Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

What are the causes of homelessness in your country?

Hosted by: May Elmahdi Lichtsteiner

Our article about homelessless in wealthy Switzerland (see below) sparked many reactions. Now we want to hear from you, our readers, on how the situation compares elsewhere: what are the main drivers of homelessness where you live? Have you come across appropriate approaches to tackle the problem? Let us know.


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Mariano Gorostiaga
Mariano Gorostiaga
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

Some so much and many so little that is the reason

Unos tanto y muchos tan poco esa es la razon

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

Socialism is definitely the root of all economic and social evils in the world and in my country, Bolivia. Socialism by eliminating the freedom of business development and concentrating everything in the state, which is always inefficient, (because only the corrupt are socialists) do not have the capacity to generate decent jobs, the socialist economy always ends badly because the politicians destroy with their taxes and draconian regulations the companies that provide jobs and therefore any possibility of individual growth is annulled, and always the poorest are the first to fall. Hence the cause of homelessness.

Definitivamente el socialismo es la raiz de todos los males economicos y sociales del mundo y de mi país, Bolivia. El socialismo al eliminar la libertad del desarrollo empresarial y concentrando todo en el Estado, que es siempre ineficiente, (porque solo los corruptos son socialistas) no tienen la capacidad de generar empleos dignos, la economía socialista siempre termina mal porque los politicos destruyen con sus impuestos y regulaciones draconianas las empresas que dan trabajo y por lo tanto cualquier posibilidad de crecimeinto individual es anulada, y siempre los más pobres son los primeros en caer. De ahi la causa de la gente sin techo.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

The reasons for homelessness in my country is the fact that "they" cannot find shelter.

Die Gründe in meinem Land für Obdachlosigkeit ist die Tatsache, dass "sie" kein Obdach finden.

مي المهدي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for sharing your point of view.

شكرا لك على مشاركة وجهة نظرك.

Cotella Silvia
Cotella Silvia
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

I agree with the respondents who said that the major cause of people living on the streets or having a lot of difficulty in finding accommodation is the lack of credit for modest housing or just simple housing for workers.
Here in Switzerland many people also choose to live in campsites, it is cheaper than renting a flat.

I would also like to point out how many houses are empty or in a state of neglect ....
I live in Montreux and I can point out more than 1 house that is uninhabited and in a state of neglect in a place where the population density is very high.

Estoy de acuerdo con las personas que respondieron diciendo que la mayor causa de que haya personas viviendo en la calle o mucha dificultad para conseguir alojamiento es la falta de créditos para acceder a viviendas modestas o simplemente viviendas sencillas para trabajadores.
Aquí en Suiza mucha gente opta también vivir en campings es más barato que alquilar un departamento .

También quiero señalar la cantidad de casas que están vacías o en estado de abandono …
Yo vivo en Montreux y puedo señalar más de 1 vivienda que está inhabitada y en estado de abandono en un lugar en donde la densidad de población es altísima

مي المهدي
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@Cotella Silvia

Thank you for sharing these important points that highlight the reality of housing in Switzerland. The issue I mentioned about the lack of credit for modest housing is a major challenge for many people, especially workers and low-income groups. In fact, the phenomenon of empty houses raises the question of how to use these unused housing resources to reduce pressure on the search for housing.
In your opinion, how can public policies effectively address these problems?

شكرًا لمشاركتك هذه النقاط الهامة التي تسلط الضوء على واقع السكن في سويسرا. القضية التي ذكرتها حول نقص الائتمان للحصول على سكن متواضع تمثل تحديًا كبيرًا يواجه العديد من الأشخاص، لا سيما العمال والفئات ذات الدخل المحدود. وفعلا ظاهرة المساكن الفارغة، تدعو إلى التساؤل عن كيفية استغلال هذه الموارد السكنية غير المستخدمة لتخفيف الضغط على البحث عن سكن.
برأيك، كيف يمكن للسياسات العامة أن تعالج هذه المشاكل بشكل فعال؟

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

The problem has worsened over the last 7 years, coinciding with massive immigration of Venezuelan, Colombian and Haitian nationals. Chile has a population of approximately 19,000,000 inhabitants and the current immigrant population is around 1,800,000. On the other hand, the country's resources are less available due to political changes in recent years that do not encourage investment, but on the contrary, scare it away due to the threat of increasing taxes. The camps have been concentrated in marginal sectors of the cities of Santiago, Antofagasta and Arica. A camp is a group of precarious dwellings, usually without water, electricity or sewage, installed in an illegal land grab.
A problem that is difficult to solve, mainly as a consequence of the takeover of power by nefarious governments in other countries.

Se ha agudizado el problema desde hace unos 7 años coincidiendo con masivas inmigraciones de ciudadanos venezolanos, colombianos, y haitianos. Chile tiene una población de aproximadamente 19.000.000 habitantes y la población inmigrante actual bordea 1.800.000 personas. Por otra parte, los recursos del país son menores por los cambios políticos de los últimos años que no incentivan la inversión, por el contrario, la ahuyentan por la amenaza de impuestos crecientes. Los campamentos se han concentrado en sectores marginales de las ciudades de Santiago, Antofagasta y Arica. Campamento es un conjunto de habitaciones precarias, habitualmente sin agua, luz ni alcantarillado, instaladas en una toma de terreno ilegal.
Problema de difícil solución, consecuencia principalmente de la toma del poder por gobiernos nefastos en otros países.

مي المهدي
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Thank you for providing this clarification on the current situation in Chile. What you describe sheds light on the complex pressures that mass migrations place on the housing structure and economic resources of the country.
In your opinion, what strategies can be adopted to improve this situation?

شكرًا لك على تقديم هذا التوضيح حول الوضع الراهن في تشيلي. ما تصفه يلقي الضوء على الضغوط المعقدة التي تفرضها الهجرات الجماعية على بنية السكن والموارد الاقتصادية في البلاد.
برأيك، ما هي الاستراتيجيات التي يمكن تبنيها لتحسين هذا الوضع؟

Me riambrown
Me riambrown

Here in New Orleans homelessness is concentrated in the center of New Orleans, Under bridges. It is sad and wish we could do something about it . I guess a small percentage want to live like that but the majority lack education and proper training to earn a decent living.
Rent is high now due to property insurance surged prices. I am an immigrant who for many years lived from paycheck to paycheck, although I had an office job my salary was low to provide for myself and my son. In the year 2000 I lost my job due to my company moving to Texas, so I desired to start my own business in bookkeeping and tax preparation. It took a number of years to make it work. I am now living my dream. I employ two young ladies who I trained from scratch right out of high school. They are my right hand, without them I would not be where I am. Both are now home owners and love their work. I believe businesses should watch out for those employees who contribute to their growth.

مي المهدي
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@Me riambrown

Thank you for sharing your inspiring story! Your story is a real source of inspiration. You have overcome great challenges and succeeded in building a successful career in addition to having a positive impact on the lives of others. The opportunity you gave to these two young ladies reflects your commitment to the professional and personal growth of individuals in your community. It shows how protecting people from homelessness is also a community responsibility and not just the responsibility of the state.

شكرًا لمشاركتنا قصتك الملهمة! قصتك مصدر إلهام حقيقي، لقد تغلبت على التحديات الكبيرة ونجحت في بناء حياة مهنية ناجحة بالإضافة إلى تأثيرك الإيجابي على حياة الآخرين. الفرصة التي قدمتها لهاتين السيدتين الشابتين تعكس التزامك بالنمو المهني والشخصي للأفراد في مجتمعك وهذا يظهر كيف أن حماية الأشخاص من التشرد مسؤولية مجتمعية أيضا وليس مسؤولية الدولة فقط.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

I live in the USA, and the reason for homelessness is politics, because of democracy/socialism. That's why a lot of people live on the streets. It is very sad.

Ich lebe in den USA, und die Grunde fur Obdachlosigkeit is the Politik, wegen der Demokratie/ Sozialismus. Darum leben viele Leute auf der Strassen. Es ist sehr traurig.

مي المهدي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for this contribution. Can you explain, how does democracy/socialism lead to displacement?

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة. هل لك أن توضح، كيف تؤدي الديمقراطية/الاشتراكية إلى التشرد؟


I'd like to know what socialism you're talking about in the United States, please.


There is zero reason for people in rich countries to be homeless. I live in Switzerland but am from the UK. It's said everyone is 2 salaries away from being homeless. The trouble is, not enough affordable homes to rent or buy are built. Many new developments have to include a portion of cheap housing, but, so far, I've found none I'd class as affordable. Plus, the NIMBYs (not in my backyard) people do not want poor people living in their areas. I know some people chose to be homeless, but most do not. In many cases it's not their fault - in the UK greedy landlords can evict people for no fault of their own, just to put the rent up. Any landlord dong this should be jailed.

مي المهدي
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Thank you for this contribution.

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة.


In Saint Louis, a France-Swiss border city where I'm based, the number of homeless people is very low. Those who are jobless here are well looked after either by their families or by the the social services. I think, Saint - Louis is doing a great job in this area. Despite all the financial difficulties the local government is faced with, they managed to keep the quality of life at an acceptable level. Bravo "Saint Louis, Ville d'avenir" .

مي المهدي
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Thank you very much for this contribution.

شكرا جزيلا لك على هذه المساهمة.

Georgios Zornatzis
Georgios Zornatzis
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

In Greece, the situation is bad.
The reason for homelessness is poverty. It's the only reason.
It is hardly possible to help these people.
The authorities report that there is very little money.
However, there are citizens who volunteer to help, but unfortunately this help is not enough.
It is unbearable not to have any more hope.
It takes a certain amount of courage to survive!

In Griechenland ist die Situation schlimm.
Der Grund der Obdachlosigkeit ist Armut. Der einzige Grund.
Es ist kaum möglich diese Leute zu helfen.
Die Behörden melden, daß sehr wenig Geld da ist.
Jedoch gibt es Bürger und Bürgerinnen die freiwillig helfen, aber leider genügt diese Hilfe nicht.
Es ist unerträglich keine Hoffnung mehr zu haben.
Es bedarf eine gewisse Portion Courage um überleben zu können!

مي المهدي
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@Georgios Zornatzis

Thank you very much for this contribution.

شكرا جزيلا لك على هذه المساهمة.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

I live in Ticino (Lugano), but I have never seen homeless people, or at least only one who was already homeless in Milan. After emigrating to Switzerland, rather than paying rent with what little he earned, he preferred to continue his life as a 'bum' in Lugano. Now he has returned home and lives in Veneto in an old inherited farmhouse.

Vivo in Ticino (Lugano), ma di senzatetto non ne ho mai visti, o perlomeno uno solo che fu già un senzatetto a Milano. Emigrato in Svizzera, piuttosto che pagare un affitto con il poco che guadagnava , preferiva continuare la sua vita da "barbone" a Lugano. Ora è tornato in patria e vive nel Veneto in un vecchio casolare ereditato.

مي المهدي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for this contribution. It is really remarkable that there is only one homeless person in Ticino. For example, I live in Bell City and I see many homeless people, especially in the train station square. Are there any particular reasons why the city of Ticino is different in this regard?

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة. فعلا أمر لافت ألا يكون في تيتشينو سوى مشرد واحد. أنا مثلا أعيش في مدينة بيل وأرى الكثير من المشردين والمشردات ولا سيما في ساحة محطة القطارات. هل هناك أسباب معينة تجعل مدينة تتشينو مختلفة في هذا الصدد؟

The following contribution has been automatically translated from RU.

The problem, for example, in Crimea is caused by similar factors as in European regions.This is the unwillingness of the society as a whole to show sympathetic participation in the life of "other" people.Moreover, the mentality of indifference and the desire to close in their "shell" from other people's problems works.Also, the cost of expenses in all spheres of life is increasing against the background of extremely low wages: on average 200 ! There are also a lot of disabled people, people from the territories where there are hostilities. It is difficult for them to fulfil all bureaucratic requirements. And even well-off people with education find it difficult to rent a house, let alone buy one, if circumstances arise.

Проблема , например ,в Крыму обусловлена похожими факторами ,как в европейских регионах.Это и нежелание в целом общества проявить сочувствующие участие в жизни "иных" людей.Причем срабатывает менталитет безразличия и желания закрыться в своей "скорлупе"от чужих проблем .Также растет удорожание расходов во всех сферах жизни на фоне крайне низкой оплаты труда:в среднем 200 ! евро в месяц при 6 дневке и часто 12 часовом дне.Также много инвалидов,людей с территорий ,где идут боевые действия.Им сложно оформить все бюрократические требования.И даже благополучным людям с образованием сложно арендовать жилье,не говоря уже о покупке,если возникли обстоятельства .

Abdrashid Kushaev
Abdrashid Kushaev
The following contribution has been automatically translated from RU.

Some countries apply extrajudicial executions to homeless people.

First, representatives of the lower strata of society are deprived of work, then these outcasts sell their homes, and executioners from the special services are waiting for them on the street.

There are no homeless people in Uzbekistan.
They are simply exterminated.

Uncle Shuryan told about it

Another testimony was provided by journalist Viktor Krymzalov
He told about a 20-hectare cemetery for the homeless in Uzbekistan, where up to 1 million bodies can be buried.

It can be assumed that my comment will not be published, because homeless people do not keep money in Switzerland, but the top officials of Uzbekistan do.

В некоторых странах к бездомным применяют внесудебные казни.

Сначала представителей низших слоев общества лишают работы, потом эти изгои продают жилье, а на улице их ждут палачи из спецслужб.

В Узбекистане бездомных нет.
Их просто уничтожают.

Об этом рассказал Дядя Шурян

Еще одно свидетельство предоставил журналист Виктор Крымзалов
Он рассказал про кладбище для бездомных в Узбекстане, площадью 20 гектаров, где можно похоронить до 1 миллиона тел.

Можно предположить, что мой комментарий не опубликуют, ведь бездомные не хранят деньги в Швейцарии, а первые лица Узбекистана хранят.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

In Peru, 25% of the population is in extreme poverty, the Peruvian State's poor strategic planning in education and the continuous irresponsibility of each citizen in not taking on challenges in life mean that 25% do not even have a decent roof to live in

En Perú el 25% de la población es de pobreza extrema, el deficiente planeamiento estratégico en educación del peruano por el Estado Peruano y la continua irresponsabilidad de cada ciudadano en no asumir retos en la vida hace que ese 25% no tenga siquiera un techo digno donde vivir

مي المهدي
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Thank you for this contribution.

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة.



مي المهدي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for your contribution. I think that the discussion about the effectiveness of socialism as a solution to the problem of homelessness remains a topic that raises different opinions. Some praise it as a possible solution while others criticize it because of the challenges that may face its implementation on the ground.
Some people hail socialism as an economic and social system that seeks to distribute resources and wealth in a more equitable manner among all members of society and to reduce or eliminate class differences.
However, the implementation of these policies in the fight against homelessness depends largely on the efficiency and effectiveness of government administration and available resources. This is evidenced by the fact that in many socialist-oriented countries, the problem of homelessness still exists due to various factors.

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة، أعتقد أن النقاش حول مدى فاعلية الاشتراكية كحل لمشكلة التشرد يظل موضوعًا يثير آراء متباينة، حيث يشيد به البعض كحل محتمل في حين ينتقده آخرون بسبب التحديات التي قد تواجه تنفيذه على أرض الواقع.
البعض يشيد بالاشتراكية كنظام اقتصادي واجتماعي تسعى إلى توزيع الموارد والثروات بطريقة أكثر عدالة بين جميع أفراد المجتمع، وتقليل أو القضاء على الفوارق الطبقية.
لكن تطبيق هذه السياسيات في مكافحة التشرد يعتمد بشكل كبير على كفاءة وفعالية الإدارة الحكومية والموارد المتاحة، والدليل على ذلك أنه في العديد من الدول ذات التوجهات الاشتراكية، لا تزال مشكلة التشرد موجودة بسبب عوامل مختلفة.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.

In Japan, where I live, most homeless people exist in cities.
Most of them are people who don't want to cause trouble to their families and those involved.
Many of them are not supposed to exist due to debt or other reasons.
There are a number of support groups for them.
Many support groups provide housing and food.
Many support groups have made anti-Japanese claims.
Many support groups use welfare systems for them, but they are unable to get out of their difficult lives because the group cuts out some money.
Incidentally, there are almost no foreign homeless people.
This is because specific people work desperately to protect the lives of foreigners.


مي المهدي
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Thank you for this contribution.

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Unemployment + poverty and lack of income + deteriorating economic conditions + lack of social housing + addiction and mental health problems + family emergencies. These are some of the common causes of homelessness in Spain

البطالة + الفقر وانعدام الدخل + تدهور الأوضاع الاقتصادية + نقص السكن الاجتماعي + الإدمان والمشاكل الصحية العقلية + الطوارئ العائلية. هذه بعض الأسباب الشائعة للتشرد في إسبانيا

مي المهدي
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Thank you for this contribution.

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة.

مي المهدي
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@مي المهدي

Thank you for your contribution. How are these problems addressed as symptoms of homelessness in Spain?

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة، وكيف يتم مواجهة هذه المشاكل كعوارض لظاهرة التشرد في إسبانيا؟


London has around 8.9M people living in it - and of those approximately 167K are homeless.

Switzerland has around 8.7M people living in it - and of those approximately 2.2K are homeless.

Similar populations, yet vastly different numbers of homelessness. Why?

Poverty, lack of housing and 'life events' are frequently quoted as being issues that lead to homelessness.

There is nothing we can do about life events, they will happen to everyone, housed or unhoused, rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, wise or dumb.

But there is plenty we can do about poverty and lack of affordable housing - in whatever nation we are living.

مي المهدي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Thank you for this contribution. Don't you think that politics can play a positive role in breaking the cycle of poverty and removing displaced people from the streets?

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة. ألا ترى بأن السياسة يمكن أن تلعب دوراً إيجابياً في كسر دوامة الفقر وانتشال الأشخاص المشردين من الشوارع؟

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

2.2 million homeless in SWITZERLAND?? But where did you go to get these absurd stratospheric figures? Would it mean that a quarter of the Swiss live under bridges? We're just not there: a minimum of verification is needed before things are published that are clearly out of reality!

2,2 milioni di senzatetto in SVIZZERA ?? Ma dove sei andato a prendere queste cifre stratosferiche assurde ? Significherebbe che un quarto degli Svizzeri vivono sotto i ponti? Proprio non ci siamo: un minimo di verifica occorre prima che si pubblicano cose manifestamente fuori dalla realtà !

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

How do you arrive at the figure of 2.2 million homeless people in Switzerland?

Wie kommen Sie auf die Zahl von 2,2 Milli0nen Obdachlosen in der Schweiz?


Here in California, homeless has been more than three decades with many approaches tried, and failed as evidenced by significant amount of money thrown in with little improvement to show. In any case, I have an occasion to collaborate as a volunteer, and the following Problem Statement, Root Cause finding, and Solution approach resonates with me.

Do I have high hopes some meaningful progress will be made in my life time, not likely. The reality is, our government has no incentive to perform but to raise more debt under the facade of addressing the homeless problem under the ideology of being progressive.

Separately, I am aware of the mention from a contributor here as well as in a book a few years ago that Finland seems to have a good handle of homelessness. The book has the title called SanFranSicko, written by a former progressive who was action three decades ago, only to realize 25 years later, it was SF kept throwing in good money after bad outcome.

فارس دكالة
فارس دكالة
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Embarak Falhawi Al-Maghrib
Family disputes and quarrels lead to the creation of family conflict between family members, allowing for a tense family atmosphere and friendly competition between parents and children, which leads parents to use educational methods that may often be wrong and inappropriate in dealing with children. On the other hand, children may use defensive mechanisms in response to the provocation of parents, or avoid confrontation and escape from home towards the street. There is no doubt that conflict within the family affects the psychological development of children and their social upbringing in terms of ambiguous roles in the crisis family environment that may push their children to the street without realizing the seriousness of the situation on their tools and society.

أمبارك فلحاوي المغرب
تؤدي الخلافات و الشجارات الأسرية الى خلق نزاع أسري بين أفراد الأسرة، مما يسمح بوجود جو أسري مشحون بالتوتر و المنافسة الندية بين الأولياء و الأبناء، و هو الأمر الذي يدفع بالآباء الى استخدام أساليب تربوية قد تكون في كثير من الأحيان خاطئة و غير مناسبة في التعامل مع الأبناء. و في المقابل قد يستخدم الأبناء آليات دفاعية كرد فعل لاستفزاز الآباء، أو تفادي المواجهة و الهروب من المنزل نحو الشارع.. و مما لا شك فيه أن الصراع داخل الأسرة يؤثر في النمو النفسي للأبناء و في تنشئتهم الاجتماعية و ذلك من حيث غموض الأدوار في الوسط الأسري المتأزم الذي قد يدفع بأبنائه نحو الشارع دون إدراك منه لخطورة الوضع على دواتهم و على مجتمعهم..

مي المهدي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.
@فارس دكالة

Thank you for this contribution. Does this mean that the family in Morocco is the backbone of the individual in society and without family support, falling into poverty and homelessness is likely?

شكرا لك على هذه المساهمة. هل يعني هذا أن الأسرة في المغرب هي العمود الفقري للفرد في المجتمع ودون الدعم الأسري ، فإن الوقوع في براثن الفقر والتشرد أمر محتمل؟

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR