The Swiss voice in the world since 1935

To what extent do you think assisted suicide should be a legally available option to those who want to end their lives?

Hosted by: Kaoru Uda

In Switzerland, anyone who assists a person to commit suicide is not punishable unless they do so for vested reasons. The relevant article in the Criminal Code paved the way for assisted suicide in the 1940s.

Today, more than 1,000 terminally ill patients or people suffering from other severe conditions receive such assistance to end their lives every year.

To what extent do you think assisted suicide should be a legally available option to those who want to end their lives? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

If you or a loved one is experiencing mental health struggles involving thoughts of suicide, help is available within Switzerland by calling the number 143. International resources can be found hereExternal link

From the article Why assisted suicide is ‘normal’ in Switzerland

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The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

Of course I am in favour of 'euthanasia'.
I have an incurable disease called spinocerebellar degeneration, which cannot be cured by current medicine. I am not able to do the things I used to be able to do day by day.
I would like to know where and how to go about euthanasia.
I have already made up my mind.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I have a cervical hernia and have been in pain for 10 years with painkillers💊 and block injections.

I die every day. I am struggling to find a way out.
I am in favour of euthanasia.

I am already struggling with what to do.
I am at the breaking point.




The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I, too, am in favour of euthanasia. It's my life and I don't understand the value of living with unbearable suffering.
I don't understand the value of living with unbearable suffering, and why doesn't Japan have this kind of system?
If I had to go through unbearable suffering, I would choose this method.

私も安楽死は、賛成です。 自分の命ですし耐え難い苦しみを

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I agree.
I suffered a stroke last year that left me severely paralysed on the left side of my body and I am currently undergoing rehabilitation, but there is no hope of recovery and I find it hard to live as I cannot do what I want at all. The people I knew around me were disappearing rapidly, and I was enduring the loneliness of my days, and all I could think about was euthanasia.
I don't understand why other people say no when I want to die.
I hope that the world will soon become a place where people can be treated under the law instead of committing suicide.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

Of course I agree.
I think it is wrong that even one's own deathbed should be left to others.
If a person wants to die, I think they should be allowed to die.
There is no right to die.
That is not a right, it is a matter of course.
It costs money to live and even to die.
What is the meaning of this?
It's not easy to live, and there are all sorts of problems with dying, such as after-effects, hurdles and inconvenience.
This is exactly what hell on earth is all about.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I agree because dying is a personal choice.
Even as a teenager I have become interested in euthanasia and nowadays all I can think about is dying.
In Japan, euthanasia is not recognised, but I think that we should think deeply about euthanasia in many places to give people peace of mind, rather than making people who are going through a hard life kill themselves by going through the pain.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I agree. I think it is natural for a person to live if they want to, if their family will take care of them even if it takes a lot of effort, but it is wrong to continue living by using medical institutions and care homes. People in medical institutions and care homes do it as part of their job, but taking care of people who cannot move their bodies or even eat by themselves is as hard work as working on a construction site, and places a tremendous burden on those they care for, such as the risk of falls and swallowing. The carers are exhausted and mentally injured by having to help those who are unable to live on their own.
We hope that Japan will soon have euthanasia legislation in place.



I don't disagree with it but there is one clinic that happily accepted the application of a fit, healthy, active 51 year old woman who wanted to die to be with her 26 year old son who died only a year before. She went alone, her family and friends completely unaware until her letters arrived a few days after. This CANNOT be ethical. The woman needed help with her grief journey, not a lethal injection, leaving her family distraught and very angry.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Good morning, I am the daughter of a lady who turned 97 in October, every day she asks me how she can die!!! She can't take it anymore.
Living with the terror of and when it happens it destroys her.
I don't know what to do, I promised her I would help that we're here I'm not so determined.

Buongiorno, sono la figlia di una signora di 97 anni compiuti a ottobre, tutti i giorni mi chiede come può fare a morire!!! Non ce la fa più.
Vivere col terrore della morte....come e quando succederà la annienta.
Io non so cosa fare, le avevo promesso che l'avrei aiutata....ora che ci siamo non sono più così decisa.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I think Switzerland's is too strict and "poor families don't have a choice of an easy death".
I am actively in favour of euthanasia. Since a child is forced to be born into this world at the will of his parents, it would be cruel if he is not guaranteed at least the 'right to an easy death'.
In fact, in Japan, the "euthanasia is a death harassment" camp and the "don't die by jumping off or jumping in, it's a nuisance" camp don't fight each other, but rather work together to torment suicidal people.
If euthanasia facilities are opened, the number of jumpers and jumper suicides will decrease dramatically and suicidal people will gather, making it easier to provide counselling and treatment.
If the patient is mentally healthy after treatment, they can be sent home, and if that doesn't work, they can be euthanised as planned. This is true suicide prevention.
There may be a problem of cost, but there are also invincible people and murders for the purpose of capital punishment, and the modern way of practically leaving suicidal people alone is too cruel anyway.
The 'right to die' (the right to choose one's own end) is a minimum human right.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

And so I have put my affairs in order. I have had resuscitation experiences three times. I URGENTLY NEED GUIDANCE BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE A BURDEN TO ANYONE. I AM IN MY RIGHT MIND BUT MY BODY CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE.

Y por lo tanto he puesto orden en mis cosas. Tuve experiencias de resucitacion en tres oportunidades. ME ES URGENTE QUE ME GUÍEN PORQUE YO NO DESEO SER UNA CARGA PARA NADIE. ESTOY EN MI SANO JUICIO PERO MI CUERPO NO PUEDE MAS.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

In my case, I have had systemic scleroderma for 40 years and it has already taken over my digestive system, lungs and stomach. I am 77 years old on the 10th of January. I had to sell my company because of the disease. I cannot commit an act of suicide in Argentina because I must think of my children and grandchildren. I need assisted help and donate my remains for research for people suffering from autoimmune diseases for which there is no cure. I have already lived a long and beautiful life, I don't want to witness my deterioration.
It's a necessity in my right mind.
I believe in free will

En mi caso llevo 40 años con esclerodermia sistemica que ya ha tomado mi aparato digestivo pulmones estómago. Tengo 77 años a cumplir el 10 de enero. Debi vender mi empresa por la enfermedad. No puedo cometer un acto de suicidio en Argentina porque debo pensar en mis hijos y nietos. Necesito ayuda asistida y donar mis restos para la investigación de las personas que sufren enfermedades autoinmunes para las que no hay cura. Ya he vivido mucho y bonito, no quiero presenciar mi deterioro.
Es una necesidad en mi pleno juicio
Creo en el libre albedrio

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I can't find a purpose or meaning to life now, I don't care about anyone in this world, anyone at all. I want to disappear alone, painlessly and without bothering anyone. I saw the information on suicide help in Switzerland, and I wanted to apply for suicide, so I wrote my comment here to ask for help, I consulted doctors and others in hospitals in Japan about euthanasia, but they refused me because it is against the law. I would like to apply for assisted suicide in Switzerland, I would like information on travel and procedures.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I'm in my 50s, found out 7 years ago that I have a neurological incurable disease (and was told I had a life expectancy), my family doesn't get along but we've managed.
I managed to hang on until my children had flown the nest.
Two years ago, I fell ill and was discriminated against at work, dismissed and abandoned by the company I had worked for for 30 years, and when the doctor told me I could no longer do my hobbies, I talked about death with dignity.
I had managed to slow down the progression of my incurable disease by doing the things I liked to do, but when I was being told by people around me that I was not good enough, I lost the power to live, and I remembered that my grandmother's dementia had worsened, and when my relatives were not around, she happened to remember my name and started talking, she shed tears and said that no matter what I did, she was not good enough. She told me that she was told that she couldn't do anything and that she was now bitter, bitter and lonely, and that she used to be good, and from there the old stories continued and that was the last time she said her name. For the next three years, I was bedridden and so small that I wanted to say I was really in bed, and I left feeling like I had been forced to prolong my life.
I had an incurable illness that I did not want, people around me told me no to the things I wanted to do and the things I liked to do, and they took them away from me, my body gradually became slower and slower, I used a cane and an electric wheelchair, my numbness and pain increased and decreased, I suffered from various disabilities, I also had some memory loss, I was violent and wandering due to dementia, I was bed-ridden, and my family and surroundings were disturbed by my bed-ridden condition. I told my doctor that I think it is time for me to die with dignity abroad, and that I would like him to write a medical certificate in English so that I can die with dignity abroad, before I become a nuisance to my family and others.
There was no response from my doctor.
It wasn't until around 1991 that I had dreams and hopes for Japan, after which I gradually became more despairing and resigned.
Before saying that healthcare and pensions are collapsing, wasteful taxes, wasteful foreign dispersal and cuts in the number of lawmakers,
Death with dignity in Japan, I feel it is necessary.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis when I was 23 years old. The pain was unspeakable and intense, with no relief every second of the day, and second-stage painkillers had little or no effect, and the only other option for painkillers was morphine. Morphine is not an option because of her young age.
There is little hope of a cure.
I can no longer go to work satisfactorily and have been forced to retire.
I am in favour of euthanasia. I want people to know that there are a certain number of people who would like to be euthanised right now, far more than anyone without illness or injury could ever imagine.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

Euthanasia, I agree.
Two years ago I had a stroke called Wallenberg's syndrome, which causes paralysis in my right hand and right leg and constant headaches around my left eye 24 hours a day.
After reading this article, I wanted to save up enough money to apply and get rid of this pain too.
My parents have sent me away and I am single.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I have a responsibility to live.
I have a wife and young children. I have a responsibility to live and support my wife until she is able to live financially and my young children grow up to be independent in the future.
Conversely, if my wife can live financially after my death and my children are independent, then I have fulfilled my responsibility to live.
It is because my life is limited that I can shine.
My dream is to fulfil the above-mentioned responsibility and at the same time become nothing in the form of death.
My dream is to fulfil my responsibility and then become nothingness in the form of euthanasia, where there is no light or darkness.
Perhaps it is precisely because I have the dream of death that I can shine in the present.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

An animal in the wild never suffers the way a human can in civilisation. No human being should suffer like that in life. Whether suffering from cancer or a mental breakdown. When life no longer makes sense and there is nowhere else to go, every person should be given the autonomy to choose suicide. No matter how old and how long the suffering is. Life is a gift, nature is a miracle, all of this is a miracle. And if I can savour it, that's fine and is my responsibility. But if I have fought my life and am tired, I am allowed to go. It is the concept of freedom to live when the breath is free, the soul is light, the heart beats regularly and loves. However, if this is not the case, a person should be able to walk. Mental pain is worse than you can imagine.

Ein Tier hat in der Wildnis niemals einen dermassen Leidensweg, wie ein Mensch in der Zivilisation haben kann. Kein Mensch sollte so leiden im Leben. Ob Krebskrank oder Psychisch am Anschlag. Wenn das Leben keinen Sinn mehr macht und die Wege nicht weitergehen, soll jeder Mensch die Autonomie bekommen, den Freitod zu wählen. Egal wie alt und wie lange der Leidensweg ist. Das Leben ist ein Geschenk, die Natur ist ein Wunder, all dies, ist ein Wunder. Und kann ich das auskosten, ist das schön und liegt in meiner Verantwortung. Habe ich jedoch mein Leben gekämpft und bin müde, darf ich gehen. Es ist der Begriff von Freiheit zu leben wenn der Atem frei, die Seele leicht, das Herz regelmässig schlägt und liebt. Ist das jedoch nicht der Fall, soll ein Mensch, gehen können. Seelischer Schmerz ist schlimmer als man sich vorstellen kann.



The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

We are free over our bodies. You don't have to be seriously ill to have the right to die, and what's more, you don't have to pay a considerable sum of money to benefit from assistance, because that would close off this possibility to the less well-off.

Nous sommes libre de notre corps. Il n'est pas nécessaire d'être gravement malade pour avoir droit à mourir et ce qui est plus de payer une somme considérable pour bénéficier d'une aide car cela fermerait cette possibilité aux moins aisés.


Life is a precious gift and privilege, not a force. A precious gift is meant to be enjoyed, appreciated, and maintained. That’s what we should do throughout life journey.

And it should be a fundamental human right to decide when to end the journey with dignity, even if the person is perfectly strong and healthy. People who are ready to go are not selfish, people who want to force other people to live, against their will are selfish.

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR