How have your eating habits changed?
Growing numbers of people in Switzerland are now choosing a vegetarian or vegan diet, or are limiting their intake of meat and dairy and opting for plant-based alternatives instead: oat milk, soy meat, or dried fruit cheese for example. Reasons given for this shift are generally ethical, environmental, and health-related.
Have your eating habits also changed? If so, how have they changed, and why? Have you tried plant-based meat, fish or dairy substitutes, and if so, what do you think about them? Share your experience with us!
From the article The challenge of going vegan: why I’m putting engineered foods on my plate
From the article Pea-based chicken for lunch, sunflower pork for dinner
From the article The Swiss cheese of the future is made from nuts

Indeed: sugar should be banned, but not meat!
Infatti: bisognerebbe bandire lo zucchero, ma non la carne!

This 'woke' and 'politically correct' culture is really starting to get on my nerves. Let alone whether the climate can be affected if I eat a few less steaks than usual.
I don't even think about going vegan, which seems more like a new 'woke' religion to me, with little or no concrete basis. Let us remember that man has evolved to develop a large brain precisely because of the considerable intake of animal protein, plus the discovery of fire and the related cooking of meat, which was always the main food of hunter-gatherers!
Vegetarianism I can still understand, because there are still considerable protein inputs such as butter, eggs, milk and cheese. But strict ideological veganism only leads to vitamin B12 deficiency and more, which without correction with food supplements, is also detrimental to health.
Questa cultura "woke" e "politically correct" comincia veramente a darmi sui nervi. Figuriamoci se il clima può essere influito, se mangio qualche bistecca in meno del solito.
Non ci penso nemmeno a diventare vegano che mi sembra piuttosto una nuova religione "woke", con poche o nulla base concreta. Ricordiamoci che l'uomo si è evoluto sviluppando un grosso cervello proprio grazie al notevole apporto di proteine animali, con in più la scoperta del fuoco e relativa cottura della carne, che fu da sempre il cibo principale dei cacciatori-raccoglitori !
Il vegetarianismo posso ancora capirlo, perché ci sono comunque apporti proteici notevoli come burro, uova, latte e formaggio. Ma il veganismo ideologico rigoroso, porta solo a carenza di vitamina B12 e anche altro, che senza correzione con integratori alimentari, è pure nocivo alla salute.

Some scientists suggest that veganism is basically nothing more that a non stop diet. We have evolved over the thousands of years with a gallbladder used to break down animal fats. Sure you can omit meat from your diet but in my opinion you may suffer in the long term, because to ensure you consume the correct fats and nutrients needed to remain healthy you need to be incredibly focused on what you eat as a vegan.

I fully agree!
condivido in pieno!

These theories seem so absurd to me that we have decided to eat more meat than before, not only because we like it but because we want to support our farmers. Our Swiss landscape, our beautiful manicured alps, our excellent cheeses depend on their efforts. Claiming that poor cows are responsible for climate change is the biggest hoax in the world, especially when millions and millions of cars clog our roads. Let's be serious!
Long live tartar, long live steaks, long live baked roasts and Florentine chops.
Queste teorie mi sembrano talmente assurde che abbiamo deciso di mangiare piú carne di prima, non solo perché ci piace ma perché vogliamo sostenere i nostri contadini. Il nostro paesaggio svizzero, i bei alpi curati, gli ottimi formaggi dipendono dal loro impegno. Affermare che le povere vacche siano responsabili del cambio climatico é la piú grande panzana del mondo, specialmente quando milioni e milioni di auto intasano le nostre strade. Siamo seri!
Viva il tartar, viva le bistecche, viva gli arrosti al forno e le costate fiorentina.

In my household we've cut our meat consumption by 70% in the past 3 years and eliminated red meat entirely. It was much easier than we ever expected.
The main reasons were -
1. Health and longevity
2. Sustainability and land use
3. Ethics of captivity and slaughter

NOT TRUE! Bring proof of your absurd claim of a 70% decrease in meat consumption: but WHERE and in which country? On the contrary, world statistics say that China and India, with increasing affluence, consume much more meat than before and are even better off than with the former almost rice-only diet.
NON è vero! Porta le prove di questa tua assurda affermazione dell' asserita diminuzione del 70% di consumo di carne: ma DOVE e in che paese? Le statistiche mondiali dicono invece che Cina e India, con l'aumento del benessere, consumano molta più carne di prima e stanno pure meglio che con la dieta d'un tempo a base quasi di solo riso.

I am a rancher in Uruguay, a country that produces probably the best meat in the world. Our animals live outdoors all year round and live happy lives, in contrast to animals in Europe and especially in the U.S. where they are kept in confined areas and barns and fattened up on hormones and antibiotics. These new trends discriminate against us and I think they are completely inappropriate.
It bears mentioning that this whole trend comes from the followers of the new religion of climate change, specifically the CO2 sect, who see it as the cause of all evil and the probable end of our days: you have to understand that cows are vegan, so everything that goes in comes out. They eat grass that grows because of CO2 and expel CO2 or components of it. Closed cycle, I would say, so really nothing earth-shattering or to worry about.
Also I ask readers a question: who among you knows how much CO2 is in the atmosphere? Almost no one knows. Shall I tell you? CO2 in our air accounts for 0.04%-less in the evening (because plants absorbed it during the day) and a little more in the morning.
Assuming and not conceding that CO2 can have some influence on climate (the main factor is and always has been the sun), it must also be said that mankind is responsible for about 3% of this 0.04%, so 0.0012%.
That is why I say to you: enjoy a nice steak, a nice beef tartare, a nice grill or a roast without complicating your life with so many theories.
Sono allevatore in Uruguay, un paese che produce probabilmente la miglior carne del mondo. I nostri animali vivono all'aperto tutto l'anno e vivono una vita felice, in contrasto con gli animali in europa e in modo particolare negli USA dove sono tenuti in zone confinate e stalle e ingrassati a botte di ormoni e antibiotici. Queste nuove tendenze ci discriminano e le ritengo completamente fuori luogo.
E' doveroso ricordare che tutta questa tendenza viene dai seguaci della nuova religione del cambio climatico, e in specifico la setta del CO2, che lo vedono come la causa di tutti i mali e della probabile fine dei nostri giorni: dovete capire che le mucche sono vegane, quindi tutto quello che entra esce. Mangiano erba che cresce grazie al CO2 ed espellono CO2 o sue componenti. Ciclo chiuso, direi, quindi in realtá niente di stravolgente o di che preoccuparsi.
Inoltre faccio una domanda ai lettori: chi di voi sa quanto CO2 c'é nell'atmosfera? Quasi nessuno lo sa. Ve lo dico io? Il CO2 nella nostra aria rappresenta il 0,04% - meno la sera (perché le piante l'anno assorbito durante il giorno) e un po' di piú la mattina.
Ammesso e non concesso che il CO2 possa avere qualche influsso sul clima (il fattore principale é ed é sempre stato il sole), va anche detto che l'umanitá è responsabile per circa il 3% di questo 0,04%, quindi dello 0,0012%.
Per questo vi dico: godetevi una bella bistecca, un bel tartare di manzo, una bella grigliata o un arrosto senza complicarvi la vita con tante teorie.

Good morning, thank you for your contribution. The problem of CO2 from livestock farming is not related to meat consumption per se, but to quantities. More than 3 billion ruminants are raised in the world (not counting chickens, pigs and other animals).
Unfortunately, I have to correct you, because we know very well how much CO2 the cattle we raise, along with other livestock, release: about 3.1 billion tons of CO2 per year. My colleague Luigi Jorio discussed this in an article that I recommend you read:
Luigi Jorio writes, "If they were a country, farm animals would be the largest producer of greenhouse gases after China and the United States."
Buongiorno, grazie per il suo contributo. Il problema del CO2 proveniente dall'allevamento del bestiame non è legato al consumo di carne in sé, ma alle quantità. Nel mondo vengono allevati più di 3 miliardi di ruminanti (senza contare polli, maiali e altri animali).
Purtroppo devo correggerla, perché sappiamo benissimo quanto CO2 liberano i bovini che alleviamo, insieme agli altri animali da reddito: circa 3,1 miliardi di tonnellate di CO2 all'anno. Il mio collega Luigi Jorio ne ha parlato in un articolo che le consiglio di leggere:
Luigi Jorio scrive: "Se fossero un Paese, gli animali da allevamento sarebbero il più grande produttore di gas serra dopo la Cina e gli Stati Uniti".

Sara, I understand that you work for Swissinfo. I also understand this from the fact that you have always been very biased in "hot" topics, something I have complained about in the past. In my opinion you should refrain from participating and influencing discussions. It should be an open discussion among Swiss abroad, and not with employees sitting in Bern.
I make a few remarks to your comments that certainly won't convince you of anything (I know it's impossible) but make you think:
3 billion 400 kg cattle (or liters), compressed as if they were liquid would represent a cube about 1km on a side. A nothing on the size of the planet
animals give off CO2, it is true. but where does this CO2 come from? Do they create it out of thin air? Do they have a factory in their stomachs? NO. They eat plants that grow luxuriantly only in the presence of abundant CO2 in the atmosphere. Once they separate the substances they need , the gas is released and then reabsorbed by the plants. The endless cycle.
I repeat: CO2 is 0.04% of the air and has varied between 0.03% and 0.06% over the centuries without causing the end of the world.
What is the factor that causes the seasons? that originates the air currents and winds? that causes the temperature to vary by 20 degrees during the 24 hours of the day? Answer: THE SUN. But no one seems to take this into account.
I'll stop here; I don't want to be banned as a heretic. But these are things to ponder. There are no absolute truths, no matter what anyone says.
Sara, mi sembra di capire che lei lavora per Swissinfo. Lo capisco anche dal fatto che siete sempre stati molto di parte nei temi "caldi", cosa che ho già reclamato nel passato. Secondo me dovreste astenervi dal partecipare e influenzare le discussioni. Deve essere una discussione aperta fra Svizzeri all'estero, e non con impiegati che siedono a Berna.
Faccio qualche osservazione ai suoi commenti che certamente non la convinceranno di niente (lo so che é impossibile) ma che fanno riflettere:
3 miliardi di bovini da 400 kg (o litri), compressi come se fossero liquido rappresenterebbero un cubo di circa 1km di lato. Un niente sull'estensione del pianeta
gli animali emanano CO2, è vero. ma da dove viene questo CO2? Lo creano dal nulla? Hanno una fabbrica nello stomaco? NO! Mangiano vegetali che crescono rigogliosi solo in presenza di abbondante CO2 nell'atmosfera. Una volta separate le sostanze di cui hanno bisogno , il gas viene rilasciato per poi essere riassorbito dai vegetali. Il ciclo infinito.
ripeto: il CO2 rappresenta lo 0,04% dell'aria e nei secoli ha variato fra lo 0,03% e lo 0,06% senza causare la fine del mondo.
Quale è il fattore che causa le stagioni? che origina le correnti d'aria e i venti? che fa si che durante le 24 ore del giorno la temperatura possa variare di 20 gradi? Risposta: IL SOLE. Ma nessuno sembra tenerne conto.
Mi fermo qui, non voglio essere messo al bando come un eretico. Ma sono cose a cui riflettere. Non esistono verità assolute, checché si dica.

Good morning, thank you for your reply. We are not biased but we just report the data and studies on which there is a scientific consensus, not only in the articles we publish but also in the debates we launch ourselves. This is also part of the job of a public service journalist.
Buongiorno, la ringrazio della sua risposta. Non siamo di parte ma ci limitiamo a riportare i dati e gli studi sui quali c'è un consenso scientifico, non solo negli articoli che pubblichiamo ma anche nei dibattiti che noi stessi lanciamo. Anche questo fa parte del lavoro di giornalista del servizio pubblico.

Hello Mr Jorio,
I can understand your vehemence; after all, your current livelihood is at stake. To preserve this, global temperatures should not rise too much. But that is precisely what the rise in CO2 is causing, actively supported by methane, which your beloved ruminants in particular produce and emit in considerable quantities.
Whichever way you look at it, sustainability (at least for the time being and with conventional techniques) can only be achieved with LESS, and every vegan is an asset in this respect. Against this backdrop, explicitly eating even more meat is, if you'll pardon the expression, ignorant and does not exactly demonstrate a mature perspective.
Yours sincerely from a moderate meat eater (it already tastes good😘)
P. W.
Hallo Herr Jorio,
ich kann Ihre Vehemenz verstehen, es geht ja immerhin um Ihre aktuelle Lebensgrundlage. Damit die erhalten bleibt, sollten die Temperaturen weltweit nicht allzusehr ansteigen. Garade das löst der CO2-Anstieg aber aus, tatkräftig unterstützt von Methan, das ganz besonders Ihre lieben Wiederkäuer in erheblichen Mengen produzieren und ausstoßen.
Wie man es dreht und wendet: nachhaltig geht (zumindest vorläufig und mit herkömmlichen Techniken) nur mit WENIGER, und jeder Veganer ist ein Gewinn in dieser Hinsicht. Vor diesem Hintergrund ausdrücklich noch mehr Fleisch zu essen, ist mit Verlaub ignorant und zeugt nicht gerade von gereiftem Durchblick.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen von einem gemäßigten Fleischesser (schmecken tut es ja schon😘)
P. W.

I fully agree! A new vegan religion has arisen among the Greens to replace the traditional metaphysical ones. Like all religions, it is irrational and therefore has no corrective effect on the world climate. There is also the fashion or 'trend' factor that is very chic in certain political and/or artistic circles.
Sono pienamente d'accordo! Fra i Verdi è sorta la nuova religione vegana in sostituzione di quelle metafisiche tradizionali. Come tutte le religioni, è irrazionale e perciò non comporta alcun correttivo sul clima mondiale. C'è pure il fattore moda o "tendenza" che fa molto chic in certi ambienti politici e/o artistici.

I live in the countryside in Andalusia, at the foot of the Sierra Nevada. So have my vegetable garden, my own olive oil and many typical southern fruits. To meet my protein needs, I have free-range chickens for eggs and occasionally for meat. If I occasionally want other vegetable varieties and other meats, it's organic. We are fortunate to live in a very "alternative" village where healthy, natural food is easy to find. What has changed in my life: since the death of my husband, I eat - if at all! - I only eat meat or fish once a week, if at all. Instead of cow's milk, local goat's milk, which I make into yogurt and kefir.... I am neither for vegan, nor vegetarian. Nor for synthetic meat. A little bit of everything, but thoughtfully. Less = better.
Ich lebe auf dem Land in Andalusien, am Fusse der Sierra Nevada. Habe also meinen Gemüsegarten, mein eignes Olivenöl und viele typisch südländische Früchte. Um meinen Proteinbedarf zu decken, habe ich Freiland-Hühner für Eier und ab und zu für Fleisch. Wenn ich gelegentlich andere Gemüse Sorten und anderes Fleisch möchte, dann nur Bio. Wir haben das Glück in einem sehr "alternativen" Dorf zu leben, wo gesunde, natürlich Kost leicht zu finden ist. Was sich in meinem Leben geändert hat: seit dem Tod meines Mannes, esse ich - wenn überhaupt! - bloss 1x pro Woche Fleisch oder Fisch. Statt Kuhmilch, hiesige Ziegenmilch, die ich zu Yoghurt und Kefir mache... Ich bin weder für Vegan, noch Vegetarier. Auch nicht für synthetisches Fleisch. Von allem etwas, aber überlegt. Weniger = besser.

reasonable: congratulations!
ragionevole: complimenti!

I am absolutely in favor of reducing meat consumption, but equally absolutely opposed to these engineered novel foods with high environmental impact and poor nutritional quality, in the hands of multinational corporations seeking only profit.
If one wants to be vegetarian or vegan, one can cook the myriad things that nature provides us with fresh and simple, without resorting to industrial substitutes!
Sono assolutamente favorevole a ridurre il consumo di carne, ma altrettanto assolutamente contraria a questi novel food ingegnerizzati, ad alto impatto ambientale e di scarsa qualità nutrizionale, in mano a multinazionali che cercano solo il profitto.
Se uno vuole essere vegetariano o vegano puo' cucinare le millemila cose che la natura ci fornisce fresche e semplici, senza ricorrere ai surrogati industriali!

I am vegetarian because in France the suffering of animals is enormous. A lot of mistreatment in the slaughterhouses and I think that animals should not be killed. So laboratory meat would be good for the diehards.
Je suis vegetarienne car en France la souffrance des animaux est énorme. Beaucoup de maltraitance dans les abattoirs et je pense que les animaux ne doivent pas être tués. Donc la viande de laboratoire serait bien pour les irréductibles.

For as long as humanity has existed, there has always been the killing of animals for food and also religious rituals. Bullfighting is the last surviving very bloody example.
One-sided fanaticism is never good, not even in this area!
Da quando esiste l'umanità, vi fu da sempre l'uccisione di animali per alimentazione e anche rituali religiosi. La corrida è l'ultimo esempio molto cruento sopravvissuto.
Il fanatismo unilaterale non va mai bene, nemmeno in questo settore!

I live in southern Italy (Barletta) and discussions about vegetarian diets sound rather strange to me. Since I was born not a week goes by that for four or five days we do not eat vegetables (today cauliflower) . All dressed with Evo oil. And it is the cheapest food inherited from our ancestors. Transportation today would bring all the necessary vegetables to Switzerland. It just needs to educate the palate. Meat is not banned but remains marginal food not accepted more than once or twice a week. The success of meat is its convenience,,, but how much it costs.
Vegetable dishes by us are intended as a Dietary Depurative moment. Housewives after a rather rich lunch declare: tomorrow vegetables.
Vivo nel meridione d'Italia (Barletta) e le discussioni sulle diete vegetariane mi suonano piuttosto strane. Da quando sono nato non passa settimana che per quattro o cinque giorni non si mangia verdura (oggi cavolfiore) . Tutta condita con olio Evo. Ed è il cibo più economico ereditato dai nostri avi. I trasporti oggi porterebbero in Svizzera tutta la verdura necessaria. Serve solo educare il palato. La carne non è bandita ma rimane cibo marginale non accettato più di una o due volte a settimana. Il successo della carne è la sua praticità,, ma quanto costa.
I piatti di verdura da noi sono intesi come momento Depurtivo alimentare. Le massaie dopo un pranzo piuttosto ricco dichiarano: domani verdura.

The increased consumption of vegetable proteins translates into a considerable gain in health, reducing the so-called diseases of civilization that are too meaty. The concrete result is a diffuse well-being, the end of the need to gorge oneself, the disappearance of the sensation of having "eaten too much". Without totally excluding a punctual consumption of meat, it would be a considerable gain in reduction of medical and hospital expenses, it does not displease big pharma, and a benefit for the other species which also need to survive. End also of a disastrous animal condition in most countries of the world.
La consommation accrue de protéines végétales se traduit par un gain considérable en santé, diminuant les dites maladies de civilisation trop carnées. Le résultat concret c'est un bien être diffus, la fin du besoin de se gaver, la disparition de la sensation d'avoir "trop mangé". Sans exclure totalement une consommation de viande ponctuelle, ce serait un gain considérable en diminution de dépenses médicales et hospitalières, il n'en déplaise à big pharma, et un bienfait pour les autres espèces qui, elles, ont aussi besoin de survivre. fin aussi d'une condition animale désastreuse dans la plupart des pays du monde.

And give them Big Pharma: woke ideology and nothing more!
E dagli con la Big Pharma: ideologia woke e nulla più!

Absolutely, obesity is caused by simple carbs and not meat. Try to eat only meat and vegetables, eliminate cereals and grains and you will see how you lose weight in no time. You can even reverse Diabetes type II by eliminating grains and sugars.

It is really a cultural and food issue, so since the last century, the main protein in the first food intake of babies is meat.
Another important point, is that one thing is to wish that animals are not killed, to obtain that main protein, and there is much discussion about it, with the protection of animals, you what the animal species has no rights ,and an individual is not taken to prison for aggravated and treacherous crime for murdering an animal,( sometimes a pregnant female, and sold at a better price by the kilos, and then sold BACARAY, in butcher shops.
Well in conclusion: I understand the vegan and/or vegetarian community, and I apologize for not being able to not eat meat. But neither is it a question of resorting to pills that provide them with certain vitamins that do not contain them, fruits, vegetables, cereals, I am a professional, I know what is good and what is not.
Another point, is the purchasing power, and the government management of each coninente, another big contra and need, of the desirable, and the reality that comes mourning to large scales, the risk of growth of vulnerable populations.
Embrace ⚕️⚖️🦠🧪🧬 World Peace 🕯️👁️✍🏻 remembering those who are no more.
Es realmente una cuestión cultural y alimentaria,por lo que desde el siglo pasado, la proteína principal en la primera ingesta de comida de bebés, es la carne.
Otro punto importante, es que una cosa es desear que no se asesinen animales,por obtener esa proteína principal, y hay mucha discusión al respecto, con la protección de animales, vos qué la especie animal no tiene derechos ,y un individuo no es llevado a prisión por crimen agravado y alevoso por asesinar un animal,( a veces una hembra preñada, y se vende a mejor precio por los kilos, y luego se vende BACARAY,en carnicerías.
Bien en conclusión: Entiendo a la comunidad vegana y/o vegetariana, y les pido las disculpas del caso, de no lograr aún no comer carne. Pero tampoco es cuestión,de recurrir a píldoras que les proporcione ciertas vitaminas que no las contienen, frutas,verduras,cereales soy profesional, se bien qué está bien y qué no.
Otro punto,es el poder adquisitivo, y la gestión de gobierno de cada coninente, otra gran contra y necesidad, de lo deseable,y la realidad que viene enlutando a grandes escaladas,el riesgo de crecimiento de poblaciones vulnerables.
Abrazo ⚕️⚖️🦠🧪🧬 Paz Mundial 🕯️👁️✍🏻 recordando a quienes ya no están.

With all due respect, you may like to read a bunch of books about biology and why humans are omnivore. Above all I respect tour views but you cannot interfere with basic human need for food. If vegan is ok for you, fine, do vegan and leave the rest to take care of their own body. In nature there is no such thing as vegan specie. We all consume animals, even cows. Plants also eat animals and animals eat plants. Welcome to life.

When a person is young to 40 years of age, he eats all meat and all kinds of meat, but when he reaches the age of 40, the lamb eats vegetables and fruits
عندما يكون الإنسان في سن الشباب إلى الاربعين سنة يئكل كل شي من لحوم وجميع انواع الحوم ولكن عندما يوصل الى سن الأربعين يئكل ما يئكل الخروف الخضار والفواكه

Being a Chinese and the one who cooks at home, I decide what we eat for each meal. Recently I did realise that my cooking/eating habits changed unconsciously, that's to say, I used to cook more dishes with meat, but now most of my dishes are vegetables, eggs, mushrooms. tofu, etc. And if we do want to eat meat, that would be a BBQ once in a while, with meat bought from a local "boucherie".
However, this change is not out of ethical reasons, but more for our health, as I've been reading articles as "more than two meals with steaks per week increases the risk of breast cancer", or "more intake with soja decreases the risk of breast cancer", and the like.
Again, being a Chinese means I'm very familiar with plant-based meat, we have "vegan chicken" (Sù Jī in Chinese) made from Tofu and invented by Buddhist monks, and soja drink which is a great replacement of milk (I still enjoy my Latte macchiato made with lait equitable in the morning though).
We do care about climate change, and do our bits to contribute to the mitigation, the thing is, it doesn't necessarily mean that we have to give up completely eating meat.

Sadly the price of a succulent, tender, healthy amino acid, mineral and vitamin rich filet steak is off the table!

I haven't eaten meat for years and very little fish, but I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, cheese and eggs, but few seeds and nuts. What I don't like or try to avoid is the amount of highly elaborated products offered by supermarkets. I feel better when I eat live products and better if they can be close to me.
Hace años que no como carne y muy poco pescado, sin embargo como mucha verdura y frutas, también queso y huevos pero pocas semillas y frutos secos. Lo que no me gustan o procuro evitar son esa cantidad de productos muy elaborados que ofrecen las grandes superficies. Me siento mejor cuando me alimento de productos vivos y mejor si pueden ser de cerca.

With eggs and fish you pretty much fulfill your needs for animal food source.

I will never eat these artificial foods even though I am aware of the overpopulation of the Earth. Nestlé and other large industrial groups are not motivated to respect the health of consumers. Their first objective is profit.
Let's rather help the producers who respect nature.
Je ne mangerai jamais ces aliments artificiels malgré que je suis conscient de la surpopulation de la Terre. Nestlé et autres grands groupes industriels ne sont pas motivés de respecter la santé des consommateurs. Leur premier objectif est le profit.
Aidons plutôt les producteurs qui respectent la nature.

Absolutely. The vegan diet is a trend now and it is being exploited by corporations who offer highly processed foods. Let’s protect our farmers and those who make real food.

Yes, it’s hard to imagine why these heavily processed and expensive vegan labels would be more healthy than any other products? Some don’t even taste good! :-(

They are not and in the long run this industry will create more pollution, garbage, and will destroy the entire ecosystem. You see agriculture is the biggest threat to biodiversity. Vegan business is now using animal pity to destroy farmers and put all our food in the hands of big corporations. We will end up eating powder and and pills controlled by only few. We will be banned from producing our own food, cause to save the planet right? It is like always, corporations only care about business and unfortunately they know how to promote none sense to take profit from it.

for some years we have been eating very little meat, but we can't do without our Alpine cheeses ...
on the other hand we have replaced cow's milk for a long time by organic rice bed from Italy .... on the other hand for the rice milk and the rice we need water ... so are we also heading for a shortage.
We find that meat substitutes are good, fish substitutes never tried, to see
it is important to eat proteins ...
but I don't understand the intensive breeding and slaughtering of chickens or other animals raised in disastrous conditions that are harmful to the environment and health... so who supports these large industrialists... we can also eat quality, right?
depuis quelques années nous mangeons très peu de viandes, mais on ne peut pas se passer de nos fromages des Alpes ...
par contre nous avons remplacé depuis longtemps le lait de vache par du lit de riz bio venant d'Italie .... par contre pour le lait de riz et le riz il faut de l'eau ... alors va-t-on également vers une pénurie.
Nous trouvons que les substituts de viande sont bons, de poisson jamais essayé, à voir
il est important de manger des protéines ...
mais je ne comprends pas l'élevage et l'abattage intensif, de poulets ou autres élévés dans des conditions désastreuses et néfastes pour l'environnement et la santé... alors qui soutient ces grands industriels ... on peut aussi manger de la qualité non ?

I have been a vegetarian for decades and have never tried to turn what I was eating into something that tastes like meat so, from a taste perspective, I don't quite understand why anyone would run after these pretend meat foods. If you give up eating meat because you feel it's not a necessity, why would anyone run after this taste. In addition, the ingredients in these engineered foods leave something to be desired. Many of them are soy based and, unless organic, that supports the global production of GMO soy which is environmentally destructive.
This Swiss push towards a vegan diet has been instigated by the idea that domesticated animals are bad for the land and contribute methane - a greenhouse gas. The media has addressed this with a broad brushstroke instead of placing the blame where it must be - on CAFUs and very large factory style management of animals. That's where you get all the environmental damage. Browsing animals have co-existed with the land long before we ever arrived. Silvipasture and other sustainable land management practices are good for the land and manure managed properly along with herd size that is well within the bounds of what the land can sustain keeps methane well within a balance with the good side of the coin. The ocean emits methane - are we going to eliminate all the oceans because of that fact?
Domesticated animal methane production has been used as a scapegoat by the Fossil Fuel industry. If the Swiss want to reduce greenhouse gases, they might consider driving cars and motorbikes a lot less which would certainly have a more productive outcome than an engineered food diet.

Yep, thats cause you are vegetarian, meaning you eat animal products which fulfills your needs for animal products. Those you like “planted chicken” are normally vegans. They need to think that they are eating real chicken. I wonder why.
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