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What is needed to help Ukraine rebuild?

Hosted by: Balz Rigendinger

At the beginning of July 2022, the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano defined key areas for the reconstruction of the war-torn country. These include:

  • a focus on reforms
  • transparency
  • gender equality and inclusion
  • decentralisation 
  • Ukraine to lead the process 

What do you think is important or a priority to provide a better future for Ukraine?

From the article Swiss conference sets principles for Ukraine reconstruction

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The following contribution has been automatically translated from RU.

- Emphasis on reforms:
Ukraine has blocked all 11 opposition parties. One-third of the population is in immigration. Parts of the country have been mined. The country is divided along linguistic lines. What reforms are possible under such conditions? Don't be under any illusions.

- Transparency - see above

- Equality and inclusion - Is it when 45% of the population is not allowed to speak their native language - Russian? When Hungarian is banned? When the UOC church is banned?

- Decentralization of political power - see above.

- Management of the reconstruction process is in the hands of Ukraine - If this is the case, everything will be divided and stolen even at the stage of receiving the tranches.

- Anti-corruption - A person in Canada told me that the real translation of the word "Ukraine" is Corruption.

— Акцент на реформах:
В Украине заблокированы все 11 оппозиционных партий. Треть населения в иммиграции. Часть страны заминировано. Страна разделена по языковому признаку. Какие реформы возможны в таких условиях? Не тештесь иллюзиями.

— Прозрачность - см. выше

— Равенство и инклюзия - Это когда 45-и процентам населения не разрешается говорить на родном для них языке - русском? Когда венгерский запрещают? Когда церковь УПЦ запрещают?

— Децентрализация политической власти - см. выше.

— Руководство процессом восстановления находится в руках Украины - Если так будет, то всё поделят и украдут еще на стадии получения траншей.

— Противодействие коррупции - один человек в Канаде сказал мне, что настоящий перевод слова "Украина" - Коррупция.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Although NATO-affiliates want us to believe that Russia is losing the conflict and will soon go home with its tail between its legs, the reality may be quite different. In this case, these initiatives and conferences without either side seem absurd to me. Russia, whether it wants to or not, will have to be involved in Ukraine's future development. In fact, it will never, ever accept the country joining NATO, so why are we refusing to engage in peace talks after 8 years of fighting? The ball is in Washington's hands, but they - after selling tens of billions in weapons - already calculate with other billion-dollar revenues with reconstruction that Europe will undoubtedly pay for

Anche se i NATO-affini vogliono farci credere che la Russia sta perdendo il conflitto e che presto se ne tornerá a casa con la coda fra le gambe, la realtá potrebbe essere ben diversa. In questo caso mi sembrano assurde queste iniziative e conferenze senza una delle parti. La Russia, che si voglia o no, dovrà essere implicata nel futuro sviluppo dell'Ucraina. Infatti non accetterà mai e poi mai che il paese entri a far parte della NATO, quindi perché ci si rifiuta di intavolare colloqui di pace dopo 8 anni di combattimenti? Il pallino è nelle mani di Washington, ma questi - dopo aver venduto armi per decine di miliardi - calcolano già con altri introiti miliardari con la ricostruzione che indubbiamente l'Europa pagherà

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

First a peace treaty for the whole area that is binding and respected,
redrawing the political concept of Europe with the involvement of Russia.
Second a political administrative transparency on the part of the government in Kiev.
Third material aid, not money, for reconstruction.

Prima cosa un trattato di pace per tutta l'area che sia vincolante e rispettato,
ridisegnando il concetto politico di Europa con il coinvolgimento della Russia.
Secondo una trasparenza politico amministrativa da parte del governo di Kiev.
Terzo un aiuto materiale, non di denaro, per la ricostruzione.

Lui la plume
Lui la plume
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

The war in Ukraine, the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, the financial earthquake due to the "questionable" system used to set the price of gas sales to the end user ... and many lesser oddities that have troubled us in recent years convince me that any reconstruction must take into account that more autonomy is needed to meet people's wishes. Reconstruction must be thought of as "off grid." Any grid has shown huge deficiencies in the world, an inability to offer certainty. I have a house in the country in an old core now it seems water will be rationed .... I knew of a buried cistern that we never used ... rainwater I thought it was small but I checked it is four meters deep and will hold about 3000 liters of rainwater. Electricity can be stored with underground gravity storage, and to generate it one can find many systems without forgetting that geothermal energy can provide the heat

La guerra in Ucraina, il terremoto in Turchia e Siria, il terremoto finanziario dovuto al sistema "discutibile" utilizzato per stabilire il prezzo di vendita del gas all'utente finale ... e tante minori stranezze che ci hanno turbati in questi ultimi anni mi convincono che ogni ricostruzione debba tener conto che serve più autonomia per andare incontro ai desideri della gente. La ricostruzione va pensata "off grid". Qualsiasi rete di distribuzione ha dimostrato nel mondo carenze enormi, una incapacità di offrire certezze. Ho una casa in campagna in un nucleo di antica formazione ora pare verrà razionata l'acqua .... sapevo di una cisterna sotterrata e da noi mai usata ... acqua piovana credevo fosse piccola ma ho controllato è profonda quattro metri e conterrà circa 3000 litri di acqua piovana. La corrente elettrica si può accumulare con accumuli gravitazionali interrati, e per generala si possono trovare tanti sistemi senza dimenticare che il calore lo può fornire la geotermia

Michel Baumgartner
Michel Baumgartner
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

In circumstances of war, to attack civilians, there are multiple methods, obviously exploited by the warlords.
Missile attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets by the Russian army allows Zelenski to say that all of Russia is against Ukraine. Therefore, we must defend ourselves.
The attacks on the Russian economy in the form of Western sanctions, affecting the daily life of the population of the Russian Federation, allows Putin to say: Look, the West is against us, so we must defend ourselves.
To each his version, and good reasons to kill each other.
What do we need to rebuild Ukraine ... and Russia?
Leaders, challenged by their populations, to have the audacity and the courage to say: stop, no victories, no defeats, let's stop killing!
Michel Baumgartner

En circonstances de guerre, pour s’en prendre aux civils, il existe de multiples méthodes, évidemment exploitées par les chefs de guerre.
Les attaques à coups de missiles, de cibles civiles ukrainiennes, par l'armée russe, permet à Zelenski de dire que toute la Russie est contre l'Ukraine. Il faut donc se défendre.
Les attaques qui s'en prennent à l'économie russe sous forme de sanctions occidentales, affectant le quotidien de la population de la Fédération de Russie, permet à Poutine de dire: Voyez l'Occident est contre nous, on donc doit se défendre.
A chacun sa version, et de bonnes raisons de s’entretuer.
De quoi a-t-on besoin pour reconstruire l’Ukraine … et la Russie ?
De dirigeants, mis en demeure par leurs populations, d’avoir l’audace et le courage de dire : stop, pas de victoires, pas de défaites, arrêtons de tuer !
Michel Baumgartner

Vladimiro Vanuzzi
Vladimiro Vanuzzi
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Reconstruction of real estate and infrastructure, must go hand in hand with institutions that are functional, and above all, free of private interests.
The Ukrainian Leadership must also commit itself to implementing policies that are truly Democratic, and respectful of the different Ethnic groups in the territorial areas.
Otherwise, massive economic efforts, both National and International Community, will be rendered futile.

La ricostruzione degli immobili e delle infrastrutture, deve andare di pari passo con Istituzioni funzionali, e soprattutto esenti da interessi privati.
La Leadership Ucraina deve inoltre impegnarsi ad attuare politiche realmente Democratiche, e rispettose delle diverse Etnie presenti negli ambiti territoriali.
In caso contrario, saranno resi vani gli ingenti sforzi economici, sia Nazionali che della Comunità Internazionale.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

We need transparency in decisions, which Zelenski has not done so far. Then it is completely destroyed.

Ci vuole trasparenza nelle decisioni, cosa che Zelenski fino adesso non ha fatto. Poi è completamente distrutta.

Victor Balaban
Victor Balaban
The following contribution has been automatically translated from RU.

When restoring Ukraine, it is necessary to transfer the railroads to the European railroad gauge.

При восстановлении Украины надо обязательно перевести железные дороги на европейскую колею.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ZH.

As long as they try to protect the lives of the Ukrainian people and their territory, the homes that were blown up today can certainly be built up next year, even if they cannot be built this year. They, the Russian soldiers, may have enough shells to destroy all the cities of the Ukrainian state, but the Ukrainian soldiers can rely on the next generation to rebuild them one by one, as long as they guard the piece of the country under their feet, so that the cities that cannot be rebuilt by the Ukrainians of this generation can be rebuilt one by one. But once the sovereignty of a country is destroyed, everything is passive, resources, culture, freedom. Even the life span of every person from then on is passively controlled at the gunpoint of the rulers. From then on it is lost to evil and scoundrels and "umlauts". The Prodigal Son 2022.12.12

只要努力保护好乌克兰人民的生命和他们的领土,今天被炸毁的家园即使今年无法建起,但明年一定可以把它们建起来。他们,俄罗斯军人或许有足够的炮弹可以摧毁乌克兰国家的所有城市,但乌克兰军人只要守护好脚下的那一片国土,那么这一代乌克兰人无法重建的城市,可以依靠下一代人把它们一个个的重建起来。但一旦一个国家的主权被摧毁,一切都是被动的,资源、文化,自由。 甚至从此每个人的寿命都被动的控制在统治者的枪口下。从此输给了邪恶和无赖及“唔啦”。浪子 2022.12.12

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

This war has only just begun , it would need a leader who would really fight for their rights , The reconstruction of Ukraine will not be an easy task, but global best practices in urban design could be a good place to start.

Esta guerra no ha hecho más que empezar , necesitaría un líder que de verdad luchase por sus derechos , La reconstrucción de Ucrania no será una tarea fácil, pero las mejores prácticas mundiales de diseño urbano podrían ser un buen punto de partida

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

The dilemma with war goes much further.

In a war there are injured, dead, traumatized and orphans. Children that no one takes by the hand, cares for them around the clock and praises them selflessly honestly AND reprimands. A neglect which is a good breeding ground for behavior such as narcissism.
Many war and post-war children, whose parents or guardians were traumatized in some way, may experience a similar situation.
After a war, the situation is compounded by the fact that it is predominantly men who have fallen and there is a kind of male shortage. One remembers the stories after the 2nd world war. Due to the lack of males, some boys are cared for and spoiled like pashas and raised to be narcissists. On the other hand, some girls are inevitably neglected, which is also not conducive to their development. Especially since the children are born into a shattered world for which they cannot help it, and the previous generations seem like "failures" who did not prevent the destruction.
Many of the first generation after a war are apparently very prone to psychological disorders such as narcissism.

Narcissists, derived from Dr. Reinhard Haller's 5E's, are incapable of holding a lengthy conversation without the word I or We. Unable to bear public criticism and insults without secretly craving rake. Unable to rejoice in the well-being of others, especially to rejoice in the "recovery" of critics or opponents. Unable to admit that others have different abilities and are better than them in some areas. Incapable of not devaluing others and, if necessary, making fun of them.

About 20 years after the war these "narcissists" will rebel as young adults against the existing order and try to rebuild everything, even what is actually useful. Since they will have no power yet it is not yet serious. It is probably not a coincidence that National Socialism gained a lot of admiration among boys and that the 68 movement emerged about 20 years after the end of the last war.
About 50 years after the end of the war the "narcissists" slide demographically conditioned almost automaitsch into higher leading positions in the economy, administration etc., provided that they did not seize the power already before by a revolution, and can zemetieren their view as "law". Since they have a strong will to assert themselves opposite others they are catapulted with an appropriate value system straight to a leading position. With view of Paris from the antiquity and the beginning of the Trojan war and a dangerous situation for the peace.
Approximately 70 years after the war, these will then continue to pull the strings as "old men" in the background.

30 years and more after the end of the war the children, who got in their childhood from their narcissistic father, mothers or social environment the perspective of narcissists before-lived, will know under circumstances nothing else and it as completely normal to regard itself about others funny to some and on humans, who show them contradicting or otherwise borders on with contempt or open hate to react and consequently everything permit themselves.
It is probably not a coincidence that Socrates (469 B.C. - 399 B.C.), lived 10 years until his murder by a democratic majority decision 80 years after the battles between Greeks and Persians, once said "The children of today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, spill their food and annoy their teachers."

About 80 years after the end of the war, these children will slide into higher leadership positions as 50-year-olds and consider it completely normal to make fun of others, to devalue other people, to devalue their lives as not worth living and even to deny them a right to life and to murder them.

A murder is view of the emergence of the first world war a "good" basis for war. As long as only in the own country people are prescribed how they have to live and some own citizens are denied a right to live and they are murdered one will have only locally a civil war. If, on the other hand, people in other countries are told how to live or their citizens are murdered, you will have an interstate war. After the war is then unfortunately before the war. In view of Ukraine's accession to the EU, the whole EU will then be dragged into a war.
How do you want to solve this dilemma and make sure that there will be no war later? Otherwise, reconstruction of some kind is pointless.

Das Dilemma mit einem Krieg geht doch viel weiter.

In einem Krieg gibt es Verletzte, Tote, Traumatisierte und Waisenkinder. Kinder die niemand an der Hand nimmt, sich rund um die Uhr um sie kümmert und sie selbstlos ehrlich Lobt UND Tadelt. Eine Verwahrlosung welche guter Nährboden für ein Verhalten wie zum Beispiel Narzissmus ist.
Bei vielen Kriegs- und Nachkriegs-Kindern, denen die Eltern oder Erziehungsbeaufragte auf eine Art traumatisiert wurden, kann es ähnlich ergehen.
Nach einem Krieg kommt erschwerend hinzu, dass vorwiegend Männer gefallen sind und es eine Art Männermangel gibt. Man gedenke den Geschichten nach den 2. Weltkrieg. Durch den Mangel an männlichen Wesen werden manche Buben wie Paschas umsorgt und verwöhnt und zu Narzissten erzogen. Auf der anderen Seite werde dadurch manche Mädchen zwangsläufig vernachlässigt, was ebenfalls für deren Entwicklung nicht förderlich ist. Zumal die Kinder in eine zertrümmerte Welt hinein geboren werden, für die sie nichts dafür können und die vorherigen Generationen wie "Versager" wirken, die die Zerstörung nicht verhindert haben.
Viele der ersten Generation nach einem Krieg sind anscheinend sehr anfällig für psychische Störungen wie Narzissmus.

Narzissten sind, abgeleitet von den 5E von Dr. Reinhard Haller, unfähig eine längere Konversation zu führen ohne das Wort Ich oder Wir. Unfähig öffentlich Kritik und Beleidigungen zu ertragen ohne insgeheim nach Rechen zu sehnen. Unfähig sich über das Wohlergehen anderer zu freuen, insbesondere sich über ein "Genesen" von Kritikern oder Gegnern sich zu freuen. Unfähig ein zu gestehen, dass Andere andere Fähigkeiten haben und in manchen Bereichen besser sind als sie selbst. Unfähig andere nicht abzuwerten und sich gegebenenfalls über diese lustig zu machen.

Ca. 20 Jahre nach dem Krieg werden diese "Narzissten" als junge Erwachsene dann gegen die bestehende Ordnung rebellieren und versuchen alles um zu bauen, auch das was eigentlich sinnvoll ist. Da sie noch keine Macht haben werden ist es noch nicht gravieren. Es ist wahrscheinlich kein Zufall dass der Nationalsozialismus bei Jungen viel Bewunderung und die 68er Bewegung rund 20 Jahre nach dem Ende des letzten Krieges entstanden.
Rund 50 Jahre nach dem Kriegsende rutschen die "Narzissten" demographisch bedingt fast automaitsch in höhere Führungspositionen in der Wirtschaft, Verwaltung usw. nach, sofern sie nicht schon vorher durch eine Revolution die Macht wergriffen, und können ihr Sichtweise als "Gesetz" zemetieren. Da sie einen starken willen haben sich gegenüber anderen durch zu setzten werden sie bei einem entsprechendem Wertesystem gerade zu in eine Führungsposition Katapultiert. Mit Blick auf Paris aus der Antike und den Anfang des Trojanischen Kriegs und eine gefährliche Situation für den Frieden.
Ca. 70 Jahre nach dem Krieg werden diese dann als "Alterherren" im Hintergrund weiterhin die Strippen ziehen.

30 Jahre und mehr nach dem Kriegsende weden die Kinder, die in ihrer Kindheit von ihrer narzisstischen Vater, Mütter oder gesellschaftlichem Umfeld die Perspektive von Narzissten vorgelebt bekamen, unter Umständen nichts anderes kennen und es als völlig Normal betrachten sich über andere Lustig zu manchen und auf Menschen, die ihnen Widersprechend oder anderweitig Grenzen auf zeigen mit Geringschätzung oder offenem Hass zu reagieren und sich folglich alles erlauben.
Es ist wahrscheinlich kein Zufall, dass Sokrates (469 v. Chr. – 399 v. Chr.), lebte 10 Jahre bis zu seiner Ermordung durch einen demokratischen Mehrheitsentscheid 80 Jahre nach den Schlachten zwischen Griechen und Persern, mal äusserte „Die Kinder von heute sind Tyrannen. Sie widersprechen ihren Eltern, kleckern mit dem Essen und ärgern ihre Lehrer.“

Ungefähr 80 Jahre nach Kriegsende werden diese Kinder als 50-jährige in höhere Führungspositionen nachrutschen und es als völlig Normal betrachten sich über andere Lustig zu manchen, andere Menschen ab zu werten, ihr Leben als nicht lebenswert ab zu werten und ihnen sogar ein Recht auf Leben ab zu sprechen und ermorden.

Eine Ermordung ist Blick auf die Entstehung des ersten Weltkrieges eine "gute" Basis für Krieg. Solange nur im eigenen Land Menschen vorgeschrieben wird wie sie zu leben haben und manchen eigenen Bürger ein Recht zu leben abgesprochen wird und sie ermordet werden wird man nur lokal einen Bürgerkrieg haben. Wenn hingegen Menschen in anderen Länder vorgeschrieben wird, wie sie zu leben haben oder ihre Bürger ermordet werden, wird man einen zwischenstaatlichen Krieg haben. Nach dem Krieg ist dann leider vor dem Krieg. Mit Blick auf einen EU-Beitritt der Ukraine wird dann die ganze EU in einen Krieg hinein gezogen werden.
Wie möchte man dieses Dilemma lösen und sicher stellen dass es später keinen Krieg mehr gibt? Ansonsten ist ein Wiederaufbau auf eine Art sinnlos.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the European subcontinent, and its president is a former TV comedian. At the time of the Russian invasion, eastern Ukraine was dominated by neo-Nazi commandos who terrorized the population.

Ucrania es el país más corrupto del subcontinente europeo , y su presidente un ex-cómico de la televisión. Al momento de la invasión rusa, el este de Ucrania estaba dominado por comandos neo-nazis que aterrorizaban a la población.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

This war has not yet culminated and is likely to last for many months and perhaps even years.
It had its origin in the implosion of the USSR and in the territorial distribution made by the Americans and Europeans of the countries that made up the socialist bloc. In that division the most damaged was Russia itself, which completely lost geopolitical control over the Black Sea, leaving vast territories of its western border in the hands of Ukraine. The port of Odessa, founded by Catherine the Great of Russia and under Russian and Soviet administration until 30 years ago, became in the hands of Ukraine together with Sevastopol and the Crimean peninsula, which for centuries was the residence of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea.
But the trigger for this war was the brutal repression that the Ukrainian authorities had been exercising on the citizens of these regions who wished to continue belonging to Russia, their motherland.
The conflict could have been resolved in a peaceful and democratic plebiscite of these historically Russian regions, but both the Ukrainian authorities and their main European and US allies chose to support and increase the repression, and that repression triggered the war.
Now Ukraine is being used by NATO as a practice field for new types of weaponry and Ukrainians are paying the consequences of that territorial plundering against Russia.
A war that is being waged both in Eastern Ukraine and in the media and that reminds us of those fallacious arguments about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction that justified in the public opinion the invasion, the occupation and the million dead left by NATO in Iraq.

Esta guerra aún no ha culminado y es probable que dure aún muchos meses y quizás años.
Tuvo su origen en la implosión de la URSS y en el reparto territorial que hicieron los norteamericanos y europeos de los paises que integraban el bloque socialista. En ese reparto la más perjudicada fué la propia Rusia , que perdió por completo el control geopolítico sobre el Mar Negro ,dejando bastos territorios de su frontera occidental en manos de Ucrania. El puerto de Odessa fundado por Catalina la Grande de Rusia y bajo administración Rusa y Soviética hasta hace 30 años pasó a quedar en manos de Ucrania junto a Sebastopol y la península de Crimea que durante siglos fué la residencia de la flota Rusa en el Mar Negro.
Pero el detonador de esta guerra fué la brutal represión que las autoridades de Ucrania venían ejerciendo sobre los ciudadanos de esas regiones que deseaban continuar perteneciendo a Rusia, su madre patria.
El conflicto pudo resolverse en un plebiscito pacífico y democrático de esas regiones históricamente rusas ,sin embargo tanto las autoridades de Ucrania como sus principales aliados europeos y USA optaron por apoyar e incrementar la represión , y esa represión hizo detonar la guerra.
Ahora Ucrania está siendo utilizada por OTAN como un campo de práctica para nuevo tipo de armamento y los ucranianos pagando las consecuencias de aquella rapiña territorial contra Rusia.
Una guerra que se libra tanto en el Este de Ucrania como en los medios de información y que recuerda aquellos argumentos falaces sobre las armas de destrucción masiva que poseía Iraq y que justificaron en la opinión pública la invasión , la ocupación y el millón de muertos que dejó OTAN en Iraq.

Emma E. Perales Vega
Emma E. Perales Vega
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

Gender equality and inclusion is a very attractive topic for commentators and governments, but in practice, it does not happen. The percentage of women's participation worldwide is barely 32% on average, in some countries it is higher, but in general that is the inclusion.
We all know that the participation of women in societies will make them a better place to live, since it advocates the innovation of current societies, and in terms of labor, even though reports indicate that large conglomerates, when they keep women in their top management, reach a higher profit of up to 35%. It is inconceivable that in this era, dogmas of previous centuries are maintained.

La igualdad de genero e inclusión, es un tema muy atractivo para comentaristas y gobiernos, sin embargo en la practica, no se da. El porcentaje de participación de las mujeres a nivel mundial, es escasamente en promedio de 32%, en algunos paises mayores, pero en general esa es la inclusión.
Todos sabemos que la participación de las mujeres en las sociedades, hará de estas un mejor lugar para vivir, ya que se propugna la innovacion de las actuales sociedades, y en cuanto a lo laboral, aun cuando los reportes indican que los grandes conglomerados, cuando mantienen a mujeres en sus altos mandos, alcanzan un beneficio superior de hasta 35%. Es inconcebible que en esta época, se mantengan dogmas de siglos anteriores.

Ramón Félix Gómez Castelli
Ramón Félix Gómez Castelli
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

Russia/Chechnya, Crimea, Ukraine, China/Taiwan, Turkey/Cyprus, Serbia/Kosovo, Israel/Palestine, Iran. Iran/Syria,
There is a world in dispute for global leadership. This has only one path, which has no other way out. Total war.

Rusia/Chechenia, Crimea, Ucrania, China/Taiwan, Turquía/Chipre, Servía/Kosovo,Israel/Palestina, Irán. Irán/Siria,
Hay un mundo en disputa por el liderazgo global. Esto tiene un solo sendero, que no tiene otra salida. La guerra total.

Евгений Горохов
Евгений Горохов
The following contribution has been automatically translated from RU.

Ukraine without war, is very attractive for investments, especially in the agricultural sector, we hope very much that our country will defeat the aggressor and will be able to develop, thanks to the support of our partners from friendly Switzerland, the European Union, America, Britain ... In fact all Ukrainians are very grateful to you, for courage and determination, consistency of your actions, the whole civilized world has shown that defense of democratic values is not only words but also actions, thank you!

Украина без войны, очень привлекательна для инвестирования , особенно в агропромышленном секторе экономики, мы очень надеемся что наша страна победит агрессора и сможет развиваться ,благодаря поддержке наших партнёров из дружественной Швейцарии,Евросоюза, Америки,Великобритании...на самом деле все украинцы очень благодарны Вам ,за смелость и решимость, последовательность ваших действий,весь цивилизованный мир продемонстрировал что защита демократических ценностей это не только слова ,но и действия ,Спасибо !

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.
@Евгений Горохов

We, the Swiss, will never participate in delivering more weapons for the continuation of death and destruction.
The Russian invasion is the consequence of the fierce repression that the Ukrainian government exercised on the territories located on the border with Russia. Those citizens want to belong to Russia and that problem should have been solved by a democratic plebiscite which the current Ukrainian government was determined to prevent.

Los suizos no participaremos jamás en entregar más armas para que la muerte y la destrucción continúen.
La invasión rusa es la consecuencia de la feroz represión que el gobierno de Ucrania ejerció sobre los territorios ubicados en la frontera con Rusia. Esos ciudadanos desean pertenecer a Rusia y ese problema debió solucionarse con un plebiscito democrático que el actual gobierno de Ucrania estaba resuelto a impedir.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Ukraine can be rebuilt when Ukraine is governed by a national government that is not an agent of a foreign country that cares about the interests of the Ukrainian people, cares about the lives of Ukrainian citizens, does not sacrifice them and does not act as a scapegoat and warhead for the benefit of foreign countries

يمكن اعمار اوكرانيا عندما تتولى الحكم في اوكرانية حكومة وطنية ليست عميلة لدولة اجنبية تهمها مصلحة الشعب الاوكراني وتهمها حياة المواطنين الاوكران و لا تضحي بهم و لا تعمل منهم كبش فداء و راس حرب من اجل مصلحة دول اجنبية

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

The first condition for Ukraine's reconstruction is that the war must be stopped. The problem is that Western countries, mainly America, shed crocodile tears on the Ukrainian people. The problem is that these Western countries do not want to stop this war after they trap Putin and push him to invade Ukraine. This war will stop if it stops Western countries will not pour oil on fire. Western countries should stop interfering in Ukraine's affairs and retreat from the coup d'état conducted by Western countries in which they removed the democratically elected President of Ukraine. Yanukovych must be returned to power again and Ukraine remains a neutral country. Then it can be rebuilt anew

اول شرط لاعمار اوكرانيا هو يجب وقف الحرب ، المشكلة ان الدول الغربية و على رأسها امريكا التي تذرف دموع التماسيح على الشعب الاوكراني المشكلة هي ان هذه الدول الغربية لا تريد ايقاف هذه الحرب بعد ان اوقعوا بوتين في الفخ و دفعوه الى غزو اوكرانيا ، الحرب هذه ستقف اذا توقفت الدول الغربية عن صب الزيت على النار و ان تكف الدول الغربية عن التدخل في شؤون اوكرانيا و تتراجع عن الانقلاب الذي ادارته الدول الغربية و ازاحوا فيها رئيس اوكرانيا المنتخب ديموقراطيا و يجب اعادة يانوكوفيتش الى الحكم مرة ثانية و تبقى اوكرانية دولة محايدة فعندها يمكن اعمارها من جديد

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

The mass media in Europe and North America are playing the role of hiding the truth about the reasons behind this war.
Just as they prepared public opinion for the invasion and destruction of Iraq, they are now preparing public opinion to accept the delivery of more weapons to the present government of Ukraine.

Los medios masivos de información en Europa y Norteamérica están cumpliendo el papel de ocultar la verdad sobre las razones detrás de esta guerra.
Del mismo modo en que prepararon a la opinión pública para la invasión y destrucción de Iraq , ahora preparan a la opinión pública para aceptar la entrega de más armas al actual gobierno de Ucrania.

Fukurou Shiroi
Fukurou Shiroi
The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

First, Russia must stop proceeding.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

The starting point for the war was the secession of Russians loyal to Putin, who were supported in the secession from Ukraine with the help of Russian soldiers and Russian war equipment! That means that without the transfer of these Russians no peace returns in the area! It must be organized therefore that the conditions for a pacification of Ukraine are created! Only then can be discussed about measures which has a reconstruction to the topic! That goes only without Putin and his spit companions, since they want to incorporate the Ukraine, like also other former states of the UDSSR, again!

Die Ausgangslage für den Krieg war die Abspaltung putintreuer Russen, die bei der Abspaltung von der Ukraine mit der Hilfe russischer Soldaten und russischem Kriegsgerät unterstützt wurden! Das bedeutet, daß ohne die Übersiedlung dieser Russen keine Ruhe in dem Gebiet einkehrt! Es muß also organisiert werden, daß die Voraussetzungen für eine Befriedung der Ukraine geschaffen werden! Erst dann kann über Maßnahmen diskutiert werden, die einen Wiederaufbau zum Thema hat! Das geht nur ohne Putin und seine Spießgesellen, da sie die Ukraine, wie auch andere ehem. Staaten der UDSSR, wieder eingliedern wollen!

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR