Would you get vaccinated against Covid-19? Why or why not?
Swiss health officials estimate about 60-70% of the population must be inoculated against the new coronavirus to get the pandemic under control. However, there are no plans to make vaccination mandatory across the country.
Would you get vaccinated against the novel coronavirus? Why or why not? We’d love to hear about your thoughts and experiences. Login or register here to leave a comment below!
From the article Swiss stump up more cash to buy a Covid-19 vaccine
From the article Swiss cautiously optimistic about Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine results

I forgot to mention that I've analyzed the VAERS database, and it has indications of foul play.

No way I will take the vaccine, because I'm a conspiracy theorist, which means I discount the mainstream media (including swissinfo.ch) and consult numerous alternate sources in the internet. My daughter is a doctor, and she (and many of her colleagues) won't take it because she knows that it takes years of long-term testing to get a real vaccine approved.

I've registered for a vaccine, but have worked out at the current rate of vaccinations, it will take 3 years before I get my first injection. The authorities really need to speed up. Almost a year of lockdown is more than enough. Time to get back to normal.

If you count the Pfizer Moderna Oxford vaccines something like 60’000 people were vaccinated in Stage Three trials (plus another 60’000 who got a placebo). Out of this 60’000 nobody has died and very few people indeed were ill. However, if 60’000 people had been infected with CoVID-19 then around 600 might have died (far more if the people had been over 65). Thus, it is FAR more dangerous to be infected than to be inoculated. However, I haven’t seen anyone explain this to the general population.
I shall accept the first authorized vaccine I am offered!

Of course I would get vaccinated - as soon as possible. I have never heard such ridiculous nonsense as some of these comments here. The vaccine isn't compulsory in Switzerland or anywhere else, but you would have to be an idiot not to have it if it were offered to you. The only way of stopping this nightmare, so that we can see our friends and family and resume normal life, is for a good majority of the population to get vaccinated as quickly as they can.

From March 15th until June the 15th I've been sitting mandatory at home because the International School where I work was closed. Since 1-11-2017 I'm a Technical Teaching Assistant with a 34-year background in medical research laboratories e.g. in the fields of Bacteriology, Genetics, Immunology, IVF-ICSI. Because I had to sit home I started to read everything I could find about the SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 virusses. I found a very interesting *article about why they stopped developing a vaccine against SARS-CoV-1. They stopped for this reason: “The concern arising from the present report is for an immuno-pathologic reaction occurring among vaccinated individuals (= guinea pigs) on exposure to infectious SARS-CoV, the basis for developing a vaccine for SARS.” “This combined experience provides concern for trials with SARS-CoV vaccines in humans.” For the rapid development of a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 the pharmaceutical companies SKIPPED the guinea pig-part = testing on laboratory-animals. If you know why they stopped the development of a vaccine against SARS-CoV-1 yo know why no-one has to take the vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. You are absolutely plain stupid if you take this vaccination.
*Article: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0035421

DAANTJE: The article you cite was published in 2012! Development of the vaccine was stopped as you point out. Vaccine development for covid-19 has moved on since that time. The new vaccines have been subject to rigorous testing and the first one has passed gold standard regulation for safety, quality and efficacy by the MHRA for emergency use and is now ready for distribution in the U.K. where a mass vaccination programme is planned to start next week.
If you do not wish to take up the vaccination what alternatives can you propose to slow the transmission of the virus and bring the pandemic under control?

I am very sorry but if you read this then it shows only one thing and that is that the Pharmaceutical Industry is one big maffia-clan: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/incomplete-data-stalls-swiss-authorisation-of-covid-19-vaccines/46196598

Revised version of comment below.
Not sure why you apologise. Your original argument against vaccine was based on an out of date scientific article dating back to 2012. You now cite a recent newspaper article which is unrelated to that argument. This article does not provide any details of the “missing data” or what additional data Swiss medic needs.
Incidentally, in relation to your “mafia” criticism and apparent disdain, you may remember, in the early stages of the pandemic the media reported that pharmaceutical concerns showed very little interest in vaccine production.
Medicines regulatory bodies are entirely independent of the Pharmaceutical Industry. The MHRA is a highly respected organisation and the Pfizer vaccine has undergone rigorous scrutiny. Regulation by the FDA is also reportedly forthcoming in the very near future as well as by other national regulators and the EMA.
Your comment does not answer the question on what alternatives can be offered to address the pandemic and the extreme severity of all of its consequences if this regulated vaccine, or others currently under development, are rejected by some members of the public on the grounds you have presented.
I would not say that dismissal of the pharmaceutical industry as mafia is good reason to reject the possibilities of a highly developed vaccine which could help put an end to this pandemic and all of the severe damage and extreme suffering it has caused as other vaccines do or have done in the past with great success.

« Challenges in creating herd immunity to SARS-CoV-2 infection by mass vaccination »
Roy M Anderson
Carolin Vegvari
James Truscott
Benjamin S Collyer
Published:November 04, 2020 »
« What can we expect from first-generation COVID-19 vaccines? »
Malik Peiris
Gabriel M Leung
Published:September 21, 2020DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31976-0

Elon Musk does not trust the virus tests. We will trust Elon.
When all previous people claimed to have the virus are re-tested at least 20 times to see how bad the test results are then we will trust that the vaccine is real. Why believe fake news tests or fake news vaccines that only show 50 percent false positives like Elon showed us?

I remember when people called us "conspiracy theorist" because we said that they would introduce a vaccine and yes, they will create a health passport...or something of the sort. And what do you know?? The airline Quantas is already talking about a "health certificate" in order to fly. This is what happens when "those in power" try to play God. Everything becomes one-big-mess. Humanity has been living together for 1000s perhaps millions of years and all of a sudden we are infected rabid animals? It won't stop here as COVID-19 has become an addiction with authorities. It will be one rule after another until "the people" get tired of it. Then,and only then, will there will be changes. NO....I would NEVER take a vaccine under any circumstances. What a shame what Switzerland is becoming. But that's what happens when you've sold-out your country.

There is no right to travel or move. It is a benefit that can be taken away and you can be locked in your home.

DISEC70919....your comment is even more reason NOT to accept the vaccine. The more you "give up your rights" the more "they will take." No entity can take away my "right to life" and I'll "fight to the death" for it. There must be a stand somewhere and the people have to do it....and we will.

Others also have their right to life and not to be harmed by you because you, unless clinically contraindicated, did not accept the offer of vaccination and infected them.

Vaccination is a must to slow corona down , but why is the UN and EU not being more vocal about China paying more directly when it is absolutely sure the virus started in their country due to eating and storing of wild bats in inhumane conditions ?

Of course l will take the covid tested and approved vaccine by Swiss Health Authorities. I come from a tropical country where vaccination is critical for public health. I have always taken vaccines since l was a small kid, l am 58 year old today. Mu son that is 30 always has been vaccinated. Same with my wife 63 year old. My wife and l are risk group, due to pre-existing illness and age, therefore covid vaccination is a must for us!

No. I believe strongly in the power of vaccinations to rid the world of deadly diseases. You'd have to be an idiot to look at the mountain of evidence from the last century or 2 and come to a different conclusion. But the covid pandemic has been so horrifically politicised with doubters being socially and publicly vilified, I simply don't trust what we're being told about it.

We will leave Switzerland. I don't want my family forced to take unproven vaccines. The kids already left for Australia last week and we'll head there in 2 months. I was born here but this is no longer the country I was born in. When we leave I will hand over the passport and keep my husband's british passport.

Do you think the strategy will greatly differ in Switzerland, other European countries and Australia?
“COVID-19 Vaccine and Treatment Strategy”
Most WHO member states are likely to follow their recommendations.

There are no mandatory vaccines in Switzerland. What are you talking about? The question is “Will you take the vaccine when it becomes available”.

Read the vaccine law. It is said clearly in the law.

@SUZE1 - our new employer allows work from home and we already bought a place in a farming community. Nobody will force us to take vaccines there and all the food is grown locally. No need to go to large shops and cities.

The Covid-19 vaccine is not compulsory in Switzerland. This has been repeated by the health authorities many times. I think you will find this the case in many other European countries. Nobody in this country is going to force you to be vaccinated against.

This is a brand new virus and a brand new vaccine.
If not mandated by law, I will not take it.
If this is mandated by law, I will take it but I will consult my lawyers to ensure I can sue the government for any mistakes.

No, I would not get vaccinated, even though I am a risk patient I would not. I don't trust it.
No, no me vacunaría, aunque soy paciente de riesgo no lo haría. No confío.

I am healthy too, but I think it is not only about me. I would get one in order to slow the spread more generally, and limit the chances that i become a spread agent to my friends and family, and to others.

I won't be getting one in the beginning if they're introduced in the next year, it's too soon. I'm a young, healthy individual, and I prefer to know the vaccine is safe (as in been in use for more than a few months) before risking my health with it. And if I do get sick with covid, that is a risk I'm willing to take. I take all other precautions, I work from home, wear a mask when needed, wash my hands. Let the vulnerable groups get vaccinated first. Maybe even kids if they manage to make one suitable for kids (not the case atm). Kids run around without masks, coughing, touching everything with their snotty hands. I think there needs to be more measures regarding kids as well as a lot of parents seem to have no control over their offspring.

Most people affected seem to be old, overweight or with big medical issues.
I'm a 31 year old woman in great health, so I'm not convinced if the vaccine does anything for me. The high risk people are the only ones who should take it as they represent the vast majority of infected and dead.

When the vaccines are available I think schools will ask for them, so as a single mother of 3 I will give the ok so each child gets a different vaccine.
I will not take one as I do not need to go to school.

Good information on the Swissmedic website including a short video on the regulation of vaccines
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