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Holcim acquires British gravel recycling company Land Recovery

A Holcim cement plant located near the Mormont quarry in Eclepens, canton Vaud, Switzerland. Keystone / Laurent Gillieron

Holcim has acquired the British ballast recycling company Land Recovery. The company, which has 85 employees, uses rail ballast and demolition material for the production of ready-mix concrete, prefabricated elements, and asphalt.

The acquisition expands Holcim’s access to construction waste, of which Land Recovery processed 300,000 tonnes last year, as the world’s largest building materials group announced in a news release on Wednesday. This brings Holcim closer to its goal of recycling 10 million tonnes of construction waste this year.

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Land Recovery was founded in 1982 by the Beecroft family. The company has four sites in the UK. The financial details of the acquisition were not disclosed in the news release.

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Adapted from German by DeepL/amva

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