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Jacques Gerber to oversee Switzerland’s consolidated Ukraine country programme

Jacques Gerber, 51, will be responsible for overseeing the Swiss government's consolidated "Ukraine country programme",
Jacques Gerber, 51, will be responsible for overseeing the Swiss government's consolidated "Ukraine country programme", Keystone-SDA

The Swiss government has appointed Jacques Gerber, current Jura Minister for the Economy and Health, as its "Delegate for Ukraine". He will take up his position on January 1, 2025.

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The 51-year-old will be responsible for overseeing the Federal Council’s consolidated “Ukraine country programme”, the government said in a statement on Tuesday.

Gerber has announced his resignation from the cantonal government.

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Jura-born Gerber will head the joint working group of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (Seco) responsible for setting up the Ukraine programme.

He will leave the Jura government before the end of the legislature and a by-election will be held to replace him.

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Over the next twelve years (by 2036), the Federal Council intends to provide CHF5 billion in support to Ukraine and the wider region, including CHF1.5 billion for the 2025–28 period.

In June, the Federal Council reaffirmed that Switzerland’s private sector should play a key role in Ukraine’s recovery efforts. With a stimulus programme providing CHF500 million in funding over a four-year period, the government intends to create incentives for private investment in Ukraine recovery efforts by Swiss companies, thus ensuring visible ‘Swissness’.

Ukrainian refugees receiving skills training in Switzerland may also subsequently provide expertise to help rebuild Ukraine. 

Translated from German by DeepL/sb

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