАТО.
Putin started the war. He can immediatly end the war by calling his soldiers back to Russia.
It is often said that oligarchs cannot have anything to do with the Putin regime.
This is not true!
The way Russia is set up, the commanding players of Putinism have everything!
And the rest are artificially marginalized and relegated to the social bottom!
That is why all the wealthiest gentlemen are complicit in the atrocities of the Putin regime!
Часто говорят, что олигархи не могут иметь отношения к режиму путина.
Это не так! Россия так устроена, что командные игроки путинизма имеют все!
А остальные искусственно маргинализованны и опущены на социальное дно.
Поэтому все наиболее состоятельные господа сопричастны злодеяниям режима Путина!
Oligarchs are everywhere not only in Russia. The world economy is currently ruled by a small class of powerful people who decide what governments and politicians should do or say. Same like in Russia, they command our "democracies". The rest of us have to deal with whatever narrative they come up with, terrorism, climate change, inflation, now we have to ditch gas cars for electric ones while they travel in private jets.
None of us voted for war. They decided for us.
And of course they will reuse Russian assets to continue fueling this war. Sooner or later they will do the same with our own assets.
Even if it is currently en vogue to pick on any Russian assets, it must be remembered that this is certainly mostly private money. Has anyone ever thought of using Elon Musk's money (if it is in Switzerland) to finance reconstruction after the US invasion of Iraq, which was not covered by international law? Which private investor was obliged to make amends when, for example, Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands? Just because a head of government declares war, surely the entire population cannot be held hostage internationally. The expropriation of a country's private individuals under the guise of "punishment" or clan liability could have unforeseen consequences.
Auch wenn es aktuell en vogue ist auf jeglichen russischen Vermögenswerten herumzuhacken muss doch bedacht werden, dass es sich hier sicherlich zumeist um privates Geld handelt. Hat jemand jemals daran gedacht Geld von Elon Musk (wenn es in der Schweiz liegt) zu verwenden um nach dem völkerrechtlich nicht abgedeckten Überfall der USA auf den Irak den Wiederaufbau zu finanzieren? Welcher private Geldanleger wurde zur Wiedergutmachung verpflichtet als z. B. Argentinien die Falklandinseln überfallen hat? Nur weil ein Regierungschef Krieg ausruft, kann doch nicht die gesamte Bevölkerung in internationale Geiselhaft genommen werden. Die Enteignung von Privatpersonen eines Landes unter dem Deckmäntelchen der "Bestrafung" bzw. Sippenhaftung könnte ungeahnte Folgen nach sich ziehen.
It has nothing to do with punishment of clan liability.
It has to do with expropriation of public funds that should have gone into building roads, education, medical facilities rather than the oligarchs wealth including real estate.
We cannot touch Russian's private wealth. It would be theft. Government funds? Well, after we seize US assets to pay for Iraqi reconstruction we can talk about it.
The Swiss Constitution and Switzerland's international obligations guarantee the safety of legally obtained private assets
Конституция Швейцарии и международные обязательства Швейцарии гарантируют сохранность частных активов, полученных законным путем
Key word is legally obtained. Question is how does one prove legality?
You are completely wrong. Russians who have money in Switzerland, not are poor people or common volks. They belong to the Russian elite who supports the aggression against the peaceful Ukrainian people. So it is fully rightful to confiscate the money of the these supportes of the Russian dictator and whar criminal Putin.
That's exactly how it sounds in Russia's propaganda too- they always shift the focus onto the USA, mentioning Iraq, Libya, and so on. This shifts the focus away from their own issues and allows them not to answer questions. I'm sorry for this comparison, but it strongly resembles what I heard from officials in Russia.
All mechanisms of compensation are provided for in international law. For example, it is written in the Rome Statute.
Все механизмы компенсаций предусмотрены международным правом. Например, об этом записано в Римском статуте.
Oh wow what a question from neutral Switzerland. What do you do with dictators money in Africa? You send it back to the population once regime is over. But wait Switzerland never lent that much money to any country as Ukrain or welcomed as many refugees before... with covid crisis, highest inflation in decades in Switzerland, politicians who are so disliked by their own people they need 24/7 security for the first time ever. And now this question, we'll I don't know if you should steal money of russian population which were stolen by oligarch and nicely places in Swiss banks... the biggest problem here is you.
Thanks for your comment. But is still important to read the question: this is not a statement; it is a question that uses the subjunctive mood.
If you look at the information below given with the links, you will understand that this question is not just our imagination. It came from the loud statements of public figures in Switzerland, such as Professor of Criminal Law and recognized expert in the field of legal foundations for combating corruption, Mark Pieth, who believes that «Switzerland has the legal basis to use frozen Russian money for Ukraine». There is another point of view on this — it violates both neutrality and the country’s Constitution. That is why we would be interested to hear your opinion on this matter in an elegant manner, without personal attacks. Thank you.
There is no point raising this question. There is a law, and that's it. Not happy about it, go away from Switzerland.
Indeed. I came to Switzerland because of the way it is now; neutral.
Anyone who wants to pick a side in this conflict, there's lots if countries to choose from, just don't mess thing up here.
I join the comments in the discussion. Even though we can collectively agree on the responsibilty of Russia for the war and destructions in Ukraine and its necessity to pay the price, I am still hoping that those from which we want to strip the money off can face a fair and objective trial which would decide if the money has anything to do with Putin's war or if it just belong to Russian citizens with no connexion to it. Otherwise this is plain theft.
Side comments, i do not think it is for journalist or politics to comment on what should be done of frozen assets. Be it from dictators, autocrats or worse, this money simply does not belong to us. You are no judge, nor jury, nor executioners.
Finally, this forum on Swissinfo reminds how much Switzerland is departing from its usual neutrality, which i personally find scary. Swiss people have clearly sided with the Ukrainians through humanitary help and have loudly voiced their preferences and support. Why did Switzerland as neutral country needed to take side and is now courting NATO!? I do not think it is in any Swiss citizens' interest.
You are absolutely right - journalists should not be the ones to solve such problems. However, the job of journalists is to ask questions. The question has been asked, and as we know, there are often lawyers and judges here who may bring clarity. But we are also interested in people's opinion on this matter. Thanks a lot
"How could frozen Russian assets be reused to benefit Ukraine?" consists of a question with a foregone conclusion. It implies it is okay and planned to reuse the frozen assets to benefit Ukraine.
THAT is not neutral.
A neutral question is: What do you think of the idea to use frozen Russian assets to benefit Ukraine. That is a neutral question.
Of course, the professional journalists know exactly what I am talking about. Right?
Could not agree more.
Journalism in 'the West' most of the time shows heavy bias and omits the ask other relevant questions, such as, why did Boris Johnson fly in to Kiev to torpedo the Minsk agreements, which would have ended the conflict in April 2022 already?
I have a lot of respect of Switzerland's neutrality until the country breached it. Frozen Russian assets is not the same as confiscating, is it?
Freezing Russian assets as a means to encourage negotiation for peace is one thing. Confiscating and striping off the ownership of these assets is another.
What is the rule of the law?
What does Switzerland gain from the loss of trust as a result of such action?
You are completely wrong. Russians who have money in Switzerland, not are poor people or common volks. They belong to the Russian elite who supports the aggression against the peaceful Ukrainian people. So it is fully rightful to confiscate the money of these supporters of the Russian dictator and whar criminal Putin.
Furthermore, Switzerland is NOT a neutral country, it has never been neutral. I say this a Swiss. Just look at Swiss history in 2nd world war.
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