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How do you get reliable information on the Israeli-Palestinian war and other global conflicts?

Hosted by: May Elmahdi Lichtsteiner

Disinformation – false or misleading information deliberately spread to deceive, manipulate or influence public opinion – continues to be a challenge in the media landscape, especially in times of conflict. How are you informing yourself about the Israeli-Palestinian war and other global conflicts, and how do you ensure the reliability of the information you consume? Let us know below.  

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Peter Ern
Peter Ern
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I read the "Jerusalem Post"

Ich lese die "Jerusalem Post"

مي المهدي
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@Peter Ern

Thank you for sharing your point of view.

شكرا لك على مشاركة جهة نظرك.


I stay away from social media which, for many times, is nothing but gossip - at times rather vicious and malicious. I try to rely on news NOT from the MSM but from channels I know to be quite reliable. And quite often, seeing an article where my instinct tells me " it true?", I go and search other sources to verify its veracity. Through many years of reading news via Internet (only) I have developed a sixth sense which, for the most part, guides me...true or not?

مي المهدي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for sharing your point of view.
I totally understand your point and share some concern about the content circulating on social media. Often, social media can be a source of rumors and misinformation. However, I would like to add that there is also a positive aspect to these platforms. They allow people to access a variety of sources of information and communicate with others to share ideas and useful discussions.
Developing what I called the sixth sense in distinguishing real news from fake news is a really valuable skill in this digital age and there are those who demand that this approach be taught even in schools.
Don't you think it is also possible to rely on the accounts of reliable news sources on social media to avoid misinformation and ensure the accuracy of news?

شكرا لك على مشاركة وجهة نظرك.
أفهم وجهة نظرك تمامًا وأشاركك بعض القلق حول المحتوى المتداول على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي. في كثير من الأحيان، يمكن أن تكون وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي مصدرًا للشائعات والمعلومات المضللة. لكن، أود أن أضيف أن هناك أيضًا جانبًا إيجابيًا لهذه المنصات، فهي تتيح للناس الوصول إلى مصادر متنوعة من المعلومات والتواصل مع الآخرين لتبادل الأفكار والنقاشات المفيدة.
تطوير ما أسميته الحاسة السادسة في تمييز الأخبار الحقيقية من الزائفة هو مهارة قيمة للغاية فعلا في هذا العصر الرقمي وهناك من يطالب بتعليم هذا النهج حتى في المدارس.
ألا ترى أنه من الممكن أيضا الاعتماد على حسابات المصادر إخبارية الموثوقة على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي لتجنب التضليل وضمان دقة الأخبار؟


TikTok with alot of critical thinking. Podcasts from people that were in the US intellegence, US Professors, US Military Experts and so on. People like John Mearsheimer, Daniel David, Jeffrey Sachs and so on. Al Jazeera with the knowledge that its rather Anti Israel. Indonesia/ Indian Media that are definetly neutral towards the Ukraine Russian war. People that seem honest and with good intentions. Main Stream Media is dead to me. There are almost no independent nor such that arent influenced by certain interests. Switzerland is taking a really Bad Direktion in my opinion. This cant go on! I'm almost throwing up because we are copying this US nonesense narratives and Styles. Student Protest were always the moral compass of the people and throught history always of the right side. Thats why its important to let them Protest and listen and ask ourselfs what we are missing when we arent seeing the point of it.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

That's how I do it too. We are experiencing a shift in journalism away from state-run (often ideology-laden) media towards news via personalities with a specific area of expertise as a result of the strengthening of communications worldwide via social media.

So mach ich es auch. Wir erleben durch die Stärkung der Mitteilungen weltweit über Socialmedia einen Wechsel im Journalismus weg von staatlichen (oft ideologiebelasteten) Medien hin zu Nachrichten via Persönlichkeiten mit einem spezifischen Bereich .

مي المهدي
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Thank you for sharing your experience and I appreciate your interest in diversifying your sources of information and thinking critically in analyzing events. However, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the names I mentioned such as John Mearsheimer, Daniel David, and Jeffrey Sachs are controversial and cannot be considered the sole reference for information. These thinkers hold strong opinions that may not be consistent with all other facts and opinions.
With regard to traditional media, there can be some criticism directed at them, but it cannot be ignored that there are many media organizations that are working seriously to provide reliable reports. Relying on a wide range of sources, including traditional and independent media, helps create a clearer and more comprehensive picture.

شكرا لك على مشاركة تجربتك وأقدر حرصك على تنويع مصادر معلوماتك والتفكير النقدي في تحليل الأحداث. ومع ذلك، أود أن ألفت انتباهك إلى أن الأسماء التي ذكرتها مثل جون ميرشايمر، دانييل ديفيد، وجيفري ساكس مثيرة للجدل ولا يمكن اعتبارها المرجع الوحيد للحصول على المعلومات. هؤلاء المفكرون لديهم آراء قوية قد لا تكون متوافقة مع جميع الحقائق والآراء الأخرى.
فيما يتعلق بوسائل الإعلام التقليدية، يمكن أن تكون هناك بعض الانتقادات الموجهة لها، ولكن لا يمكن تجاهل أن هناك العديد من المؤسسات الإعلامية التي تعمل بجدية لتقديم تقارير موثوقة. الاعتماد على مجموعة واسعة من المصادر، بما في ذلك وسائل الإعلام التقليدية والمستقلة، يساعد في تكوين صورة أوضح وأكثر شمولية.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Pictures, videos, documentaries by well-known authors... Reports by Israeli historians, award-winning Israeli journalists and scholars (historians...) Dozens of history books by Israeli and Jewish historians, testimonies and reports by activists, former IDF soldiers (breaking the silence)
Reports and testimonies of Norwegian, US and other Western surgeons and doctors (Médecins sans frontiers), the testimony and report of Cindy McCain, Director of the United Nations World Food Programme)
Al Jazeera English is an award-winning broadcaster, its employees in Gaza report, they do not describe. If the report and the pictures match, then that works for me.
Then we have the indictments of South Africa, with the evidence (absolutely overwhelming) and the indictment of Nicaragua... And the accused Germany, whose policy has now started to ban EU politicians and doctors from England (Gaza witnesses from the Médecins sans frontiers programme) from entering the EU, with a ban on speaking... (unbelievable...)
Then we have the German government that still dares to speak of Israeli 'defence' when UN rapporteurs have already completely refuted it, legally and morally. That's just how I make up my own mind...

Bilder, Videos, Dokumentationen von bekannten Autoren... Berichte von Israelischen Historikern, preisgekrönten Israelischen Journalisten und Gelehrten (Historiker...) Dutzende Geschichtsbücher von Israelischen und Jüdischen Historikern, Aussagen und Berichte von Aktivisten, ehemaligen IDF Soldaten (breaking the silence)
Berichte und Zeugenaussagen von Norwegischen, US und andere westlichen Chirurgen und Ärzten (Médecins sans frontiers), die Zeugenaussage und der Bericht von Cindy McCain, Direktorin des Welternährungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen)
Al Jazeera English ist ein Preis gekrönter Sender, seine Mitarbeiter in Gaza berichten, sie schildern nicht. Wenn Bericht und Bilder übereinstimmen, dann passt das für mich.
Dann haben wir da noch die Anklageschriften von Süd Afrika, mit der Beweislage (absolut erdrückend) und die Anklageschrift Nicaraguas... Und das angeklagte Deutschland dessen Politik jetzt anfing EU Politiker und Ärzte aus England (Gaza Zeugen aus dem Programm der Médecins sans frontiers die Einreise in die EU zu verbieten, mit Sprechverbot... (unfassbar...)
Dann haben wir da die Deutsche Regierung die noch immer wagt von Israelischer 'Verteidigung' zu reden, wenn UNO Raporteure das schon völlig widerlegt haben, rechtlich und moralisch. So mache ich mir halt mein Bild...

مي المهدي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for sharing your opinion. Diversifying sources is an important step to understand the situation from different angles.

However, it's always important to keep in mind that any source can have certain biases or tendencies, so it's a good idea to keep checking and validating information from multiple sources constantly and make sure you don't adopt a single narrative. Ultimately, we should all seek to form our views based on a mix of diverse and multi-source information, while being careful to think critically and validate the information as much as possible. Open dialogue and constructive criticism contribute to a deeper and more balanced understanding of complex events and issues.
Government policies and international condemnations reflect political and legal complexities that require in-depth study and a comprehensive understanding of the historical and political context.

شكرا على مشاركة رأيك، تنويع المصادر هو خطوة مهمة لفهم الوضع من زوايا مختلفة.

ومع ذلك، من المهم دائمًا أن نبقي في أذهاننا أن أي مصدر يمكن أن يكون له تحيزات أو توجهات معينة، لذا، من الجيد الاستمرار في فحص المعلومات من مصادر متعددة والتحقق من صحتها باستمرار والتأكد من عدم تبني رواية واحدة. في النهاية، يجب علينا جميعًا أن نسعى لتكوين وجهات نظرنا بناءً على مزيج من المعلومات المتنوعة ومتعددة المصادر، مع الحرص على التفكير النقدي والتحقق من صحة المعلومات قدر الإمكان. والحوار المفتوح والنقد البناء يسهمان في الوصول إلى فهم أعمق وأكثر توازنًا للأحداث والقضايا المعقدة.
أما بخصوص السياسات الحكومية والإدانات الدولية، فإنها تعكس تعقيدات سياسية وقانونية تتطلب دراسة معمقة وفهمًا شاملاً للسياق التاريخي والسياسي.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

For any news, reliable information can be found in local newspapers.
For the Middle East, I browse Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya News, sky news and CNN mainly, but also BBC, Step News, Quds Network, Haaretz newspaper in Israel, etc.
I do not use comments that are abusive towards the other side as a source of information, as they are often propaganda.

中東ならばアルジャジーラ、アルアラビアニュース、skyニュース、CNNを中心に、BBC、Step ニュース、Quds Network、イスラエルのハアレツ新聞社等を閲覧する。

Peter b
Peter b

I have had some of my comments censored which is not great for a democratic society. I look at publications from Australia (The Australian, & Spectator Australia), USA (Wall Street Journal), UK (The Times & Spectator UK) and Al Jazeera (Qatar) plus some blogs.
None of the news sources are reliable. News from the Palestine side is very much exaggerated and often completely false. Al Jazeera is certainly biased on anything to do with the middle east and the Moslem religion.
It is sad the information from Switzerland is not always objective. Switzerland is supposed to be a neutral country which should allow its citizen to vote and set the political direction for the country.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I am Japanese, but unfortunately, the current situation in Japan is such that freedom of the press is impaired and reports by the Japanese old media are unreliable.
So I first gather information from various media outlets around the world. However, I do not rely on the information I get from the Internet.
I have studied the history of Israel and Palestine in scholarly books. Then I talk to my learned, older friends, whom I respect and trust, and listen to and debate their ideas.



Question: How do you get reliable info on this/any conflict?

The vast majority of the masses have no interest in any conflicts; they are busy staring at Instagram/Facebook, or are crowding the shopping streets, buying stuff which is of little to no use.

Out of the people who are interested , are not interested in getting true information, as they have already made up their minds. Most such people, if they are of middle-east origin will align with Palestinian people, others will align with Israeli people - not necessarily because they are themselves Israeli, but because have dis-like for people from middle east. Then there is also geo-politics, which is clear from - promoting one-sided views, eliminating certain facts/numbers from/of the side they do not like, and so on.

Then there are others, the tiniest minority of people, who want to ask questions, who do not want to take any sides, who are against wars/conflicts/violence, who want to treat people of any origin, the same. For such people, there is no source of unbiased info, and they also do not have any voice; as greed for more ever more power/control and silly geo-politics as ensured that we only hear what the power-hungry want us to hear.

So, no, there is no way to get true, real, raw information, as most people have "better" things to do (e.g. social media/shopping), or most have taken sides due to being brainwashed over the decades/years.

And this was ALWAYS true, in any/all situations.

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen

I read News from different sources. Swiss info ofcourse, but for this issue also Jordan Times,, Aljazeera, Haaretz, and guardian UK, bbc … The worst by far is the American media and official statements. Di you want to laugh? US media, after more than 15000 deaths, still tells us that Israel is not deliberately killing civilians…

Thair Alsaadi
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@Rafiq Tschannen

Thank you for interacting and giving your opinion. Here we care about the journalistic aspect and the sources of information and their reliability. How can you make sure of the credibility of the news you receive? On what basis do you trust what you trust from it?

شكراً لك على التفاعل و الإدلاء بالرأي. نحن نهتمّ هنا بالجانب الصحفي وبمصادر المعلومات وموثوقيتها، فكيف تتأكّد من مصداقية الأخبار التي تتلقّاها؟ وعلى أيّ أساس تثق بما تثق به منها؟

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Hello everyone,

Taking a step back, I realize that these polls have several goals, one of which is to make us believe that we are participants in international (or national) politics. But it's nothing of the sort - we count for nothing and the masters of the game only take us into account so that we can pay taxes or receive pharmaceutical injections. It makes no difference whether we know the truth or what they want us to believe.
You see, back home in France, our president has made this abundantly clear by calling us "les riens" and forcing through legislation with the 49.3. CQFD.
The hybrid war in Ukraine and the COV ID have shown us what they're capable of in terms of perverse manipulation, but the truth often comes out in the end.

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
En prenant un peu de recul je réalise que ces sondages ont plusieurs buts dont un, qui est de nous faire croire que nous sommes des participants à la politique internationale (ou nationale) or il n'en est rien- nous comptons pour du beurre et les maitres du jeu ne nous prennent en compte que pour faire payer des taxes ou recevoir des injections pharmaceutiques. Que nous connaissions la vérité des faits ou ce qu'ils veulent nous faire croire cela ne changera rien.
Voyez-vous chez nous en Franchoullie, notre président nous l'a bien fait comprendre en nous appelant les "riens" et en faisant passer les lois au forceps à coup de 49.3. CQFD.
La guerre hybride en Ukraine ou le COVID nous ont montré ce dont ils étaient capables en matière de manipulations perverses or la vérité fini souvent par remonter à la surface.

Thair Alsaadi
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Good regards to you and everyone, and thank you for your interaction.

The aim of this discussion is to allow an exchange of opinions and experiences within a framework in which we can ensure a pleasant and respectful atmosphere for all. Opinion and personal experience govern this dialogue, not politics.

تحياتي الطيبة لك وللجميع، وشكراً لك على التفاعل.

الهدف من هذا النقاش هو فسح المجال لتبادل الآراء والخبرات في إطار يمكننا من خلاله التأكّد من الحفاظ على أجواء لطيفة ومحترمة للجميع. الرأي والتجربة الشخصية تحكمان هذا الحوار لا السياسة.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Well, the other day I read more non-European press than European. Do they have a bias? Of course. But no more - seriously - than the European press. The German press, which I used to appreciate very much, I'm beginning to appreciate less. Hindustan Times" is amazingly well done. Tehran Times" is unique and yet offers interesting reflections. "Al Arabiya" is well and elegantly designed. None of them and others forget the plot of October 7n. Z.G., they mention it all the time.

Tja, neulich lese ich vielmehr nichteuropäische Presse als europäisch. Ob jene eine Neigung hat? Klar. Aber nicht mehr -im Ernst- als die europäische. Die deutsche Presse, die ich sehr geschätzt habe, schätze ich allmähluch weniger. Erstaunlich gut gearbeitet ist "Hindustan Times". Einsitig ist "Tehran Times" und doch bietet interessanten Reflexionen. "Al Arabiya" ist gut und elegant entworfen. Kein von ihnen und andere vergessen die Handlung des 7n Oktober. Z.G., sie erwähnen es dauernd.

Thair Alsaadi
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for interacting and sharing your opinion and personal experience.

شكراً لك على التفاعل والمشاركة بالرأي والتجربة الشخصية.

Klaudia Giglio
Klaudia Giglio
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

I ask myself the same question! You have to trust someone! I have (actively) decided to trust SRF, Wikipedia and google (for research). But with skepticism. I also occasionally read other foreign media with certain AHA experiences. Then I try not to look at too much and especially not at "wild" images, because I know how easy it is to manipulate some things. It does something to me. But then I'm left helpless and unable to act! A circumstance that I don't like at all.....

Diese Frage stelle ich mir auch! Irgend jemandem muss man vertrauen!? Ich habe (aktiv) beschlossen, dem SRF, Wikipedia und google (zum Recherchieren) zu vertrauen. Aber mit Skepsis. Ich lese vereinzelt auch andere ausländische Medien mit gewissen AHA Erlebnissen. Dann versuche ich mir nicht zuviel und vor allem keine "wilden" Bilder anzusehen, da ich weiss wie leicht manches zu manipulieren geht. Es macht ja etwas mit mir. Jedoch bleibe ich dann handlungsunfähig und hilflos zurück! Ein Umstand, den ich gar nicht mag.....

Thair Alsaadi
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@Klaudia Giglio

We appreciate your participation in the discussion and talking about how you deal with the news and information you receive in its various forms.

نقدر لك مشاركتك في النقاش وحديثك عن كيفية تعاملك مع الأخبار والمعلومات التي تصلك بأشكالها المختلفة.

Jean Doute
Jean Doute
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

ALL the Western media headline the war in Israel/Palestine: "Israel against Hamas".
This implies that Israel is waging war on a terrorist organization, and is therefore in the right.

The majority of the world's countries headline "Israel against Gaza". Isn't this closer to the reality of the current conflict? And the massacre of innocent people?

As a reminder: 143 countries recognize Palestine, of which the Gaza Strip is a part.

So, is the Western media impartial or not? Free or not?

It's unfortunate to see that the media are increasingly losing the trust of young people in particular. But isn't it time to ask the right questions?

And yes, we need to cross-reference information. Israel has ejected all foreign media from the Gaza Strip, so the only way to get information is through them.
SWI, Al Jazeera, RT: it's interesting to cross-reference information.

TOUS les médias occidentaux titrent la guerre en Israël/Palestine : "Israël contre le Hamas".
Ceci sous-entend que Israël fait la guerre a une organisation terroriste, et est donc dans son bon droit.
La majorité des pays du monde titrent "Israël contre Gaza". N’est pas plus proche de la réalité du conflit actuel ? Et du massacre d’innocents ?
Pour rappel : 143 pays reconnaissent la Palestine, dont la Bande de Gaza fait partie.
Alors médias occidentaux impartiaux ou pas ? Libres ou pas ?
Il est malheureux de voir que les médias perdent de plus en plus la confiance des jeunes surtout. Mais n’est-il pas temps de se poser les bonnes questions ?
Et oui, il faut croiser l’information. Israël a éjecté tous les médias étrangers de la Bande de Gaza, l’information ne passe donc plus que par eux.
SWI, Al Jazeera, RT : il est intéressant de croiser l’information.

Thair Alsaadi
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.
@Jean Doute

Thank you for sharing your opinion and engaging with this interview.

شكراً على المشاركة بالرأي والتفاعل مع هذا الحوار.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

I am retired. So I have plenty of time to check the various pieces of information I gather from the French, Swiss and Moroccan media... and despite this, I'm not sure I have reliable information. On the other hand, reading the comments provides another interesting insight into the state of mind in the various countries. And it's often worrying!

Je suis retraité. J'ai donc tout le temps de vérifier les différentes informations que je recueille dans des médias français, suisses, marocains ... et malgré cela, je ne suis pas certain d'avoir une information fiable. En revanche, la lecture des commentaires apporte une autre information intéressante quant à l'état d'esprit qui règne dans les différents pays. Et souvent c'est inquiétant !

Mohamad ali Damamet allolo
Mohamad ali Damamet allolo

Watch Al Jazeera in English

@Mohamad ali Damamet allolo

You are joking ...

Thair Alsaadi
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Thank you for sharing your opinion and special experience. Indeed, the purpose of this dialogue is also to allow an exchange of opinions and experiences between followers and followers of our media site.

شكراً لك على المشاركة بالرأي والتجربة الخاصة. بالفعل الهدف من هذا الحوار هو أيضاً فسح المجال لتبادل الآراء والتجارب بين المتابعلين والمتابعات لموقعنا الإعلامي.

Mohamad ali Damamet allolo
Mohamad ali Damamet allolo

The most reliable information for a neutral person is to simply ignore Israel-Palestine conflicts. Neutrality is not to interfere in such matters, and should ignore the conflict. If required, the Red Cross can assist victims.

Thair Alsaadi
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for sharing your opinion. What about the big picture? How do you deal with other conflicts and the information you receive about them, and how do you make your opinion about it?

شكراً لك على المشاركة بالرأي. ماذا عن الصورة الكبرى؟ كيف تتعامل مع الصراعات الأخرى والمعلومات التي تصلك عنّها؟ وكيف تكون رأيك حولها؟

The following contribution has been automatically translated from RU.

There are very simple factors beyond the media's control. For example, Israeli representations of all kinds need additional protection. Palestinian, Russian and Ukrainian ones do not need additional protection.

Есть очень простые факторы, не зависящие от СМИ. Например, израильские представительства всех видов нуждаются в дополнительной защите. А палестинские, российские и украинские в дополнительной защите не нуждаются.

Thair Alsaadi
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Thank you for your participation. What do you mean by protection?

شكراً على مشاركتك. ماذا تقصد بالحماية؟

The following contribution has been automatically translated from RU.

It is very noticeable here that comments on the 2-year war between Russia and Ukraine are about 10 times less than Israel and Hamas. While by all parameters (duration, ferocity, armaments, etc.) the ratio is the opposite. I guess it reflects the objectivity of the media.

Здесь очень заметно, что комментариев 2-летней войны России и Украины примерно в 10 раз меньше, чем Израиль и Хамас. При том, что по всем параметрам (продолжительность, ожесточенность, вооружения и т.д.) соотношение обратное. Наверное, это отражает объективность СМИ.

Thair Alsaadi
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Thank you for the interaction. What exactly do you mean by this approach?

شكراً على التفاعل. ماذا تقصد بالضبط بهذه المقاربة؟

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Most media in the world has become independent. Most newspapers, newspapers and news channels follow the policy of their countries and according to the dictates of their political officials. That is why we find an unprecedented media blackout. There is even a deliberate misinformation of the people of the world by such pro-government media according to their political agenda. This is the dilemma of the media in today's world. People no longer believe what newspapers and newspapers publish and what they prove It is satellite channels.

أصبحَ مُعظم الإعلام في العالم غير مُستقِلّ. فأغلبية الصُّحُف و الجرائد و القنوات الإخباريّة تَسير وِفق سياسةِ بُلدانها و وِفْقَ يُمليهِ عليْها مسؤوليها السياسيّين، و لهذا نجِد هناك تَعتيماً إعلاميّاً غير مَسبوق بل هناك تضليلٌ مَقصود لشُعوب العالَم من مثل هذا الإعلام المُوالي للحكومات حسَب أجُنْدَتِها السياسيَّة، و تلك هي مُعضلة الإعلام في عالم اليوم، فالشعوب لمْ تعُد تُصدِّق ما تنشُرُه الصُّحُف و الجرائد و ما تَبُثُّهُ القنوات الفضائيَّة.

Thair Alsaadi
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for participating in the interview! There is a great generalization in your words, right? Are there no media that you trust? How can you make sure of the credibility of the information you consume daily from all available sources?

أشكرك على المشاركة في الحوار! هناك في كلامك تعميم كبير، أليس كذلك؟ وأليس هناك وسائل إعلام تثق بها أنت؟ وكيف تتأكّد من مصداقية المعلومات التي تستهلكها يوميّاً من جميع المصادر المتاحة؟

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Hello AAMMOU, I'm sure you meant to say that no media is independent these days! Having worked for forty years in the daily press and magazine industry, I've seen this for myself. In my early days, fifteen or twenty dailies shared newsstand displays. Today, there are fewer than TEN titles.
It seems that all the dailies in "France and Navarre" are sourced from a single agency, AFP!!!!
The news carries the same words, the same refrains, the same music, to sum up: Outside DOXA, no salvation!
What's more, the media are all subsidized, and a newspaper that can only survive on subsidies must cease to exist...
Long debate...

Bonjour AAMMOU, sans doute vouliez-vous dire que plus aucun média est indépendant aujourd'hui! Ayant travaillé quarante années dans le semaine de la presse quotidienne et magazine, j'ai pu constater le fait. A mes débuts, quinze, vingt quotidiens se partageaient les présentoirs des kiosques. Aujourd'hui, moins de DIX titres sont en vue.
Il apparait que tous les quotidiens de « France et de Navarre » prennent leur source auprès d'une seule agence, l'AFP!!!
Les nouvelles portent les mêmes mots, les mêmes refrains, la même musique, pour résumer: Hors de la DOXA, point de salut!
De plus, les media sont tous subventionnés, un journal qui ne tient que par les subventions doit cesser d'exister...
Long débat...

Thair Alsaadi
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for interacting. What is available is how do you deal with information and ensure its credibility?

شكراً لك على التفاعل. من بين المتاح، كيف تتعامل أنت مع المعلومات وتتأكّد من مصداقيتها؟

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

And another serious source worth recommending is the well-known history professor Yuval Noah Harrari. His interviews and lectures on our situation are well worth listening to.

Und noch eine serioese empfehlenswerte Quelle ist der bekannte Geschichtsprofessor Yuval Noah Harrari. Dessen Interviews und Vortraege our Lage lohnt es such anzuhören.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Certainly compare several sources. In Switzerland I find NZZ reliable and in Israel there is Haaretz, which is critical of the Israeli government. A democratic state needs watchdogs against the excesses of governments and this is guaranteed in Israel as well as in Switzerland. Reports from Arab states that are not democracies must be taken with a grain of salt. Unfortunately, many of the Western media take over such reports, even if they sometimes say that they cannot be verified. But then they are published after all, which can have a false influence on the formation of opinion.

Bestimmt mehrere Quellen vergleichen. In Der CH finde ich NZZ zuverlässig und in Israel, gibt es Haaretz, die der isr. Regierung kritisch gegenüber steht. In einem demokratischen Staat braucht es Waechter gegen die Auswuechse von Regierungen und dies ist in Israel genauso wie in der CH gewährleistet. Die Meldungen aus arabischen Staaten, die keine Demokratien sind müssen mit Vorsicht genossen werden. Leider uebernehmen viele der westlichen Medien solche Meldungen, auch wenn sie manchmal sagen, dass diese nicht ueberpruefbar seien. Aber dann sind sie ja doch publiziert, was die Meinungsbildung falsch beeinflussen kann.

Thair Alsaadi
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for sharing your opinion and engaging in this interview!

شكراً لك على المشاركة بالرأي والتفاعل في هذا الحوار!

محمد عبد الرؤوف عبد الله
محمد عبد الرؤوف عبد الله
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

This is not true. The recent war has shown that there is no room for freedom of opinion and expression in Israel for non-Jewish citizens in the Hebrew state. Rather, the matter has gone a long way as there is no room for opponents of the ongoing war to freely express their peaceful demands under this military state.

هذا ليس حقيقي , الحرب الأخيرة أطهرت أنه لا مجال في إسرائيل لحرية الرأي والتعبير للمواطنين الغير يهود في الدولة العبرية, بل تعدى الأمر ذلك بكثيراُ حيث أنه لا مجال لمعارضي الحرب القائمة في التعبير بحرية عن مطالبهم السلمية في ظل هذه الدولة العسكرية البنية والتركيب من أساسه.

Piz Radun
Piz Radun
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

The NZZ - like the Swiss mass media - adopts the one-sided presentation of Israeli (military) propaganda.

A reliable source is the French. Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) Guillaume Ancel (UN missions in Cambodia, Rwanda and Bosnia) who, as a former artillery officer and head of the front fire control center for the air force deployment of a regiment, comments on Zahal's strategy, tactics and use of weapons in his blog "Ne pas subir".

Die NZZ übernimmt - wie die Schweizer Massenmedien - einseitig die Darstellung der israelischen (Militär-)Propaganda.

Eine zuverlässige Quelle ist der franz. Oberstleutnant a.D. Guillaume Ancel (UNO-Missionen in Kambodscha, Rwanda und Bosnien) der in seinem Blog "Ne pas subir" als ehem. Artillerie-Offizier und Chef der Front-Feuerleitstelle für den Luftwaffeneinsatz eines Regiments Stellung bezieht zu Strategie, Taktik und Waffeneinsatz von Zahal.

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