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Are you trying to avoid news? Why?

Hosted by: Simon Bradley

Fewer and fewer people read the news these days, a new global report shows. Around four in ten (39%) now say they avoid the news sometimes or often, the latest Digital News ReportExternal link by the Reuters Institute says.

This comes at a time when billions of people around the world are participating in national and regional elections this year. 

Are you very interested in news or a “news avoider”? How do you consume news? Why do you think overall interest in news is falling? 

Join our debate. Let us know your thoughts in the conversation below.

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Why are you avoiding the news?

This content was published on Record numbers of people are turning away from news. Is this due to general news fatigue, mental health worries or mounting concerns about the use of AI?

Read more: Why are you avoiding the news?

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The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Yes, I avoid the main stream news SRG, Blick, NZZ, BBC, CNN, Reuter NYT and what they are all called. Because it is the purest propaganda that our politicians do not represent the people and certainly not in our interest. Thank God there are other possibilities that are even more critical and above all more honest because they are not supported by the state and have no oligarchs chewing their cud Indian, Al Jazeera and all freelancers.

Ja ich vermeide die main stream Nachrichten SRG , Blick,NZZ ,BBC, CNN,Reuter NYT und wie sie alle heisen . Denn es ist die reinste propaganda die unsere Politiker vertreten nicht das Volk und schon gar nicht in unserem intresse. Gott sei dank gibt es andere möglichkeiten die noch kritischer sind und vor allme ehrlicher weil sie nicht vom staat unterstützt werden und keine Oligarchen haben der ihnen alles vorkäut Indian, Al Jazeera and all freelancers .

Giannis Mavris
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

You're a loyal reader and commentator for us - and SWI is part of SRG after all. So it can't be that bad :)

Sie sind ja treue Leserin und Kommentatorin bei uns - und SWI gehört immerhin zur SRG. So schlecht kann es also nicht sein :)

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

To get impartial news, I read news from different countries. Not reading and not caring gives more power to those in power!

um unparteiische Nachrichten zu bekommen, lese ich Nachrichten verschiedener Laender. Nicht lesen und sich nicht darum kuemmern gibt mehr Macht den Machthabern!

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Yes, I too avoid the news, especially from the mainstream news organisations that today mainly avoid the truth and present everything as it is presented to them by the organisation that runs it. The job of a journalist used to be to provide a check and balance between the GOVERNMENT and the people who elected them and pay for them through their tax contributions. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. Today, most not all but most journalists report what they are allowed to say in order to educate people to think the way the politician wants them to think, whatever serves their interests. Not to serve the country, not to serve their own people, but to serve what the world's elites want. The sad thing is that far too many journalists go along with this, no doubt to keep their jobs. Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with journalism. It's a misinformation ploy to get everyone thinking the same way. In other words, a scam.

Ja auch ich meide die Nachrichten vor allem von den Mainstreamnews organisationen die heute hauptsächlich die wahrheit vermeiden und alles so darzustellen wie es ihnen vorgkeäut wird by der Organisation die es leitet. Die aufgabe eines Journalist war, dass man eine check und balance herstellt zwischen den REGIERENDEN und dem Volk dass sie gewählt haben und bezahlen durch ihre Steuerbeitrage. Leider ist das nicht mehr der fall. Heuter berichten die meisten nicht alle aber die meistenJournalisten dass was sie erlaubt sind zu sagen um die Leute dazu zu erziehen so zu denken der Politiker es haben möchte was immer seinen Interssen dient. Nicht dem land nicht den eigenen Leuten dienen sondern, dass was die eliten weltweit haben möchten. Das traurige ist, dass viel zu viele Journalisten da mit machen sicher auch um ihren Arbeit zu erhalten. Hat aber leider nichts mehr mit dem Journalism zu tun. Es ist ein missinformationen macht um alle ins gleiche denken zu treiben. In anderen worten ein Betrug.


I feel that across Swiss news in general there is a good balance of news & information whether on TV , newspapers, or Swiss info. news. In other words there is a good spread of a multitude of topics. And again it depends on which source of news you look at or read.
I have found that some news particularly world news like ( Sky ) has a tendency to project as much doom & gloom as possible. There are many wonderful things happening in our world not just Russia,Ukraine, floods, Hamas, Israel, Gaza, torrential rain, train disasters in India, & of course please don`t forget the boats across the Med. or the English channel.
I rest my case. ----- Uncle John.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

I'm a regular reader and I'm interested in
European agreements and retirement
Then politics
Robert Studer

Je lis régulièrement et je suis intéressé
Par les accords européens et la retraite
Ensuite la politique
Robert Studer

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Events are filtered and published according to the journalist's interests.
It's no longer news, it's propaganda.
As I want to get information, I go back and forth between different countries and interests to try and understand events.
It's depressing.

Les événements sont filtrés et publiés selon les intérêts du journaliste.
Ce ne sont plus des informations, mais de la propagande.
Comme je desire avoir des informations je navigue entre différents États, et intérêt pour essayer de comprendre les événements.
C’est déprimant .

Mayito Domínguez
Mayito Domínguez
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

It seems unbelievable, but censorship is sometimes applied for reasons of torture... they simply do not want the facts to be known.
Sincerely Mario Trejo Domínguez.

Parece mentira, pero la censura en ocasiones se aplica, por motivos de torturas.. simplemente no quieren, que se conozcan los hechos.
Atte. Mario Trejo Domínguez.


News is too much tailored to suite the publisher's views with no regrets. Unfortunately for those who know this there are few news outlets left. is one source that can be trusted with honesty and integrity, otherwise they are all manipulated. Sad situation.


What I am against are all the lies willfully being spread by the MSM. I search for news via off-line news providers and quite often, I compare what is said by which one. Some where in between the truth is found.


Because people feel betrayed by the "mainstream" media which has been considered the only viable news for eons. Especially over the last few years. People are expected to follow only one narrative and weren't or aren't allowed an opposing opinion/view without being called conspiracy theorists, disinformation, or misinformation. The "news" is now putting forth information whether it is true or not. People's eyes are being opened to this fact.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

Most of the media are economically dependent on the state or the different governments, so instead of exercising their original task of controlling power and narrating the facts, and allowing people to freely form an opinion, what the media and journalists do today is absolutely the opposite: they are mere pamphleteers of the government and give their opinion and therefore form and impose the opinion they want on the citizens, even going so far as to lie. It is therefore normal that people have less and less confidence in the traditional media.

La mayoría de los medios de comunicación dependen económicamente del Estado o de los diferentes Gobiernos, por lo que en vez ejercer su labor originaria de fiscalizar el poder y de narrar los hechos, y que la gente se firme libremente una opinión; lo que hacen hoy los medios y los periodistas es absolutamente todo lo contrario: ser meros panfletistas del gobierno y dar su opinión y por lo tanto formar e imponer la opinión que ellos quieren en los ciudadanos, llegando incluso a mentir. Por lo tanto, normal que la gente cada vez se fíe menos de los medios de comunicación tradicionales.

Major Wedgie
Major Wedgie

Yes, i do avoid the news these days. Around ten years ago i noticed a slow gradual change in the way the news was reported. It became fixated on obscure political and social agendas and started to report opinion as fact. Obscure and irrelevant subjects are elevated and idolized with the focus put on changing things nobody ever asked for, or even cares about.

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen

A good question. I think that it is the feeling of impotence while listening to the News. All these horrible happenings around the world and we as individuals cannot do anything about it (except just posting comments on social media, which will have little effect). Ah, yes, I do not watch the TV news as regularly as i used to, although I keep informing myself here and there, including on

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