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Swiss parliament debates new security rules around asylum centers

National Council wants to increase security around asylum centers with new rules
National Council wants to increase security around asylum centers with new rules Keystone-SDA

The Swiss House of Representatives wants to take action following security incidents in and around federal asylum centers.

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On Wednesday, the House voted in favor of various amendments to the Asylum Act by 104 votes to 87. These are intended to improve the safety of residents and employees in federal asylum centers.

It approved all of the proposals and went further than the federal government on two points: the zone around the federal asylum centres should be extended, allowing disciplinary measures to be taken against asylum seekers if their behaviour endangers public safety and order.

+ Switzerland to strengthen security at asylum centres

In addition, employees of the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) should be able to confiscate electronic devices such as cell phones from asylum seekers to ensure security and order.

The bill now goes to the Senate for a vote.

Translated from German by DeepL/jdp

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