Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

What measures is the government in your country taking to prevent poverty?

Hosted by: Pauline Turuban

Do you think these measures are effective or should more be done? Are there any examples of other countries that you think should be followed when it comes to preventing poverty? What are your experiences? Let us know!

From the article Thousands of retired Swiss seniors falling into poverty

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The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

(Morocco) My country has adopted a wise strategy such as supporting associations and creating employment opportunities thanks to His Majesty the King of the country. But all these achievements have been useless. Why
Administrations are corrupt, and economic management is not safe. There is no fairness in responsibility. The budget for government programs is evaporating. Who will hold these people accountable? Allah.
Personally, I suffer from a chronic illness and I live on rent. I have three children. I have sent my complaint to many associations. Unfortunately no answer.
There are many associations but they do not operate despite the presence of financiers inside and outside the country. Aid does not reach those who deserve it. This is how poverty is widespread and crimes abound... etc.

(المغرب)بلدي اتخذ استراتيجية حكيمة كدعم جمعيات وخلق فرص للشغل بفضل صاحب الجلالة ملك البلاد .لكن كل هذه الإنجازات لم تعط نفعا . لماذا ؟
الإدارات فاسدة ، التسيير الإقتصادي بأيدي ليست آمنة . . ولا توجد نزاهة في المسؤولية . ميزانية البرامج الحكومية تتبخر . من يحاسب هؤلاء ؟ الله .
أنا شخصيا أعاني من مرض مزمن و أسكن بالإيجار وعندي ثلاثة أطفال . ارسلت شكواي إلى جمعيات كثيرة . للأسف بدون جواب.
الجمعيات كثيرة ولكن لا تعمل بالرغم من وجود ممولين داخل البلاد وخارجها . المساعدات لا تصل لمستحقيها. هكذا يتفشى الفقر وتكثر الجرائم .....الخ .

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

In my country, Egypt, the government is not taking any action to reduce the phenomenon of poverty because they are simply too busy robbing, humiliating and completely crushing the people. Until the middle class was eliminated and erased from the demographic map of the country. After the reins of the economy were in the hands of the army, which spread in the country's economy like locusts and eliminated Al-Akhdar and Yabis.

في بلدي مصر لا تتخذ الحكومة أي إجراء للحد من ظاهرة الفقر لأنهم ببساطة مشغولون للغاية بسرقة الشعب وإذلاله وسحقه تماماً. حتي تم القضاء على الطبقة الوسطى ومحوها من علي الخريطة الديمغرافية للبلاد. بعد أن أصبحت مقاليد الإقتصاد في أيدي الجيش الذي انتشر في إقتصاد البلاد كالجراد وقضى على الأخضر واليابس.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from PT.

in Brazil, the government is promoting future poverty with the idea of turning Brazil into a communist country!
is causing a very great discomfort in industry and agriculture, the country is going through an economic shake-up where giant companies are opening bankruptcy, the reflection of this is unemployment and chaos.
Because he is from a leftist party, he is undoing all the laws that the former government did well to promote progress and economic growth, raising the country's GDP and thus raising the standard of living of the population!

no Brasil o governo esta promovendo pobreza futura com a ideia de transformar o Brasil em um pais comunista!
esta causando um desconforto muito grande na industria e na agrilcultura, o pais passa por um abalo economico onde empresas gigantes estao abrindo falencia, o reflexo disso e o desemprego e sussecivamente o caos.
Por ser de um partido de esquerda esta desfazendo todas as leis que o antigo governo fez de bom para promover o progresso e acencao economica elevando pib do pais e assim elevando nivel de vida da populaçao!

María del Pilar Quintanilla
María del Pilar Quintanilla
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

In Bolivia, the State pays the so-called Renta Dignidad (Dignity Income) to all Bolivians over 60 years of age, consisting of Bs. 300 (approx. US$ 43) if the person also receives a retirement income and Bs 350 (approx. US$ 50) if the person does not have a retirement income, paid monthly plus a Christmas bonus (money for Christmas).
Although it is not a lot of money, this annuity has really taken many elderly people out of destitution and to the others it gives them money that somehow relieves them of their expenses or finally gives them some economic autonomy. In my opinion, it is a good measure, which has been in place for more than 20 years and which is gradually being consolidated and improved for the benefit of our elderly people.

En Bolivia, el Estado paga la denominada Renta Dignidad, a todas las bolivianas y bolivianos mayores de 60 años, consistente en Bs. 300 (aprox. $us 43) si además la persona cobra renta de jubilación y Bs 350 (aprox. $us 50) si la persona no tiene jubilación, se paga mensualmente más un aguinaldo (dinero por Navidad).
Si bien no es mucho dinero, esta renta realmente ha sacado de la indigencia a muchas personas adultas mayores y a las demás les brinda un dinero que de alguna manera les alivia de sus gastos o finalmente les otorga cierta autonomía económica. En mi criterio es una buena medida, que ya tiene más de 20 años y que paulatinamente se viene consolidando y mejorando en pro de nuestras personas adultas mayores.

Nicolas Beullekens
Nicolas Beullekens
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

In Belgium, they tax the people up to almost 50% for the self-employed, like me. Then there is a subsidy mechanism that I never had the courage to look into, just to put up a front.
The resale of public operators has thrown the people to the private sector, which uses its leverage to manipulate the markets and plunge people even more into the daily stress of poverty. The precariousness of medical training, as well as the blocking of access to the profession and the administrative ADHD imposed by the State, distract health professionals from the Art of Healing, in favor of a digital act reifying the individual as a calculable person, thus leaving aside all the invisible handicaps and the rich neurodiversity, which should be the pride of the people, and not their shame, as is currently the case in Belgium!

En Belgique, ils taxent le peuple à hauteur de près de 50% pour les indépendants, comme moi. Ensuite, il y a un mécanisme de subsides auquel je n'ai jamais eu le courage de m'intéresser, pour faire bonne façade.
La revente des opérateurs publics, à jeté lele peuple en pâture au privé qui use de son bras de levier pour manipuler les marchés et plonger encore plus les gens dans le stress quotidien de la pauvreté. La précarité de la formation en médecine, ainsi que le blocage de l'accès à la profession et le TDAH adminitratif imposé par l'Etat, détournent les professionnels de la santé de l'Art de Guérir, au profit d'un acte digital reïfiant l'individu en personne calculable, laissant ainsi de côté tous les handicaps invisibles et la riche neurodiversité, qui devrait faire la fierté des peuples, et non leur honte, comme actuellement en Belgique!
The following contribution has been automatically translated from PT.

Here in Brazil, President Lula is back in power and just as he did during his terms from 2002 to 2010, he is again prioritizing the fight against poverty. On the first day of his administration he institutionalized the return of the Bolsa Familia, an income program aimed at the poorest people and street populations. He recently increased the minimum wage and also exempted from paying income tax people whose income is below two minimum wages.

Aqui no Brasil o Presidente Lula está de volta ao poder e assim como fez nos mandatos de 2002 a 2010 está novamente priorizando o combate à pobreza. No primeiro dia de seu governo institucionalizou a volta do Bolsa Família, um programa de renda voltado aos mais pobres e populações de rua. Recentemente aumentou o salário mínimo e também isentou do pagamento de imposto de renda pessoas cuja faixa salarial estivessem abaixo de dois salários mínimos.


"What measures is the government in your country taking to prevent poverty?"
The keyword is "prevent". Free access to good education, enabling motivation and ensuring equality to work are the main tools to prevent poverty. People need to help themselves and stop blaming others for the plight they are in. Even in CH, we can prevent poverty by making sure people are not lazy or mentally wired to receive free money.

Ania V.T.
Ania V.T.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

First of all: law of supply and demand. The current land law is that you CANNOT build anywhere UNLESS the politicians let you. The liberalization of land is WHERE you can't build (and everywhere else you CAN, no problem). That is the DIFFERENCE. In an interview about the book "The economy will work when you understand it", its author talks about that CORRUPTION must be controlled with effective separation of powers and the public administration must ORDER and SANITIZE its assets and accounts, eliminating duplicities... and pensions as a pyramidal scam must disappear making them gradually transition to long-term individual investments in well-made stock market values to be transformed into a wealth of dividends that can be inherited by descendants.

Primero de todo: ley de oferta y demanda. La ley actual del suelo es que NO se PUEDE construir en ningún sitio A NO SER que te dejen los políticos. La liberalización del suelo es DÓNDE no se puede construir (y en los demás sitios SÍ, sin problemas). Esa es la DIFERENCIA. En una entrevista sobre el libro "La economía funcionará cuando tú la entiendas", su autor habla de que a la CORRUPCIÓN hay que controlarla con separación de poderes efectiva y la Administración pública debe ORDENAR y SANEAR sus bienes y sus cuentas, eliminando duplicidades... y las pensiones como estafa piramidal deben desaparecer haciendo que vayan transicionando poco a poco a inversiones individuales a largo plazo en valores de Bolsa bien hechas para transformarse en un patrimonio de dividendos que puedan heredar los descendientes.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

If education were the solution, how do you explain that before the pandemics in Spain and Italy many young university graduates were unemployed and had no income while "uneducated" craftsmen had an income?

Wenn Bildung die Lösung wäre, wie erklärt es sich dass vor den Pandemie in Spanien und Italien viele junden Uni-Absolventen arbeitslos waren und kein Einkommen hatten während "ungebildete" Handwerker ein Einkommen hatten?


Nothing substantial. Politicians only pretend to care and do something about it but in the end poverty is a strategic political decision. It is not about charity or help provided. It is about education and enabling every citizen with the ability to gain financial freedom. And most governments do not want that. Poverty is convenient for those who like money and control. Poor people are vulnerable, desperate and exploitable. Sad world. Switzerland system is and exceptionally special model that genuinely works in the interest of the citizens. What worries me is that with Globalism and so many foreigner forces getting their noses into the country is causing the same effect and inequalities like in the rest of the corrupted countries. I hope the Swiss show that strength and stand up in defense of its culture and values.


We don't even know how much money our politicians recueve from big companies for lobbying here.... so I think we are pritty corrupt just no one questions it. I don't trust politicians who don't disclose who is financing them, like who finances Berset? How can a politicians afford to fly private jets during economic and ecological crisis?

Amo Alqurashi
Amo Alqurashi
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

No matter how bad the situation is in Switzerland, it will not be as bad as our situation here. No state, no government, not even local authorities provide public services to citizens. Everyone here knows that money solves all problems. If you do not have money, you are a dead person.

مهما كان الوضع سيئا في سويسرا فهو لن يكون بمثل سوء حالتنا هنا حيث لا دولة و لا حكومة و لا حتى سلطات محلية تقدم خدمات عامة للمواطنين، الجميع هنا يعلم أن المال يحل كل المشاكل، إذا لم تمتلك المال فأنت شخص ميت.

Monika Devereaux-Tschuor
Monika Devereaux-Tschuor

In Canada the poor can get MAID ( and anyone with often solvable problems ) , MAID is like Exit, the choice to die. Army veterans have been offered the choice to die instead of needed help. We have more and more people living on the street, psychiatric clinics have been closed, people fall into addiction to treat their problems. We have a welfare system and disability pensions and food banks .
It’s hard to find politicians and leaders with integrity all over the world. They usually only look out for themselves instead of serving the people they were elected to serve ! I love the fact that in Switzerland referendums give the people a voice !
This world will always have inequalities, human nature is selfish and often greedy.

@Monika Devereaux-Tschuor

It is little alarming the new eligibility criteria based solely on “mental illness”… It sounds like if you are mentally ill and want to suicide, instead of helping YOU with your condition we will help US get rid of you and your mental burden. Those with bipolar disorders, in depressive state they may want MAID and in their psychotic periods they want to live and embrace life. They are not in control of such decisions. That is what makes someone mentally ill. I find this very controversial and disturbing.

Monika Devereaux-Tschuor
Monika Devereaux-Tschuor


Ania V.T.
Ania V.T.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.
@Monika Devereaux-Tschuor

In Canada, do they really OFFER poor people (including war veterans who had no use for exposing their lives and killing other people) to commit assisted suicide? ?????? REALLY? ????

¿En serio en Canadá OFRECEN a gente pobre (y entre ellos veteranos de guerra que no les sirvió para nada exponer su vida y matar a otras personas) suicidarse de manera asistida????? ¿EN SERIO????

هوبي الخزعلي
هوبي الخزعلي
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

In my country, benefits are paid to the poor under the name of “social welfare salaries”.

في بلدي يتمّ صرف رواتب إعانات للفقراء تحت مسمى "رواتب الرعاية الاجتماعية".

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Poverty & war is based on injustice in states & economy worldwide.
Reforms are prevented over generations in favor of the profiteers !
All democracies also cultivate this misdevelopment through discrimination and
political corruption of own interests & lobby.
Peaceful sustainable world = solution of the ecological & social problems
by much more solidarity with ALL life in misery !

Armut & Krieg basiert weltweit auf Ungerechtigkeit in Staaten & Wirtschaft.
Reformen werden über Generationen verhindert zugunsten der Profiteure !
Diese Fehlentwicklung kultivieren auch alle Demokratien durch Diskriminierung und
politische Korruption eigener Interessen & Lobby.
Friedvolle nachhaltige Welt = Lösung der ökologischen & sozialen Probleme
durch viel mehr Solidarität mit ALLEM Leben im Elend !

marco brenni
marco brenni
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

The unemployment rate is the work of SECO, which wants to give as idyllic a picture of Switzerland as possible, but it is mere hypocrisy!

Il tasso di disoccupazione è opera della SECO che vuol dare un quadro più idilliaco possibile della Svizzera, ma è mera ipocrisia!

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

In Argentina, my country of birth, politicians only think about being in front of a TV camera and getting rich illegally. When they are rich, they only think about staying in power as long as possible to have privileges and not end up in prison. Only corruption and mediocrity.

En la Argentina, mi país de nacimiento, los politicos solo piensan a estar adelante de una cámara de televisión y a enriquecerse ilegalmente. Cuando son ricos, solo piensan en permanecer en el poder todo lo posible para tener fueros y no terminar en prisión. Solo corrupción y mediocridad.

Ania V.T.
Ania V.T.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

GDP is a squeezed measure and GDP is NOT real economy. Economics, in reality, is illusion and hope to prosper, illusion and hope for the future.... Current land law is that you CANNOT build anywhere UNLESS the politicians allow you to. Land liberalization is WHERE you can't build (and everywhere else you CAN, no problem). That is the difference. And more stuff. This is an interview on "Economics will work when you understand it". This man, who speaks with overwhelming logic, says that CORRUPTION must be controlled with an effective separation of powers and the Public Administration must ORDER and SANITIZE its patrimony and accounts, eliminating duplicities... and pensions as a pyramid scheme must disappear doing that gradually move to individual investments in well made stock market securities to become a dividend patrimony that descendants can inherit.

PIB es una medida exprimida y PIB NO es economía real. Economía, en realidad, es ilusión y esperanza de prosperar, ilusión y esperanza ante el futuro.. La ley de tierras actual es que NO PUEDES construir en ningún lado A MENOS QUE los políticos te lo permitan. La liberalización del suelo es DÓNDE no se puede construir (y en los demás SÍ, sin problemas). Esa es la diferencia. Y más cosas. Es una entrevista sobre "La economía funcionará cuando la entiendas". Este hombre, que habla con una lógica abrumadora, dice que la CORRUPCIÓN debe ser controlada con una efectiva separación de poderes y la Administración Pública debe ORDENAR y SANEAR su patrimonio y cuentas, eliminando duplicidades… y las pensiones como esquema piramidal deben desaparecer haciendo eso gradualmente pasan a inversiones individuales en valores bursátiles bien hechos para convertirse en un patrimonio de dividendos que los descendientes pueden heredar.

Joud Joud
Joud Joud
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

I have been a refugee for 46 years without a country or nationality and now my children are also refugees without a country, nationality, safety or future. I have written to all branches of Caritas organizations but all of them cannot help me. Is it possible that the whole world cannot help one refugee family in Lebanon? Is this normal? Please answer my comment.

أنا لاجىء منذ 46 عاما دون وطن أو جنسية والآن أولادي أيضا لاجئون دون وطن أو جنسية أو أمان أو مستقبل. لقد راسلتُ جميع أفرع المنظمات التابعة لكاريتاس ولكن كلهم لا يستطيعون مُساعدتي. هل يُعقل أن كل العالم لا يستطيع مساعدة عائلة واحدة لاجئة في لبنان؟ هل هذا الشيء طبيعي؟ أرجو الإجابة عن تعليقي هذا.


In India I can say following was done. It still may not be enough considering size of the country . But it goes in the right direction
1. In Covid 800 million people were given basic food . Still continues
2. free bank account for everyone. No middlemen involved in any transfer scheme from govt. govt moving to digital payments ( free)
3. housing for all- removal of slums and graduallly shifting them to proper buildings
4. toilet for all- people given aid to make toilet at home. Especially women need it on highest prio
5. electricity subsidies provided by some states
6. food cooking aid provided in form of log cylinders
7. reservation in jobs and educational institute for economic weaker section

Taxing rich would not be meaningful. If someone needs a liver you dont snatch it from others.

Enabling people to the next level is the need that can be provided by meaninful skills development and providing assistance if possible.

Poverty also needs to be seen for families who lost their sole bread earners and are unable to support. Society must come forward for these.
I dont trust any middlemen or NGOs (most) to do any meaningful upliftment . There are funds but leakage is huge that needs to be addressed

marco brenni
marco brenni
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Taxing the rich more is fair in a relatively poor country like India: here the guts to be taken away from others is an example that doesn't fit at all!

Tassare di più i ricchi è giusto in un paese relativamente povero come l'India: qui il fegato da togliere ad altri è un esempio che non ci sta assolutamente!

Odacy de Brito Silva
Odacy de Brito Silva
The following contribution has been automatically translated from PT.

Poverty in Brazil will decrease, the indicators in the coming years will show.
There are 32 million absolutely poor people.
At present, programs focus on the inclusion of homeless people.
But also in the generation of income and employment, in the development of environmental public policies, including (health, education, housing). The fight against hunger requires a comprehensive understanding of social rights, which must go hand in hand with the pillars of increasing empowerment for human development.

A pobreza no Brasil diminuirá, os indicadores nos próximos anos demonstrarão.
São 32 milhões de absolutamente pobres.
Na atualidade programas focam- se na inclusão de moradores de situação de rua.
Mas também na geração de renda e emprego, no desenvolvimento de políticas públicas ambientais, incluindo ( saúde, educação, moradia). O combate à fome impõe uma compreensão abrangente a respeito de direitos sociais, que devem caminhar com os pilares da capacitação cada vez maior para o desenvolvimento humano.

Jean-Claude Beer
Jean-Claude Beer
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

For 9 years here in Paraguay. The government is doing very little to fight poverty. Corruption is omnipresent; international drug trafficking (Bolivia->Paraguay->Europe) is increasing rapidly and brings big profits to the people involved - including some politicians... Consequence: increase of the criminality, discontent towards the leaders of the country.
Greetings from Encarnación

Depuis 9 ans ici au Paraguay. Le gouvernement ne se préocupe que très peu pour lutter contre la pauvreté. La corruption est omniprésente; le trafic international de drogue (Bolivie->Paraguay->Europe) augmente rapidement et rapporte de gros gains aux personnes impliquées - inclus certains politicien... Conséquence: augmentation de la criminalité, mécontentement envers les dirigents du pays.
Salutations de Encarnación


I'll try posting a comment again...For quite some time we heard a lot about workers cooperatives - how they became the owners of small enterprises and shared the profits and the losses. I think governments should encourage this - the profits staying within the company instead of going to unknown share holders and Stock Market.

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR