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Switzerland condemns attempted military coup in Bolivia

Soldiers in camouflage uniforms with black riot helmets and protective visors overturn a metal barrier.
Bolivia’s military attempted to storm the presidential palace in La Paz on Wednesday. Keystone / EPA EFE / Luis Gandarillas

The Swiss foreign ministry on Thursday condemned the attempted coup, as well as any attempt to undermine the lawful government of Bolivia.

On Wednesday, Bolivia’s military tried to storm the presidential palace in La Paz.

Switzerland is calling for the restoration of constitutional order as quickly as possible, the foreign ministry said in a statement. 

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen also sharply criticised the attempted coup, while the United Nations expressed its concern. Several Latin American presidents, including those of Brazil and Chile, have also rejected the military’s actions. 

Around 1,000 Swiss nationals are registered in Bolivia.  

Adapted from German by DeepL/kp 

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