Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

How can a change in climate policy be brought about?

Hosted by: May Elmahdi Lichtsteiner

Some of the measures taken by climate activists, such as glueing themselves to precious artworks or busy streets, are controversial. There is a debate about whether radical measures are necessary to bring about a change in climate policy, or if they are more likely to harm the overall goal of the movement.

In your experience, does radical activism help the cause of the climate movement? Do you know of other, democratic tools and instruments to bring about political change? What do you think is effective? Join the discussion!

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sucheta narangi
sucheta narangi

Yes action is very necessary for change but discussion with your politicians member of the public especially women and children debates among university students . All strata’s of society.
Engaging in dialogue.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Most of these activists are eco vandals just look at what is happening in Europe.
The climate has not changed, the weather events have changed, and prevention works must be done for these as our elders did who certainly did not have the means we have today.

La maggior parte di questi attivisti sono eco vandali basta vedere quello che sta succedendo in Europa.
Il clima non è cambiato, sono cambiati gli eventi atmosferici e per questi devono essere fatte opere di prevenzione come facevano i nostri vecchi che certamente non avevano i mezzi che abbiamo oggi.

مي المهدي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Thank you for this contribution! You're right that adaptation and prevention measures are crucial, but at the same time, it's also important to understand the underlying causes of climate change and address them where possible.
Your suggestion that the weather, not the climate, has changed opens a discussion about the differences between weather and climate - weather refers to short-term changes, while climate describes long-term patterns. However, both are interactive and changes in climate can lead to changes in weather.
While there are some climate activists whose methods may be seen as extreme or counterproductive, many are striving to raise awareness of environmental problems and promote constructive solutions.

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة! أنت على حق في أن تدابير التكيف والوقاية أمر بالغ الأهمية، ولكن في الوقت نفسه، من المهم أيضًا فهم الأسباب الكامنة وراء تغير المناخ ومعالجتها حيثما أمكن.
إشارتك إلى أن الطقس، وليس المناخ، هو الذي تغير، يفتح نقاشًا حول الاختلافات بين الطقس والمناخ - فالطقس يشير إلى التغيرات قصيرة المدى، بينما يصف المناخ الأنماط طويلة المدى. ومع ذلك، كلاهما تفاعلي والتغيرات في المناخ يمكن أن تؤدي إلى تغيرات في الطقس.
وفي حين أن هناك بعض نشطاء المناخ الذين قد يُنظر إلى أساليبهم على أنها متطرفة أو تؤدي إلى نتائج عكسية، فإن العديد منهم يسعون جاهدين لرفع مستوى الوعي بالمشاكل البيئية وتعزيز الحلول البناءة.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

I don't understand this doggedness of yours with the climate. All you do is talk about that: Europe on fire, cows all of a sudden are our worst enemy, your every news bulletin is catastrophic. As with Covid any opinion or analysis that diverges from the main stream is silenced.
There is nothing to change, Switzerland does plenty, and the Swiss are scrupulous by nature. Go tell that to the U.S., China or India, and all three will certainly send you walking. Enough!

Non capisco questo vostro accanimento con il clima. Non fate che parlare di quello: l'Europa in fiamme, le vacche tutt'a un tratto sono il nostro peggiore nemico, ogni vostro bollettino di notizie é catastrofista. Come con il Covid ogni opinione o analisi che diverge dal main stream viene zittito.
Non c'é nulla da cambiare, la Svizzera fa moltissimo e gli svizzeri sono scrupolosi per natura. Andate a dirlo agli USA, alla Cina o all'India, e tutti e tre certamente vi mandano a passeggiare. Basta!

مي المهدي
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Thank you for this contribution! What do you think is the prevailing view that caring for climate and the environment is a global challenge that requires a wide range of responses and collective efforts on a global scale, starting with local initiatives and ending with international agreements? How can all stakeholders be urged to comply with their commitments in the field of combating climate change?

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة! ما رأيك في الرأي السائد بأن الاهتمام بالمناخ والبيئة يشكل تحدياً عالمياً يتطلب نطاقاً واسعاً من الاستجابات جهودا جماعية على نطاق عالمي، بدءاً من المبادرات المحلية وانتهاء بالاتفاقيات الدولية؟ و كيف يمكن حث كل الأطراف المعنية على الامتثال لالتزاماتها في مجال مكافحة التغير المناخي؟

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

"with these panels alone we hardly solve the problems! "This is a stupid question. We need a lot of change so we should welcome everything that helps somehow!

"mit diesen Panels allein lösen wir die Probleme kaum! " Das ist doch eine blödsinnige Fragestellung. Wir brauchen viel Veränderung also sollten wir alles begrüssen was irgendwie hilft!


Its starting to look like we may have overstayed our welcome, the Antarctica ice is 17% below average this year, the swiss lost 6% of glacial ice last year and it looks like its another 6% this year, anyone looking at some of the statistics that are presenting, and giving it considered thought must be thinking we are probably on the wrong side of a 50/50 chance of being in very real trouble in the not to distant future

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Our association Energieeffektivität Community EeC is working in the region of the Mainz-Bingen district to implement a safe and climate-neutral energy supply. Involved are the Environment and Energy Consulting Center, the Transfer Office Bingen, banks, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Chamber of Crafts, citizen communities and many others. We focus primarily on security of supply rather than climate neutrality, whereby security of supply always leads to a reduction in the amount of fossil energy purchased. In terms of measures, we focus on de-use of money and end-use energy. We use as much as possible environmental energy directly from the region. We also cover the remaining final energy demand from the region. Thus we increase the regional added value. Our successes have an extremely positive and motivating effect on the population. From my point of view, the demonstrations distract from the possibilities we have in the community and promote frustration among the people.
Help us to attract people who will work on solutions in a very concrete way.

Unser Verein arbeitet in der Region des Landkreises Mainz-Bingen an der Umsetzung einer sicher und klimaneutralen Energieversorgung. Beteiligt sind das Umwelt und Energieberatungszentrum, die Transferstelle Bingen, Banken, die Industrie und Handelskammer, die Handwerkskammer, Bürger Gemeinschaften und viele andere. Wir fokussieren uns vor allem auf Versorgungsicherheit und nicht Klimaneutralität, wobei Versorgungssicherheit immer auch zur Reduktion der eingekauften fossilen Energie führt. Bei den Massnahmen setzen wir auf Entschwendung von Geld und Endenergie. Wir nutzen soviel wie möglich Umweltenergie direkt aus der Region. Den verbleibenden Endenergiebedarf decken wir ebenfalls aus der Region. Dadurch erhöhen wir die regionale Wertschöpfung. Unser Erfolge wirken auf die Bevölkerung äusserst positiv und motivierend. Die Demonstrationen lenken aus meiner Sicht von den Möglichkeiten, die wir in der Gemeinschaft haben ab und fördern die Frustration der Menschen.
Helfen Sie uns Menschen zu gewinnen die ganz konkret an Lösungen mitarbeiten.

مي المهدي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for sharing your point of view, which contributes to expanding the discussion on this issue.

Providing safe and climate-neutral energy supplies is an important effort in addressing the climate change crisis. Focusing on supply security can significantly contribute to achieving a shift towards more sustainable energy sources and reducing the region's dependence on fossil energy. This is an important effort to achieve environmental transformation and contribute to reducing carbon emissions.

However, there are not many cities that combine the efforts of institutions, individuals and companies to reach these solutions, so some believe that demonstrations and protest movements are an important part of social and political change. It reflects people's concern about climate change and can drive governments and companies to take greater action to address this crisis. Don't you think that community efforts can be integrated with protests to achieve a greater impact? Can you provide us with your experience on how to achieve this cooperation between all parties in your environment to achieve these goals to combat climate change?

شكرًا لمشاركتك وجهة نظرك، التي يساهم في توسيع النقاش حول هذه القضية.

توفير إمدادات طاقة آمنة ومحايدة مناخيًا يٌعتبر جهدًا مهمًا في مواجهة أزمة تغير المناخ. والتركيز على أمن الإمداد يمكن أن يساهم بشكل كبير في تحقيق التحول نحو مصادر طاقة أكثر استدامة وتقليل اعتماد المنطقة على الطاقة الأحفورية. هذا جهد مهم لتحقيق التحول البيئي والمساهمة في تقليل انبعاثات الكربون.

مع ذلك، فليس هناك الكثير من المدن التي تقوم بتوحيد جهود المؤسسات والأفراد والشركات للوصول إلى هذه الحلول، لذا يرى البعض أن المظاهرات والحركات الاحتجاجية جزءًا مهمًا من التغيير الاجتماعي والسياسي. فهي تعكس قلق الناس بشأن التغير المناخي، ويمكن أن تدفع الحكومات والشركات إلى اتخاذ إجراءات أكبر للتصدي لهذه الأزمة. ألا ترى بأنه يمكن أن تتكامل الجهود المجتمعية مع الاحتجاجات لتحقيق تأثير أكبر؟ وهل يمكنك أن تفيدنا بتجربتك حول كيفية التوصل إلى هذا التعاون بين جميع الأطراف في محيطك لتحقيق هذه الأهداف المكافحة لتغير المناخ؟

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

There is no point in discussing if you select the comments that do not agree with the "official narrative" and do not publish other opinions and truths! This happened with a previous climate topic of SWI.

Es macht keinen Sinn mit zu diskutieren, wenn Sie die Kommentare, die mit dem "offiziellen Narrativ"nicht übereinstimmen, selektionieren und andere Meinungen und Wahrheiten nicht veröffentlichen! So geschehen bei einem früheren Klima-Thema von SWI.

Giannis Mavris
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Good day, when activating the comments we are guided solely by our internal guidelines. You can find them here: [url=]Netiquette[/url].

Guten Tag, bei der Freischaltung der Kommentare orientieren wir uns einzig an unseren internen Richtlinien. Diese finden Sie hier: [url=]Netiquette[/url]

The following contribution has been automatically translated from PT.

Anything that is "radical" is too much!
But we must continue to push and raise awareness among people, companies, and governments about the need to change bad habits and policies that worsen the planet's climate situation.

Tudo o que é “radical” é demasiado!
Mas há que continuar a pressionar e sensibilizar as pessoas, empresas e governos para a necessidade de se alterarem os maus hábitos e as políticas que agravam a situação climática do planeta.

مي المهدي
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Thank you for sharing your point of view. What are the best mechanisms and ways to push governments and companies to take greater action to address this climate crisis?

شكرا لك على مشاركة وجهة نظرك. وما هي الآليات والسبل الأفضل لدفع الحكومات والشركات إلى اتخاذ إجراءات أكبر للتصدي لهذه الأزمة المناخية؟

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

As a Swiss, I have the impression that we no longer understand our cultural achievement of direct democracy itself.
We no longer engage in dialogue and do not really take the "opposing" arguments seriously and do not seek common solutions.
We implement a secure power supply with emergency law.
Against energy laws the referendum is taken and divides the society. People seem to think that whoever roars louder is right.
It is only a logical consequence that one believes to be able to force people to a better action by blockades.
In Germany, we are currently implementing an energy cell - secure and climate-neutral energy supply - in the region of the Mainz-Bingen district. We are making great strides. This only works because we take the arguments of the "opponents" seriously and refute opinions through concrete action. We take the population with us through citizen communities, there is close cooperation with officials, the scientific community, companies, banks, etc. We believe that we will soon be one of the few regions in Europe with a secure and climate-neutral energy supply. It would be nice if the media in general would report more about what works and not about those who make the most noise or even worse tell again and again why it does not work.

Als Schweizer habe ich den Eindruck, dass wir unsere kulturelle Errungenschaft die Direkte Demokratie selbst nicht mehr verstehen.
Wir gehen nicht mehr ins Gespräch und nehmen die "gegnerischen" Arguente nicht wirklich ernst und suchen nicht nach gemeinsame Lösungen.
Wir setzen eine sichere Stromversorgung mit Notrecht um.
Gegen Energiegesetze wird das Referendum ergriffen und spaltet die Gesellschaft. Man scheint der Meinung zu sein, dass wer lauter brüllt recht hat.
Es ist nur eine logische Folge, dass man glaubt durch Blockaden die Menschen zu einem besseren Handeln zwingen zu könen.
In Deutschland setzen wir gerade eine Energiezelle - sicher und klimaneutral mit Energie versorgt- in der Region des Landkreises Mainz-Bingen um. Wir kommen mit grossen Schritten voran. Dies funktioniert nur, weil wir die Argumente der "Gegener" ernst nehmen und durch konkretes Handeln Meinungen wiederlegen. Wir nehmen die Bevölkerung mit durch Bürgercommunitys, es gibt eine enge Cooperation mit Beamten, der Wissenschaft, den Unternehmen, den Banken usw. Wir glauben daran, dass wir schon sehr bald auch zu den wenigen Regionen in Europa gehören, die sicher und klimaneutral mit Energie versorgt sind. Schön wäre, wenn ganz allgemein in den Medien mehr berichtet würde was klappt und nicht über diejenigen die am meisten Klamauk machen oder noch schlimmer immer wieder erzählen warum es nicht klappt.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Extreme actions such as those of activists only serve to cause a stir and that's all. It would be necessary for all citizens to change their life habits toward an ecological lifestyle choice.

Le azioni estreme come ad esempio quelle degli attivisti servono solo a far scalpore e basta. Bisognerebbe che tutti i cittadini modificassero le proprie abitudini di vita verso una scelta di vita ecologista.

مي المهدي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for this contribution, but what are the mechanisms that should be put in place to encourage policy to fight climate change and take concrete actions?
What do you think that some people emphasize the effectiveness of civil disobedience after the start of negotiations between the mayor of Hanover in Germany and representatives of the Last Generation Movement. Under the new deal, activists will refrain from further protests in Hanover, in exchange for the mayor's support for various demands, such as providing a 9-euro ticket, forming a citizens' council and doing more climate protection.

شكرا لك عل هذه المساهمة، ولكن ما هي الآليات التي يجب تفعيلها لحث السياسة على مكافحة تغير المناخ واتخاذ إجراءات ملموسة؟
وما رأيك في أن البعض يؤكد على نجاعة العصيان المدني بعد بدء التفاوض بين رئيس بلدية هانوفر في ألمانيا وممثلين من حركة الجيل الأخير. وبموجب الصفقة الجديدة سيمتنع النشطاء عن المزيد من الاحتجاجات في مدينة هانوفر ، مقابل دعم رئيس البلدية مطالب مختلفة ، مثل توفير تذكرة 9 يورو وتشكيل مجلس مواطنين والقيام بالمزيد من حماية المناخ.


Sky high prices will bring about REAL change in consumer habits.

مي المهدي
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Have you actually noticed any change in your surroundings in this context?

وهل لاحظت أي تغيير بالفعل في محيطك في هذا السياق؟


Tantrums help nobody. Also there is a lot of business behind the climate change propaganda. The best thing we can do is to pick up our trash and stop producing more.

مي المهدي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for this contribution, but what are the mechanisms that should be put in place to encourage policy to fight climate change and take concrete actions?
What do you think that some people emphasize the effectiveness of civil disobedience after the start of negotiations between the mayor of Hanover in Germany and representatives of the Last Generation Movement. Under the new deal, activists will refrain from further protests in Hanover, in exchange for the mayor's support for various demands, such as providing a 9-euro ticket, forming a citizens' council and doing more climate protection.

شكرا لك عل هذه المساهمة، ولكن ما هي الآليات التي يجب تفعيلها لحث السياسة على مكافحة تغير المناخ واتخاذ إجراءات ملموسة؟
وما رأيك في أن البعض يؤكد على نجاعة العصيان المدني بعد بدء التفاوض بين رئيس بلدية هانوفر في ألمانيا وممثلين من حركة الجيل الأخير. وبموجب الصفقة الجديدة سيمتنع النشطاء عن المزيد من الاحتجاجات في مدينة هانوفر ، مقابل دعم رئيس البلدية مطالب مختلفة ، مثل توفير تذكرة 9 يورو وتشكيل مجلس مواطنين والقيام بالمزيد من حماية المناخ.

marco brenni
marco brenni
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I am against radical activism that only brings discredit and discontent. E.g., those fanatics who have pasted themselves on streets and walls of some buildings, or the serial defaceers, have created much chaos, without achieving any concrete effect for the climate.
History teaches that street demonstrations rarely achieve their purpose , except when one is really starving. Instead, they often provoke the reaction of the outraged for the general disorder and delays caused as well as many completely unnecessary cost-wasters.
Instead, solving the climate issue requires a lot of rationality with concrete political facts. Instead, shouting in the streets and smearing appeals to certain young people looking for easy pretexts to make so much "mess." What is needed instead is seriousness, and not easy childishness.

Sono contrario all'attivismo radicale che non fa che gettare discredito e malumore. Ad es. quei fanatici che si sono incollati su strade e pareti di alcuni edifici, oppure gli imbrattatori seriali, hanno creato molto caos, senza ottenere alcun effetto concreto per il clima.
La storia insegna che le manifestazioni di piazza raramente raggiungono il loro scopo , eccetto quando si è proprio alla fame. Spesso suscitano invece la reazione degli indignati per il disordine e i ritardi generali causati nonché molti costi-sprechi del tutto inutili.
Per risolvere la questione climatica occorre invece molta razionalità con fatti politici concreti. Urlare invece in piazza e imbrattare piace a certi giovani in cerca di facili pretesti per far tanto "casino". Occorre piuttosto serietà, e non facile infantilismo.

مي المهدي
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@marco brenni

Thank you for your contribution, but what are the mechanisms that should be activated to encourage policy to combat climate change and take concrete action?
What do you think is that some people emphasize the effectiveness of civil disobedience after the start of negotiations between the mayor of Hanover in Germany and representatives of the Last Generation Movement. Under the new deal, activists will refrain from further protests in Hanover, in return for the mayor's support for various demands, such as providing a 9 euro ticket, forming a citizens' council and doing more climate protection.

شكرا لك عل هذه المساهمة، ولكن ما هي الآليات التي يجب تفعيلها لحث السياسة على مكافحة تغير المناخ واتخاذ إجراءات ملموسة؟
وما رأيك في أن البعض يؤكد على نجاعة العصيان المدني بعد بدء التفاوض بين رئيس بلدية هانوفر في ألمانيا وممثلين من حركة الجيل الأخير. وبموجب الصفقة الجديدة سيمتنع النشطاء عن المزيد من الاحتجاجات في مدينة هانوفر ، مقابل دعم رئيس البلدية مطالب مختلفة ، مثل توفير تذكرة 9 يورو وتشكيل مجلس مواطنين والقيام بالمزيد من حماية المناخ.

مي المهدي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.
@marco brenni

Thank you for this contribution, but what are the mechanisms that should be put in place to encourage policy to fight climate change and take concrete actions?
What do you think that some people emphasize the effectiveness of civil disobedience after the start of negotiations between the mayor of Hanover in Germany and representatives of the Last Generation Movement. Under the new deal, activists will refrain from further protests in Hanover, in exchange for the mayor's support for various demands, such as providing a 9-euro ticket, forming a citizens' council and doing more climate protection.

شكرا لك عل هذه المساهمة، ولكن ما هي الآليات التي يجب تفعيلها لحث السياسة على مكافحة تغير المناخ واتخاذ إجراءات ملموسة؟
وما رأيك في أن البعض يؤكد على نجاعة العصيان المدني بعد بدء التفاوض بين رئيس بلدية هانوفر في ألمانيا وممثلين من حركة الجيل الأخير. وبموجب الصفقة الجديدة سيمتنع النشطاء عن المزيد من الاحتجاجات في مدينة هانوفر ، مقابل دعم رئيس البلدية مطالب مختلفة ، مثل توفير تذكرة 9 يورو وتشكيل مجلس مواطنين والقيام بالمزيد من حماية المناخ.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Activism is certainly a useful element in building consensus, but radicalism risks negative effects, because a large segment of the population, conservative and culturally unprepared for change cannot understand that the climate emergency is really big. More subdued actions such as explaining that the current situation is unsustainable do not allow for "culture."
A trivial example: At Gotthard on pre-holiday days (Easter, Christmas, Carnival, vacations) huge columns of stationary vehicles are created, burning huge amounts of fuel and producing greenhouse gases, heat, pollutants. Yet every year the columns of vehicles increase. Very simple calculations would make it possible to show that a single day of column at Gotthard (12 km with two-hour travel time, more than a thousand vehicles in two rows stopped with engine running from the average consumption in column of 5 liters of fuel/km in a downward estimate) burn in a single hour, something like 16000 liters of fuel. In a single hour! Explaining this would be a good example, but it does politics no good. You calculate now how much is the environmental impact only during the Easter period of the Gotthard alone.
There is no cultural basis for understanding and admitting the unsustainability of unlimited mobility.

L'attivismo è sicuramente un elemento utile a creare consenso, ma il radicalismo rischia di ottenere effetti negativi, perché una larga fetta della popolazione, conservatrice e culturalmente non pronta al cambiamento non riesce a capire che l'emergenza climatica è davvero grande. Azioni più pacate, come spiegare che la situazione attuale è insostenibile non permettono di fare "cultura".
Un banale esempio: Al Gottardo nei giorni di pre-festa (Pasqua, Natale, Carnevale, vacanze) si creano colonne enormi di veicoli fermi che bruciano enormi quantità di carburanti e producono gas serra, calore, inquinanti. Eppure ogni anno le colonne di veicoli aumentano. Semplicissimi calcolini permetterebbero di dimostrare che un solo giorno di colonna al Gottardo (12 km con percorrenza di due ore, oltre mille veicoli su due file fermi a motore acceso dal consumo medio in colonna di 5 litri di carburante/km in una stima al ribasso) bruciano in una sola ora, qualcosa come 16000 litri di carburante. In una sola ora! Spiegare questo sarebbe un bel esempio, ma alla politica non fa bene. Calcolate voi ora quanto è l'impatto ambientale solo durante il periodo pasquale del solo Gottardo.
Non ci sono le basi culturali per capire e ammettere l'insostenibilità di una mobilità illimitata.

marco brenni
marco brenni
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Fully agree!

Pienamente d'accordo!


Carbon tax.
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Cost, tax, cost, tax, cost--always everything reduced to cost.... We need to invest in individual responsibility, knowledge, culture.
Taxes can only be afforded by a few, and they simply lead to money-washing of consciences. But they do not solve the problem.

Costo, tasse, costo, tasse, costo... sempre tutto ridotto al costo... Bisogna investire sulla responsabilità individuale, sulla conoscenza, sulla cultura.
Le tasse se le possono permettere solo alcuni e portano a un semplice lavaggio delle coscienze a suon di soldi. Ma non risolvono il problema.

marco brenni
marco brenni
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It serves little purpose and affects only the already poor sections!

Serve a poco e colpisce solo le fasce già povere!


Cimate policy will change when the cost to pollute is higher than the price to not.
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Cost, cost, cost... always everything reduced to cost.... Need to invest in individual responsibility, knowledge, culture.

Costo, costo, costo... sempre tutto ridotto al costo... Bisogna investire sulla responsabilità individuale, sulla conoscenza, sulla cultura.


What we need to invest in, is clean energy technology. A real change in climate policy will only happen when it's more efficient (i.e. cheaper) to heat our homes, move our people and power our industry with clean energy.

marco brenni
marco brenni
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Well said!

Ben detto!

مي المهدي
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Thank you for this contribution.
Some fear that the pollution tax will create social injustice, because only the rich will be able to pay for pollution, who are already the most responsible segment for climate pollution. Don't you think the tax will enhance this consumer logic?

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة.
البعض يخشى بأن ضريبة التلوث ستخلق حالة من الظلم الاجتماعي، لأن الأغنياء فقط سيكون بإمكانهم دفع ثمن التلوث، وهم في الأصل الشريحة التي تتحمل المسؤولية الأكبر عن التلوث المناخي. ألا ترى أن الضريبة ستعزز هذا المنطق الاستهلاكي؟

@مي المهدي

I'm not advocating for a pollution tax. Rather for investment in technology to solution for lower cost renewable energy: hydro/tidal, geothermal, wind, solar, methane capture, even nuclear. These technologies all exist today. The question is whether these can be (mass) produced in a cost effective way such that the driver to replace fossil fuels is market vs. government driven.

مي المهدي
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Thank you for this clarification and contribution.

شكرا لك على هذا الإيضاح والمساهمة.

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The problem is that environmental defense soldiers do not address the primary cause of the attack on the environment, which is reproduction (i.e. double reproduction), which requires the deduction of parts of the land for construction. The environment may return to normal only if reproduction declines and the human population decreases. Without that, the end is terrible, very ugly.

تتمثل المشكلة في أن جنود الدفاع عن البيئة لا يتطرقون إلى المُتسبّب الأول في الاعتداء على البيئة ألا وهو التكاثر (أي الإنجاب المُضاعف) ما يستدعي اقتطاع اجزاء من الأرض للبناء. قد تعود البيئة الى طبيعتها فقط إن تراجع الانجاب، وقلّ تعداد البشر. دون ذلك فالنهاية بشعة، بشعة جدا.

مي المهدي
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Thank you for this contribution. But don't you see that the nature of consumer behavior, globalization and industrial development are the main factors causing climate change. Humans do not consume what they grow and produce, but what they import from all over the world, not to mention the unprecedented consumption of electronic and industrial products today?
In my opinion, relying on reproductive decline as a solution to environmental problems is not an effective solution either, as it is contrary to basic human rights and personal freedoms. Instead, I believe it is necessary to improve environmental management, develop green technology and encourage sustainability in all aspects of life to achieve a balance between development and environmental conservation. What is your opinion?

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة. ولكن ألا ترى أن طبيعة السلوك الاستهلاكي والعولمة والتطور الصناعي هي العوامل الرئيسية المتسببة في التغير المناخي. فالبشر لا يستهلكون ما يزرعون وما ينتجون بل ما يستوردون من جميع أنحاء العالم، ناهيك عن الاستهلاك غير المسبوق للمنتجات الإلكترونية والصناعية في وقتنا الحالي؟
برأيي الاعتماد على تراجع الإنجاب كحل لمشاكل البيئة ، ليس حلاً فعالًا أيضًا ، حيث أنه يتعارض مع حقوق الإنسان الأساسية والحريات الشخصية. بدلاً من ذلك ، أعتقد أنه يجب العمل على تحسين الإدارة البيئية وتطوير التكنولوجيا الخضراء وتشجيع الاستدامة في جميع جوانب الحياة لتحقيق توازن بين التنمية والحفاظ على البيئة. ما هو رأيك؟

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@مي المهدي

Any development in any direction will not work if the number of consumers does not decline. Therefore, human rights do not mean giving birth according to desire, but rather securing the life of a person (newborn). Failure to take the freedom of a newborn in a decent life infringes his rights and is therefore contrary to human rights. So who imports and from where, and why import. Importing countries are countries that give birth, give birth only, and then export their children to those who wish! ?.
As for development, it is impossible. The land does not produce many times, that is, it does not give birth frequently. The demand for half of those who have only ten is a departure from logic.

كل تطور وفي اي اتجاه لن يجدي ان لم تتراجع اعداد المستهلكين . بالتالي فحقوق الانسان لا تعني الانجاب حسب الرغبة بل تأمين حياة الانسان ( الوليد ) فعدم اخذ حرية الوليد في حياة كريمة تعد على حقوقه , من ثم مخالفا للحقوق الانسانية . من ثم من يستودرد ومن اين , ولما الاستراد , فالبلاد المستوردة هي البدان التي تنجب , وتنجب فقط , من ثم يصدرون ابنائهم لمن يرغب !؟.
اما التنمية فمستحيلة , فالارض لا تنتج اضعافا , اي انها لا تنجب بكثرة . المطالبة بالنصف ممن لا يملك الا العشر خروج عن المنطق .

Testname Grewe

Just do it.

marco brenni
marco brenni
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@Testname Grewe

Do what?

Fallo cosa?

Testname Grewe
@marco brenni

Valid question.


Civil disobedience or civil terrorism? The level of outrage caused by these so-called climate activists are just outpouring of frustrations of people who feel hopeless and helpless. If they can destroy priceless historical art pieces, who are they to safeguard the precious planet?
The real way is to get oneself voted into power and exercise change. By hooliganing their ways and ideas onto others, they are just gangsters hijacking a noble cause and "polluting" the cause and causing unmeasurable harm to the real people doing protection to the planet.
These aggressive and misguided people probably should belong in jail or mental institutes with all due respect.


If you research you will find that 7-8 million people die each year due to toxic pollution (pre-mature deaths). I believe the actual number is much higher. In UK, cancer rate is now 50%.

Many more deaths are caused due to extreme weather (attributed to climate change caused by humans).

The current refugee crisis has two root causes: Climate/habitat destruction and human-started wars (and not just the current one; we have started many wars in the past 25 years, and before).

I do not support blocking of roads, and other very disruptive means; but I will say, art is NOT priceless, human lives are. If you have children, look into their eyes, and tell them what kind of world we are leaving for them.

Fact is humanity has no idea as to how fast it is racing towards extinction (i.e. people in general are not paying attention, or are ignorant).

Yes, people wanting change should run for leadership, but the problem is that in many countries, one needs millions, if not billions, to fight elections; and only the large, and often selfish/un-caring businesses have that kind of money.

You think EU is all caring, transparent and democratic? Go to Brussels, spend 3-4 days wandering, eating, attending events around the EU offices; you will be shocked to see the number of lobbying firms; lobbying to (often) prevent legislation, which is not "friendly" to their dubious methods of achieving wealth, at the expense of you and I.

مي المهدي
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Thank you for your contribution. I agree with you that the destruction of property is illegal and that acts of vandalism are not an appropriate means of expressing frustration. However, it is important to note here that civil disobedience has always been an effective tool in drawing attention to social and political issues. Peaceful civil disobedience has succeeded in forcing those in power to take action and in bringing about positive change in several cases.
Moreover, climate change is an urgent issue that requires immediate action. While gaining the support of political elites in power is one way to practice change, it can be a slow process.
Finally, calling these activists “gangsters” and suggesting that they belong to prisons or mental hospitals is not a constructive way to address the issue. It is important to engage in a respectful and productive dialogue on climate change and work together to find solutions that benefit all.

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة، أتفق معك في الرأي بعدم قانونية تدمير الممتلكات وأن أعمال التخريب ليست وسيلة مناسبة للتعبير عن الإحباط، لكن يبقى من المهم الإشارة هنا إلى أن العصيان المدني كان دائما عبر التاريخ أداة فعالة في لفت الانتباه إلى القضايا الاجتماعية والسياسية، حيث نجح العصيان المدني السلمي في إجبار من هم في السلطة على اتخاذ إجراءات وفي إحداث تغيير إيجابي في عدة حالات.
علاوة على ذلك، يعد تغير المناخ قضية ملحة تتطلب اتخاذ إجراءات فورية. وفي حين أن الحصول على دعم النخب السياسية في السلطة هو أحد طرق ممارسة التغيير، إلا أنه يمكن أن يكون عملية بطيئة.
أخيرًا، وصف هؤلاء النشطاء بـ "رجال العصابات" والإيحاء بأنهم ينتمون إلى السجون أو المستشفيات العقلية ليس طريقة بناءة لمعالجة هذه القضية. من المهم الدخول في حوار محترم ومثمر حول تغير المناخ والعمل معًا لإيجاد حلول تفيد الجميع.

مي المهدي
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Thank you for sharing your point of view. Civil disobedience does not necessarily mean violence or terrorism. Environmental protests can be peaceful, organized and human rights-based gatherings to express an opinion.
In your opinion, what actions can effectively contribute to fighting climate change and protecting the environment in ways that meet people's needs?

شكرًا لمشاركتك وجهة نظرك. العصيان المدني لا يعني بالضرورة ممارسة العنف أو الإرهاب. يمكن للاحتجاجات البيئية أن تكون تجمعات سلمية ومنظمة وتستند إلى حقوق الإنسان للتعبير عن الرأي.
برأيك، ما هي الإجراءات التي يمكن أن تساهم بشكل فعال في مكافحة تغير المناخ وحماية البيئة بطرق تلبي احتياجات الناس؟


I was shocked to hear that German leaders plus oil companies (in bed together), are fighting to keep toxic fuel vehicles alive well after 2035.

I am also shocked that Germany, a country I admire much, a very developed country with educated people, is vigorously fighting to actually pollute and kill even more humans! USA, a very rich country, is also digging for even more polluting fuels. Some may believe that in "god" we can trust; but does god trust us?

I think, if there is a god, he/she/it wants nothing to do with the self-destructing humans; god would have given up on us long time ago.

Let's face it when our so called democratically-elected leaders exhibit such ignorance, where they do not even care about the future lives of THEIR OWN children, what chance do we have of convincing other countries/people to save the planet?

Until we elect smart, decent, honest, people-caring, NOT war-loving leaders, nothing will change; and if we look at data, we technically have no time left to implement change. And yet we are fixated with war and building more weapons/bases!


Sorry Swissinfo, why is such a comment allowed regarding "god"?

Alexandra Maria Victoria Andrist
Alexandra Maria Victoria Andrist SWI SWISSINFO.CH

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A simple observation: Shifting mobility from combustion engine automotive to electric mobility only shifts the problem. How do you produce the electricity needed for mobility? Would you want a planet completely covered with photovoltaic modules? mobility is immensely energy intensive. Only the reduction of traffic will limit (limit, not eliminate) the load given by mobility.
Individual Responsibility is needed, not policies disguised as environmentalism.

Una semplice osservazione: Trasferire la mobilità da automotive con motore a combustione a mobilità elettrica sposta solo il problema. Come produce lei l'energia elettrica necessaria per la mobilità? Vorrebbe un pianeta completamente coperto da moduli fotovoltaici? la mobilità è immensamente energivora. Solo la riduzione del traffico permetterà di limitare (limitare, non eliminare) il carico dato dalla mobilità.
Serve Responsabilità individuale, non politiche travestite da ecologismo.

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR