Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

To what extent do you think assisted suicide should be a legally available option to those who want to end their lives?

Hosted by: Kaoru Uda

In Switzerland, anyone who assists a person to commit suicide is not punishable unless they do so for vested reasons. The relevant article in the Criminal Code paved the way for assisted suicide in the 1940s.

Today, more than 1,000 terminally ill patients or people suffering from other severe conditions receive such assistance to end their lives every year.

To what extent do you think assisted suicide should be a legally available option to those who want to end their lives? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

If you or a loved one is experiencing mental health struggles involving thoughts of suicide, help is available within Switzerland by calling the number 143. International resources can be found hereExternal link

From the article Why assisted suicide is ‘normal’ in Switzerland

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The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.



The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

What are people's rights? The right to live and the right to die are two sides of the same coin.

 In Japan, there is a culture that would have you believe that living desperately is a virtue. Overcome the obstacles you are given! And. Show some guts! and. Dying for the sake of ease is not seen as a virtue. You can see this in old Japanese films. Kamikaze pilots are a good example.
 Japan considers euthanasia to be a bad idea. Patients with high medical needs make money. Institutions, for example, do not want to give up patients who are often covered by medical insurance. Parkinson's, for example. Because it makes money. They are fighting for patients, that's the reality.

We cannot allow euthanasia because healthcare has become a business. If it were allowed, it would probably be very expensive.

If you are a state that really stands for dignity and rights, would you subject people with incurable diseases who have no future to endure endless suffering day in and day out? How can such an inhumane thing be done? Wouldn't it?

The healthcare system should be used only for real relief, to eliminate or alleviate holistic suffering.

The rest is national character, if everyone turns to the right, they turn to the right.
Many Japanese are afraid to say something different from everyone else. Euthanasia in the Diet? Why not? Many Diet members cannot say "Euthanasia? Even if they think it is. Because if they do, it would sort of upset the system. They would be held responsible for everything, so they don't want to do that. That's why all they do is talk about stupid slush funds in parliament.
 But now that the birthrate is declining and the population is ageing, I think there will be calls for euthanasia to be allowed in order to reduce healthcare costs.

I hope that people who are living in a living hell with a significantly reduced quality of life will be saved. I am sure that for them, death itself is a hope. No one around them has the right to deny that.

And I want to say one thing.
Please respect their dignity.
Ignore that and prolong their life, tube feedings, PEG, ventilators... please stop. Don't hold their life back because you are lonely. Don't prolong their days of suffering because you can't decide. They spend 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in the same bed. They can't turn over by themselves, they can't itch, they can't tell you where they hurt, they just open their eyes, their hearts beat like machines and they just breathe, they are washed under by strangers and mistreated by random people. That is not living. Their suffering doesn't end just because you show up for an hour and smile at them. They don't have the luxury of waiting for you to come along next time.

I know. I see her crying that she is pathetic. I know the way he cries out that he wants to die, that he wants to kill me, that he is in pain. She cried about how she was treated so poorly because she couldn't move or speak, because they thought she wouldn't understand anything they said or how they treated her. All I could do was hold her hand.

Please pray for him and the girls to be free from pain.











The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

Why is euthanasia not allowed in Japan? It is true that human life is important, but we can only say that when a person is healthy, and for people with incurable diseases or those who suffer every day, shouldn't their will be respected? It is true that the family members left behind will have a hard time, but I think it would be good if they could calmly and repeatedly discuss the matter until they are satisfied with each other.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I found this article about Yoshi through searches such as terminal cancer anaesthesia.
I was also doing such research because I suddenly remembered my father, who passed away more than ten years ago.

He was in his 70s at the time, but as he didn't have long to live, he chose palliative care instead of anticancer drugs, and at the end of his life he was given morphine, but it didn't have much effect and he couldn't stand or walk, let alone rest, but he tried to get out of his hospital bed and walk.
I still don't know what I should have done with my choice at that time.
I was still too young at the time, and the flashbacks of my father's suffering, other relationship problems and my friend's suicide combined to cause me to suffer rarefied thoughts.
I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital, but only to finish psychiatric medication.
I was discharged from hospital and reintegrated into society, but only the feelings of hopelessness have been with me for a long time.
Perhaps because of this, I am prone to physical illness.
I have had some fun and happiness from time to time, but I think almost every day that I want to get better as soon as possible.
Just yesterday, when I read Yoshi's article, I shed tears in secret and was filled with an inexpressible feeling when I thought of the regret of his parents.
Yoshi's idea of handing over medical treatment to others while preserving human dignity overlaps in some ways with my father's before his death.
I once told him that I didn't want to be tied to a tube and kept in hospital, and that I didn't want my family to be inconvenienced by medical bills.

I read this article before I went to sleep, but after I went to sleep I dreamt that Yoshi and his parents were on TV.
It was a documentary about overcoming an incurable disease.
I was just watching the TV, but I was really happy that I had overcome the disease and Yoshi was smiling on TV, surrounded by his parents, saying that he had done his best.
I also realised that I had not yet thought of death as salvation.

However, if a person's right to choose euthanasia is free, I would like to fully respect his or her wishes.

末期ガン 麻酔といったような検索をしてこの記事をヨシさんを知りました。




The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

I have been in horrible physical pain and bedridden for 4 years.
Previously I lived through a hellish depression for 10 years.
I tried to commit suicide by taking caustic drugs and have become worse.
I only want assisted suicide, but as even dying is a business, I don't have enough money to go to Switzerland and pay for it.
My life is a living hell.
I have tried other ways but I would like to die without pain.

Llevo 4 años con dolores físicos horribles y postrada en una cama.
Anteriormente viví una depresión infernal durante 10 años.
Intenté suicidarme con una ingesta de causticos y he quedado peor.
Solo quiero el suicidio asistido, pero, como hasta morir es un negocio, no dispongo del dinero suficiente para ir a Suiza y afrontar los gastos.
Mi vida es un auténtico infierno.
Lo he intentado de otras maneras pero me gustaría morir sin dolor.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

Pros. I am single and I am very worried about my future, and I hope to end my life by euthanasia promptly before that happens, because if I become ill or suffer from dementia, no one will be able to help me and I don't want to cause any inconvenience to others.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

Several recent programmes have made me think deeply about living with illness and making the choice to die on your own. It is hard to continue living day after day in pain. I am in favour of euthanasia if both the patient and the family are convinced. My mother also suffered and died from terminal cancer. It would be best if we could die peacefully in our own country, as the doctors involved in euthanasia in Switzerland say. I hope that this opportunity will be discussed more and more in Japan and that it will be considered positively.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

Euthanasia is favoured.

Unwanted life-prolonging treatment is a form of torture that causes suffering and even deprives the individual and family of respect.

In particular, it is a form of torture that binds a person's limbs with no hope of healing, prevents itching, causes bedsores and pressure sores, causes phlegm entanglement, is painful, is a sight not to be seen by others, mentally degrades the person and robs them of respect.

The right to die with dignity and respect for the person's wishes; others do not have the right to take away their freedom.

Politics and bureaucrats should not allow others to play with human life for personal gain, as a pretext for raising taxes, including on social insurance premiums, statistics on suicides and blunders, descent organisations and covetous interests.

The option to end life without suffering is necessary.







The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.



The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I am a green light holder in Switzerland. I fully support euthanasia.

Life is inherently very enjoyable, from hobbies and work to relationships. I have experienced such things myself. However, if life in the future forces me to face up to my illness, things may change.

In my view, "If the pain of illness prevents a person from living a humane life, then euthanasia should be allowed." Of course, if the disease were completely cured or if everyone could live with it, I don't think I would have come to this conclusion.




The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

I signed up to Exit about 50 years ago, after a serious accident. I think it's good if you can end your life when it no longer makes sense.

Vor ca. 50 Jahren habe ich bei Exit unterschreiben, nach einem schweren Unfall. Ich dinde es gut wenn man sein Leben beenden kann, wenn's keinen Sinn mehr macht.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Since assisted suicide is legal in most countries today, it should logically be legal in all of them. Anyone who argues otherwise is not being stringent. Assisted suicide means not actively participating in the killing process.
Every adult has the right to suicide, but many people who wish to commit suicide confuse their right to suicide with a legal right to authorised assisted suicide, because this right conflicts with the personal rights of the assisting or medical person.
These contradictory personal rights are probably one of the main problems.

Da heute in den meisten Selbsttötung legal ist müsste logischerweise auch in jedem dieser Länder Beihilfe zum Suizid legal sein. Wer anders argumentiert ist nicht stringent. Beihilfe bedeutet, dass nicht aktiv am Tötungsvorgang teilgenommen wird.
Jedem Mündigen steht das Recht auf Suizid zu, nur verwechseln viele Suizidwünschende ihr Recht auf Suizid mitveinem Rechtsanspruch an erlaubter Beihilfe, denn diesem Anspruch steht deren Persönlichkeitsrecht der Hilfs- bezw. Medizinalperson entgegen.
In diesen widersprüchlichen Persönlichkeitsrechten liegt wohl eines der Hauptprobleme.

Elena Lacroix Jaeggy
Elena Lacroix Jaeggy
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Switzerland's choice is a model like no other. The very example of man's total, absolute freedom in circumstances where he has lost faith and the meaning of life, whatever the causes.
Whatever is said elsewhere, in Europe in particular, it is the spirit, the philosophy, the quintessence of this humanity that makes the choice - at a given moment - to leave this world.
For those who have known suffering, in whatever form, this doorway to the infinite, the unknown, is the expression of their finitude, the last step on their earthly journey, the ultimate will, the starting point of the quest for somewhere else. .

Ce choix de la Suisse est un modèle à nul autre pareil. L'exemple même de la totale, absolue liberté de l'homme en des circonstances où il a perdu la foi et le sens de la vie, peu importe les causes.
Quoiqu'on dise ailleurs, Europe notamment, c'est l'esprit, la philosophie, la quintessence de cette humanité qui fait le choix - à un moment donné - de quitter ce bas monde.
Pour ceux qui ont connu la souffrance, sous quelle que forme que ce soit, cette porte vers l'infini, l'inconnu est l'expression de sa finitude, le dernier pas de son parcours sur terre, l'ultime volonté, le point de départ de la quête d'un ailleurs. .

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

Personally, I agree.
I believe that there are many people who are incurable and fight against suffering every day, but do not die. Death is a kind of salvation.


I think each individual has the right to decide
Religions have certain ideas I believe it is my choice that matters
Let me choose while I can
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

I would like to ask, is it true that in Switzerland new guidelines have already been imposed by Swiss doctors, that chronic pain is no longer acceptable? For example, patients who have undergone several spinal operations? Patients with fibromyalgia? Patients with chronic myofascial syndrome? Etc, etc., i.e. Switzerland no longer helps to get rid of pain?

Quiero preguntar, es cierto que en Suiza ya se han impuesto nuevas directrices por los medicos suizos, ya no son aceptables los dolores cronicos? Por ejemplo operados varias veces de la columna? Pacientes con fibromialgia? Pacientes con sindrome miofascial cronico? Etc, etc, es decir Suiza ya no ayuda a acabar con el dolor?

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

I am an elderly person from Venezuela who wants assisted suicide to be included in our legislation on the elderly. That it allows us to decide about our lives, without requiring a terminal illness, because we are in the terminal phase of our lives.

Soy un anciano de Venezuela que desea se incluya el suicidio asistido en nuestra legislación sobre los ancianos. Que senos permita decidir sobre nuestra vida,sin que sea requisito una enfermedad terminal, por estar nosotros en la fase terminal de nuestra vida.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

In Japan, people sometimes discuss their views on life, but there seem to be few opportunities to discuss their views on life and death.
I feel that there are few opportunities to discuss views on life and death. The word 'death' is perceived negatively.
I want to have a matured view of life and death, so I am making an ending note.
If I look back over the years I have lived and feel that the foundations of my own view of life and death have been fulfilled and satisfied, I should be allowed the option of the right to be released from the physical and mental pain caused by various illnesses and fly off into the world of death. From my 30s until I was 80 years old, I experienced not a few painful days due to complications from cancer, and even now I have to go to hospital every day.
When imagining future suffering, the option of euthanasia is close at hand.
The situation in Switzerland, where the euthanasia system option is conditional on a certain level of financial means, is heartbreaking only because those who are less fortunate in wealth cannot choose euthanasia and have to live with pain and wait for death. It is time for Japan to consider a just euthanasia system.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.



Derek Oliveira
Derek Oliveira
The following contribution has been automatically translated from PT.

As I'm not religious and I'm in favour of respecting everyone's decisions, if you have the mental capacity to do so, I'm in favour of assisted suicide! Even if you're not terminally ill or in a lot of (unbearable) pain.
Nobody has the right to say "no" to someone who can no longer live, for physical or psychological reasons!

Como não sou religioso e sou a favor do respeito das decisões de cada um, se tiver "na posse" de capacidade mental para isso, sou a favor do suicídio assistido! Mesmo que não esteja com doença terminal ou muitas dores ( insuportáveis).
Ninguém tem o direito de dizer "não" a quem não consegue viver mais, por razões físicas ou psicologicas!

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I think I would be in favour of euthanasia.
I myself almost collapsed a few years ago due to a severe case of heat stroke, which was followed by another heat stroke and unexplained illness, and I still find it difficult to work and often think about suicide. I have lived through one suicidal act before that and feel that it is painful to die and painful to live because of the pain, fear and suffering when I choose to die.
If possible, they would like to pass away painlessly.
Even if I live, I can't work properly because of severe pain and high fever, I can't go to work, I am looked at with white eyes and told that there is nothing wrong in the examination, my parents don't listen to me, I can't work even though I am 30 years old, and I have no choice but to be lost on the streets, if possible I want to die without suffering.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

I am sorry to hear about your pain. I am in a similar situation and have the same feelings. I have been suffering from the aftereffects of severe depression, which has left me with dullness, pain and sleep disorders, and I have not regained my strength and have not been able to work satisfactorily for the past six years. I live with the help of my family, but I hate myself more and more every day for the trouble I cause them. I am 21 years old, but there is no hope of recovery and I want to somehow end it while my mind is still sane. It ended in failure but I don't want to stop. I mean, I have to do it because there is no way out. My will is firm, but when I remember the pain of that attempt, I feel miserable, thinking, "After all I've suffered, I'm going to end up like this? It would be nice to end in peace, wouldn't it?

I apologise for the length of this article.

I hope that everyone will be able to make their own choices, even if they do not have an incurable disease or terminal cancer. (I know it is difficult in terms of medical ethics and responsibility on the part of the provider.)




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