Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

What is the secret to longevity?

Hosted by: Jessica Davis Plüss

Longevity clinics are popping up in Switzerland and big companies and smaller start-ups are working on technologies and treatments to help extend the human health span (the time we can live without any negative impact from aging). 

The longevity industry is trying to move from a niche field and a nice buzz word into a credible industry with solutions fueled by a better understanding of genetics and the way the aging process works.

What do you think about the longevity industry? What have you heard are the secrets to living a longer, healthier life? Would you “fight ageing” if the technology would become available for the non-billionaires of the world? Your perspectives will help inform a future article on the topic.

From the article Investors stake their money on postponing death

From the article Why the Swiss live longer

Join the conversation!

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mahmoud alhusayni
mahmoud alhusayni
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Good food and sports

الغذاء الجيد والرياضة


Hi , looks like most people
Are aware and informed of what we SHOULD :) be doing about extending Healthy lifes ...

If you what to get into the Science
Of Longevity ..
Seen some mention of Genetics ...
Digging into DNA and Telomere caps
Very interesting book on it..

Living longer , Healther , Longer
Elizabeth Blackburn hd.
Elissa Epel. PhD ..

Another Great book on
On good things for Body & Mind
Helping us understand the benefits
Of Outdoor activities ,Nose breathing ,
Being in nature...

Annabel Streets.
The surprising Scenice of Walking for wellness and Joy .
One week at a time ..

Health, wealth , Happiness..
Keep smiling, they sya it helps 😁

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Learning longevity in clinics? Hahaha, the Japanese woman would laugh, because people live the longest in this country. It has to do with diet - lots of soy - and an attitude to life - ikigai. There is now very good literature on this subject. So it's better to spend 15 euros on a good read than 15,000 euros on a longevity clinic.

Langlebigkeit in Kliniken erlernen? Hahaha, würde die Japanerin lachen, denn in diesem Lande leben die Menschen am längsten. Das hat mit er Ernährung - viel Soya - und mit einer Lebenseinstellung - Ikigai - zu tun. Dazu gibt es inzwischen sehr gute Literatur. Also besser 15 Euro für eine schöne Lektüre ausgeben, statt 15'000 Euro für die Langlebigkeitsklinik.


Do everything in moderation. Do not overdo sport, do not eat too much junk food, do not drink too much alcohol, do not work too much. Avoid annoying people who (unknowingly) create stress, such as noisy people e.g. loudly using their phone on a tram. Governments do not want us to live longer, as they have to pay out too much pension money. This is why they keep raising the retirement age. Not because people are living longer.

Joe rund Joana Sutter
Joe rund Joana Sutter
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

The most important thing for me is the fact that everyone thinks they no longer have to listen.

With today's technology, it's perfectly possible to do without a cell phone. I have deliberately switched off the phones at my real estate company so that I can work in peace and quiet.

I send out an e-mail from my side, e.g. about the latest offers from the various health insurers. Instead of receiving a complete overview of the various models (at least 6 models at Helsana) and (more than 20 models at Group Mutuel), I'm quickly and unnecessarily harassed by telephone.

The wide range of different models make the layman believe that they offer a wide range of cover. From cheap to expensive, everything is available, but an objective comparison is simply impossible for me as a layperson. I have no chance to check what advantages the individual models offer. This is just as impossible with Helsana (my current health insurer) as it is with all other health insurers. Nobody tells me what gaps I have, they prefer to keep quiet about it.

The higher my deductible, the more lucrative it is for the health insurers, this is the conclusion of my research so far. From my personal point of view, the call center staff are not even capable of doing this and are overwhelmed when I have questions.

I demand from the politicians (united federal assembly) that we introduce a single health insurance fund immediately. There are currently 56 recognized health insurers, who is supposed to be able to compare them?

The single health insurance fund must be introduced in the same way as the AHV, from January 1, 20254 at the latest, with clearly defined benefits. There needs to be basic insurance, there needs to be optional supplementary insurance, and there certainly doesn't need to be any more private patients in the single health insurance scheme, because anyone with enough money can afford any treatment.

If we force the 56 health insurers to rethink, most of the nonsensical administrative costs can be saved. I want to save on sponsoring "the whole horse race" 56 times in future - it's simply no longer necessary.

The single health insurance fund can avoid a great deal of administrative idleness. Why are the health insurers not in a position to develop a model like the automotive industry?????? I can add the entire package of additional equipment for the vehicle I want at the click of a mouse and know at the end of the list what my additional wishes will cost me.

If we take a closer look at all the health insurers' lobbyists, we can see how many newly elected members of the National Council and Council of States are nibbling from the health insurers' extra honey pot. Were these ladies and gentlemen not elected as representatives of the people? Why do these office holders receive additional compensation of several thousand francs, and in some cases well over one hundred thousand francs, directly from health insurers into their private accounts each year?

This is where the leverage must be applied; all office holders must work for the good of the population and not line their own pockets.

If anyone feels personally addressed, then I formally apologize.

I'm a pensioner and I'm fed up with the general bullshit.

Ladies and gentlemen, members of the National Council and Council of States, do your job in Bern from January 1, 2024 as you should and resign your additional mandates with the health insurers. This is the only way I can continue to accept you as representatives of the people.

A homesick Appenzeller, currently living in Aargau, but on his way back to his beloved homeland, the Appenzellerland.


Das allerwichtigste für mich ist die Tatsache, dass jederman der Meinung ist, nicht mehr zuhören zu müssen.

Mit der heutigen Technologie ist es durchaus möglich, auf ein Handy zu verzichten. Ich habe bewusst bei meiner Firma im Immobilienbereich die Telefone abgeschaltet, damit ich in aller Ruhe arbeiten kann.

Ich verschicke von meiner Seite ein Mail, z.B. aktuell bezüglich den Angeboten der verschiedenen Krankenversicherer. Anstelle einer Gesamtübersicht über die verschiedensten Modelle (mindestens 6 Modelle bei Helsana) und (über 20 Modelle bei Group Mutuel) zu bekommen, werde ich so rasch und absolut unnötig telefonisch belästigt.

Die verschiedensten Modelle gauckeln dem Laien die unterschiedlichsten Deckungen vor. Von billig bis suateuer ist alles vorhanden, jedoch ein sachlicher Vergleich ist für mich als Laien schlicht und einfach unmöglich. Ich habe keine Chance zu überprüfen, welche Vorteile das einzelne Modell anbietet. Sei dies ist bei Helsana (mein jetzigiger Krankenversicherer) ist es genauso unmöglich wie bei allen anderen Krankenkassen. Wo ich welche Lücken habe sagt mir niemand, es wird lieber verschwiegen.

Je höher mein Selbstbehalt, umso lukrativer ist es für die Krankenversicherer, dies ist mein bisheriger Fazit meiner Recherchen. Die Callcentermitarbeiter, sind aus meiner ganz persönlichen Sicht, dazu auch gar nicht in der Lage und bei Fragen masslos überfordert.

Ich verlange von der Politik (vereinigte Bundesversammlung) dass wir sofort eine Einheitskrankenkasse einführen. Derzeit gibt es 56 anerkannte Krankenversicherer, wer soll da noch vergleichen können???

Die Einheitskrankenkasse muss analog der AHV eingeführt werden, spätestens ab dem 1. Januar 20254 mit klar umschriebenen Leistungen. Es braucht eine Grundversicherung, es braucht mögliche Zusatzversicherungen nach freier Wahl, es braucht sicher keine Privatpatienten mehr in der Einheitskrankenkasse, denn wer genug Geld auf der hohen Kante hat, kann sich jede Behandlung auch leisten.

Wenn wir die 56 Kranenversicherer zwingen umzudenken, dann kann der grösste Teil von unsinnigen Verwaltungskosten eingespart werden. 56 mal "das ganze Rösslispiel" zu sponsoren, das will ich in Zukunft einsparen, das braucht es schlicht und einfach nicht mehr.

Mit der Einheitskrankenkasse kann sehr viel administrativer Leerlauf vermieden werden. Warum sind die Krankenversicherer nicht in der Lage, ein Modell zuu entwickeln wir die Automobilindustrie?????? Ich kann das gesamte Paket der Zusatzausstattungen des gewünschten Fahrzeugs per Mausklick hinzufügen und weiss am Ende der Liste, was mich meine Zusatzwünsche kosten.

Wenn wir alle Lobbyisten der Krankenversicherer einmal genauer unter die Lupe nehmen, dann stellen wir fest, wieviele neu gewählte National- und Ständeräte vom zusätzlichen Honigtopf der Krankenversicherer naschen. Sind diese Damen und Herren nicht als Volksvertreter gewählt worden? Weshalb bekommen diese Amtsträger zusätzliche Entschädigungen von mehreren tausend Franken, zum Teil aber weit über einhunderttausend Franken, direkt von den Krankenversicherern auf ihr Privatkonto pro Jahr überwiesen?

Der Hebel muss dort angesetzt werden, alle Anmtsträger haben sich zum Wohl der Bevölkereung einzusetzen und nicht die eigenen Taschen zusätzlich zu füllen.

Wenn sich jetzt jemand persönlich angesprochen fühlt, dann entschuldige ich mich in aller Form.

Ich bin Rentner und habe die Schnauze gesrirchen voll von der allgemeinen Volksverarschung.

Meine Damen und Herren National- und Ständeräte, macht euren Job in Bern ab dem 1. Janaur 2024 so wie es sich gehört und legt die Zusatzmandate bei den Krankenversicherern nieder. Nur so kann ich euch als Volksvertreter weiterhin akzeptieren.

Ein Heimwehappenzeller, zurzeit im Aargau wohnhaft, aber auf dem Weg zurück in seine geliebte Heimat, das Appenzellerland.


The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Work outdoors, a bit of gentle sport, local food, meat from the pastures, vegetables from the garden, slow down the pace, at weekends, be positive.

Travailler en plein air, un peu de sport doux, nourriture de proximité , viande de pâturages, légumes du jardin, ralentir le rythme , le week-end, être positif.

Rafiq Tschannen
Rafiq Tschannen

let's wait and see ...

old man
old man

Avoiding big pharma at any cost

鶴木 Tsuruki次郎 Jiro
鶴木 Tsuruki次郎 Jiro
The following contribution has been automatically translated from JA.
We believe that a multifaceted approach is needed to improve transparency in food labeling, expand nutrition education, strengthen cooperation with industry, and introduce it into policy.
We as individuals and society as a whole would be wise to think a little more seriously about our sugar intake in order to stay as healthy as possible and enjoy a good quality of life for years to come.


Longevity is related mainly to good genetics, then to quality of life, which includes living at safe places with good access to healthcare.
Individual choices regarding eating habits, practice of sports, meditation, enjoying nature, etc. are also key!

Read Valter Longo’s books about Blue Zones 😉


- eat balanced diet, natural ingredients: meat, vegis, fish. Avoid processed foods specially with chemicals. Food is the most important thing you have to take care of. Your cells and DNA replication that takes place on daily basis depends on what you put into your mouth.
- exercise, oxygenate with clean fresh air
- avoid living in big polluted cities
- no stress, laugh and have fun
- good sleep higiene
- avoid chemicals exposure
- avoid medications as much as possible, only if really necessary.


1. Eat well
2. Eat simple
3. Eat less
4. Walk more
5. Be selfish, do everything considering my own benefits first
6. Wait a minute....this is our swiss character
7. Avoid conflict or wars

Swiss people live much longer than most other countries


Spanish live longer, Swiss need mediterranean diet. Swiss diet is unhealthy 😋


The Spanish live longer due to working less you sleep most of the day thanks to your Siesta’s 😉

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