Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

How can inequality be solved?

Hosted by: Jessica Davis Plüss

Do you think billionaires can solve inequality? Or should there be more regulation on wealth distribution? Should this be through taxes or other measures?

The average adult earned around $23,380 (CHF23,317) a year in 2021, and owned $102,600 in wealth according to the World Inequality ReportExternal link. These averages mask wide disparities both between and within countries though. The richest 10% of the global population currently takes 52% of global income, whereas the poorest half of the population earns 8.5% of it. 

The pandemic exacerbated many pre-existing inequalities. Global billionaire wealth grew by $4.4 trillion between 2020 and 2021, and at the same time an additional 100 million people fell into poverty, says the World BankExternal link.

What’s your view on inequality and how to solve it?

From the article Economic divide: how equal is Switzerland’s wealth distribution?

From the article Can the WEF stop de-globalisation?

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The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

If there is no equality, this is the commercial section that no one can do without. The arms dealer and the mercenary dealer are the ones who find the line between equality and the lack of equality

اذا لم يكن هناك مساواة .هذا هو القسم التجاري وهذا لا احد يستطيع أن يستغني عنه ..تاجر السلاح وتاجر المرتزقة هم من وجدو الحد الفاصل بين المساواة وعدمها

Pendak Carrer
Pendak Carrer

It cannot be „solved,“ it has existed from the beginning of humankind. A basic tendency among humans supports inequality, being better, being richer, being more esteemed than your peers.

Paul Tschiderer Sr.
Paul Tschiderer Sr.

I think the value of all the resources removed from the earth should be shared by everyone. if I live in Texas and a million barrels of oil is removed why should all that revenue go to the oil company. We all should benefit from the earth's gifts.
How can a millionaire or billionaire go to bed knowing there thousands of people, mostly children going to bed hungry and living in slums every night?? The rich can still be rich but I think they could donate at least 10% of their wealth to housing and feeding the worlds poor. The golden rule should be the first value children learn.

Axel von Linthal
Axel von Linthal

I don’t mind people earning billions with their ideas and skills. Good for them and well done! But workers need salaries that grant ever better living standards. People need to know that by doing their job and working hard for their entire lives their families will be well provided for and eventually they will be able to buy a good house or two. Capitalism is good, but only if the entire social structure benefits from it.

@Axel von Linthal

So you suggest to solve the problem by increasing salaries paid to everyone ? wouldn't it lead an increase in prices for everything else?


Equality is a lot less about billionaires and much more about ordinary people working hard, sacrificing and persevering. My wife and I came from modest backgrounds and started our married life with nothing. Zero. We worked hard, lived frugally and saved money to start a business one day. We earned below poverty level most of the early years in business. Over the last 40 years many of our employees with little means or education have followed our path of hard work, frugal living and perseverance. Most of them now live in nice homes, have no debt, have great children, and will retire very comfortably. The multi-millionaire and billionaire business owners our company works for are the source of our income. Most of them are good, fair and hard working people, and have provided countless opportunities for the many families in our company. If you over-tax, penalize or punish them, you punish everyone farther down the food chain.

There are, of course, greedy and ungrateful billionaires, but I submit there are a proportionally greater number of people on the opposite end of the spectrum that rely on handouts, unions, tenure or similar means artificial advantage. If these were replaced with hard work, frugal living and perseverance, I believe these folks would be a lot farther ahead in life and not nearly as jealous of those of greater means.
W in Texas

James Knighten
James Knighten

If one's goal is service, the sky is the limit. Countless examples throughout history of people doing things that they believed would benefit mankind with astounding success stories. Money is the tool used to facilitate not the creation, but the production of goods and services. The creative part is done in the mind. Believing that we are created in the image of God helps. Be a Blessing in whatever you do.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from ZH.

Equality is a very challenging topic. Equality is divided into two categories: absolute and relative. Absolute equality is impossible and deceptive. Communism then advocates absolute equality, does anyone else believe that? What human beings can and should pursue is relative equality, the same or similar starting point in life, not the same or similar ending point.
It takes knowledge, wisdom, kindness and justice, not wealth, to solve this dilemma. So, billionaires are not more qualified.

平等是一个极具挑战性的题目。平等分为绝对和相对两类。绝对平等是不可能和骗人的。共产主义就主张绝对平等,还有人相信吗? 人类能够而且应该追求的是相对平等,是相同或相似的人生起点,而不是相同或相似的终点。

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

If the gods did not deal with people and their equality, but dispersed them, and that all doctrines on earth give their members the advantage of superiority, then humans demand what the gods do not want to impose. Personally, I will not treat all people as friends, also for religious reasons, etc.
Wealth is effort, found, and poverty is often usually. Therefore, a person with one degree will break the score, and everyone will suffer disabilities.

ان كانت الآلهة لم تتعامل مع الناس ومساواتهم , بل فرقت بينهم , وان كل المذاهب على الارض تمنح المنضمون اليها مبزة التفوق , فعلاما مطالبة البشر بما لا ترغب الآلهة فرضه . شخصيا , لن اتعامل مع الناس جميعا على انهم اصدقاء , ايضا لاسباب دينية , وسواها .
الثراء جهد , وجد , والفقر غالبا عادة . بالتالي - مجنمع افراده على درجة واحدة سيكسر الدرجة , ويصاب الجميع بالعاهات .

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Billionaires... They will not allow this equality as the status of a billionaire in the era of globalization is the same as feudal in the past ages. That is why waiting for solutions or such people contribute to finding a solution that can be considered a waking dream. We are in the era of major companies that have been and continue to be the causes of wars, tendencies, famine and coups in all parts of the world. We understand the problem and its cause. From my point of view, what the world suffers from the beginning of the industrial revolution to the era of globalization and the free economy and the resulting tragedies and economic crises is considered a natural result Because humanity suffers from poverty, disease or hunger, and the enactment of laws, regulations or taxes to fill this poverty gap is useless. The billionaire is the same politician, parliamentarian and minister, and they themselves set the system.

المليارديرات….. لن يسمحوا بهذه المساواة حيث أن صفة ملياردير في عصر العولمة هي نفسها صفة الاقطاعي في سابق العصور، فلهذا انتظار حلول أو مساهمة مثل هؤلاء في إيجاد حل يمكن اعتباره حلم يقظة. نحن في عصر الشركات الكبرى التي كانت ولا زالت أسباب حروب ونزعات ومجاعات وانقلابات في كل بقاع المعمورة فهم المشكلة و سببها ومن وجهة نظري فإن ما يُعانيه العالم من بداية الثورة الصناعية حتي عصر العولمة والاقتصاد الحر وما نتج عنها من مآسي وأزمات اقتصادية يُعتبر نتيجة طبيعية لما تعانيه البشرية سواء من فقر أو مرض أو جوع، وسن القوانين واللوائح التنظيمية أو الضرائب لسدّ فجوة الفقر هذه لا فائدة لها فالملياردير هو نفسه السياسي والبرلماني والوزير وهم أنفسهم من وضعوا النظام.


IMPROVE EDUCATION and hold motivational classes for all people, especially people who come from modest family backgrounds.
Working hard never gets anyone rich. Working smart and knowing the right motivation can propel a pauper to rich person.
Also, money is not everything but certainly money can buy many things.


There should be better equal opportunities for anyone who wants and works hard can become billionaire. All wealth must be earned and if not earned or inherited, there must be a mechanism for those who are not that lucky to have rich parents that at least working can achieve the same life level.


Unrealistic, no one needs to be a billionaire... everyone is different, not everyone can study well hence work well but everyone wants a lot of money... if you really work hard and progress with your career you might become rich but if you stay in the same place nothing will change no matter how hard working you are in your field.



Dividends should be closely monitored. When a company takes government loans and is reducing number of their employers but at the same time pays millions of "profit" to the board of directors is absurd. SBB did it and many more companies, while being in debt to the government hence the people as we pay taxes, they reduce number of jobs and do some other economical cuts to sustain the business but eagerly increases the benefits paid to the shareholders is illogical.


Since billionaires don't donate very often, we should withdraw their money by founding a company.
Swiss banks accumulate so much money from billionaires around the world. So if you have amazing idea that surprise bankers, you can use their money. Then you succeed and can donate "your" money. If you don't want to do that, just doing the business investment makes difference because we have the great theory, synergistic effect, and as people say money is the greatest traveler around the world. So if you succeed and society bcomes cheerful, poor people can get money more often.


What causes inequality? Money, mainly. Social Class too, with the higher classes thinking they are better than us mere mortals. Get rid of money and class 100% and treat everyone as an equal. Why should a bank director earn more money than a nurse? Everyone works, contributes to society and is rewarded with the same essentials on which to survive - food, drink, heating, electricity, water, etc - for free. Capitalism has led to inequality. All other financial systems have failed due to the greedy few. So, we need another way to live without money.


a nurse can train to become a doctor and earn more, bank director probably spend years climbing to that position. More work experience and education gives your bigger salary. Corruption on the other hand when family relatives get advanced position quicker than others is a problem in Switzerland


Anyone can do anything they want, if they have the skills to do so. But, if anyone is doing a job just for money, they are in the wrong job. I've had several jobs in my life. I love what I do. When the love dies, I move on to another job. Sometimes for less money. As long as I have enough to pay for the essentials, I am happy. I'd be happier if the essentials were free and I was not restricted by lack of money.


Economics of Societ Union showed that even trying to get close to such approach ruins economy and leads to product shortages. With no competition no innovation emerges. We buy essential products all over the world, in no way we can apply you suggestion to all the world it is impossible and pointless and communism economy just never lines up with capitalist so it won't work.

Maybe you are referring to the vote which took place last year or so that every swiss would receive I think it was 2000CHF a month unconditionally to cover the necessity? that was a nice idea but it failed so Switzerland definitely don't won't to give only just like that.


There is one problem with Communism (everyone earns the same) and that problem is that it ends up where a doctor who spent 10 years studying earns the same as a garbage man who cannot even read. I lived during communism and this system is the worst. It eliminates competition and kills people motivation to be productive. Although I agree with you that some professions are valued less than others just because someone decided so and not because of merit and impact on economy and well being. These must be addressed. That earning corresponds to productivity. Also women, currently the system is set to put all women who decide to have a child poorer. Having a baby is a career suicide and women assume the financial risk almost all of the times.


There is nothing wrong with MONEY (or a token for exchanging goods and services).
It is only wrong when some have too much money while others have too little. The price index of an economy is heavily influenced, over time, by wealthy individuals or small groups. The majority are "worker bees" and they have little to no chance to "beat" those cleverer queen bees.

A bank director earns more than a nurse, simply because he can make more money from money. A nurse, thank God, is paid reasonably in CH. It is only correct to reward the worker who can make a better return from his work. Is that money make money or nurse saves lives? That is a moral question.

For free society has already been proposed but who is going to pay for this model of society? Money? Food and goods do not drop from the sky. Someone still has to farm the food and manufacture the goods.


I never mentioned Communism. I said all financial systems have failed. Mainly because of greed and corruption. So, I say, money is the problem. Also, people. Dividing the world up into countries etc, or discrimination against those that are different - based on gender, sexual preference, colour - skin or hair. Get rid of the countries, nationalities, etc. One world, one people, no money. Star Trek managed it. Science Fiction often becomes Science Fact, given time and willingness to change. Sadly, too many people prefer the status quo, as it's easier.


The most successful nations share attributes that minimize poverty: transparency in government, commerce and law; universal access to healthcare and education. If you want to fix inequality, you must eliminate corruption first. Problem is, corrupt leaders dont give up power willingly.


Well Switzerland is also to blame. With "competitive" tax rate they allowed huge companies to choose where they can pay the lowest tax and relocate.... Isn't it the opposite of trying to tax and redistribute? By giving them lower tax rate? I wish someone gave me a lower tax rate but I guess no.


These companies bring investment, jobs and technological competencies to Switzerland. They create prosperity and have allowed CH to virtually eliminate poverty within it's borders. That said, if the Swiss are serious about reducing global corruption and the resulting poverty it creates, they should end their long-standing tradition as a haven for dirty money.


And you think big companies don't get they money through some dirty deals ? Nestle is often blamed for child labor, deforostation and other crimes... And Switzerland allowed such companies to pay bare minimum in taxes compare to their profits and yet thous companies still comit crimes against humanity...if we taxed them properly maybe we could have increased humanitarian help to regions where swiss companies commit crimes?

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen

I strongly suggest to look at one 'pillar' of Islam, 'Zakat', the wealth tax. Every Muslim should pay 2.5 percent of his wealth for the benefit of the poorer section of the community. 2.5 percent is not should a big deal for the super-wealthy, but it would be a big step to reduce the inequality. Try it.

Jessica Davis Plüss
Jessica Davis Plüss SWI SWISSINFO.CH
@Rafiq Tschannen

Thanks for sharing. Do you know of any similar models out there to redistribute wealth?

@Rafiq Tschannen

I don't think following any religion is a way to eliminate poverty. Religion is one of the reason of discrimination and sexism all around the world and trying to find 1 good advice in that mass is absurd.

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen

Well, no problem. Just look at the 2.5 percent wealth tax without quoting any religion. Sounds good, no? copy it, implement it. Forget where it came from, if that helps.

@Rafiq Tschannen

This is interesting, to pay tax to wealth that you did not earn with your own work. Inheritance has no merit….


If I can't give all the wealth I earned to my children and it will be double taxed after my death, I would have found other solution so he could get it all. I spent my hours working and earned the money, so what that I did not use it all ? what is the right to tax double just because I gave it to my family? I never will live in UK where they tax the inheritance so heavily and I really see huge injustice towards the person who worked so hard to earn it so his children will be better off and government just invalidates all the hours this person worked and worked well to earn it. Family means nothing nowadays.

We know from endless experience that you cannot expect the wealthy to part with their money.
The only alternative is to legislate through targeted taxation. Unless the extremely wealthy learn that the only virtue in money is the use to which it is put, we have no hope of any improvement.

Jessica Davis Plüss
Jessica Davis Plüss SWI SWISSINFO.CH

Thanks for your perspective. Is there a country that you think has done this well? Or even a town or region?


Can billionaires solve inequality? Is this question some kind of a sick joke? It is the billionaires/millionaires who are the cause of all this inequality. They are not concerned about us , no, their only concern is their self. The rich only hear their own cries of distress...

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen

Well, some billionaires do make large donations, but it seems to be rather insufficient or 'haphazard'...

@Rafiq Tschannen

Donations alone will never solve inequality nowhere. These donations serve more the purpose of 'having a clear conscience'. Basically, it is the sate that enables this wealth through corrupt politicians.

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen



Plus those "large donations" mainly go to organizations that help the donator gain more wealth. I think that most of these organization meeting in Switzerland need to be disbanded. They serve no purpose but to fill their pockets and devise means to control the populations with them as our overlords.


If you think billionaire are the consequence of inequality. They are billionaires because they take more than what they return to the system and mostly with no merit. Big corp owners are billionaires because they exploit people in poor countries who are soo miserable that they lost their dignity. Billionaires will not exist without poor people.


This is a harsh way to stereotype a rich billionaire. There is nothing wrong with having lots and lots of money. Many rich people give back to society. They don't have to report it to you. The whiners about rich people (I am not a rich person) are those who are sour grapes, have no idea how to make money and just want someone to blame their woes on.


No, there is nothing wrong with having money - it is the way how, in too many instances, this money was made.

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SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR