Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

What’s the best way to convince people to get the Covid vaccine?

Hosted by: Geraldine Wong Sak Hoi

Editor’s Note: Following numerous reader contributions to this topic, we have now closed this debate. More topics are open for comments here

Like many countries, Switzerland has experienced a drop in the vaccination rate, just as the Delta variant begins to take hold and the number of new cases rises again.

At its peak, the country was administering 90,000 jabs a day. By early July this had fallen to 60,000. By mid-July just over 40% of the population was fully vaccinated.

To avoid a major fourth wave of Covid-19, experts say vaccination coverage needs to be broadened. But what’s the best way to do this?

In the United States, health officials have tried give-aways, such as lottery tickets, to incite people to get the shot. In France, the government has used a completely different tactic, making vaccination against Covid compulsory for healthcare workers and expanding the need for the Covid pass to enter public places, such as restaurants and bars. For now, Switzerland is banking on public information campaigns and bringing vaccines to the people, via mobile vaccination stations and walk-ins, to encourage more vaccination uptake.

Do positive incentives like give-aways work? Or should more coercive measures like in France be taken? Let us know what you think, and even what made you decide to get the shot (if you did), by commenting below. 

From the article How the Swiss could reverse a dip in Covid vaccinations

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Forcing a vaccine that has not yet been studied for at least 5 years, is a mistake.

Obrigarem a tomar uma vacina que ainda não tem, pelo menos, 5 anos de estudos, é um erro.

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Reading about people hating and cursing people who have not yet been vaccinated I find aberrant. How is it possible to succeed in creating a new social separation that pits people against each other.

I got vaccinated at the beginning of the pandemic and got nothing.
They tell me that the vaccine is not valid if you do it only once and now after the second one they tell me that there will be a third one ?

All this to get a green pass that lasts 6 months ?

A particular situation happened to me at the University of Lausanne, when some unvaccinated classmates could not enter because they did not have a green pass, but surprise one of the vaccinated classmates was sick but was still able to enter without having to do swabs or anything else because he had a green pass. A few days later we don't see him coming back and it turns out that he had covid (not the delta variable). But so we are still carriers and get infected anyway? Too many questions and too many inconsistencies that don't help the understanding of the current issue.

I also want to remember that at the beginning of the pandemic the first one to take the virus lightly was the very same government that now blames the situation on us people for not being responsible enough. So when they offer me bonuses and prizes to get people to vaccinate I can only feel ashamed.

In conclusion, the most fundamental thing is the search for a vaccine that does not lose its effectiveness after a couple of months or a drug for the reduction of symptoms, but above all delete this inequality of the green pass, if people do not want to vaccinate will be their problem, so the covid I take regardless of whether I talk to someone vaccinated or not and do not misunderstand, the virus variants there are already plenty and are created in vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Leggere di persone che odiano e maledicono le persone che non si sono ancora vaccinate lo trovo aberrante. Come è possibile riuscire a creare una nuova separazione sociale che mette le persone gli uni contro gli altri.

Io mi sono vaccinato ad inizio pandemia è non ho ottenuto niente.
mi dicono che il vaccino non è valido se lo fai una sola volta e adesso dopo la seconda mi dicono che ci sarà una terza ?

Tutto questo per ottenere un green pass che ha una durata di 6 mesi ?

Una situazione particolare mi è successa all'università di Losanna, quando alcuni compagni non vaccinati non hanno potuto entrare perché sprovvisti di green pass, ma sorpresone uno dei compagni vaccinati era malato ma ha comunque potuto entrare senza dover fare tamponi o altro perché provvisto di green pass. Qualche giorno dopo non lo vediamo tornare e si scopre che aveva il covid (non la variabile delta). Ma quindi siamo comunque portatori e ci infettiamo comunque? Troppe domande e troppe incongruenze che non aiutano la comprensione della problematica attuale.

Voglio inoltre ricordare che ad inizio pandemia il primo a prendere sottogamba il virus è stato proprio quello stesso governo che adesso da la colpa della situazione a noi persone per non essere stati abbastanza responsabili. Quindi quando mi propongono bonus e premi per portare gente a vaccinarsi posso solo provare vergogna.

In conclusione la cosa più fondamentale è la ricerca di un vaccino che non perda efficacia dopo un paio di mesi oppure un farmaco per la diminuzione dei sintomi, ma soprattutto cancellare questa disparità del green pass, se le persone non vogliono vaccinarsi saranno problemi loro, tanto il covid lo prendo a prescindere che parli con qualcuno di vaccinato o meno e non fraintendete, di varianti del virus ce ne sono già a bizzeffe e si creano nei soggetti vaccinati e non.

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You're biased, I can't comment!

Siete di parte, non posso commentare!

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

Hello, how are you? It seems that all those who have such categorical decisions are not aware of all the experiments that are done in pursuit of science and medical science?
It is a very good fortune to have things as clear as those who comment here, but seeing how human beings act, on a daily basis, with their selfishness (as they label those who do not want to vaccinate us), their greed, they cannot just corner us and force us as if we lived in the Middle Ages, they should give explanations, and give examples, tell the truth of things: difficult isn't it, since we will never know the truth of how the facts were produced. In order to advance (evolve) as human beings, we have to learn to stop imposing and alone, to expose and expose and expose, to be coherent with our actions, to be coherent with our actions, to be coherent with our actions, to be coherent with our actions, until those who distrust with just cause, can trust again.

Hola, ¿Cómo están? Parece que todos los que tienen decisiones tan categóricas no estuvieran al tanto de todos los experimentos que se hacen en pos de la ciencia y la ciencia médica...
Es una muy buena fortuna tener las cosas tan claras como los que aquí comentan, pero viendo actuar al ser humano, en lo cotidiano, con su egoísmo (como caratulan a los que no queremos vacunarnos), su codicia, no pueden solamente arrinconarnos y obligarnos como si viviéramos en el Medioevo, debieran dar explicaciones, y poner ejemplos, decir la verdad de las cosas: difícil no?, ya que nunca se sabrá la verdad de cómo se produjeron los hechos. Para poder avanzar (evolucionar) como seres humanos, tenemos que aprender a dejar de imponer y solo, exponer y exponer y exponer, ser coherentes con nuestras acciones, ser coherentes con nuestras acciones, ser coherentes con nuestras acciones, hasta que aquellos que desconfían con justa causa, puedan volver a confiar.

Mandy YC
Mandy YC
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Going to the supermarket the other day, I ran into an acquaintance - another anti-vaccination person. I've noticed I'm surrounded by quite a few people like this, and their reasons tend to be similar: vaccines are being developed so quickly, they must be unsafe; I don't want to be used as a guinea pig; there are chips hidden in vaccines (they're also against 5G, no surprise) ......

I try to reason with them and answer the questions they ask, but I find that they are just incomprehensible because they don't want to hear your explanations and think they are the ones who are right. I even had an acquaintance who works in a nursing home tell me she was prepared to lose her job rather than get vaccinated, and when I tried to explain it to her, she reprimanded me for not respecting her choice ......

People like that are really incorrigible, there are times I just want to curse them for getting the virus, but that's just too bad, so, I just have to shut up.




marco brenni
marco brenni
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@Mandy YC

These often include "terrapapists":
Democracy and health care urgency are incompatible, unfortunately.

Sovente fra questi ci sono pure i "terrapiattisti":
democrazia e urgenza sanitaria sono incompatibili, purtroppo.
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ZH.
@Mandy YC

Let me preface this by saying that I am 81 years old, in my lifetime so far I have had 2 colds, my health care system, has spent nothing on me. I have been vaccinated for 4 months and I have had no discomfort, not even in the days following vaccination. So I can not understand the obstinacy of the no-vax. Are they the same ones who say that the earth is flat?

Premetto che ho 81 anni, nella mia vita, finora ho avuto 2 raffreddori, il mio sistema sanitario, per me non ha speso nulla. Sono vaccinato da 4 mesi e non ho avuto nessun disturbo, neanche nei giorni successivi alla vaccinazione. Perciò io non riesco a comprendere l'ostinazione dei no-vax. Saranno gli stessi che dicono che la terra è piatta?

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The saddest thing is to see the selfishness of the population and its ignorance, two negative factors that must be taken into account for an effective strategy that can not be based only on an information campaign, which is proving to be totally ineffective. Unfortunately, at the same time we come up against a terrible inability to make decisions on the part of a wait-and-see government, which also represents a part of those who do not want to vaccinate because of ideology.
I would rule out any monetary incentives, paid for by the taxes of the vaccinated.
The extension of the use of the green pass (even in the field of work) as in France and Italy would be the only solution, but as said, the Swiss government is unable to decide.
So we will have to wait for a pandemic of unvaccinated, and new closures, which will come around September October. At that point 50% of the population will finally open their eyes and maybe even their ears.
In the meantime I would recommend donating the available vaccines to countries that would gladly use them.

La cosa più triste è il constatare l'egoismo della popolazione e la sua ignoranza, due fattori negativi che vanno tenuti in considerazione per una strategia efficacie che non può basarsi solamente su una campagna informativa, che si sta rivelando infatti totalmente inefficace. Purtroppo al tempo stesso ci scontriamo con una terribile incapacità decisionale di un governo attendista, che rappresenta anche una parte di coloro che non si vogliono vaccinare per ideologia.
Escluderei ogni incentivi monetario, pagato con le tasse dei vaccinati.
L'estensione dell'uso del green pass (anche in campo lavorativo) come in Francia ed Italia sarebbe l'unica soluzione, ma come detto, il governo svizzero è incapace di decidere.
Dovremo quindi attendere una pandemia di non vaccinati, e nuove chiusure, che arriveranno verso Settembre Ottobre. A quel punto il 50% della popolazione aprirà finalmente gli occhi e magari anche le orecchie.
Nel frattempo consiglierei di donare i vaccini a disposizione ai paesi che ne farebbero volentieri uso.

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I think it's very serious
Libertarian drift in your speech. My freedom not to be vaccinated is exactly the same as your freedom to be vaccinated. In civilized countries, it's called democracy.

Penso che sia gravissima la
Deriva liberticida del tuo discorso. La mia libertà di non vaccinarmi vale esattamente come la tua di vaccinarti. Nei paesi civili, Si chiama democrazia.

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Hi Federica
As you can see I got the prediction wrong. The Swiss government has finally decided, but only because the situation has become more serious than expected. However, it was the only possible way as I wrote and it is not at all liberticidal.
My decision to vaccinate is in no way comparable to yours. I'm sorry.
You would like to have the freedom to get through the pandemic thanks to other people's vaccine. You're free to get infected and end up in the hospital (I hope you don't), but you're not at all free to do that to other people.
Otherwise with the whole individual freedom thing we'd be free to drive 200kmh around town, or do anything that might endanger those around you.
Giving yourself rules to live together in society is democracy, yours is anarchy, as well as selfishness, which however is apparently now called freedom.

Ciao Federica
Come vedi ho sbagliato il pronostico. Il governo svizzero si è deciso finalmente, ma solo perché la situazione è diventata più grave del previsto. Era però l'unica strada possibile come avevo scritto e non è per niente liberticida.
La mia decisione di vaccinarmi non è assolutamente paragonabile alla tua. Mi dispiace.
Te vorresti avere la libertà di superare la pandemia grazie al vaccino degli altri. Sei libera di infettarti e finire in ospedale (ti auguro di no), ma non sei per niente libera di farlo ad altre persone.
Altrimenti con la storia della libertà individuale saremmo liberi di guidare a 200kmh per città, o di fare qualsiasi cosa che possa mettere in pericolo chi ti sta vicino.
Darsi delle regole per vivere insieme nella societa è democrazia, la tua è anarchia, oltre ad egoismo, che però a quanto pare ora si chiama libertà.

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I'm still waiting for an information campaign done properly, because since the beginning of the pandemic they continue to say conflicting opinions on how to protect themselves.

io la sto ancora aspettando una campagna informativa fatta come si deve, perché è da inizio pandemia che continuano a dire opinioni contrastanti su come proteggersi

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I think even the stones have understood by now that we protect ourselves with vaccine, masks and spacing.

I'm sure a better job could have been done in communication, but those who will be affected by covid this winter will not have the excuse of "I didn't understand", or "I was waiting for a better information campaign".

Sorry to be very direct, but it's me who doesn't understand what there is to understand.

Credo che anche le pietre abbiano capito ormai che ci si protegge con vaccino mascherine e distanziamento .

Sono sicuro che poteva essere fatto un lavoro migliore nella comunicazione, ma chi sarà colpito dal covid questo inverno non potrà avere la scusa del "Non avevo capito ", o "aspettavo una campagna informativa migliore".

Scusa per essere molto diretto, ma sono io che non capisco cosa ci sia da capire.

marco brenni
marco brenni
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Frankly, I can not understand how you can still be against vaccination (!) When the entire scientific world is agreed not only on its usefulness, but also on its indispensability. Even most of the politicians are now convinced. We are probably expecting a third or fourth pandemic wave in the autumn due to the Covid Delta variant, much more contagious than all the others. It is therefore a largely mannered opposition and to a lesser extent due to ideological misinformation-fanaticism, but in order to get rid of this potentially liberticidal situation, we absolutely must vaccinate to achieve herd immunity! We are not there yet precisely because of the reticent.

Francamente non riesco a capire come si fa ad essere ancora contro la vaccinazione (!) quando tutto il mondo scientifico è concorde non solo sulla sua utilità, ma anche sulla sua indispensabilità. Pure gran parte dei politici ne è ormai convinta. Ci attende probabilmente una terza o quarta ondata pandemica in autunno dovuta alla variante Covid Delta, molto più contagiosa di tutte le altre. È perciò un'opposizione in gran parte di maniera e in minor parte dovuta a disinformazione-fanatismo ideologico, ma per poter liberare da questa situazione potenzialmente liberticida, bisogna assolutamente vaccinarsi per raggiungere l'immunità di gregge! Non ci siamo ancora proprio per colpa dei reticenti.

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@marco brenni

I'll tell you a secret.
The scientific world is not at all agreed on the efficacy of this vaccine, there are still many data to be analyzed and the testing of a vaccine is normally three years, just think of the ineffectiveness of the vaccine in Israel where herd immunity did not serve despite the fact that almost everyone was vaccinated.

Ti dirò un segreto.
Il mondo scientifico non è per niente concorde sull'efficacia di questo vaccino, ci sono ancora molti dati da analizzare e il testing di un vaccino è normalmente di tre anni, basti pensare l'inefficacia del vaccino in Israele dove l'immunità di gregge non è servita nonostante fossero quasi tutti vaccinati.

marco brenni
marco brenni
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Your assertion is belied by the facts: the majority of the scientific community says instead that it is the only method to get out of this damn pandemic. Some people disagree, but they are a tiny minority. True is rather that the vaccine does not have a long effectiveness and never absolute: see Israel, which was the first country to vaccinate massively, but now needs a booster dose, which is already ordered for everyone. Being against science is a foolish attitude, as well as defeatist.

La tua affermazione è smentita dai fatti: la maggioranza della comunità scientifica afferma invece che è l'unico metodo per poter uscire da questa maledetta pandemia. Qualcuno non è d'accordo, ma è un infima minoranza. Vero è piuttosto che il vaccino non ha un efficacia lunga e mai assoluta: vedi Israele che fu il primo paese a vaccinarsi massicciamente , ma che ormai necessita di una dose di richiamo, già sta ordinata per tutti quanti. Esser contro la scienza è un atteggiamento stolto, oltre che disfattista.

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The percentage of those vaccinated in Israel is the same as in Switzerland. That is 62% with 2 doses.
And in fact there would be to worry about Switzerland.
This of Israel totally vaccinated is one of the big fake news circulating.

In what sense ineffectiveness of the vaccine? In the hospital even in Israel there ended up largely unvaccinated.

Good luck to those willing to wait 3 years

La percentuale dei vaccinati in Israele è pari a quella della Svizzera. Cioè 62% con 2 dosi.
Ed infatti ci sarebbe da preoccuparsi per la Svizzera.
Questa di Israele totalmente vaccinata è una delle grosse fake news che circolano.

In che senso inefficacia del vaccino? In ospedale anche in Israele ci sono finiti i non vaccinati in larga parte.

Buona fortuna a chi vuole aspettare 3 anni

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That percentage is so from the beginning, Israel was the most vaccinated of the beginning of the pandemic, but the problem was in this mass vaccination, they didn't put a pandemic alert and immediately bought huge stocks of the vaccine without knowing its durability or reliability.

Because let's face it I have always been vaccinated, even when I went on vacation in foreign countries, but I never had to do the vaccine 3 times within months.
Not to mention the RAI article "lower mRna integrity than doses used in trials" which states that Pfizer sold non-compliant vaccines (in case read it is very interesting).

It's simply not a matter of rejecting science but to distrust those who sell it, because science is neither good nor bad but it is who controls it that makes the difference (just remember who sold diet pills with DNP or birth control pills like "Yasmin" that caused death or permanent damage).

So I hope I have found a reasonable accommodation to explain our differences in thinking.

Quella percentuale è così dall'inizio, Israele è stata la più vaccinata di inizio pandemia, ma il problema stava proprio in questa vaccinazione di massa, non hanno messo un allarme pandemia e hanno acquistato subito enormi scorte del vaccino senza sapere la sua durata o affidabilità.

Perché diciamocelo mi sono sempre vaccinato, anche quando andavo in vacanza in paesi esteri, ma non mi è mai capitato di dover fare il vaccino 3 volte nell'arco di mesi.
Per non parlare dell'articolo di RAI "integrità dell'mRna inferiore rispetto alle dosi usate nei trials" che afferma che Pfizer ha venduto vaccini non conformi (nel caso leggilo è molto interessante).

Semplicemente non è una questione di rifiutare la scienza ma diffidare di chi te la vende, perché la scienza non è ne buona ne cattiva ma è chi la controlla a fare la differenza (basta ricordarsi di chi vendeva pillole dimagranti con DNP o di pillole anticoncezionali come "Yasmin" che causavano morti o danni permanenti ) .

Spero quindi di aver trovato un accomodamento ragionevole per spiegare le nostre differenze di pensiero.

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@marco brenni

The scientific community agrees on the importance of vaccinating, not on these vaccines and their efficacy, especially in the duration which is still much debated.

Because let's face it has never happened to have to do the vaccine 3 times within months.
Not to mention the RAI article "mRna integrity lower than the doses used in the trials" which states that Pfizer sold non-compliant vaccines (in case read it is very interesting).

It's simply not a matter of rejecting science but to distrust those who sell it, because science is neither good nor bad but it is who controls it that makes the difference (just remember who sold diet pills with DNP or birth control pills like "Yasmin" that caused death or permanent damage).

So I hope I have found a reasonable accommodation to explain our differences in thinking.

La comunità scientifica è d'accordo sull'importanza nel vaccinarsi, non riguardo a questi vaccini e sulla loro efficacia, soprattutto nella durata che è ancora parecchio discussa.

Perché diciamocelo non è mai capitato di dover fare il vaccino 3 volte nell'arco di mesi.
Per non parlare dell'articolo di RAI "integrità dell'mRna inferiore rispetto alle dosi usate nei trials" che afferma che Pfizer ha venduto vaccini non conformi (nel caso leggilo è molto interessante).

Semplicemente non è una questione di rifiutare la scienza ma diffidare di chi te la vende, perché la scienza non è ne buona ne cattiva ma è chi la controlla a fare la differenza (basta ricordarsi di chi vendeva pillole dimagranti con DNP o di pillole anticoncezionali come "Yasmin" che causavano morti o danni permanenti ) .

Spero quindi di aver trovato un accomodamento ragionevole per spiegare le nostre differenze di pensiero.

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The problem in Israel remains the same, that is, 40% have not been vaccinated.
The loss of effectiveness of the vaccine in preventing contagion over time has only caused more unvaccinated people in hospitals, since protection from the disease has a small decay instead.
The contagion of the vaccinated is just one more reason to vaccinate.

I appreciate the calm tones in explaining your thoughts but unfortunately you seem to me to be one of the many victims of the misinformation circulating and I hope you will understand this soon.

For example the article "lower mRna integrity than doses used in trials" only says that 3 trials out of 153 were probably mismanaged.
Pretty much irrelevant news.
Your conclusion that they would have sold non-compliant vaccines makes no sense.
Please consider that Pfizer's administration to millions of people confirmed the results of the Pfizer trials, i.e. 90-95% efficacy in preventing serious disease. It has already saved the lives of thousands, just look at the October 2020 vs October 2021 covid death figure.
So what does it matter if 3 out of 153 trials, or 1000 people,
were done wrong a year ago?

Unfortunately pharmaceutical companies are only driven by profit and even in this pandemic some have behaved disgracefully. But the results of the vaccine are obvious to all, and confirmed by independent authorities and hundreds of statistical studies.

Do we want to risk ending up in intensive care for having believed some article of known conspirators instead of the report of the Ministry of Health that represents us all?

I suggest you take a look at this site instead:

To understand what happens to those who rely on these impostors.

Il problema di Israele rimane sempre lo stesso, cioè è che il 40% non si è vaccinato.
La perdita di efficacia nel tempo del vaccino nel prevenire i contagi ha solo causato più non vaccinati negli ospedali, dato che la protezione dalla malattia ha invece una decadenza piccola.
Il contagio dei vaccinati è solo un motivo in più per vaccinarsi.

Apprezzo i toni pacati nello spiegare il tuo pensiero ma purtroppo mi sembri una delle tante vittime della disinformazione che circola e spero che lo capirai presto.

Per esempio l'articolo "integrità dell'mRna inferiore rispetto alle dosi usate nei trials" dice solo che 3 trials su 153 sono probabilmente stati gestiti male.
Una notizia praticamente irrilevante.
La tua conclusione che avrebbero venduto vaccini non conformi non ha senso.
Per favore considera che la somministrazione di Pfizer a milioni di persone ha confermato i risultati dei trials Pfizer, cioè l'efficacia al 90-95% nel prevenire la malattia grave. Ha salvato già la vita di migliaia, basta vedere la cifra dei morti covid di ottobre 2020 vs ottobre 2021.
Quindi che importanza ha se 3 trials su 153, cioè 1000 persone,
sono stati fatti male un anno fa?

Purtroppo le case farmaceutiche sono guidate solo dal profitto ed anche in questa pandemia alcune si sono comportate in modo vergognoso. Ma i risultati del vaccino sono evidenti a tutti, e confermati da autorità indipendenti e da centinaia di studi statistici.

Vogliamo rischiare di finire in terapia intensiva per aver creduto a qualche articolo di noti cospiratori invece che au report del ministero della Salute che ci rappresenta tutti?

Ti consiglio si dare invece un'occhiata a questo sito:

Per capire che fine fa chi si affida a questi impostori.

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Same fight as for the measles which had disappeared thanks to the vaccination in the very small ones and that one sees unfortunately returning because of parents who refuse more and more this vaccine! Deadly disease however in the children! What stupidity!

Même combat que pour la rougeole qui avait disparu grâce à la vaccination chez les tous petits et que l’on voit malheureusement revenir à cause de parents qui refusent de plus en plus ce vaccin !! Maladie mortelle pourtant chez les enfants ! Quelle Bêtise !!

marco brenni
marco brenni
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Well said: that's right!

Ben detto: è proprio così!

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I live in France and I finally received my two doses of vaccine; happy to be and proud to be!
The only way to get out of this pandemic; those who refuse in the name of an alleged individual freedom are only selfish and the first to complain as soon as the curfew is established! The health pass should have been put in place much earlier; as for making it compulsory for the nursing staff, it's still lamentable to have had to come to this point .....! They are the first ones exposed to the virus! If even they don't encourage people to go and get vaccinated, don't let them come and cry for help when the next wave of hospitalizations occurs !!!!!!!!

J’habite en France et j’ai enfin reçu mes deux doses de vaccins; contente de l’etre et fière de l’etre !!
Seul moyen pour se sortir de cette pandémie; ceux qui refusent au nom d’une prétendue liberté individuelle ne sont que des égoïstes et les premiers à raler dès l’instauration du couvre-feu !! Le pass sanitaire aurait dû être mis en place beaucoup plus tôt ; quand à le rendre obligatoire pour le personnel soignant c’est quand même lamentable d’avoir dû en arriver là…..! Eux qui sont les premiers exposés au virus ! Si même eux n’incitent pas les gens à aller se faire vacciner qu’ils ne viennent pas crier au secours à la prochaine vague d’hospitalisations !!!!!!!!

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This is the world upside down. Let's send the unused doses to the countries that really need them! With the disadvantage that Covid may be lying around in Switzerland longer than necessary and increase the social costs even more

C'est le monde à l'envers. Envoyons donc les doses non utilisées aux pays qui en ont réellement besoin ! Avec l'inconvénient que le Covid risque de traîner plus longtemps que nécessaire en Suisse et faire augmenter encore les coûts sociaux

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Any coercive measure is a failure in a sense.
I got vaccinated as a gesture of responsibility towards myself, my partner, my friends and the community in which I live. But first of all because I am informed scientifically at official sources and serious disclosure, jumping feet first all the fake news and false prophets.

I believe that in Switzerland, as everywhere else, information is the main weapon. We have to inform in a simple but effective way and it is a problem of communication, as well as attacking the mistrust that too many people have towards science, despite the benefits it has brought and that we all enjoy.
It is necessary to succeed in communicating a minimum form of scientific mentality, of logic that many people do not have or do not want to have, because it is easier to listen to the barkers who give energy to our fears. Perhaps we need to use the same conspiracy mentality used by the hecklers: who is it that really gains from misinformation?

But if this is not enough then we have to move to more and more coercive forms because the legitimate freedom of the individual to be afraid, not to be convinced or even to be ignorant, even stupid or worse gullible ends where that of the whole society begins.

I believe that the green pass is a fair middle ground: if you want to be free, fine, but you have to pay the price to guarantee the freedom of others! This serves everyone and the economy. For example, I may not feel comfortable going to the gym, knowing that the person working out next to me may not be vaccinated. That hurts the economy.
Or if you really want to ensure maximum freedom you could try giving a "COVID free" certification to establishments that check covid certificates. Then we'd see who has the most customers.

As with all complex problems there is no simple solution. But you still have to find one that works.

I advise everyone to trust science and vaccinate quietly, to live more peacefully then.

Ogni misura coercitiva è un insuccesso in un certo senso.
Io mi sono vaccinato come gesto di responsabilità verso me stesso, la mia compagna gli amici e la comunità in cui vivo. Ma prima di tutto perché mi sono informato scientificamente presso le fonti ufficiali e di divulgazione seria, saltando a piedi uniti tutte le fake news e i falsi profeti.

Credo che in Svizzera come ovunque l’informazione sia l’arma principale. Si deve informare in modo semplice ma efficace ed è un problema di comunicazione, oltre che di attaccare la sfiducia che troppi hanno verso la scienza, nonostante i benefici che ha procurato e di cui godiamo tutti.
Bisogna riuscire a comunicare una forma minima di mentalità scientifica, di logica che in molti non hanno o non vogliono avere, perché è più facile ascoltare gli imbonitori che danno energia alle nostre paure. Bisogna forse usare la stessa mentalità complottista usata dai disturbatori: chi è che davvero guadagna dalla disinformazione?

Però se questo non bastasse allora si dovrà passare a forme sempre più coercitive perchè la libertà legittima dell’individuo di aver paura, di non essere convinto oppure finanche di essere ignorante, perfino stupido o peggio credulone finisce dove comincia quella della società tutta.

Credo che il green pass sia una giusta via di mezzo: se vuoi essere libero d’accordo ma devi pagarne il prezzo per garantire anche l’altrui libertà! Questo serve a tutti e all’economia. Ad esempio io potrei non sentirmi tranquillo ad andare in palestra, sapendo che chi si allena accanto a me potrebbe non essere vaccinato. Questo danneggia l’economia.
Oppure se proprio si vuole garantire libertà massima si potrebbe provare a dare una certificazione “COVID free” agli esercizi che controllano i covid certificate. Poi vedremmo chi ha più clienti.

Come in tutti i problemi complessi non esiste soluzione semplice. Ma se ne deve comunque trovare una che funzioni.

Consiglio a tutti di fidarsi della scienza e di vaccinarsi tranquillamente, per vivere più tranquilli poi.

François Delafontaine
François Delafontaine
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If we really need to move the debate to the absurd terrain of individual freedom, then I must remind people of Article 6 of the Constitution: "Every person is responsible for himself and contributes according to his strength to the fulfilment of the tasks of the state and society."
Let people take responsibility. Let them vaccinate themselves or stay out. Responsibility.
The health pass does not oblige anyone to be vaccinated. No one in France raided my apartment to pin me down and stick a needle in my shoulder. But if I want to go to the movies, I have to make sure I'm not putting others in danger. Responsible.
Or else the Swiss Constitution is old-fashioned and we continue to cry censorship, terror or worse! Socialism.

S'il faut vraiment déplacer le débat sur le terrain absurde de la liberté individuelle, alors je dois rappeler l'article 6 de la Constitution : "Toute personne est responsable d’elle-même et contribue selon ses forces à l’accomplissement des tâches de l’État et de la société."
Que les gens prennent leurs responsabilités. Qu'ils se vaccinent ou qu'ils restent dehors. Responsabilité.
Le passe sanitaire n'oblige personne à se faire vacciner. Personne en France n'a fait une descente dans mon appartement pour me clouer au sol et me planter une seringue dans l'épaule. Mais si je veux aller au cinéma, je dois m'assurer de ne pas mettre les autres en danger. Responsable.
Ou alors la Constitution suisse c'est ringard et on continue à crier à la censure, à la terreur ou pire ! Au socialisme.

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in reply to manlio.tonon in Portugal you don't pay taxes for health, only a one-off (2.5 €) when you go to the doctor.

in risposta a manlio.tonon in Portogallo non si paga tasse per la salute, soltato una tantum (2.5 €) quando si va dal medico.

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buono a sapersi

buono a sapersi

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Why not compulsory like the polio vaccine of my childhood?
There were no demonstrations against vaccines at that time and we don't talk about polio today...

Pourquoi pas obligatoire comme celui de la polio entre autre de mon enfance ?
Il n'y avait pas de manifestation contre les vaccins à cette époque et on ne parle plus de la polio aujourd'hui...

marco brenni
marco brenni
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Luckily there was not yet the massive misinformation due to social: it is thanks to these sellers on the net of smoke and manifest falsehoods that many / many people still refuse to vaccinate!
That is: when social becomes a calamity equal to Covid!

Per fortuna non c'era ancora la massiccia disinformazione dovuta ai social: è grazie a questi venditori in rete di fumo e falsità manifeste che molta/troppa gente rifiuta ancora di vaccinarsi!
Ovvero: quando i social diventano una calamità pari a quella del Covid!

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Because they are different generation vaccines. I would advise you to inform yourself by looking at the data around the world as well: there are countries where Covid is downgraded to influenza.

Perché sono vaccini di diversa generazione. Io vi consiglierei di informarvi guardando ai dati anche nel mondo: ci sono paesi in cui il Covid è declassato a influenza.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Sadly, naive - and the idiots of Europe use rejection only because “I refuse if I exist” as for Arabs, they use rejection to insult their Lord and they do what they want. I want to know if God doesn't really want medication for patients.

للاسف الشديد، سُـذّجُ وأغبياء اوروبا يستعينُون بالرفض فقط للـ  // أنا ارفض إذن أنا موجود // أما العرب، فيستعينون بالرفض لإهانة ربهم والزعم بأنهم إنما يؤدّون ما يرغب فيه. أود معرفة إن كان الله لا يرغب بدواء للمرضى حقا؟

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

The vaccine is the best medicine has to offer to prevent the most serious consequences of contagion. We vaccinate in order not to risk and responsabilmemte not to expose others to the risk of hospitalization and death. I understand the doubts in front of an aid with some even rare complications, statistically irrelevant, but I think the common interest should prevail in the choice. Everyone has the right not to vaccinate, but the community has the right to protect itself with restrictions for those who do not, we are not all the same vaccinated and unvaccinated. People have always taken responsibility for their behavior, those who drink alcohol cannot drive, those who smoke cannot do so in a public place exposing their neighbors to the risk of second hand smoke. Is that so hard to understand?

Il vaccino è quanto di meglio ci offre la medicina per prevenire le conseguenze più gravi del contagio. Ci vacciniamo per non rischiare e responsabilmemte per non esporre altri al rischio di ricovero e morte. Capisco i dubbi di fronte ad un presidio con qualche sia pur rara complicanza, statisticamente irrilevante ,ma credo che l'interesse comune debba prevalere nella scelta. Tutti hanno il diritto di non vaccinarsi, ma la comunità ha il diritto di tutelarsi con restrizioni per chi non lo fa', non siamo tutti uguali vaccinati e non vaccinati. Da sempre si assumono le responsabilità del proprio comportamento, chi beve alcool non può guidare, chi fuma non può farlo in un locale pubblico esponendo il prossimo al rischio del fumo passivo. È tanto difficile da capire?

Pedro P
Pedro P
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What you say would be true if the vaccinated could not transmit the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but unfortunately this is not the case...

Ce que vous dites serait vrai si les vaccinés ne pouvaient pas transmettre le virus SARS-CoV-2, mais ce n'est malheureusement pas le cas...

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@Pedro P

He's right, but the viral load in those who are vaccinated is greatly attenuated by the effect of the antibodies...
so the risk of infection is lower than for the unvaccinated. If everyone was then, the problem would be solved.

Ha ragione, ma in chi si vaccina la carica virale è molto attenuata dall'effetto degli anticorpi
e dunque il rischio di contagiare inferiore a quello dei non vaccinati. Se tutti lo fossero poi, il problema sarebbe risolto.


Maybe first answer actual concerns of people. Why everybody is still forced to wear masks indoors, although vaccinated or recovered people are now the majority? Why maintain restrictions in international travel, although they are proven ineffective in stopping spread of new variants? Why those recovered are forced to vaccinate - if they already have antibodies? Why those vaccinated want to force others, although the vaccinated are no longer at risk?


Les réponses à ses questions sont régulièrement données.

1) Pourquoi tout le monde est-il encore obligé de porter des masques à l'intérieur, alors que les personnes vaccinées ou guéries sont désormais majoritaires ?

Parce qu'une couverture vaccinale de 50% est insuffisante pour empêcher la circulation du virus. Un virus peut muter lorsqu'il se réplique. Par conséquent, chaque transmission augmente la probabilité de l'apparition d'un nouveau variant, potentiellement plus dangereux.

2)Pourquoi maintenir les restrictions sur les voyages internationaux, alors qu'elles se sont avérées inefficaces pour stopper la propagation des nouvelles variantes ?

Chaque pays est souverain pour imposer des conditions d'entrée sur son territoire. En adoptant un pass sanitaire compatible avec celui de l'Union Européenne, la Suisse veut donner le plus de possibilité de voyage et de déplacement à ses citoyens. La Suisse ne peut par contre pas empêcher des pays tiers de refuser l'entrée sur leur territoire.

3)Pourquoi les personnes guéries sont-elles obligées de se faire vacciner, alors qu'elles ont déjà des anticorps ?

Personne n'est obligé de se faire vacciner en Suisse.
Toutefois, les personnes guéries sont encouragées à recevoir au moins une dose du vaccin. En effet, sans vaccin, les personnes guéries des premiers variants ne sont pas protégées contre les variants Delta et Delta+. De plus, les patients âgés développent moins bien leur réponse immunitaire et peuvent retomber malade. La plupart du temps, une seule dose de vaccin suffit à protéger les personnes guéries.

4)Pourquoi les personnes vaccinées veulent-elles obliger les autres, bien que les vaccinés ne soient plus en danger ?

Je suis une personne vaccinée et je suis personnellement contre l'obligation vaccinale. Je ne peux pas parler au nom des autres mais je sais que nous sommes nombreux en Suisse, car ce n'est pas un pays où les obligations sont très bien perçues, nous cultivons la liberté individuelle comme valeur fondamentale.
Par contre, je ne pense malheureusement pas que les vaccinés ne sont plus en danger. Tant que le virus circule, des nouveaux variants vont apparaître et, un jour, le vaccin ne sera plus efficace. De plus, l'efficacité du vaccin ne dépasse pas 2 ans, donc si le virus reste très présent dans la population il faudra faire des rappels.


Buongiorno , concordo nelle giuste osservazioni troppi perchè troppi dubbi in tutta questa narrazione che nei primi mesi era una cosa nuova da affrontare , ma poi tutto ciò a preso una direzione molto dubbiosa e vorrei dire pericolosa ....per alcuni molto lucrosa .. mi viene un dubbio se stampa e tivù non ne parlassero continuamente in prima pagina siamo sicuri che ci accorgeremo che questo virus esista ancora ..

François Delafontaine
François Delafontaine

Pour éviter une nouvelle saturation des hôpitaux.

Vos questions ont déjà été répondues cent fois, et pendant ce temps la réalité continue sans vous. On fait tout ça parce que quand on ne le fait pas, nos hôpitaux saturent.

Et les vaccinés en paient le prix comme tous les autres.


I am vaccinated twice, but the problem is elsewhere.
This is about lack of trust in governments and main media, not vaccine. Neither carrot or stick work when society does not trust the government to keep its word.
Reinstate a normal public discussion, instead of censoring. Discuss and answer actual concerns, instead of telling people they are stupid. Stop changing goalposts - for example, there is already a talk about further vaccines. Admit mistakes in handling the disease and communication.
If the government keeps denying the real problem - that society does not believe what is officially told - there will be further crises, and finally the government will lose next or next by one elections.


Changer de position est typique de la bonne science qui s'adapte aux nouvelles informations. Vous ne pouvez pas reprocher un changement de position, seuls les imbéciles ne changent jamais d'avis.
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It is a matter of community security and for those who do not take the vaccine into account. I think that the French model is closer to realism. Emphasis should be placed on acquiring a certificate of vaccination for those who want to enter public places (markets, human gatherings, public transport).

إنها مسألة تخص الامن المجتمعي وعلى الممتنعين من اخذ اللقاح مراعاة ذلك، أرى ان النموذج الفرنسي اقرب الى الواقعية، بجب التشديد على حيازة شهادة التلقيح لمن يريد الدخول للاماكن العامة (الاسواق، التجمعات البشرية، المواصلات العامة).

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Indeed, in recent days, more votes have risen in Switzerland (due to a significant decline in vaccination turnout rates) to demand an expansion of the enforcement of the vaccine for those who want to visit a patient in the hospital or elderly in a nursing home, enter a restaurant or cinema hall and the like.

فعلا، في الأيام الأخيرة ارتفعت المزيد من الأصوات في سويسرا (بسبب التراجع الكبير في معدلات الإقبال على التطعيم) للمطالبة بتوسيع دائرة فرض الاستظهار بأخذ اللقاح لمن يريد أن يزور مريضا في المستشفى أو مُسنا في دار للعجزة أو دخول مطعم أو قاعة سينما وما شابه ذلك..

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Understand that they expose others to painful death, although their purpose is only to kill the disabled in their families for early burglary of inheritance..

إفهامهم أنهم يُعرّضون الآخرين للموت المؤلم وإن كانت غايتهم فقط قتل العجزة في عائلاتهم للسطو مبكرا على الميراث..

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I don't think they're reluctant to take vaccinations to commit such a crime. I think it's much more complicated than that.

لا أظن أنهم يُحجمون عن أخذ التلقيح ارتكاب جريمة من هذا القبيل. أعتقد أن الأمر أعقد من ذلك بكثير.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Did you know that the first word spoken by the Arab Waleed is “mama”, while in Europe, the first word is *no*. Yes, rejection gives the rejection a sense of its importance, that is, he knows what others do not know. But I insist that they are more like killers and knowing that the coronavirus has done weak in the bodies of young people. The death of the elderly has become a goal similar to that of Corona: cleaning the ground for those who are unfortunately useless.

هل تعلم أن الكلمة الاولى التي ينطقها الوليد العربي هي *ماما*، بينما في أوروبا، فإن الكلمة الأولى هي *لا*. نعم، الرفض يمنح الرافض إحساسا بأهميته، أي أنه يعلم ما لا يعلمه الآخرون. لكني أصرّ على أنهم أشبه بالقتلة ولعلمهم بأن فيروس كورونا فعله ضعيف في أجساد الشباب فموت كبار السن بات غاية تُشابه الغاية من كورونا: تنظيف الارض ممن لا فائدة منهم للأسف .

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This is a new piece I didn't really know. We wish safety and recovery for everyone.

هذه معلومة جديدة لم أكن أعرفها حقا. نتمنى السلامة والشفاء للجميع.

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And in fact - half of the sick, and two-thirds of those killed as a result of the epidemic are Muslims (this is in Europe) who believe what affects one but from God, that is, God is the murderer?! . Even their laziness, and their inaction to take care of themselves accusing God of what they do.

وللحقيقة - ان نصف المرضى , وثلثي الموتى نتيجة الوباء هم من المسلمين ( هذا في اوروبا ) الذين يعتقدون ما يصيب المرء انما من الله , اي ان الله هو القاتل ؟ ! . حتى كسلهم , واحجامهم عن الاعتناء بأنفسهم يتهمون الله بما يفعلون .

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR