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What do you expect from the talks between the US and Russia in Geneva?

Hosted by: Igor Petrov

On January 10, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Riabkov and American Secretary of State Wendy Sherman are meeting in Geneva to discuss the situation in the Ukraine and the overall security situation in Europe. At the centre is the acute crisis triggered by Russian military build-up on the Ukraine border.

What do you think will come of this meeting?

From the article US-Russia talks held in Geneva amid tension over Ukraine

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Russia is not a democracy, the leader has elected himself. Opposition is poisoned or put in jail. Russia is poor, the economy is very small and leadership spends money on weapons and enriched themselves. Russia is not a friend.


I was reading this the other day: Monroe Doctrine

I found it scary... because one has to define 'what is the Western Hemisphere?'
It is a longish read and not exactly not boring but... when one thinks about 'western' ...mmm and a country that interprets what it will as 'western' then there could be troubles.

For me it is like Ground Hog day over and over since then.... almost like the main Family has to be in control and when it starts to slip out of their hands they start pushing back to regain control. Not every country is innocent either.. That is the one thing I realised more fully...


I'd love to see and hear more from the Ukraine President about al this.

Maybe I've missed it but has the Ukraine and Russian president sat down and talked in Geneva?

I'd love to see SRF1 do an interview with Mr Putin about all this rather than feeding the TV with the same old thing day after day. A proper interview where Putin is asked questions and given time to speak. From what I see of Mr Putin he would agree with such an interview if it was honestly asked. But alas, that has not happened. We see reporters giving 'their' view of things - even if 100% honest but I'm not happy with that quite frankly.

The USA left Afghanistan and it seemed that their wanting to change had happened, then next second the USA are at Russia's throats.

On a personal level, I find it extremely anxious to be subjected every day to the fear in the media about what 'might' happen rather than reporting only what is happening.
Just like this comment, it is only someone else's Opinion..

Russia has Gas to sell and lots of it... and I think the USA is jealous that they are not making the sales. The Russians saved Europes backside by attacking the Nazi Regime and now the Russians are seen as the enemy... I'm gobsmacked to be honest. I would never trust America... quite frankly....

But hat is only my opinion... what would I know in a world where Politicians are constantly crying 'democracy' and don't ask citizens what they actually want????


I am pretty sure someone will fire the first shot in this "imminent" war. And this first shot will not be from Russia or Ukraine or any EU states.
This shot will be someone who will double-profit from this unstability in EU zone.

Who is this? Go on, take a guess.

Remember Desert Storm and the WMD from Hussein? Same old trick. When will rest of the world wake up?


Why is the US still running point on matters that are clearly European domain? Talks with Russia should be led by the EU. WWII ended 3 generations ago. Time for Europe to put on their big boy pants and take ownership of their continent.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

This is a real challenge.
NATO must not sell itself too cheaply. Certainly, both parties must approach each other.

Das ist eine echte Herausforderung.
Die Nato darf sich nicht zu billig verkaufen. Sicherlich müssen beide Parteien auf einander zugehen.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from RU.

won't agree

не договорятся


What can anyone do? If Russia wants to take over the Ukraine, no one will risk WW3 & MAD (mutual assured destruction) to try and stop them. Ditto if China decides to expand its empire. Best solution - one world, one people, no borders. Then we might have peace.


The US and UK do not want peace. History has shown us that they want power and dominance over other nations.

China, OTOH, is advocating peace and prosperity for ALL. Of course, every single western voice is skeptical and denounce them as propaganda.

We have been fed US propaganda via Hollywood for more than 100 years. Is it so difficult to believe China means well?


10.01.2022. Переговоры в Женеве - это обмен взаимными претензиями между США и РФ. Каждый будет стоять на своих позициях, без компромиссов. С фашистской Россией надо действовать более жёстко - усиливать восточный фланг НАТО, как можно скорее выполнить поставки смертоносного вооружения в Украину в необходимых количествах, назначить самые суровые санкции против России. Всё остальное это просто разговоры, переговоры ни о чём, пустое.


warum erhalten ihre Mitbürger im Osten der Ukraine keine Rente mehr ?Wieso bekommen sie keine Lebensmittel mehr ?Warum liefert jetzt Russland Lebensmittel ? Die Ukraine sollte die wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse endlich verbessern.Millionen ihrer Mitbürger arbeiten inzwischen in Russland, weil die Gehälter in der Ukraine miserabel sind.Die Abschaffung der 2. Amtssprache Russisch war für die Ukrainer im Osten des Landes eine Ohrfeige!


The US/NATO have been continuously getting troops closer and closer to Russian borders - but this, to the Western world is OK. What hypocrites.


Россия это авторитарное, агрессивное государство. Страна, в которой уже 22 года правит мафия во главе с Путиным, он главный преступник в России, он совершил очень много международных преступлений.


And the West, with US 'leadership'....less aggressive??? It is the US that is continuously starting wars all over the globe...not Russia.


Haben Manöver in Baltikum in Polen und in der Ukraine vielleicht etwas mit Russland zu tun ?Was dachten Sie denn !


And the over 700 American military bases all over the world...have to do with what??? The hysterical war mongering West under US leadership. I don't feel secure at all.


@Vera. American militarism is a product of quid pro quo between defense contractors who profit from public funding and the congressional legislators whose campaign coffers are filled with contributions from those profits. Europe is happy to outsource their defense to the US because lower military spending in the EU means more money for their domestic agenda. If the Europeans want less US war mongering on their continent, they should need to invite the US to leave and take matters into their own hands. Is that a choice the EU members are willing to make?


Ich bin mir auch nicht sicher, ob die NATO noch ein VERTEIDIGUNGSbündnis ist !


Richtig !Europa soll sich endlich selbst verteidigen.Mit dem uns seit Jahrzehnten diktierten "Erzfeind Russland"können wir doch zusammenarbeiten.Das wäre eine wirtschaftliche Supermacht !Wo bleibt der Mut Europas ?


The courage Europe is lacking is the courage to finally stand up to America. There is life beyond the USofA.


My own homeland has American bases in it... for years... and I have now idea why they should even be there. Get rid of them... then start talking about who and who isn't mafia...


There are some 700 US military bases all over the world. Why should they be anywhere?



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